DS26303 3.3V, E1/T1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit www.maxim-ic.com GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The DS26303 is an 8-channel short-haul line interface unit (LIU) that supports E1/T1/J1 from a single 3.3V power supply. A wide variety of applications are supported through internal termination or external termination. A single bill of material can support E1/T1/J1 with minimum external components. Redundancy is supported through nonintrusive monitoring, optimal high-impedance modes, and configurable 1:1 or 1+1 backup enhancements. An on-chip synthesizer generates the E1/T1/J1 clock rates by a single master clock input of various frequencies. Two clock output references are also offered. APPLICATIONS T1 Digital Cross-Connects ATM and Frame Relay Equipment Wireless Base Stations ISDN Primary Rate Interface E1/T1/J1 Multiplexer and Channel Banks E1/T1/J1 LAN/WAN Routers Software Control, Hardware Control and JTAG MODESEL Receiver RPOS RNEG RCLK Transmitter TPOS TNEG TCLK RRING TTTIP RLOS RTIP FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM Jtag TRING 8 Complete E1, T1, or J1 Short Haul Line Interface Units Independent E1, T1, or J1 Selections Internal Software-Selectable Transmit and Receive-Side Termination Crystal-Less Jitter Attenuator Selectable Single-Rail and Dual-Rail Mode and AMI or HDB3/ B8ZS Line Encoding and Decoding Detection and Generation of AIS Digital/Analog Loss-of-Signal Detection as per T1.231, G.775, and ETSI 300233 External Master Clock can be Multiple of 2.048MHz or 1.544MHz for T1/J1 or E1 Operation; This Clock will be Internally Adapted for T1 or E1 Use Built-In BERT Tester for Diagnostics 8-Bit Parallel Interface Support for Intel or Motorola Mode or a 4-Wire Serial Interface Hardware Mode Interface Support Transmit Short-Circuit Protection G.772 Nonintrusive Monitoring Specification Compliance to the Latest T1 and E1 Standards--ANSI T1.102, AT&T Pub 62411, T1.231, T1.403, ITU G.703, G.742, G.775, G.823, ETSI 300 166, and ETSI 300 233 Single 3.3V Supply with 5V Tolerant I/O JTAG Boundary Scan as per IEEE 1149.1 160-Pin PBGA/144-Pin eLQFP Package ORDERING INFORMATION PART DS26303G-XXX* 1 DS26303 PIN-PACKAGE 0C to +70C 160 PBGA -40C to +85C 160 PBGA DS26303L-XXX 0C to +70C 144 eLQFP DS26303L-XXX+ 0C to +70C 144 eLQFP DS26303LN-XXX -40C to +85C 144 eLQFP DS26303LN-XXX+ -40C to +85C 144 eLQFP DS26303GN-XXX* 8 TEMP RANGE Note: When XXX is 075, the part defaults to 75W impedance in E1 mode; when XXX is 120, the part defaults to 120W impedance. + Denotes a lead-free/ROHS-compliant device. * Future product--contact factory for availability. Note: Some revisions of this device may incorporate deviations from published specifications known as errata. Multiple revisions of any device may be simultaneously available through various sales channels. For information about device errata, click here: www.maxim-ic.com/errata. 1 of 97 REV 072205 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................ 6 2 TELECOM SPECIFICATIONS COMPLIANCE............................................................................... 7 3 BLOCK DIAGRAMS ...................................................................................................................... 9 4 PIN DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................... 11 4.1 HARDWARE AND HOST PORT OPERATION .................................................................................... 21 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 5 REGISTERS................................................................................................................................. 25 5.1 REGISTER DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................. 30 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 6 Hardware Mode................................................................................................................................... 21 Serial Port Operation .......................................................................................................................... 22 Parallel Port Operation........................................................................................................................ 23 Interrupt Handling................................................................................................................................ 23 Primary Registers................................................................................................................................ 30 Secondary Registers........................................................................................................................... 38 Individual LIU Registers ...................................................................................................................... 39 BERT Registers .................................................................................................................................. 46 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 53 6.1 POWER-UP AND RESET .............................................................................................................. 53 6.2 MASTER CLOCK ......................................................................................................................... 53 6.3 TRANSMITTER ............................................................................................................................ 54 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.4 RECEIVER .................................................................................................................................. 58 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 6.4.5 6.4.6 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Peak Detector and Slicer .................................................................................................................... 58 Clock and Data Recovery ................................................................................................................... 59 Loss of Signal...................................................................................................................................... 59 AIS ...................................................................................................................................................... 60 Bipolar Violation and Excessive Zero Detector................................................................................... 61 LIU Receiver Front End ...................................................................................................................... 61 HITLESS-PROTECTION SWITCHING (HPS).................................................................................... 61 JITTER ATTENUATOR .................................................................................................................. 63 G.772 MONITOR ........................................................................................................................ 64 LOOPBACKS ............................................................................................................................... 64 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.9 Transmit Line Templates .................................................................................................................... 55 LIU Transmit Front End....................................................................................................................... 57 Dual-Rail Mode ................................................................................................................................... 58 Single-Rail Mode................................................................................................................................. 58 Zero Suppression--B8ZS or HDB3 .................................................................................................... 58 Transmit Power-Down ........................................................................................................................ 58 Transmit All Ones................................................................................................................................ 58 Drive Failure Monitor........................................................................................................................... 58 Analog Loopback ................................................................................................................................ 64 Digital Loopback.................................................................................................................................. 64 Remote Loopback ............................................................................................................................... 65 BERT........................................................................................................................................ 66 6.9.1 6.9.2 6.9.3 Configuration and Monitoring.............................................................................................................. 66 Receive Pattern Detection .................................................................................................................. 