Design and specifi cations are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifi cations before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors/ FT
Capacitance (µF)
Rated Voltage Mark
Series identification
Lot number
Negative polarity
marking (–)
()Reference size
(P) (I)
0.3 max.
Pressure Relief (φ10 and larger)
Endurance: 2000 h at 105 °C
Miniaturized, Low ESR (1 size smaller than series FK)
Vibration-proof product is available upon request. (φ8 mm and larger)
RoHS directive compliant
Surface Mount Type
Series: FT Type: V
High temperature Lead-Free refl ow(suf x:A)
Specifi cations
Category Temp. Range 55 °C to +105 °C
Rated W.V.Range 6.3 V.DC to 50 V.DC
Nominal Cap.Range 10 µF to 2200 µF
Capacitance Tolerance ±20 % (120 Hz/+20 °C)
DC Leakage Cur rent I < 0.01 CV After 2 minutes
tan δPlease see the attached High temperature lead-free refl ow products list.
After applying rated working voltage for 2000 hours at +105 °C±2 °C and then being stabilized at +20 °C,
Capacitors shall meet the following limits.
Capacitance change ±30 % of initial measured value
tan δ< 200 % of initial specifi ed value
DC leakage current < initial specifi ed value
Shelf Life After storage for 1000 hours at +105 °2 °C with no voltage applied and then being stabilized
at +20 °C, capacitors shall meet the limits specifi ed in Endurance. (With voltage treatment)
Resistance to
Soldering Heat
After refl ow soldering and then being stabilized at +20 °C, capacitor shall meet the following limits.
Capacitance change ±10 % of initial measured value
tan δ< initial specifi ed value
DC leakage current < initial specifi ed value
Di men sions in mm (not to scale) Marking
Example:25 V 22 µF
Marking color : BLACK
Rated Voltage Mark
code DL
A, B
B 4.0 5.8±0.3 4.3 5.5 max. 1.8 0.65±0.1 1.0 0.35 - 0.20
C 5.0 5.8±0.3 5.3 6.5 max. 2.2 0.65±0.1 1.5 0.35 - 0.20
D 6.3 5.8±0.3 6.6 7.8 max. 2.6 0.65±0.1 1.8 0.35 - 0.20
D8 6.3 7.7±0.3 6.6 7.8 max. 2.6 0.65±0.1 1.8 0.35 - 0.20
F 8.0 10.2±0.3 8.3 10.0 max. 3.4 0.90±0.2 3.1 0.70±0.20
G 10.0 10.2±0.3 10.3 12.0 max. 3.5 0.90±0.2 4.6 0.70±0.20
+ 0.15
+ 0.15
+ 0.15
+ 0.15
Cap (µF) Frequency (Hz)
120 1 k 10 k 100 k to
10 to 470 0.65 0.85 0.95 1.00
680 to 2200 0.70 0.90 0.95 1.00
Frequency correction factor for ripple current
j 6.3 V
A 10 V
C 16 V
E 25 V
V 35 V
H 50 V
Oct. 201104
Design and specifi cations are each subject to change without notice. Ask factory for the current technical specifi cations before purchase and/or use.
Should a safety concern arise regarding this product, please be sure to contact us immediately.
Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors/ FT
High temperature Lead-Free refl ow
Size code( ):Miniaturization product
If Part number exceeds 12 digits, voltage code is abbreviated as follows; 0JJ, 1AA, 1CC, 1EE, 1VV, 1 H H
The taping dimensions are explained on EE188 of our Catalog. Please use it as a ref er ence guide.
Refl ow Profi le(Fig-1 to Fig-8) listed on EE186 of our Catalog.
Endurance : 105 °C 2000 h
W.V. Cap.
20 %)
Case size Specifi cation
Part No.
(RoHS:compliant) Refl ow
Packaging Q'ty
Dia. Length Size
(100 kHz)
(+105 °C)
(100 kHz)
(+20 °C)
tan δ
(120 Hz)
(+20 °C)
(V) (µF) (mm) (mm)
(mA r.m.s.)
100 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.26 EEEFT0J101AR (5) 2000
220 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.26 EEEFT0J221AR (5) 1000
330 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.26 EEEFT0J331AP (5) 1000
470 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.16 0.26 EEEFTJ471XAP (5) 900
680 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.16 0.26 EEEFTJ681XAP (5) 900
1500 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.26 EEEFT0J152AP (6) 500
2200 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.28 EEEFT0J222AP (6) 500
68 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.19 EEEFT1A680AR (5) 2000
150 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.19 EEEFT1A151AR (5) 1000
220 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.19 EEEFT1A221AP (5) 1000
330 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.160.19
EEEFTA331XAP (5) 900
470 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.160.19
EEEFTA471XAP (5) 900
1000 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.19 EEEFT1A102AP (6) 500
1500 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.19 EEEFT1A152AP (6) 500
47 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.16 EEEFT1C470AR (5) 2000
68 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.16 EEEFT1C680AR (5) 1000
100 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.16 EEEFT1C101AR (5) 1000
150 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.16 EEEFT1C151AP (5) 1000
220 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.16 EEEFT1C221AP (5) 1000
330 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.160.16
EEEFTC331XAP (5) 900
680 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.16 EEEFT1C681AP (6) 500
1000 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.16 EEEFT1C102AP (6) 500
22 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.14 EEEFT1E220AR (5) 2000
33 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.14 EEEFT1E330AR (5) 2000
47 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.14 EEEFT1E470AR (5) 1000
68 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.14 EEEFT1E680AR (5) 1000
100 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.14 EEEFT1E101AP (5) 1000
150 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.160.14
EEEFTE151XAP (5) 900
220 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.160.14
EEEFTE221XAP (5) 900
470 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.14 EEEFT1E471AP (6) 500
820 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.14 EEEFT1E821AP (6) 500
22 4 5.8 B 160 0.85 0.12 EEEFT1V220AR (5) 2000
33 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.12 EEEFT1V330AR (5) 1000
47 5 5.8 C 240 0.36 0.12 EEEFT1V470AR (5) 1000
68 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.12 EEEFT1V680AP (5) 1000
100 6.3 5.8 D 300 0.26 0.12 EEEFT1V101AP (5) 1000
150 6.3 7.7 D8 600 0.160.12
EEEFTV151XAP (5) 900
330 8 10.2 F 850 0.08 0.12 EEEFT1V331AP (6) 500
560 10 10.2 G 1190 0.06 0.12 EEEFT1V561AP (6) 500
10 45.8(B)852.300.10
EEEFTH100UAR (5) 2000
55.8C1650.88 0.10 EEEFT1H100AR (5) 1000
22 5 5.8 C 165 0.88 0.10 EEEFT1H220AR (5) 1000
47 6.3 5.8 D 195 0.68 0.10 EEEFT1H470AP (5) 1000
100 6.3 7.7 D8 350 0.34 0.10 EEEFTH101XAP (5) 900
220 8 10.2 F 6700.18 0.10 EEEFT1H221AP (6) 500
330 10 10.2 G 900 0.12 0.10 EEEFT1H331AP (6) 500
Oct. 201102