AIC1732 300mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator n FEATURES n DESCRIPTION The AIC1732 is a 3-pin low dropout linear l Low Dropout Voltage of 130mV at 100mA Output Current (5.2V Output Version). Guaranteed 300mA Output Current. Internal 1.3 P-MOSFET Draws no Base Current. Low Ground Current at 55A. 2% Accuracy Output Voltage of 3.3V/ 3.4V/ 3.5V/ 3.6V/ 3.7V/ 3.8V/ 5.0V/ 5.2V. Input Voltage Range up to 12V. Needs only 1F for Stability. l Current and Thermal Limiting. 130mV for the AIC1732-50 and AIC1732-52, l l l l l l regulator. The superior characteristics of the AIC1732 include zero base current loss, very low dropout voltage, and 2% accuracy output voltage. Typical approximately ground 55A, current from no remains load to maximum loading conditions. Dropout voltage at 100mA output current is exceptionally low: 180mV for the AIC1732-33, AIC1732-34, n APPLICATIONS l l l l l AIC1732-35, AIC1732-36, AIC1732-37 and AIC1732-38. Voltage Regulator for CD-ROM Drivers. Voltage Regulator for LAN Cards. Voltage Regulator for Microprocessor. Wireless Communication Systems. Battery Powered Systems. Output current limiting and thermal limiting are built in to provide maximal protection to the AIC1732 against fault conditions. The AIC1732 comes in the popular 3-pin SOT-89 packages. n TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT VIN VOUT AIC1732 V IN + 1 F C IN GND VOUT + 10 F COUT Low Dropout Linear Regulator Analog Integrations Corporation 4F, 9, Industry E. 9th Rd, Science Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu Taiwan, ROC DS-1732-01 TEL: 886-3-5772500 FAX: 886-3-5772510 1 AIC1732 n ORDERING INFORMATION AIC1732-XXXXX ORDER NUMBER AIC1732-33CX AIC1732-34CX AIC1732-35CX AIC1732-36CX AIC1732-37CX AIC1732-38CX AIC1732-50CX AIC1732-52CX SOT-89 PACKAGING TYPE X: SOT-89 TEMPERATURE RANGE C: 0C~70C OUTPUT VOLTAGE 33: 3.3V 34: 3.4V 35: 3.5V 36: 3.6V 37: 3.7V 38: 3.8V 50: 5.0V 52: 5.2V PIN CONFIGURATION FRONT VIEW 1: GND 2: VIN 3: VOUT 1 2 3 n ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Input Supply Voltage...................................................... ... ... ... ..... ... .................... -0.3~12V Operating Junction Temperature Range ........ ... ... ........... ... ... ... ................ -40C~ 125C Storage Temperature Range ....................... ... ......................... ... ... .............. -65C~150C Power Dissipation SOT-89 Package ....... ...... ................. 0.5W n TEST CIRCUIT Refer to the TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUIT n ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25C, CIN=1F, C OUT=10F, unless otherwise specified.) PARAMETER Output Voltage Output Voltage Temperature Coefficiency TEST CONDITIONS No Load AIC1732-52 AIC1732-50 AIC1732-38 AIC1732-37 AIC1732-35 AIC1732-33 (Note 1) VIN=5.5~12V VIN=5.5~12V VIN=4.1~12V VIN=4.0~12V VIN=4.0~12V VIN=3.6~12V MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT 5.100 4.900 3.725 3.625 3.430 3.235 5.2 5.0 3.8 3.7 3.5 3.3 50 5.300 5.100 3.875 3.775 3.570 3.365 150 V PPM/C 2 AIC1732 n ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) PARAMETER Line Regulation Load Regulation (Note 2) Current Limit (Note 3) Dropout Voltage (Note 4) Ground Current Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: TEST CONDITIONS IL=1mA AIC1732-52 AIC1732-50 AIC1732-38 AIC1732-37 AIC1732-35 AIC1732-33 AIC1732-52 AIC1732-50 AIC1732-38 AIC1732-37 AIC1732-35 AIC1732-33 AIC1732-52 AIC1732-50 AIC1732-38 AIC1732-37 AIC1732-35 AIC1732-33 AIC1732s AIC1732-52 AIC1732-50 AIC1732-38 AIC1732-37 AIC1732-35 AIC1732-33 IO=0.1mA~IMAX AIC1732-52 AIC1732-50 AIC1732-38 