67 Transmit Pattern Generation............................................................................................................... 68 6.10 SPECIAL TEST FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................... 69 6.10.1 Metal Options ...................................................................................................................................... 69 7 JTAG BOUNDARY SCAN ARCHITECTURE AND TEST ACCESS PORT.................................. 70 7.1 TAP CONTROLLER STATE MACHINE ............................................................................................ 71 7.2 INSTRUCTION REGISTER ............................................................................................................. 74 7.3 TEST REGISTERS ....................................................................................................................... 75 7.3.1 Boundary Scan Register ..................................................................................................................... 75 2 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 7.3.2 7.3.3 8 Bypass Register .................................................................................................................................. 75 Identification Register ......................................................................................................................... 75 OPERATING PARAMETERS....................................................................................................... 76 9 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................. 77 10 AC CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................. 78 10.1 LINE INTERFACE CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................ 78 10.2 PARALLEL HOST INTERFACE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................... 79 10.3 SERIAL PORT ............................................................................................................................. 91 10.4 SYSTEM TIMING ......................................................................................................................... 92 10.5 JTAG TIMING ............................................................................................................................ 94 11 PACKAGE INFORMATION.......................................................................................................... 95 11.1 ELQFP PACKAGE OUTLINE (1 OF 2)............................................................................................ 95 11.2 ELQFP PACKAGE OUTLINE (2 OF 2)............................................................................................ 96 12 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY .............................................................................................. 97 3 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Figure 3-2. Receive Logic Detail................................................................................................................................ 10 Figure 3-3. Transmit Logic Detail............................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 4-1. 160-Pin PBGA Pin Assignment............................................................................................................... 19 Figure 4-2. 144-Pin eLQFP Pin Assignment ............................................................................................................. 20 Figure 4-3. Serial Port Operation for Write Access ................................................................................................... 22 Figure 4-4. Serial Port Operation for Read Access with CLKE = 0 ........................................................................... 22 Figure 4-5. Serial Port Operation for Read Access with CLKE = 1 ........................................................................... 23 Figure 4-6. Interrupt Handling Flow Diagram ............................................................................................................ 24 Figure 6-1. Pre-Scaler PLL and Clock Generator...................................................................................................... 53 Figure 6-2. T1 Transmit Pulse Templates ................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 6-3 E1 Transmit Pulse Templates .................................................................................................................. 56 Figure 6-4. LIU Front End .......................................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 6-5. HPS Logic ............................................................................................................................................... 62 Figure 6-6. HPS Block Diagram................................................................................................................................. 62 Figure 6-7. Jitter Attenuation ..................................................................................................................................... 63 Figure 6-8. Analog Loopback..................................................................................................................................... 64 Figure 6-9. Digital Loopback...................................................................................................................................... 65 Figure 6-10. Remote Loopback ................................................................................................................................. 65 Figure 6-11. PRBS Synchronization State Diagram.................................................................................................. 67 Figure 6-12. Repetitive Pattern Synchronization State Diagram ............................................................................... 68 Figure 7-1. JTAG Functional Block Diagram ............................................................................................................. 70 Figure 7-2. TAP Controller State Diagram................................................................................................................. 73 Figure 10-1. Intel Nonmuxed Read Cycle ................................................................................................................. 80 Figure 10-2. Intel Mux Read Cycle ............................................................................................................................ 81 Figure 10-3. Intel Nonmux Write Cycle...................................................................................................................... 83 Figure 10-4. Intel Mux Write Cycle ............................................................................................................................ 84 Figure 10-5. Motorola Nonmux Read Cycle .............................................................................................................. 86 Figure 10-6. Motorola Mux Read Cycle ..................................................................................................................... 87 Figure 10-7. Motorola Nonmux Write Cycle .............................................................................................................. 89 Figure 10-8. Motorola Mux Write Cycle ..................................................................................................................... 90 Figure 10-9. Serial Bus Timing Write Operation........................................................................................................ 91 Figure 10-10. Serial Bus Timing Read Operation with CLKE = 0.............................................................................. 91 Figure 10-11. Serial Bus Timing Read Operation with CLKE = 1.............................................................................. 91 Figure 10-12. Transmitter Systems Timing ............................................................................................................... 92 Figure 10-13. Receiver Systems Timing ................................................................................................................... 93 Figure 10-14. JTAG Timing ....................................................................................................................................... 94 4 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1. T1-Related Telecommunications Specifications ........................................................................................ 7 Table 2-2. E1-Related Telecommunications Specifications ........................................................................................ 8 Table 4-1. Pin Descriptions........................................................................................................................................ 11 Table 4-2. Hardware Mode Configuration Examples................................................................................................. 21 Table 4-3. Parallel Port Mode Selection and Pin Functions ...................................................................................... 23 Table 5-1. Primary Register Set ................................................................................................................................ 