Model CP5 and CP7 FEATURES * * * * * * * * * * Standard 5x3.2 and 7x5mm SMT Footprint LVCMOS Output PLL Technology Frequency Range 2 - 200 MHz Frequency Stability, 50 ppm +2.5Vdc or +3.3Vdc Operation Operating Temperature to -40C to +85C Output Enable (Stand-By) Tape & Reel Packaging RoHS/Green Compliant DESCRIPTION The CP5 and CP7 is a ceramic packaged Programmable Clock oscillator for quick turn delivery. Wide range of frequencies allows engineers to develop new designs and bring them to market faster and more efficiently. ORDERING INFORMATION CP M MODEL NUMBER PACKAGING OPTIONS Clock, Programmable T0 = Tape and Reel (1k pcs.) T3 = Tape and Reel (250 pcs.) SP = Slide Pak (plastic tube) BK = Bulk PACKAGE TYPE 5 = 5x3.2mm, LCC 7 = 7x5mm, LCC STABILITY / TEMPERATURE RANGE FREQUENCY IN MHz A = 50 ppm, -20C to +70C B = 50 ppm, -40C to +85C M - indicates MHz and decimal point. Frequency is recorded with 4 significant digits to the right of the "M". SUPPLY VOLTAGE L = +3.3V N = +2.5V Example Part Number: CP7032M7680LABK Document No. 008-0321-0 Page 1 - 4 Rev. B CTS Electronic Components, Inc. 171 Covington Drive Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Model CP5 and CP7 5x3.2mm and 7x5mm Low Cost Programmable Clock Oscillator Electrical and Waveform Parameters Absolute Maximums ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER Maximum Supply Voltage Storage Temperature Frequency Range Frequency Stability (See Note 1 and Ordering Information) SYMBOL VCC TSTG fO CONDITIONS - MIN -0.5 -55 2 TYP - MAX 4.6 125 200 UNIT V C MHz f/fO - - - 50 ppm TA - -20 -40 10 C - 70 85 - 2.25 2.97 - 2.5 3.3 - 2.75 3.63 40 15 0.1VCC 2.5 - 0.9VCC V 55 4 10 % ns ms 100 2.5 0.2VCC V 10 10 250 - uA ms ps ps RMS Operating Temperature Commercial Industrial Data Retention Supply Voltage - @ 85C (see Note 2) VCC 10 % Supply Current Output Load ICC CL Output Voltage Levels Logic '1' Level @ CL = 15 pF CMOS Load CMOS Load VOH VOL Logic '0' Level Output Duty Cycle Rise and Fall Time Start Up Time Enable Function Enable Input Voltage Disable Input Voltage Standby Current Enable Start Up Time Jitter (peak - peak) Phase Jitter SYM TR, TF TS VIH VIL IST TPLZ JP-P tjms IOH = -4mA IOL = +4mA 45 - @ 50% Level @ 20% - 80% Levels Application of VCC 0.7VCC Pin 1 Logic '1', Output Enabled Pin 1 Logic '0', Output Disabled Pin 1 Logic '0', Output Disabled Pin 1 Logic '1', Output Enabled 10k hits & 0.1uF bypass capacitor Bandwidth 12 kHz - 20 MHz - 25 Years V mA pF Notes: 1. Inclusive of initial tolerance at time of shipment, changes in supply voltage, load, temperature and first year aging at an average operating temperature of +40 C. 2. Power supply start-up time should be greater than 150 us (0%VCC to 90%VCC). CMOS/TTL OUTPUT WAVEFORM Tr TEST CIRCUIT, CMOS LOAD + Tf mA - VOH 4 90%, 80%, 2.4V + + POWER SUPPLY 50%, 1.5V VM - 3 .01uF D.U.T. CL 1 2 Including probe capacitance. 