White Paper
Implementing LED Drivers In MAX Devices
May 2001, ver. 1.0 1
Discrete light-emitting diode (LED) driver chips are common on many system boards. Altera
MAX 7000A, MAX 3000A, and MAX 7000S devices offer unique capabilities that allow designers to integrate
single or multiple LED dri ver chips into a single device. This white paper explains how to implement LED dri vers in
MAX devices.
Commercial LED Driver Chips
Many LEDs, like the 7-segment display, are common-anode LEDs. The LED’s anode connects to V
and the
cathodes are each connected to an output pin of the current-sinking LED driver chip. The driver chip sinks the DC
current required to drive the display, and the LED is turned on when the driver chip’s output pins are pulled low.
Current-regulating circuits are implemented inside the LED driver chips.
Current-sinking LED dri vers are more common than current-sourcing dri vers. Table 1 lists some common LED dri ver
chips manufactured by Texas Instruments, National Semiconductor, and Toshiba. More information about specific
LED driver chips can be found in the datasheets provided by the respective manufacturers.
Table 1. Current-Sinking LED Driver Chips
Implementing LED Drivers in MAX Devices
When a MAX device is used as an LED driver chip, a current-limiting resistor is placed between the cathode side of
the LED’s diode and the MAX device’s I/O. The LED is tied to the V
, and is turned on when the MAX device’s
I/O is pulled low.
The most important aspect of an LED dri ver chip is the amount of current it has to sink. Many LED applications call
for a current sink specification of 5 to 15 mA. Because MAX 7000B, MAX 7000A, MAX 3000A, and MAX 7000S
devices can sink up to 50 mA per pin, these MAX device families can directly integrate commercial current-sinking
LED driver chips. Table 2 shows the maximum sink current per pin for MAX devices.
LED Driver Chip Description
Tl TLC5905 LED driver with shift registers, data latch, and constant current circuitry
TI TLC5910 LED driver with shift registers, data latch, on-chip PLL for gray scale generation, and constant current
Tl TLC5911 LED driver with shift registers, data latch, on-chip PLL for gray scale generation, and constant current
TI TLC5921 LED driver with shift register, data latch, and current-sink constant current circuitry
National DS8874 9-digit shift input LED driver
National DS8863 MOS-to-LED 8-digit driver
National DS8963 MOS-to-LED 8-digit driver
Toshiba TB62701AN 16-bit constant current LED driver with shift register and latch functions
Toshiba TB62705 8-bit constant current LED driver with shift register and latch functions
Toshiba TB62706 16-bit constant current LED driver with shift register and latch functions
Toshiba TB62707 8-bit constant current LED driver with latch functions