25 Table 5-2. Secondary Register Set............................................................................................................................ 26 Table 5-3. Individual LIU Register Set ....................................................................................................................... 26 Table 5-4. BERT Register Set ................................................................................................................................... 27 Table 5-5. Primary Register Set Bit Map ................................................................................................................... 28 Table 5-6. Secondary Register Set Bit Map .............................................................................................................. 28 Table 5-7. Individual LIU Register Set Bit Map.......................................................................................................... 28 Table 5-8. BERT Register Bit Map ............................................................................................................................ 29 Table 5-9. G.772 Monitoring Control ......................................................................................................................... 33 Table 5-10. TST Template Select Transmitter Register ............................................................................................ 35 Table 5-11. Template Selection................................................................................................................................. 36 Table 5-12. Address Pointer Bank Selection............................................................................................................. 37 Table 5-13. MCLK Selections .................................................................................................................................... 41 Table 5-14. PLL Clock Select .................................................................................................................................... 44 Table 5-15. Clock A Select ........................................................................................................................................ 44 Table 6-1. Telecommunications Specification Compliance for DS26303 Transmitters ............................................ 54 Table 6-2. Registers Related to Control of DS26303 Transmitters ........................................................................... 54 Table 6-3. DS26303 Template Selections ................................................................................................................. 55 Table 6-4. LIU Front-End Values ............................................................................................................................... 57 Table 6-5. Loss Criteria T1.231, G.775, and ETSI 300 233 Specifications............................................................... 59 Table 6-6. AIS Criteria T1.231, G.775, and ETSI 300 233 Specifications................................................................. 60 Table 6-7. AIS Detection and Reset Criteria ............................................................................................................. 60 Table 6-8. Registers Related to AIS Detection.......................................................................................................... 60 Table 6-9. BPV, Code Violation, and Excessive Zero Error Reporting ..................................................................... 61 Table 6-10. Pseudorandom Pattern Generation........................................................................................................ 66 Table 6-11. Repetitive Pattern Generation ................................................................................................................ 66 Table 7-1. Instruction Codes for IEEE 1149.1 Architecture....................................................................................... 74 Table 7-2. ID Code Structure..................................................................................................................................... 75 Table 7-3 Device ID Codes........................................................................................................................................ 75 Table 8-1. Recommended DC Operating Conditions ................................................................................................ 76 Table 8-2. Capacitance.............................................................................................................................................. 76 Table 8-3. DC Characteristics.................................................................................................................................... 76 Table 9-1. Thermal Characteristics............................................................................................................................ 77 Table 10-1. Transmitter Characteristics .................................................................................................................... 78 Table 10-2. Receiver Characteristics......................................................................................................................... 78 Table 10-3. Intel Read Mode Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 79 Table 10-4. Intel Write Cycle Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 82 Table 10-5. Motorola Read Cycle Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 85 Table 10-6. Motorola Write Cycle Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 88 Table 10-7. Serial Port Timing Characteristics .......................................................................................................... 91 Table 10-8. Transmitter System Timing .................................................................................................................... 92 Table 10-9. Receiver System Timing......................................................................................................................... 93 Table 10-10. JTAG Timing Characteristics................................................................................................................ 94 5 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 1 DETAILED DESCRIPTION The DS26303 is a single-chip, 8-channel, short-haul line interface unit (LIU) for T1 (1.544Mbps) and E1 (2.048Mbps) applications. Eight independent receivers and transmitters are provided in a single PBGA package or an eLQFP package. The LIUs can be individually selected for T1, J1, or E1 operation. The LIU requires a single reference clock called MCLK. MCLK can be either 1.544MHz or 2.048MHz or a multiple thereof, and either frequency can be internally adapted for T1, J1, or E1 mode. Internal impedance match provided for both transmit and receive paths reduces external component count. The transmit waveforms are compliant to G.703 and T1.102 specification. The DS26303 provides software-selectable internal transmit termination for 100W T1 twisted pair, 110W J1 twisted pair, 120W E1 twisted pair, and 75W E1 coaxial applications. The transmitters have fast highimpedance capability and can be individually powered down. The receivers can function with up to 15dB of receive signal attenuation for T1 mode and E1 mode. The DS26303 can be configured as a 7-channel LIU with channel 1 used for nonintrusive monitoring in accordance with G.772. The receivers and transmitters can be programmed into single-rail or dual-rail mode. AMI or HDB/B8ZS encoding and decoding is selectable in single-rail mode. A 128-bit crystal-less on-board jitter attenuator for each LIU can be placed in the receive or transmit directions. The jitter attenuator meets the ETSI CTR12/13 ITU G.736, G.742, G.823, and AT&T PUB6411 specifications. The DS26303 detects and generates AIS in accordance with T1.231, G.775, and ETSI 300233. Loss of signal is detected in accordance with T1.231, G.775, and ETSI 300233. The DS26303 can perform digital, analog, remote, and dual loopbacks on individual LIUs. JTAG boundary scan is provided for the digital pins. The DS26303 can be configured using an 8-bit multiplexed or nonmultiplexed Intel or Motorola port, a 4-pin serial port, or in limited modes of operation using hardware mode. The analog AMI/HDB3 waveform of the E1 line or the AMI/B8ZS waveform of the T1 line is transformer coupled into the RTIP and RRING pins of the DS26303. The user has the option to select internal termination of 75W, 100W, 110W, or 120W applications. The device recovers clock and data from the analog signal and passes it through a selectable jitter attenuator, outputting the received line clock at RCLK and data at RPOS and RNEG. The DS26303 receivers can recover data and clock for up 15dB of attenuation of the transmitted signals in T1 and E1 mode. Receiver 1 can monitor the performance of receivers 2 to 8 or transmitters 2 to 8. The DS26303 contains eight identical transmitters. Digital transmit data is input at TPOS/TNEG with reference to TCLK. The data at these pins can be single rail or dual rail. This data is processed by waveshaping circuitry and line driver to output at TTIP and TRING in accordance with ANSI T1.102 for T1/J1 or G.703 for E1 mask. The DS26303 drives the E1 or T1 line from the TTIP and TRING pins through a coupling transformer. The DS26303 functions with a 1:2 and 2:1 transformer for the Tx and Rx paths for operation, respectively. 