10%, 20%, 0.5V VOL UPTIME (t) Enable Input PERIOD (T) DUTY CYCLE = t/T x 100 (%) D.U.T. PIN ASSIGNMENTS ENABLE TRUTH TABLE PIN 1 Logic `1' Open Logic `0' PIN 1 2 3 4 PIN 3 Output Output High Imp. Document No. 008-0321-0 CTS Electronic Components, Inc. SYMBOL EOH GND Output VCC DESCRIPTION Enable Input (Standby) Circuit & Package Ground RF Output Supply Voltage Page 2 - 4 171 Covington Drive Rev. B Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Model CP5 and CP7 5x3.2mm and 7x5mm Low Cost Programmable Clock Oscillator MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS PACKAGE DRAWING SUGGESTED SOLDER PAD GEOMETRY L P1 PIN 1 IDENTIFIER S2 P2 MARKING LABEL HERE W 3 4 2 1 S1 C BYPASS 4 P4 3 S3 P3 1 2 T S4 DIMENSION TABLE PACKAGE CP5 CP7 5.0 0.197 7.0 0.276 L 0.2 0.008 0.2 0.008 3.2 0.126 5.0 0.197 W 0.2 0.008 0.2 0.008 T 1.2 Max 0.047 Max 1.6 Max 0.063 Max P1 1.2 0.047 1.4 0.055 P2 1.0 0.039 1.2 0.047 P3 2.54 0.100 5.08 0.200 CP5 MARKING INFORMATION, Label 1. P5 - programmable, 5x3.2mm package. 2. V - voltage code (see Ordering Information). 2. S - stability/temperature code (see Ordering Information). 3. D - Manufactured Date Code (see Table I). 4. XX.XXX - Frequency marked with 3 significant digits after the decimal or XXX.XX - Frequency marked with 2 significant digits after the decimal. P5VSD XX.XXX P4 2.2 0.087 3.7 0.146 S1 1.2 0.047 2.0 0.079 S2 1.4 0.055 1.8 0.071 S3 2.2 0.087 4.2 0.165 S4 2.54 0.100 5.08 0.200 Key: mm Inch CP7 MARKING INFORMATION, Label 1. YYWW - Programmed Date code, YY - year, WW - week. 2. XXX.XXXX - Frequency marked with 4 significant digits after the decimal. 3. P7VSP P7 - programmable, 7x5mm package. CTS YYWW V - voltage code. XXX.XXXX S - stability/temperature code. P7VS P5VSD XXX.XX TABLE I - DATE CODE MONTH JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 2001 2005 2009 2013 2017 A B C D E F G H J K L M 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018 N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 2003 2007 2011 2015 2019 a b c d e f g h j k l m 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 n p q r s t u v w x y z Document No. 008-0321-0 CTS Electronic Components, Inc. Page 3 - 4 171 Covington Drive Rev. B Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Model CP5 and CP7 5x3.2mm and 7x5mm Low Cost Programmable Clock Oscillator PACKAGING INFORMATION Contact CTS Distributors for quantity requirements and mechanical details for each packaging option. ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS Temperature Cycle: 400 cycles from -55C to +125C, 10 minute dwell at each temperature, 1 minute transfer time between temperatures. Mechanical Shock: 1,500g's, 0.5mS duration, 1/2 sinewave, 3 shocks each direction along 3 mutually perpendicular planes (18 total shocks). Sinusoidal Vibration: 0.06 inches double amplitude, 10 to 55 Hz and 20g's, 55 to 2,000 Hz, 3 cycles each in 3 mutually perpendicular planes (9 times total). Gross Leak: No leak shall appear while immersed in an FC40 or equivalent liquid at +125C for 20 seconds. Fine Leak: Mass spectrometer leak rates less than 2x10-8 ATM cc/sec air equivalent. Resistance to Solder Heat: Product must survive 3 reflows of +260C peak, 10 seconds maximum. High Temperature Operating Bias: 2,000 hours at +125C, maximum bias, disregarding frequency shift. Frequency Aging: 1,000 hours at +85C, full bias, less than 5 ppm shift. Moisture Sensitivity Level: Level 1 per JEDEC J-STD-020. QUALITY AND RELIABILITY Quality systems meet or exceed the requirements of ISO 9000:2000 standards. Document No. 008-0321-0 CTS Electronic Components, Inc. Page 4 - 4 171 Covington Drive Rev. B Bloomingdale, IL 60108