Model 83 Electronic LCD Predetermining Counter
7. USER INPUTS: Configurable as current sinking (active low), or
current sourcing (active high) inputs via a single plug
Current Sinking: (active low) : VIL= 1.5 VDC max. 22 K
ohm pull-ups to 5 VDC
Current Sourcing: (active high): VIH =3.5 min. VIN max. =
30 VDC; 22K ohm pull-down.
Response Time: 10 msec. max.
Inhibit Response Time: 250 microsec max.
8. OUTPUTS: (Output type and quantity model dependent)
NPN Open Collector: ISNK= 100mA max. @ VOL = 1.1 VDC
max. ;VOH= 30 VDC max.
PNP Open Collector: ISRC = 100mA max. ( See note) ; VOH =
12 VDC +/-15% ( using internal supply);
VOH = 13 to 30 VDC ( using external
Note: The internal supply of the 83 counter can provide a total
of 100 mA for the combination of sensor current and PNP
output sourcing current. The supply voltage is +12 VDC (+/-15
%), which will be the PNP output voltage level when using only
the internal supply.
If additional PNP output sourcing current or a higher output
voltage level is desired, an external DC supply may be
connected between the “DC Out/In” and “Comm” terminals.
This supply will determine the PNP output voltage level, and
must be in range of +13 to 30 VDC.
An external supply can provide the additional output sourcing
current required in applications where two or more outputs are
“ON” simultaneously. However, the maximum rating of 100mA
per individual output must not be exceeded, regardless of
external supply capacity.
Relay: Form A contact, rating = 5 A @ 250 VAC, 30 VDC (resistive
load) , 1/10 HP @ 120 VAC (inductive load).
Relay Life Expectancy: 100,000 cycles min. at max. load rating.
Programmable Timed Output: User selectable output time
0.01 Second Resolution: 0.01 to 99.99 sec., +/-0.01%
+20 msec max. (Prescalers less
than 2)
0.1 Second Resolution: 0.1 to 999.9 sec. +/- 0.01 + 100
msec max. (Prescalers less
than 2)
9. RS485 SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS (Optional): Up to 32 units can
be connected.
Baud Rate: Programmable from 1200 to 9600 baud.
Address: Programmable from 0 to 99.
Data Format:10 Bit Frame, 1 start bit , 7 or 8 data bits, 1 or no
Parity bit, and 1 stop bit.
Parity: Programmable for Odd (7 data bits), Even ( 7 data
bits) or None ( 8 data bits).
UL Recognized Component, File # E195514
Recognized to U.S. and Canadian requirements under the Component
Recognition Program of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
CE Compliant:
Immunity to EN 50082-2
electrostatic discharge EN 61000-4-2
electromagnetic RF fields EN 61000-4-3
fast transients EN 61000-4-4
RF conducted interference EN 61000-4-6
simulation of cordless phone EN V502204
Emissions to EN 50081-2
RF interference EN 55011 enclosure class A
Operating Temperature: +32°F to +122°F [0°C TO +50°C]
Storage Temperature: -40°F to +158°F [-40°C to +70°C]
Operating and Storage Humidity: 85% max. relative humidity (
non-condensing) from +32°F to
+122°F [0°C to +50°C]
Altitude : Up to 6500 Feet [1981 Meters]
12. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS: Wire clamping screw terminals.
13. CONSTRUCTION: Black plastic case with collar style panel latch.
The panel latch can be installed for horizontal or vertical stacking.
Black plastic textured bezel can be removed from the case without
removing the case from the panel or disconnecting the wiring. Front
panel meets NEMA4X/IP65 requirements for indoor use, when
properly installed. Installation Category II, Pollution Degree 2.
14. WEIGHT: 6.0 oz [170g]
The 8301 has a solid-state output that operates in parallel with a relay
output. The solid-state output is available as an NPN or PNP open
collector transistor.
The 8302 has two outputs that are activated from presets 1 and 2.
These outputs can be relay or solid-state outputs. The solid-state
outputs are available as NPN or PNP open-collector transistors. Units
with solid-state outputs can be ordered with an optional prescaler
The 8303 has a secondary counter that can be used for batch
counting, or to keep a total count. This second counter can be
programmed to operate in one of eight operating modes. Output 1 and
2 are assigned to the primary process counter (C1). Output 3 is
assigned to the secondary Batch/Total counter (C2). The three preset
batch unit can be ordered with solid-state or relay outputs. Units with
solid-state outputs have a User Input 2 terminal available. The relay
model has a relay output for Output 2 and Output 3 (Batch/Total).
Output 1 is available only as solid-state.
The 8304 is a dual preset counter with solid-state outputs. These
models have an additional output configured as a prescaler output.
Each time the least significant digit of the display increments, the
Prescaler output provides a pulse. The width of this pulse is variable in
that the output will turn off after a programmed number of count input
pulses has occurred (1-9). The Prescaler output can also be
programmed to activate when the 10’s digit of the display increments,
rather than the least significant digit.
Note: Prescaler Output Models are limited to two programmable count
modes and prescaler values of 1.00000 or less. See Count
Input Modes for available modes.
- Performs user Programmed Function.
- Cycles through secondary displays.
- Enters Programming Mode or Protected Value Menu when
pushed and held for 2 seconds.
- Scrolls through programming displays.
- Enters Data Values.
- Selects next available mode in programming mode.
- Increments digit in digit Entry mode.
- Increments value in Auto Scrolling entry mode.
- Selects Digit to right when in Digit Entry mode.
- Decrements value in Auto Scrolling entry mode.