6 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 2 TELECOM SPECIFICATIONS COMPLIANCE The DS26303 LIU meets all the relevant latest telecommunications specifications. The following table provides the T1 specifications and relevant sections that are applicable to the DS26303. Table 2-1. T1-Related Telecommunications Specifications ANSI T1.102-Digital Hierarchy Electrical Interface AMI Coding B8ZS Substitution Definition DS1 Electrical Interface. Line rate 32ppm; Pulse Amplitude between 2.4V to 3.6 V peak; Power level between 12.6dBm to 17.9dBm. The T1 pulse mask is provided that we comply. DSX-1 for cross connects the return loss is greater than 26dB. The DSX-1 cable is restricted up to 655 feet. This specification also provides cable characteristics of DSX-Cross Connect cable--22 AVG cable of 1000 feet. ANSI T1.231-Digital Hierarchy-Layer 1 in Service Performance Monitoring BPV Error Definition, Excessive Zero Definition, LOS description, AIS definition ANSI T1.403-Network and Customer Installation Interface-DS1 Electrical Interface Description of the Measurement of the T1 Characteristics--100W, pulse shape and template according to T1.102; power level 12.4dBm to 19.7dBm when all ones are transmitted. LBO for the Customer Interface (CI) is specified as 0dB, 7.5dB, and 15dB. Line rate is 32ppm. Pulse Amplitude is 2.4V to 3.6 V. AIS generation as unframed all ones is defined. The total cable attenuation is defined as 22dB. The DS26303 functions up to 36dB cable loss. Note that the pulse mask defined by T1.403 and T1.102 are different--specifically at Times 0.61, -0.27, -34, and 0.77. The DS26303 is compliant to both templates. Pub 62411 This specification has tighter jitter tolerance and transfer characteristics than other specifications. The jitter transfer characteristics are tighter than G.736 and jitter tolerance is tighter the G.823. 7 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 2-2. E1-Related Telecommunications Specifications ITUT G.703 Physical/Electrical Characteristics of G.703 Hierarchical Digital Interfaces Defines the 2048kbps bit rate: 2048 50ppm. The transmission media are 75W coax or 120W twisted pair; peak-topeak space voltage is 0.237V; nominal pulse width is 244ns. Return loss: 51Hz to 102Hz is 6dB, 102Hz to 3072Hz is 8dB, 2048Hz to 3072Hz is 14dB Nominal peak voltage is 2.37V for coax and 3V for twisted pair. The pulse mask for E1 is defined in G.703. ITUT G.736 Characteristics of Synchronous Digital Multiplex Equipment Operating at 2048kbps The peak-to-peak jitter at 2048kbps must be less than 0.05UI at 20Hz to 100Hz. Jitter transfer between 2.048 synchronization signal and 2.048 transmission signal is provided. ITUT G.742 Second-Order Digital Multiplex Equipment Operating at 8448kbps The DS26303 jitter attenuator is compliant with jitter transfer curve for sinusoidal jitter input. ITUT G.772 This specification provides the method for using receiver for transceiver 0 as a monitor for the rest of the seven transmitter/receiver combinations. ITUT G.775 An LOS detection criterion is defined. ITUT G.823-The control of jitter and wander within digital networks that are based on 2.048kbps Hierarchy G.823 provides the jitter amplitude tolerance at different frequencies, specifically 20Hz, 2.4kHz, 18kHz, and 100kHz. ETSI 300 166 This specification provides transmit return loss of 6dB for a range of 0.25fb to 0.05fb, and 8dB for a range of 0.05fb to 1.5fb where fb equals 2.048kHz for 2.048kbps interface. ETSI 300 233 This specification provides LOS and AIS signal criteria for E1 mode. Pub 62411 This specification has tighter jitter tolerance and transfer characteristics than other specifications. The jitter transfer characteristics are tighter than G.736 and jitter tolerance is tighter then G.823. 8 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 3 BLOCK DIAGRAMS Figure 3-1. Block Diagram TYPICAL OF ALL 8 CHANNELS T1CLK E1CLK MUX Jitter Attenuator MUX 2.048MHz to 1.544MHz PLL VCO/PLL RLOS TTIP RNEG/CV Remote Loopback Jitter Attenuator Local Loopback Clock/Data Recovery Line Drivers TRING RCLK Receive Logic DS26303 TPOS/TDAT Wave Shaping Unframed All Ones Insertion Remote Loopback (Dual Mode) RPOS/RDAT Peak Detector Analog Loopback RTIP Filter Optional Termination RRING TCLK Transmit Logic TNEG OE Reset Control and Interrupt Port Interface E1CLK 8 8 Master Clock Adapter JTAG PORT 9 of 97 MCLK JTDI JTDO JTCLK JTMS JTRSTB INTB MODESEL 8 CSB A0 to A4 ASB/ALE/SCLK MOTEL RDY/ACKB/SDO RDB/RWB CLKE WRB/DSB/SDI MUX 5 D7/AD7/ BSWB D0 to D6/ AD0 to AD6 Reset T1CLK DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit LOS EZDE Figure 3-2. Receive Logic Detail RCLK RCLK Excessive Zero Detect T1.231 IAISEL POS AISEL NEG EN RPOS RNEG/CV ENCV BPV/CV/EXZ MCLK LASCS SRMS AIS Detector G.775, ETSI 300233, T1.231 CVDEB ENCODE LCS CODE ENCODE B8ZS/HDB3/AMI Decoder (G.703, T1.102) BPVs, Code Violatiions (T1.231, O.161) MUX NRZ Data All Ones Insert (AIS) BEIR ENCODE SRMS LCS CODE Figure 3-3. Transmit Logic Detail B8ZS/HDB3/AMI Coder (G.703, T1.102) To Remote Loopback BPV Insert MUX TPOS/ TDATA TNEG/ BPV TCLK 10 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 4 PIN DESCRIPTION Table 4-1. Pin Descriptions NAME PIN eLQFP PBGA TYPE FUNCTION ANALOG TRANSMIT AND RECEIVE TTIP1 TTIP2 TTIP3 TTIP4 TTIP5 TTIP6 TTIP7 TTIP8 TRING1 TRING2 TRING3 TRING4 TRING5 TRING6 TRING7 TRING8 RTIP1 RTIP2 RTIP3 RTIP4 RTIP5 RTIP6 RTIP7 RTIP8 RRING1 RRING2 RRING3 RRING4 RRING5 RRING6 RRING7 RRING8 45 52 57 64 117 124 129 136 46 51 58 63 118 123 130 135 48 55 60 67 120 127 132 139 49 54 61 66 121 126 133 138 N5 L5 L10 N10 B10 D10 D5 B5 P5 M5 M10 P10 A10 C10 C5 A5 P7 M7 M8 P8 A8 C8 C7 A7 N7 L7 L8 N8 B8 D8 D7 B7 Analog Output Transmit Bipolar Tip for Channel 1 to 8. These pins are differential line-driver tip outputs. These pins can be high impedance if pin OE is low. If the corresponding clock TCLKn is low for 64 MCLKs, where n is 1 to 8 for the eight transmitters. This puts the corresponding transmitter in a power-down mode. When 1 is set in the OEB.OEB bit, the associated pin is high impedance. The differential outputs of TTIPn and TRINGn can provide internal matched impedance for E1 75W, E1 120W, T1 100W, or J1 110W. Analog Output Transmit Bipolar Ring for Channel 1 to 8. These pins are differential line-driver ring outputs. These pins can be high impedance if pin OE is low. If the corresponding clock TCLKn is low for 64 MCLKs, where n is 1 to 8 for the eight transmitters. This puts the corresponding transmitter in a power-down mode. When 1 is set in the OEB.OEB bit, the associated pin is high impedance. The differential outputs of TTIPn and TRINGn can provide internal matched impedance for E1 75W, E1 120W, T1 100W, or J1 110W. Analog Input Receive Bipolar Tip for Channel 1 to 8. Receive analog input for differential receiver. Data and clock are recovered and output at RPOS/RNEG and RCLK pins, respectively. The differential inputs of RTIPn and RRINGn can provide internal matched impedance for E1 75W, E1 120W, T1 100W, or J1 110W. Analog Input Receive Bipolar Ring for Channel 1 to 8. Receive analog input for differential receiver. Data and clock are recovered and output at RPOS/RNEG and RCLK pins, respectively. The differential inputs of RTIPn and RRINGn can provide internal matched impedance for E1 75W, E1 120W, T1 100W, or J1 110W. 11 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit NAME PIN eLQFP PBGA TYPE FUNCTION DIGITAL Tx/Rx TPOS1/TDATA1 TPOS2/TDATA2 TPOS3/TDATA3 TPOS4/TDATA4 TPOS5/TDATA5 TPOS6/TDATA6 TPOS7/TDATA7 TPOS8/TDATA8 37 30 80 73 108 101 8 1 N2 L2 L13 N13 B13 D13 D2 B2 TNEG1 38 N3 TNEG2 31 L3 TNEG3 79 L12 TNEG4 72 N12 TNEG5 109 B12 TNEG6 102 D12 TNEG7 7 D3 TNEG8 144 B3 TCLK1 36 N1 TCLK2 29 L1 TCLK3 81 L14 TCLK4 74 N14 TCLK5 107 B14 TCLK6 100 D14 TCLK7 9 D1 TCLK8 2 B1 RPOS1/RDATA1 RPOS2/RDATA2 RPOS3/RDATA3 RPOS4/RDATA4 RPOS5/RDATA5 RPOS6/RDATA6 RPOS7/RDATA7 RPOS8/RDATA8 40 33 77 70 111 104 5 142 P2 M2 M13 P13 A13 C13 C2 A2 O, tri-state RNEG1/CV1 41 P3 RNEG2/CV2 34 M3 O, tri-state RNEG3/CV3 76 M12 RNEG4/CV4 69 P12 RNEG5/CV5 112 A12 Transmit Positive-Data Input for Channel 1 to 8/Transmit Data Input for Channel 1 to 8 I TPOS[1:8]: When the DS26303 is configured in dual-rail mode, the data input to TPOSn is output as a positive pulse on the line (TIP and RING). TDATA[1:8]: When the device is configured in single-rail mode, NRZ data is input to TDATAn. The data is encoded HDB3/B8ZS or AMI before being output to the line. Transmit Negative Data for Channel 1 to 8. When the DS26303 is configured in dual-rail mode, the data input to TNEGn is output as a negative mark on the line as follows: I TPOSn TNEGn Output Pulse 0 0 Space 0 1 Negative Mark 1 0 Positive Mark 1 1 Space When TNEGn is pulled High for more than 16 consecutive TCLK clock cycles, single-rail I/O is selected. Transmit Clock for Channel 1 to 8. The transmit clock must be 1.544MHz for T1 or 2.048MHz for E1 mode. TCLKn is the clock used to sample the data TPOS/TNEG or TDAT on the falling edge. The expected TCLK can be inverted. I If TCLKn is high for 16 or more MCLKs, then transmit all-ones (TAO) signals to the line side of the corresponding transmit channel. When TCLKn starts clocking again, normal operation will begin again for the corresponding transmit channel. If TCLKn is low for 64 or more MCLKs, the