•8-bit AVR® Core with 83 ns Instruction Cycle Time
•16K Bytes ROM Program Memory
•512 Bytes SRAM
•32 x 8 General Purpose Working Registers
•20 Programmable I/O Port Pins
•Programmable Serial UART
•SPI Serial Interface
•One 8-bit Timer/ Counte r with Separate Prescale r
•One 16-bit Timer/Counter with Separate Prescaler
•External and Internal Interrupt Sources
•Programmable Watchdog Timer with On-chip Oscillator
•Bus-or Self-powered USB Hub with Four Downstream Ports
•One Attached Function Port with Three Endpoints
•Programmable 6/12 MHz Oscillator with PLL
•On-chip 3.3V Supply for USB
•42-pin SDIP and 48-lead TQFP Packages
The Atmel AT43USB321 is a single-chip m icrocontroller based USB hub with an
embedded function and a 16K byte masked ROM. The USB hub has five downstream
ports, one of which is permanently attached. Internally the AT43320 consists of a USB
hub and function interface, a hub repeater, and a high-performance, efficient 8-bit
RISC microcontroller. The hub and peripheral device controller function is imple-
mented in the microcontoller’s firmware. To the USB host, the embedded function
appears as an atta ched por t of the hub with its own device a ddress an d endpoi nts.
The AT43USB321 can also be configured as a USB function without the hub.
The USB hardw are bloc k cons ists of a USB tr anscei ver, SI E, hub r epeat er, en dpoint
controllers, and an interface to the microcontro ller. The USB hardware interfaces to
the USB hos t at the tr ansactio n leve l. The CPU of the mic rocontr oller is base d on the
Atmel AVR microcontroller. The AVR architecture was developed to be programmed
in C efficiently and with maximum performance.
Full- sp eed USB
Hub/Functio n
Rev. 14 42A–08/99