[astec x ANERICA/SENTCOND Tetagetiagh sea peantyat set ~~ DC/DC 18 Watts Le -- Single Output - TUM/TUC Series. er wey eve e ar : 7 a tit range = ne oiag eect rrerttot et a eee . a Remote shutdown i 200 kHz suitching feqnay L = SSied hing ee ee Tm be * - | T: 18-Watt TUCrTUM Seties operates over - - over varying load conditions 0f 25% to _ reverse polarity protection, remote on/off - collector TTL, short circuit protection with... auto restart, overvoltage protection, and an oF at *Gwith no erating. eer 5 spall . 7 telecommunications and applications having :. awidely varying input voltage such as nat ae oS minicomputers, and I Geosurvey equipment = 9-36Vde = 0- T2Vde | H@ Continuous short circuit protection _ Specifications _ | ae -86 Vie, 20: -72Vde_ <:., AllModels . *~.To Nominal Input Current 2 External Fuse Required a All Models . Pye Suet a Voltage Range a oe = Biltering.- : ; Reverse Polarity Protected : an ultra wide input range of9 - 36Vdcor20 : 3 oe 72 Vde. Bfficlencles of 77% are typical Ce Remete OvOrtcontel ook 100% . Additional features include input: sae ET a OUTPUT control, logic compatible with CMOS or open... : -Valtage Tolerance: ~> Ripple and Noise... = Short Circuit Protection . - Temperature Coefficient -~* Ee a ai -EiWpp (max )- - Continuous - Auto. Restart a's 029C mma. a operating temperature range of of -25Cto | as 2 Efficiency. 0 Isolation. oe Switching Frequene hres Sty : ) 500 Vde~ Input 6 Ou These units are ideally suited for : . ENVIRONMENTAL -: Operating Temperature Range. Storage Temperature Range. =25Cto +71 O-N No Deraing = 40Cto: + 105C . -Free-air Convection... automotive test equipment, ptocess control, ~ SUBSIDIARY OF EMERSON SESS ca AA ast mg, Bp oT ME etm Spr Sap ett ay Me etm 49 Range Road /ASTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND 3LE D MM 10231452 0000815 5 MMAAL ~_ TUM/TUC Series Ordering Information _ La Input Voltage Output Output Model Model Range: Voltage Current Pkg. 1 Pkg.2 9-36V 5Vdo 3500mA ~- . TUM11-350-18 ~. TUC11-350-18 20-72V 5Vde 3500mA ~ TUM11-350-48: TUC11-350-48 9-36V 12Vde ~ -1600mA ~-TUM12-150-18 TUC12-150-18 20-72V 12Vde 1500 mA TUM12-150-48 TUC12-150-48 9-36V 15Vde -41200mA TUM13-120-18 TUC13-120-18 20-72V . 15Vde 1200 mA ~TUM13-120-48 TUC13-120-48 a Lage ans Connections PIN/TERMINAL 1 +Vdc In 2 -Vdc in (com) 3 +Vde out : 4 No Connect 5 -Vde out (com) Notes; 1, Five. Pins, 0.040 (1) Dia x 0.20 (5.1) Lg Min 2. Mounting Inserts 4-40 x 0.1 (2.5) Dp Min (pkg. 2 only) 3. Dimensions are given in both inches and (mm) . ot : 4. External Output Trimming; Output may be externally trimmed + 10%) Dimensions and Connections lo a . . ae Guat ; = ray wort s | ne 8 I _ [neie=steiie) - = -G-+6-4 Taa, REF - : ean 1 rhs Late ele i hen oh, abe iS Fig. 1 - BS ner o att - ag REF _- 4 25.4) T eR [o-- ao], 123.4 5 arg ag fete ett fe | 88% oo So NOTE 2 . , -b.. t | TOP VIEW eo view . 1 an Fig. 2 2 Le * : an . SUBSIDIARY OF EMERSON ELECTRIC CO: Windham, NH 03087 . (603) 893-2330. " FAX (603) 893-6280