corresponding transmit channel on the line side powers down and must be put into high impedance. When TCLKn starts clocking again the corresponding transmit channel powers up and comes out of high impedance. Receive Positive-Data Output for Channel 1 to 8/Receive Data Output for Channel 1 to 8 RPOS[1:8]: In dual-rail mode, the NRZ data output indicates a positive pulse on RTIP/RRING. If a given receiver is in powerdown mode, the associated RPOS pin is high impedance. RDATA[1:8]: In single-rail mode, NRZ data is output to the pin. Note: During an RLOS condition, the RPOS/RDATA outputs remain active. Receive Negative-Data Output for Channel 1 to 8/Code Violation for Channel 1 to 8 RNEG[1:8]: In dual-rail mode, the NRZ data output indicates a negative pulse on RTIP/RRING. If a given receiver is in powerdown mode, the associated RNEG pin is high impedance. CV[1:8]: In single-rail mode, bipolar violation, code violation, and excessive zeros are reported by driving CVn high for one clock 12 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit NAME PIN TYPE FUNCTION eLQFP PBGA RNEG6/CV6 105 C12 RNEG7/CV7 4 C3 excessive zeros are reported by driving CVn high for one clock cycle. If HDB3 or B8ZS is not selected, this pin indicates only BPVs. RNEG8/CV8 141 A3 Note: During an RLOS condition the output remains active. RCLK1 RCLK2 RCLK3 RCLK4 RCLK5 RCLK6 RCLK7 RCLK8 39 32 78 71 110 103 6 143 P1 M1 M14 P14 A14 C14 C1 A1 MCLK 10 E1 O, tri-state Receive Clock for Channel 1 to 8. The receive data RPOS/RNEG or RDAT is clocked out on the rising edge of RCLK. RCLK output can be inverted. If a given receiver is in power-down mode, the RCLK is high impedance. I Master Clock. This is an independent free-running clock that can be a multiple of 2.048MHz 50ppm for E1 mode or 1.544MHz 50ppm for T1 mode. The clock selection is available by MC bits MPS0, MPS1, FREQS, and PLLE. A multiple of 2.048MHz can be internally adapted to 1.544MHz and a multiple of 1.544MHz can be internally adapted to 2.048MHz. In hardware mode, internal adaptation is not available so the user must provide 2.048MHz 50ppm for E1 mode or 1.544MHz 50ppm for T1 mode. Loss-of-Signal Output/T1-E1 Clock RLOS1/TECLK 42 K4 O RLOS1: This output goes high when there is no transition on the received signal over a specified interval. The output goes low when there is sufficient ones density in the received signal. The RLOS criteria for assertion and desertion criteria are described in the Functional Description section. The RLOS outputs can be configured to comply with T1.231, ITU G.775, or ETSI 300 233. In hardware mode, ETSI 300 233 "RLOS Criteria" is not available. TECLK: When enabled by register MC, this output becomes a T1or E1-programmable clock output. For T1 or E1 frequency selection, see register CCR. This option is not available in hardware mode. RLOS2/ RXPROBEA1 RLOS3/ RXPROBEB1 RLOS4/ RXPROBEC1 35 K3 75 K12 68 K11 Loss-of-Signal Output/Receive Probe I/O RLOS[2:4]: See RLOS1 pin description. RXPROBE A1, B1, C1: Used in test only. Loss-of-Signal Output/Scan Data Output RLOS5/ scan_do 113 E11 O RLOS5: See RLOS1 pin description. scan_do: Data output during scan. Loss-of-Signal Output/Scan Data Input RLOS6/ scan_di 106 E12 I/O RLOS6: See RLOS1 pin description. scan_di: Data input during scan. Loss-of-Signal Output/Scan Clock RLOS7/ scan_clk 3 E3 I/O RLOS7: See RLOS1 pin description. scan_clk: Clock input during scan. 13 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit NAME PIN eLQFP PBGA TYPE FUNCTION Loss-of-Signal Output/Scan Enable RLOS8/ scan_en 140 E4 I/O RLOS8: See RLOS1 pin description. scan_en: Enables scan during test when pin scan_mode is high. CLKA 93 G13 O, tri-state scan_mode 94 H13 I (pulled to VSS) Clock A. This output becomes a programmable clock output when enabled by register MC. For frequency options see register CCR. This option is not available in hardware mode. If this option is not used, the pin should be left unconnected. Scan Mode. Selects scan mode when high. If not used, this pin should be left unconnected or grounded. HARDWARE AND PORT OPERATION Mode Selection. This pin is used to select the control mode of the DS26303. MODESEL 11 E2 I (pulled to VDD/2) Low Hardware Mode VDD/2 Serial Host Mode High Parallel Host Mode Note: When left unconnected, do not route signals with fast transitions near MODESEL. This practice minimizes capacitive coupling. Multiplexed/Nonmultiplexed Select Pin/ Transmit Impedance/Receive Impedance Match MUX: In host mode with a parallel port, this pin is used to select multiplexed address and data operation or separate address and data. When mux is a high, multiplexed address and data is used. MUX/ TIMPRM 43 K2 I TIMPRM: In hardware mode, this pin selects the internal transmit termination impedance and receive impedance match for E1 mode and T1/J1 mode. 0 75W for E1 mode or 100W for T1 mode 1 120W for E1 mode or 110W for J1 mode Note: If the part number ends with 120, the default is 120W when low and 75W when high for El mode only. Motorola Intel Select/Code MOTEL/ CODE 88 H12 I MOTEL: When in parallel host mode, this pin selects Motorola mode when low and Intel mode when high. CODE: In hardware mode, AMI encoding/decoding is selected when the pin is high for all the LIUs. When the pin is low, B8ZS is selected for T1 mode and HDB3 for E1 mode for all the LIUs. 14 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit NAME PIN eLQFP PBGA TYPE FUNCTION Chip Select Bar/Jitter Attenuator Select CSB: This signal must be low during all accesses to the registers. CSB/ JAS 87 J11 I (In HW mode, pulled to VDD/2) JAS: In hardware mode, this pin is used as a jitter attenuator select. Low Jitter attenuator is in the transmit path. VDDIO/2 Jitter attenuator is not used. High Jitter attenuator is in the receive path. Note: When left unconnected and in hardware mode, do not route signals with fast transitions near JAS. This practice minimizes capacitive coupling. Shift Clock/Address Latch Enable/Address Strobe Bar/Template Selection 2 SCLK: In the serial host mode, this pin is the serial clock. Data on SDI is clocked on the rising edge of SCLK. The data is clocked on SDO on the rising edge of SCLK if CLKE is high. If CLKE is low the data on SDO is clocked on the falling edge of SCLK. SCLK/ALE/ ASB/TS2 86 J12 I ALE: In parallel Intel multiplexed mode, the address lines are latched on the falling edge of ALE. Tie ALE pin high if using nonmultiplexed mode. ASB: In parallel Motorola multiplexed mode, the address is sampled on the falling edge of ASB. Tie ASB pin high if using nonmultiplexed mode. TS2: In hardware mode, this pin signal is the most significant bit position in Table 5-11. Read Bar/Read Write Bar/Template Selection 1 RDB: In Intel host mode, this pin must be low for read operation. RDB/RWB/TS1 85 J13 I RWB: In Motorola mode, this pin is low for write operation and high for read operation. TS1: In hardware mode, this pin signal is the second significant bit position in Table 5-11. Serial Data Input/Write Bar/Data Strobe Bar/Template Selection 0 SDI: In the serial host mode, this pin is the serial input SDI. It is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK. WRB: In Intel host mode, this pin is active low during write operation. The data or address (multiplexed mode) is sampled on the rising edge of WRB. SDI/WRB/DSB/TS0 84 J14 I DSB: In the parallel Motorola mode, this pin is active low. During a write operation the data or address is sampled on the rising edge of DSB. During a read operation the data (D[7:0] or AD[7:0]) is driven on the rising edge of DSB. In the nonmultiplexed Motorola mode, the address bus (A [5:0]) is latched on the falling edge of DSB. TS0: In hardware mode, this pin signal is the least significant bit position in Table 5-11. 15 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit NAME PIN eLQFP PBGA TYPE FUNCTION Serial Data Out/Ready Output/Acknowledge Bar/Receive Impedance Off SDO: In serial host mode, the SDO data is output on this pin. If a serial write is in progress this pin is in high impedance. During a read SDO is high impedance when the SDI is in command/ address mode. If CLKE is low, SDO is output on the rising edge of SCLK, if CLKE is high on the falling edge. SDO/RDY/ACKB/ RIMPOFF 83 K14 I/O RDY: A low on this pin reports to the host that the cycle is not complete and wait states must be inserted. A high means the cycle is complete. ACKB: In Motorola parallel mode, a low on this pin indicates that the read data is available for the host or that the written data cycle is complete. RIMPOFF: In hardware mode when this pin is high, all the RTIP and RING pins have internal impedance switched off. O, open drain Active-Low Interrupt Bar. This interrupt signal is driven low when an event is detected on any of the enabled interrupt sources in any of the register banks. When there are no active and enabled interrupt sources, the pin can be programmed to either drive high or not drive high. The reset default is to not drive high when there are no active enabled interrupt sources. All interrupt sources are disabled after a software reset and they must be programmed to be enabled. INTB 82 K13 D7/AD7/BSWP/LP8 28 K1 Data Bus 7-0/Address/Data Bus 7-0/Bit Swap/ Loopback Select 7-0 D6/AD6/LP7 27 J1 D[7:0]: In nonmultiplexed host mode, these pins are the bidirectional data bus. D5/AD5/LP6 26 J2 D4/AD4/LP5 25 J3 D3/AD3/LP4 24 J4 D2/AD2/LP3 23 H2 D1/AD1/LP2 22 H3 D0/AD0/LP1 21 G2 I/O (In HW mode, pulled to VDD / 2) AD[7:0]: In multiplexed host mode, these pins are the bidirectional address/data bus. Note that AD7 and AD6 do not carry address information, and in serial host mode AD6-AD0 should be grounded. BSWP: In serial host mode, this pin defines the serial data position to be LSB first when low and MSB first when high. LP[8:1] In hardware mode, these pins set the loopback modes for the corresponding LIU as follows: Low Remote Loopback VDDIO / 2 No Loopback High Analog Loopback Note: When left unconnected and in hardware mode, do not route signals with fast transitions near LP1-LP8. This practice minimizes capacitive coupling. 