AIC1732-37 AIC1732-35 AIC1732-33 VIN=5.5~12V VIN=5.5~12V VIN=4.1~12V VIN=4.0~12V VIN=4.0~12V VIN=3.6~12V VIN=7V, IL=0.1~300mA VIN=7V, IL=0.1~300mA VIN=5V, IL=0.1~300mA VIN=5V, IL=0.1~300mA VIN=5V, IL=0.1~300mA VIN=5V, IL=0.1~300mA VIN=7V, VOUT=0V VIN=7V, VOUT=0V VIN=7V, VOUT=0V VIN=5V, VOUT=0V VIN=5V, VOUT=0V VIN=5V, VOUT=0V IL=0.1mA IL=300mA IL=300mA IL=300mA IL=300mA IL=300mA IL=300mA VIN=5.5~12V VIN=5.5~12V VIN=4~12V VIN=4~12V VIN=4~12V VIN=4~12V MIN. 300 300 300 300 300 300 TYP. MAX. UNIT 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 440 440 440 440 440 440 0.2 400 400 540 540 540 540 15 15 15 15 15 15 40 40 40 40 40 40 mV 10 500 500 640 640 640 640 mV 55 55 55 55 55 55 80 80 80 80 80 80 A mV mA Guaranteed by design. Regulation is measured at constant junction temperature, using pulse testing with a low ON time. Current limit is measured by pulsing a short time. Dropout voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 100mV below the value measured with a 1V differential. 3 AIC1732 n TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage vs. Temperature Ground Current vs. Input Voltage 60 50 Ground Current ( A) Normalized Output Voltage (V) 104 103 100 98 40 30 20 10 96 -40 0 0 50 100 00 125 Temperature (C) 2 4 8 10 12 Dropout Voltage vs. Load Current Ground Current vs. Temperature 6 00 60 VOUT =3.3V, 3.5V, 3.7V & 3.8V 5 00 Dropout Voltage (mV) 58 Ground Current (A) 6 Input Voltage (V) IL =300mA 56 IL=150mA 54 IL =0.1mA 52 4 00 3 00 2 00 VOUT =5.0V & 5.2V 1 00 0 50 -50 -25 0 25 75 50 100 125 0 50 100 Temperature (C) 15 0 200 30 0 250 Load Current (mA) Load transient Response Line Transient Response 20 50 0 COUT =1F IL =1mA VOUT=5.2V 0 -20 -40 Load Current (mA) -50 Input Voltage (V) Output Voltage (mV, AC) Output Voltage (mV, AC) 100 -60 150 8 0.1 6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Time 2.5 (mS)3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Time (mS) 4 AIC1732 n TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) Load Transient Response Recommended Max. Output Current v.s. Input Voltage C OUT= 1 F V OUT= 5 .2 V 100 3.3V Output Current, IOUT (mA) Out put Volt age (mV , A C) 400 0 -100 Load Current (mA ) -200 150 3.5V 3.7V 3.8V 300 200 5.2V 5V 100 0. 1 0 0 0.5 1. 0 1. 5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Input Voltage V IN (V) Time (mS) n BLOCK DIAGRAM VIN VOUT CURRENT LIMITING ERROR AMP + - - THERMAL SHUTDOWN 1.235V Reference GND n PIN DESCRIPTION VOUT PIN - Output pin. GND PIN - Power GND. VIN PIN - Power Supply Input. n APPLICATION INFORMATIONS A 1F (or greater) capacitor is required between value of this capacitor may be increased without the AIC1732 output and ground for stability. limit. Without this capacitor the part will oscillate. Even though most types of capacitor may work, the A 0.1F capacitor (or greater) should be placed equivalent series resistance (ESR) should be held from the AIC1732 input to ground if the lead to 5 or less if Aluminum electrolytic type is used. inductance between the input and power source Many Aluminum electrolytics have electrolytes exceeds 500nH (approximately 10 inches of trace). that freeze at about -30C, so solid tantalums are recommended for operation below -25C. The 5 AIC1732 n PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS l SOT-89 (unit: mm) D A SYMBOL MIN MAX C A 1.40 1.60 B 0.36 0.48 C 0.35 0.44 D 4.40 4.60 D1 1.62 1.83 E 2.29 2.60 D1 H E L B e e1 l e 1.50 (TYP.) e1 3.00 (TYP.) H 3.94 4.25 L 0.89 1.20 SOT-89 MARKING Part No. AIC1732-33 AIC1732-34 AIC1732-35 AIC1732-36 AIC1732-37 AIC1732-38 AIC1732-50 AIC1732-52 Marking AR33 AR34 AR35 AR36 AR37 AR38 AR50 AR52 6