ASTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND R so DO 1033152 OOGOL87 0 MAA 7-57-11) SEMICONDUCTOR CIRCUITS High Efficiency, Ripple Regulator, Single Output DC/DC Converters OUTPUT POWER TO 42 WATTS IDEAL FOR BATTERY APPLICATIONS * WIDE INPUT RANGE TO 200% The SW, CW Series are highly effi- cient, single output DC/DC con- verters. Proportional energy transfer techniques enable these encap- sulated modular converters to main- tain well regulated outputs despite large variations of input voltage. The 2:1 input range makes the SW and CW Series ideal for applications where the input dc power is derived from a battery, a motor generator or other types of poorly regulated power sources. Due to a high efficiency ripple regulator design these units are available with unusually high output power (to 42 W) for their size yet most operate with no derating over the en- tire operating range to + 71C. This high output range makes the SW, CW Series ideal for powering multipie memory boards. . The output of the SW, CW Series can be trim adjusted by user added cir- cuitry (see notes) to fine tune for op- timum supply voltage. Crowbar type over voltage protection is available as an option. Option C is set at 6.245% Vdc for 5 Vout 3Adc (and greater) models. Add suffix "C. Applications Portable battery driven systems de- mand the light weight, small size and broad input range of the SW, CW Series. The 2:1 input range makes these modules ideal for systems where they are utilized as the regulator stage for an internal power supply for laboratory use, but may also be powered by an external bat- tery for field use. Such applications are automotive test equipment and well logging systems. f gy2-5$2000 gul1-200-1? Process Control systems are usually subjected to hostile noise and temperature environments. The high efficiency and compact size of the SW, CW make the series ideal for rugged environments with high power densities. The large output LC filter offers up to 60 db in-line noise attenuation and the 2:1 input range allows great flexibility in the application of external transient suppression techniques. SEMICONDUCTOR CIRCUITS, INC. 4SRANGEAD , WINDHAM,N.H.03087 (603) 893-2330 TWX (710) 366-0505 9A Sw,Cw General Specifications Output Voltage Tolerance +2%. (Trim Adjustable) Regulation (Line/Load) 0.3/0.3% Rated Output to 3 Amps 0.5/0.5% Rated Output above 3 Amps Ripple and Noise 7 mV RMS Rated Output to 3 Amps 13 mV RMS Rated Output above 3 Amps Operating Temperature Range 25C to +71C Raled Output to 3 Amps 25C to +60C Rated Output above 3 Amps Storage Temperature Range 25C to +85C Efficiency 60-70% Rated Output to 12V 60-80% Rated Ouiput above 12V 1/0 Isolation Not Galvanically Isolated Overcurrent Protection Power Foldback Trim Adjust Circuit =) 30, ~4- <9 RIPPLE nm REGULATOR oF SAO ae Vise wn 40} toox See : 200K py kininiediated Sr { Vide out (COMMON: = = See notes 4, 5 and 6 on facing page. ASTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND Ordering Information SW,CW input . Voltage Output Output . Range Voitage Current Pkg. New Mode! Old Mode! (Vdc) (Vdc) (mA) (Fig.) Number Number 98-18 1 SW11-200-12 SW12-5S2000 +(9.5-18) 2000 4-8 CW11-200-12 CW12-562000 +(18-32 2 SW11-200-24 SW24-5S2000 (18-32) 4-B CW11-200-24 CWw24-582000 +(9.5-18 3-B SW11-300-12 $W12-5S3000 (9.5-18) 3000 4-C CW11-300-12 CW12-583000 3-B SW11-300-24 SW24-5S3000 +(18-32) +5V 4-C CW11-300-24 CW24-583000 +(9.5-18 3-B SW11-400-12 SW12-584000 (9.5-18) 4000 4-C CW11-400-12 CW12-584000 : +#(18-32 3-B SW11-400-24 SW24-5S84000 (18-32) 4-C CW11-400-24 CWw24-5S4000 +(9.5-18) 6500 4-D CW11-650-12 CW12-5S6500 +(18-32) 4-D CW11-650-24 CWe24-586500 +(9.5-18) g000 4-D CW11-800-12 CW12-588000 +(18-32) 4-D CW11-600-24 CWe24-5S8000 2 SW12-200-24 SW24-1282000 2000 4-C CW12-200-24 CW24-1282000 +(18-32) +12V 3500 3-D SW12-350-24 SW24-1283500 4-D CW12-350-24 CW24-1283500 vets | sev | 20 [| Sunes, | Sure Other versions available, please consult factory. Socket Information: Fig. 1 SW, use socket P/N #100038 Fig. 2 SW, use socket P/N #100042 Fig. 3 SW, use socket P/N #100013 For socket dimensional information refer to page 23 Dimensions and Connections T _ [tamer 043 Connections TP grrr n4 0.88 a PIN/TERMINAL a eu EF TTT TT e@77r7r ir wr 3 aye In ( ) rit) Tok Toomer 4 neris AEF | ~Vdc In (com, in a coe wr : age" bs 7 4 Tim Adjust ri-@ +4+--as--y 2 pee REF A ae REF 158 a rim us ae Jnott0% view! sia | v ee 4o) her a er 5 -Vdc out (com) pe sif2i | operate ! : Fig.1 fia 3 1 1 Notes: in J to er nore? At | 25 per 1254) 125.4) 1. Five Pins, 0.040 (1) Dia x 0.20 (5.1) Lg Min (26.4) [tae ob tsi = 2. Mounting Inserts 4-40 x 0.1 (2.5) Dp Min 25 5 4 i Ti ectelata) el, 3. Dimensions are given in both Inches and ao Lh i] 1.7 REF . {mm) aarrer soron view | 3) 12345 & 1.25 4. For +5% Output Trim. Connect a 100 K-200 K 4 i sy | 35 {318 Ohm Potentiometer as shown on page 42. T |r 18 Teor q +4 This adjustment is non-linear after a +5% - (aoe ane) | REF 1.25 change. re 5 ray tga) FEF SEENOTE2 fiaiai 5. If Lengths of the Trim Potentiometers Leads ma : FwoTe 2] 72) Fig.3 _ ole Crees A connecta 0.01 AF Capacitor in 4H . i 25 " close Proximity to Pins/Terminals 3 and 4. im ;* 04 rt tea) MEF 1. L_TOPMiER sorrow view 6. An internal connection exists between Pins 2 ma = Fig. 4 and 5 for currents up to twice the rate {26.41}. sotto view || (26) * + 22 output. For protection against externally = sa generated fault currents greater than twice: |e the rated output use an external strap Fig. 2 23 AEF tsa) Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice. between Pins 2 and 5. For minimum noise use no strap between Pins 2 and 5. SEMICONDUCTOR CIRCUITS, INC. 49 RANGE RD, WINOHAM, NH. 03087 (603}893-2330 TWX{710) 366-0505 S2 > WM 1033152 0000688 2 MMAAT: T-S1-\\. 10A