16 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit NAME A4/RIMPMSB A3/GMC3 PIN 12 F4 Address Bus 4-0/G.772 Monitoring Control/Rx Impedance Mode Select F3 A[4:0]: These five pins are address pins in parallel host mode. In serial host mode and multiplexed host mode, these pins should be grounded. 13 14 F2 A1/GMC1 15 F1 A0/GMC0 16 G3 CLKE FUNCTION PBGA A2/GMC2 OE TYPE eLQFP 114 115 E14 E13 RIMPMSB: In hardware mode when this pin is low, the internal impedance mode is selected, so RTIP and RING require no external resistance component. When high, external impedance mode is selected so RTIP and RING require external resistance. I GMC[3:0]: In hardware mode, these signal pins are used to select transmitter or receiver for nonintrusive monitoring. Receiver 1 is used to monitor channels 2 to 8 of one receiver from RTIP2- RTIP8/RRING2-RRING8 or one transmitter from TTIP2- TTIP8/TRING2-TRING8. These signal pins correspond to the bits in Table 5-9. I Output Enable. If this pin is pulled low, all the transmitter outputs (TTIP and TRING) are high impedance. Additionally, the user may use this same pin to turn off all the impedance matching for the receivers at the same time if register bit GMR.RHPMC is set. I Clock Edge. When CLKE is high, SDO is valid on the falling edge of SCLK. When CLKE is low SDO is valid on the rising edge of SCLK. When CLKE is high, the RCLK for all the channels is inverted. This aligns RPOS/RNEG on the falling edge of RCLK and overrides the settings in register RCLKI. When low, RPOS/RNEG is aligned on the settings in register RCLKI. JTAG JTRSTB 95 G12 I, pullup JTMS 96 F11 I, pullup JTCLK 97 F14 I JTDO 98 F13 O, high-Z JTDI 99 F12 I, pullup JTAG Test Port Reset. This pin if low resets the JTAG port. If not used it can be left floating. JTAG Test Mode Select. This pin is clocked on the rising edge of JTCLK and is used to control the JTAG selection between scan and test machine control. JTAG Test Clock. The data JTDI and JTMS are clocked on rising edge of JTCLK and JTDO is clocked out on the falling edge of JTCLK. JTAG Test Data Out. This is the serial output of the JTAG port. The data is clocked out on the falling edge of JTCLK. Test Data Input. This pin input is the serial data of the JTAG test. The data on JTDI is clocked on the rising edge of JTCLK. This pin can be left unconnected. POWER SUPPLIES DVDD 19 H1 -- 3.3V Digital Power Supply DVSS 20 H4 -- Digital Ground VDDIO 17, 92 -- 3.3V I/O Power Supply VSSIO 18, 91 -- I/O Ground G1, G14 G4, G11 17 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit NAME PIN eLQFP PBGA TVDD1 44 N4, P4 TVDD2 53 L4, M4 TVDD3 56 TVDD4 65 L11, M11 N11, P11 A11, B11 C11, D11 C4, D4 TYPE FUNCTION -- 3.3V Power Supply for the Transmitter. All TVDD pins must be connected to TVDD, which must be 3.3V. -- Analog Ground for Transmitters TVDD5 116 TVDD6 125 TVDD7 128 TVDD8 137 A4, B4 TVSS1 47 N6, P6 TVSS2 50 L6, M6 TVSS3 59 L9, M9 TVSS4 62 N9, P9 TVSS5 119 A9, B9 TVSS6 122 TVSS7 131 TVSS8 134 A6, B6 AVDD 90 H14 -- 3.3V Analog Core Power Supply AVSS 89 H11 -- Analog Core Ground C9, D9 C6, D6 18 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 4-1. 160-Pin PBGA Pin Assignment 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A RCLK5 RPOS5/ RNEG5/ TVDD5 TRING5 TVSS5 RTIP5 RDATA5 CV5 B TCLK5 TPOS5/ TPOS8/ TNEG5 TVDD5 TTIP5 TVSS5 RRING5 RRING8 TVSS8 TTIP8 TVDD8 TNEG8 TCLK8 TDATA5 TDATA8 C RCLK6 RPOS6/ RNEG6/ TVDD6 TRING6 TVSS6 RTIP6 RDATA6 CV6 D TCLK6 TPOS6/ TPOS7/ TNEG6 TVDD6 TTIP6 TVSS6 RRING6 RRING7 TVSS7 TTIP7 TVDD7 TNEG7 TCLK7 TDATA6 TDATA7 E OE CLKE RTIP8 TVSS8 TRING8 TVDD8 RTIP7 TVSS7 TRING7 TVDD7 RLOS6/ RLOS5/ scan_di scan_do RNEG8/ RPOS8/ RCLK8 CV8 RDATA8 RNEG7/ RPOS7/ RCLK7 CV7 RDATA7 RLOS8/ RLOS7/ MODESEL MCLK scan_en scan_clk F JTCLK JTDO G VDDIO CLKA JTRSTB GNDIO1 H AVDD J TS0 TS1 K SDO INTB RXPROBE RXPROBE L TCLK3 TPOS3/ TPOS2/ TNEG3 TVDD3 TTIP3 TVSS3 RRING3 RRING2 TVSS2 TTIP2 TVDD2 TNEG2 TCLK2 TDATA3 TDATA2 M RCLK3 RPOS3/ RNEG3/ TVDD3 TRING3 TVSS3 RTIP3 RDATA3 CV3 N TCLK4 TPOS4/ TPOS1/ TNEG4 TVDD4 TTIP4 TVSS4 RRING4 RRING1 TVSS1 TTIP1 TVDD1 TNEG1 TCLK1 TDATA4 TDATA1 P RCLK4 RPOS4/ RNEG4/ TVDD4 TRING4 TVSS4 RTIP4 RDATA4 CV4 JTDI JTMS scan_ MOTEL/ AVSS mode CODE TS2 A4 DS26303 HARDWARE MODE (BOTTOM VIEW) CSB/ JAS RLOS3/ RLOS4/ B1 GMC3 GMC2 GMC1 GNDIO0 GMC0 LP1 VDDIO0 DVSS LP2 LP3 DVDD LP4 LP5 LP6 LP7 RLOS2/ RLOS1/ MUX/ RXPROBE TECLK TIMPRM A1 C1 19 of 97 RTIP2 TVSS2 TRING2 TVDD2 RTIP1 TVSS1 TRING1 TVDD1 LP8 RNEG2/ RPOS2/ RCLK2 CV2 RDATA2 RNEG1/ RPOS1/ RCLK1 CV1 RDATA1 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 4-2. 144-Pin eLQFP Pin Assignment NAME PIN NAME PIN NAME PIN NAME PIN TPOS8/TDATA8 TCLK8 RLOS7 RNEG7/CV7 RPOS7/RDATA7 RCLK7 TNEG7 TPOS7/TDATA7 TCLK7 MCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TPOS1/TDATA1 TNEG1 RCLK1 RPOS1/RDATA1 RNEG1/CV1 RLOS1/TECLK MUX/TIMPRM TVDD1 TTIP1 TRING1 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 TNEG5 RCLK5 RPOS5/RDATA5 RNEG5/CV5 RLOS5 OE CLKE TVDD5 TTIP5 TRING5 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 MODESEL 11 TVSS1 47 83 TVSS5 119 A4/RIMPMSB A3/GMC3 A2/GMC2 A1/GMC1 A0/GMC0 VDDIO VSSIO DVDD DVSS D0/AD0/LP1 D1/AD1/LP2 D2/AD2/LP3 D3/AD3/LP4 D4/AD4/LP5 D5/AD5/LP6 D6/AD6/LP7 D7/AD7/BSWP/LP8 TCLK2 TPOS2/TDATA2 TNEG2 RCLK2 RPOS2/RDATA2 RNEG2/CV2 RLOS2/RXPROBEA1 TCLK1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RTIP1 RRING1 TVSS2 TRING2 TTIP2 TVDD2 RRING2 RTIP2 TVDD3 TTIP3 TRING3 TVSS3 RTIP3 RRING3 TVSS4 TRING4 TTIP4 TVDD4 RRING4 RTIP4 RLOS4/RXPROBEC1 RNEG4/CV4 RPOS4/RDATA4 RCLK4 TNEG4 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 TPOS4/TDATA4 TCLK4 RLOS3/RXPROBEB1 RNEG3/CV3 RPOS3/RDATA3 RCLK3 TNEG3 TPOS3/TDATA3 TCLK3 INTB SD0/RDY/ACKB/ RIMOFF SDI/WRB/DSB/TS0 RDB/RWB/TS1 SCLK/ALE/ASB/TS2 CSB/JAS MOTEL/CODE AVSS AVDD VSSIO VDDIO CLKA scan_mode JTRSTB JTMS JTCLK JTDO JTDI TCLK6 TPOS6/TDATA6 TNEG6 RCLK6 RPOS6/RDATA6 RNEG6/CV6 RLOS6 TCLK5 TPOS5/TDATA5 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 RTIP5 RRING5 TVSS6 TRING6 TTIP6 TVDD6 RRING6 RTIP6 TVDD7 TTIP7 TRING7 TVSS7 RTIP7 RRING7 TVSS8 TRING8 TTIP8 TVDD8 RRING8 RTIP8 RLOS8 RNEG8/CV8 RPOS8/RDATA8 RCLK8 TNEG8 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 20 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 4.1 Hardware and Host Port Operation 4.1.1 Hardware Mode The DS26303 supports a hardware configuration mode that allows the user to configure the device through setting levels on the device's pins. This mode allows the configuration of the DS26303 without the use of a microprocessor. Not all of the device features are supported in the hardware mode. To see all available options for this hardware mode, see the pin descriptions in Table 4-1. The following table provides two basic examples of configurations available in hardware mode by setting pins. Table 4-2. Hardware Mode Configuration Examples PIN NAME, HARDWARE MODE TTIP[8:1] TRING[8:1] RTIP[8:1] RRING[8:1] TPOS[8:1] TNEG[8:1] TCLK[8:1] RPOS[8:1] RNEG[8:1] RCLK[8:1] MCLK RLOS[8:1] MODESEL T1 Output Output Input Input Input Input Input: 1.544MHz Output Output Output: 1.544MHz Input: 1.544MHz Output 0 TIMPRM 0 CODE JAS TS[2:0] 1 N.C.: Pulled to VDDIO/2 111 E1 Output Output Input Input Input Input Input: 2.048MHz Output Output Output: 2.048MHz Input: 2.048MHz Output 0 0 (Part number ends in -75) 1 N.C.: Pulled to VDDIO/2 000 RIMPOFF 0 0 INTB LP[8:1] RIMPMS GMC[3:0] OE N.C. N.C.: Pulled to VDDIO/2 0 0000 1 N.C. N.C.: Pulled to VDDIO/2 0 0000 1 CLKE 0 0 JTRSTB JTMS JTCLK JTDO JTDI RSTB CLKA Input, Pulled Up Input Input Output, High-Z Input, Pulled Up Input, Pullup N.C. Input, Pulled Up Input Input Output, High-Z Input, Pulled Up Input, Pullup N.C. scan_mode 0 0 STANDARD MODE CONFIGURATION 21 of 97 NOTES -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Used as recovery clock. Meets T1.231 and ITU G.775. Low for hardware mode. 100W for T1 mode/75W E1 mode. AMI endocoding/decoding. Jitter attenuator is not used. Set template T1 (655ft)-100W/E1-75W. Receive impedance should default to on. Not used in hardware mode. Internally pulled to VDDIO/2. Internal impedance mode selected. No monitoring enabled. TTIP and TRING are outputs. RPOSn/RNEGn are clocked on rising edge. JTAG. Reset. Not available in hardware node. Pull low or ground. Used only in factory test. DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 4.1.2 Serial Port Operation Setting MODESEL = VDDIO/2 enables the serial bus interface on the DS26303. Port read/write timing is unrelated to the system transmit and receive timing, allowing asynchronous reads or writes by the host. See Section 10.3 for the AC timing of the serial port. All serial port accesses are LSB first when BSWP pin is low and MSB first when BSWP is high. Figure 4-3 to Figure 4-5 show operation with LSB first. This port is compatible with the SPI interface defined for Motorola processors. An example of this is Motorola's MMC2107. Reading or writing to the internal registers requires writing one address/command byte prior to transferring register data. The first bit written (LSB) of the address/command byte specifies whether the access is a read (1) or a write (0). The next 5 bits identify the register address (A1 to A5; A6 and A7 are ignored). All data transfers are initiated by driving the CSB input low. When CLKE is low, SDO data is output on the rising edge of SCLK and when CLKE is high, data is output on the falling edge of SCLK. Data is held until the next falling or rising edge. All data transfers are terminated if CSB input transitions high. Port control logic is disabled and SDO is tri-stated when CSB is high. SDI is always sampled on the rising edge of SCLK. Figure 4-3. Serial Port Operation for Write Access SCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 D4 D5 D6 16 CSB SDI 0 (lsb) X DO (msb) (lsb) D1 D2 D3 D7 (msb) WRITE ACCESS ENABLED SDO Figure 4-4. Serial Port Operation for Read Access with CLKE = 0 1 SCLK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CSB SDI A1 0 (lsb) A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 X (msb) SDO D0 Read Access Enabled (lsb) 22 of 97 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 (msb) DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 4-5. Serial Port Operation for Read Access with CLKE = 1 SCLK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 CSB SDI 0 SDO A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 X (msb) (lsb) D0 D1 D2 (lsb) 4.1.3 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 (msb) Parallel Port Operation When using the parallel interface on the DS26303 the user has the option for either multiplexed bus operation or nonmultiplexed bus operation. The ALE pin is pulled high in nonmultiplexed bus operation. The DS26303 can operate with either Intel or Motorola bus-timing configurations selected by MOTEL pin. This pin being high selects the Intel mode. The parallel port is only operational if MODESEL pin is pulled high. The following table lists all the pins and their functions in the parallel port mode. See the timing diagrams in Section 10 for more details. Table 4-3. Parallel Port Mode Selection and Pin Functions MODESEL, MOTEL, MUX 100 110 101 111 4.1.4 PARALLEL HOST INTERFACE Nonmultiplexed Motorola Nonmultiplexed Intel Multiplexed Motorola Multiplexed Intel ADDRESS, DATA, AND CONTROL CSB, ACKB, DSB, RWB, ASB, A [4:0], D [7:0], INTB CSB, RDY, WRB, RDB, ALE, A [4:0], D [7:0], INTB CSB, ACKB, DSB, RWB, ASB, AD [7:0], INTB CSB, RDY, WRB, RDB, ALE, AD [7:0], INTB Interrupt Handling There are four sets of events that can potentially trigger an interrupt. The interrupt functions as follows: * * * When status changes on an interruptible event, the INTB pin will go low if the event is enabled through the corresponding interrupt-enable register. INTB must be pulled high externally with a 10kW resistor for wired-OR operation. If a wired-OR operation is not required, the INTB pin can be configured to be high when not active by setting register GISC.INTM. When an interrupt occurs, the host processor must read the interrupt status register to determine the source of the interrupt. The read also clears the Interrupt Status register and clears the output INTB pin. The interrupt status register can also be configured as clear-on-write as per register GISC.CWE. This clears INTB when a clear-on-write is performed. Subsequently, the host processor can read the corresponding status register to check the real-time status of the event. 23 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 4-6. Interrupt Handling Flow Diagram Interrupt Allowed No Interrupt Conditon Exist? Yes Read Interrupt Status Register Read Corresponding Status Register (Optional) Service the Interrupt 24 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 5 REGISTERS Five address bits are used to control the settings of the registers. In the parallel nonmultiplexed mode, AD[4:0] is used. In multiplexed mode, AD[4:0] is used and AD[5:1] is used in serial mode.The register space contains control for channels 1 to 8 from address 00 hex to 1F hex. The ADDP (1F) register is used as a pointer to access the different banks of registers. This register must be set to AA hex for access of the secondary bank of registers, 01 hex for access to the individual LIU bank of registers, and 02 hex for access of the BERT bank of registers. The primary bank of registers is accessed upon reset of this register to 00 hex. Table 5-1. Primary Register Set NAME Identification Analog Loopback Configuration Remote Loopback Configuration Transmit All-Ones Enable LOS Status Driver Fault Monitor Status LOS Interrupt Enable Driver Fault Monitor Interrupt Enable LOS Interrupt Status Driver Fault Monitor Interrupt Status Software Reset G.772 Monitor Configuration Digital Loopback Configuration LOS/AIS Criteria Selection Automatic Transmit All-Ones Select Global Configuration Template Select Transceiver Register Template Select Output-Enable Bar Alarm Indication Signal AIS Interrupt Enable AIS Interrupt Status Reserved Address Pointer for Secondary Register Set SYMBOL HEX ID ALBC RLBC TAOE LOSS DFMS LOSIE DFMIE LOSIS DFMIS SWR GMC DLBC LASCS ATAOS GC TST TS OEB AIS AISIE AISIS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 -- 16-1E ADDP 1F 25 of 97 ADDRESS PARALLEL SERIAL INTERFACE INTERFACE A7-A0 (HEX) A7-A1 (HEX) xxx00000 xx00000 xxx00001 xx00001 xxx00010 xx00010 xxx00011 xx00011 xxx00100 xx00100 xxx00101 xx00101 xxx00110 xx00110 xxx00111 xx00111 xxx01000 xx01000 xxx01001 xx01001 xxx01010 xx01010 xxx01011 xx01011 xxx01100 xx01100 xxx01101 xx01101 xxx01110 xx01110 xxx01111 xx01111 xxx10000 xx10000 xxx10001 xx10001 xxx10010 xx10010 xxx10011 xx10011 xxx10100 xx10100 xxx10101 xx10101 xxx10110- xx10110- xxx11110 xx11110 xxx11111 xx11111 RW R RW RW RW R R RW RW R R W RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R RW R -- RW DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 5-2. Secondary Register Set NAME Single Rail-Mode Select Line Code Selection Not Used Receive Power-Down Enable Transmit Power-Down Enable Excessive Zero Detect Enable Code Violation Detect Enable Bar Not Used Address Pointer for Secondary Register Set SYMBOL HEX SRMS LCS -- RPDE TPDE EZDE CVDEB 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 -- 07-1E ADDP 1F ADDRESS PARALLEL SERIAL INTERFACE INTERFACE A7-A0 (HEX) A7-A1 (HEX) xxx00000 xx00000 xxx00001 xx00001 xxx00010 xx00010 xxx00011 xx00011 xxx00100 xx00100 xxx00101 xx00101 xxx00110 xx00110 xxx00111- xx00111- xxx11110 xx11110 xxx11111 xx11111 RW RW RW -- RW RW RW RW -- RW Table 5-3. Individual LIU Register Set NAME Individual JA Enable Individual JA Position Select Individual JA FIFO Depth Select Individual JA FIFO Limit Trip Individual Short Circuit Protection Disable Individual AIS Select Master Clock Select Global Management Register SYMBOL HEX IJAE IJAPS IJAFDS IJAFLT ISCPD IAISEL MC GMR 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Reserved Reserved 08-0B Reserved Reserved 0C-0F BTCR LVDS RCLKI TCLKI CCR RDULR GISC ADDP 10 12 13 14 15 16 1E 1F Bit Error Rate Tester Control Register Line Violation Detect Status Receive Clock Invert Transmit Clock Invert Clock Control Register RCLK Disable Upon LOS Register Global Interrupt Status Control Address Pointer for Secondary Register Set 26 of 97 ADDRESS PARALLEL SERIAL INTERFACE INTERFACE A7-A0 (HEX) A7-A1 (HEX) xxx00000 xx00000 xxx00001 xx00001 xxx00010 xx00010 xxx00011 xx00011 xxx00100 xx00100 xxx00101 xx00101 xxx00110 xx00110 xxx00111 xx00111 xxx01000- xx01000- xxx01011 xx01011 xxx01100- xx01100- xxx01111 xx01111 xxx10000 xx10000 xxx10010 xx10010 xxx10011 xx10011 xxx10100 xx10100 xxx10101 xx10101 xxx10110 xx10110 xxx11110 xx11110 xxx11111 xx11111 RW RW RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW R RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 5-4. BERT Register Set NAME BERT Control Register Reserved BERT Pattern Configuration 1 BERT Pattern Configuration 2 BERT Seed/Pattern 1 BERT Seed/Pattern 2 BERT Seed/Pattern 3 BERT Seed/Pattern 4 Transmit Error Insertion Control Reserved BERT Status Register Reserved BERT Status Register Latched BERT Status Register Interrupt Enable Reserved Receive Bit Error Count Register 1 Receive Bit Error Count Register 2 Receive Bit Error Count Register 3 Receive Bit Error Count Register 4 Receive Bit Count Register 1 Receive Bit Count Register 2 Receive Bit Count Register 3 Receive Bit Count Register 4 Reserved Address Pointer for Secondary Register Set SYMBOL HEX BCR -- BPCR1 BPCR2 BSPR1 BSPR2 BSPR3 BSPR4 TEICR 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 -- 09-0A BSR BSRL BSRIE 0C 0D 0E 10 -- 11-13 RBECR1 RBECR2 RBECR3 RBECR4 RBCR1 RBCR2 RBCR3 RBCR4 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B -- 1C-1E ADDP 1F 27 of 97 ADDRESS PARALLEL SERIAL INTERFACE INTERFACE A7-A0 (HEX) A7-A1 (HEX) xxx00000 xx00000 xxx00001 xx00001 xxx00010 xx00010 xxx00011 xx00011 xxx00100 xx00100 xxx00101 xx00101 xxx00110 xx00110 xxx00111 xx00111 xxx01000 xx01000 xxx01001- -- xx01010 xxx01100 xx01100 xxx01101 xx01101 xxx10011 xx10011 xxx10000 xx10000 xxx10001- xx10001- xxx10011 xx10011 xxx10100 xx10100 xxx10101 xx10101 xxx10110 xx10110 xxx10111 xx10111 xxx11000 xx11000 xxx11001 xx11001 xxx11010 xx11010 xxx11011 xx11011 xxx11100- xx11100- xxx11110 xx11110 xxx11111 xx11111 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW -- R RW RW -- R R R R R R R R -- RW DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 5-5. Primary Register Set Bit Map REGISTER ID ALBC RLBC TAOE LOSS DFMS LOSIE DFMIE LOSIS DFMIS SWR GMC DLBC LASCS ATAOS GC TST TS OEB AIS AISIE AISI Not Used ADDP ADDRESS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16-1E 1F TYPE R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R R W RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R RW R -- RW BIT 7 ID7 ALC8 RLBC8 TAOE8 LOSS8 DFMS8 LOSIE8 DFMIE8 LOSIS8 DFMIS8 SWR8 -- DLBC8 LASCS8 ATAOS8 RIMPMS -- RIMPOFF OEB8 AIS8 AISIE8 AISI8 -- ADDP7 BIT 6 ID6 ALBC7 RLBC7 TAOE7 LOSS7 DFMS7 LOSIE7 DFMIE7 LOSIS7 DFMIS7 SWR7 -- DLBC7 LASCS7 ATAOS7 AISEL -- TIMPOFF OEB7 AIS7 AISIE7 AISI7 -- ADDP6 BIT 5 ID5 ALBC6 RLBC6 TAOE6 LOSS6 DFMS6 LOSIE6 DFMIE6 LOSIS6 DFMIS6 SWR6 -- DLBC6 LASCS6 ATAOS6 SCPD -- T1MODE OEB6 AIS6 AISIE6 AISI6 -- ADDP5 BIT 4 ID4 ALBC5 RLBC5 TAOE5 LOSS5 DFMS5 LOSIE5 DFMIE5 LOSIS5 DFMIS5 SWR5 -- DLBC5 LASCS5 ATAOS5 CODE -- TIMPRM1 OEB5 AIS5 AISIE5 AISI5 -- ADDP4 BIT 3 ID3 ALBC4 RLBC4 TAOE4 LOSS4 DFMS4 LOSIE4 DFMIE4 LOSIS4 DFMIS4 SWR4 GMC4 DLBC4 LASCS4 ATAOS4 JADS -- TIMPRM OEB4 AIS4 AISIE4 AISI4 -- ADDP3 BIT 2 ID2 ALBC3 RLBC3 TAOE3 LOSS3 DFMS3 LOSIE3 DFMIE3 LOSIS3 DFMIS3 SWR3 GMC3 DLBC3 LASCS3 ATAOS3 -- TST2 TS2 OEB3 AIS3 AISIE3 AISI3 -- ADDP2 BIT 1 ID1 ALBC2 RLBC2 TAOE2 LOSS2 DFMS2 LOSIE2 DFMIE2 LOSIS2 DFMIS2 SWR2 GMC2 DLBC2 LASCS2 ATAOS2 JAPS TST1 TS1 OEB2 AIS2 AISIE2 AISI2 -- ADDP1 BIT 0 ID0 ALBC1 RLBC1 TAOE1 LOSS1 DFMS1 LOSIE1 DFMIE1 LOSIS1 DFMIS1 SWR1 GMC1 DLBC1 LASCS1 ATAOS1 JAE TST0 TS0 OEB1 AIS1 AISIE1 AISI1 -- ADDP0 BIT 5 SRMS6 LCS6 -- RPDE6 TPDE6 EZDE6 CVDEB6 -- ADDP5 BIT 4 SRMS5 LCS5 -- RPDE5 TPDE5 EZDE5 CVDEB5 -- ADDP4 BIT 3 SRMS4 LSC4 -- RPDE4 TPDE4 EZDE4 CVDEB4 -- ADDP3 BIT 2 SRMS3 LCS3 -- RPDE3 TPDE3 EZDE3 CVDEB3 -- ADDP2 BIT 1 SRMS2 LSC2 -- RPDE2 TPDE2 EZDE2 CVDEB2 -- ADDP1 BIT 0 SRMS1 LSC1 -- RPDE1 TPDE1 EZDE1 CVDEB1 -- ADDP0 BIT 4 IJAE5 IJAPS5 IJAFDS5 IJAFLT5 ISCPD5 IAISEL5 CLKAE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BEIR5 LVDS5 RCLKI5 TCLKI5 TECLKS RDULR5 -- ADDP4 BIT 3 IJAE4 IJAPS4 IJAFDS4 IJAFLT4 ISCPD4 IAISEL4 MPS1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BEIR4 LVDS4 RCLKI4 TCLKI4 CLKA3 RDULR4 -- ADDP3 BIT 2 IJAE3 IJAPS3 IJAFDS3 IJAFLT3 ISCPD3 IAISEL3 MPS0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BEIR3 LVDS3 RCLKI3 TCLKI3 CLKA2 RDULR3 -- ADDP2 Table 5-6. Secondary Register Set Bit Map REGISTER SRS LCS Not Used RPDE TPDE EZDE CVDEB Not Used ADDP ADDRESS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07-1E 1F TYPE RW RW RW RW RW RW RW -- RW BIT 7 SRMS8 LCS8 -- RPDE8 TPDE8 EZDE8 CVDEB8 -- ADDP7 BIT 6 SRMS7 LCS7 -- RPDE7 TDPE7 EZDE7 CVDEB7 -- ADDP6 Table 5-7. Individual LIU Register Set Bit Map REGISTER IJAE IJAPS IJAFDS IJAFLT ISCPD IAISEL MC GMR Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved BTCR BEIR LVDS RCLKI TCLKI CCR RDULR GISC ADDP ADDRESS 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1E 1F TYPE RW RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW R R R R RW RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW BIT 7 IJAE8 IJAPS8 IJAFDS8 IJAFLT8 ISCPD8 IAISEL8 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BTS2 BEIR8 LVDS8 RCLKI8 TCLKI8 PCLKS2 RDULR8 -- ADDP7 BIT 6 IJAE7 IJAPS7 IJAFDS7 IJAFLT7 ISCPD7 IAISEL7 PCLKI -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BTS1 BEIR7 LVDS7 RCLKI7 TCLKI7 PCLKS1 RDULR7 -- ADDP6 BIT 5 IJAE6 IJAPS6 IJAFDS6 IJAFLT6 ISCPD6 IAISEL6 TECLKE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BTS0 BEIR6 LVDS6 RCLKI6 TCLKI6 PCLKS0 RDULR6 -- ADDP5 28 of 97 BIT 1 IJAE2 IJAPS2 IJAFDS2 IJAFLT2 ISCPD2 IAISEL2 FREQS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BEIR2 LVDS2 RCLKI2 TCLKI2 CLKA1 RDULR2 INTM ADDP1 BIT 0 IJAE1 IJAPS1 IJAFDS1 IJAFLT1 ISCPD1 IAISEL1 PLLE RHPMC -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- BERTE BEIR1 LVDS1 RCLKI1 TCLKI1 CLKA0 RDULR1 CWE ADDP0 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 5-8. BERT Register Bit Map REGISTER ADDRESS TYPE BIT 7 BIT 6 BIT 5 BIT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT 1 BIT 0 BCR 00 RW PMUM LPMU RNPL RPIC MPR APRD TNPL TPIC Not Used BPCR1 BPCR2 01 02 03 -- RW -- -- -- -- -- QRSS -- -- PTS -- -- PLF4 PTF4 -- PLF3 PTF3 -- PLF2 PTF2 -- PLF1 PTF1 -- PLF0 PTF0 BSPR1 BSPR2 04 05 RW -- BSP7 BSP15 BSP6 BSP14 BSP5 BSP13 BSP4 BSP12 BSP3 BSP11 BSP2 BSP10 BSP1 BSP9 BSP0 BSP8 BSPR3 BSPR4 TEICR 06 07 08 RW -- RW BSP23 BSP31 -- BSP22 BSP30 -- BSP21 BSP29 TEIR2 BSP20 BSP28 TEIR1 BSP19 BSP27 TEIR0 BSP18 BSP26 BEI BSP17 BSP25 TSEI BSP16 BSP24 MEIMS Not Used BSR 09-0B 0C -- R/W -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PMS -- -- -- BEC -- OOS Not Used BSRL Not Used 0D 0E 0F -- RL/W -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PMSL -- -- BEL -- -- BECL -- -- OOSL -- BSRIE Not Used RBECR1 10 11-13 14 RW -- R -- -- BEC7 -- -- BEC6 -- -- BEC5 -- -- BEC4 PMSIE -- BEC3 BEIE -- BEC2 BECIE -- BEC1 OOSIE -- BEC0 RBECR2 RBECR3 15 16 R R BEC15 BEC23 BEC14 BEC22 BEC13 BEC21 BEC12 BEC20 BEC11 BEC19 BEC10 BEC18 BEC9 BEC17 BEC8 BEC16 Not Used RBCR1 RBCR2 17 18 19 -- R R -- BC7 BC15 -- BC6 BC14 -- BC5 BC13 -- BC4 BC12 -- BC3 BC11 -- BC2 BC10 -- BC1 BC9 -- BC0 BC8 RBCR3 RBCR4 1A 1B R R BC23 BC31 BC22 BC30 BC21 BC29 BC20 BC28 BC19 BC27 BC18 BC26 BC17 BC25 BC16 BC24 Not Used ADDP 1C-1E 1F -- RW -- ADDP7 -- ADDP6 -- ADDP5 -- ADDP4 -- ADDP3 -- ADDP2 -- ADDP1 -- ADDP0 Note: Underlined bits are read-only. 29 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 5.1 Register Description This section details the register description of each bit. Whenever the variable `n' in italics is used in any of the register descriptions, it represents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. 5.1.1 Primary Registers ID ID Register 00h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name 7 ID7 6 ID6 5 ID5 4 ID4 3 ID3 2 ID2 1 ID1 0 ID0 Bit 7: Device CODE ID Bit 7 (ID7). This bit is zero for the 75W impedance part number and one for the 120W impedance part number. Bits 6 to 3: Device CODE ID Bits 6 to 3 (ID6 to ID3). These bits tell the user the number of ports the device contains. Bits 2 to 0: Device CODE ID Bits 2 to 0 (ID2 to ID0). These bits tell the user the revision of the part. Contact the factory for details. ALBC Analog Loopback Control 01h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 ALBC8 0 6 ALBC7 0 5 ALBC6 0 4 ALBC5 0 3 ALBC4 0 2 ALBC3 0 1 ALBC2 0 0 ALBC1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Analog Loopback Control Bits Channel n (ALBCn). When this bit is set, LIUn is placed in analog loopback. TTIP and TRING are looped back to RTIP and RRING. The data at RTIP and RRING is ignored. LOS detector is still in operation. The jitter attenuator is in use if enabled for the transmitter or receiver. RLBC Remote Loopback Control 02h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 RLBC8 0 6 RLBC7 0 5 RLBC6 0 4 RLBC5 0 3 RLBC4 0 2 RLBC3 0 1 RLBC2 0 0 RLBC1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Remote Loopback Control Bits Channel n (RLBCn). When this bit is set, remote loopback is enabled on LIUn. The analog-received signal goes through the receive digital and is looped back to the transmitter. The data at TPOS and TNEG is ignored. The jitter attenuator is in use if enabled. 30 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit TAOE Transmit All-Ones Enable 03h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 TAOE8 0 6 TAOE7 0 5 TAOE6 0 4 TAOE5 0 3 TAOE4 0 2 TAOE3 0 1 TAOE2 0 0 TAOE1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Transmit All-Ones Enable Channel n (TAOEn). When this bit is set, a continuous stream of all ones on TTIP and TRING are sent on channel n. MCLK is used as a reference clock for the transmit all-ones signal. The data arriving at TPOS and TNEG is ignored. LOSS Loss-of-Signal Status 04h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 LOS8 0 6 LOS7 0 5 LOS6 0 4 LOS5 0 3 LOS4 0 2 LOS3 0 1 LOS2 0 0 LOS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Loss-of-Signal Status Channel n (LOSn). When this bit is set, an LOS condition has been detected on LIUn. The criteria and conditions of LOS are described in Section 6.4.3: Loss of Signal. DFMS Driver Fault Monitor Status 05h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 DFMS8 0 6 DFMS7 0 5 DFMS6 0 4 DFMS5 0 3 DFMS4 0 2 DFMS3 0 1 DFMS2 0 0 DFMS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Driver Fault Monitor Status Channel n (DFMSn). When this bit is set, it indicates that there is a short circuit at the transmit driver for LIUn. LOSIE Loss-of-Signal Interrupt Enable 06h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 LOSIE8 0 6 LOSIE7 0 5 LOSIE6 0 4 LOSIE5 0 3 LOSIE4 0 2 LOSIE3 0 1 LOSIE2 0 0 LOSIE1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Loss-of-Signal Interrupt Enable Channel n (LOSIEn). When this bit is set, a change in the LOS status for LIUn can generate an interrupt. 31 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit DFMIE Driver Fault Monitor Interrupt Enable 07h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 DFMIE8 0 6 DFMIE7 0 5 DFMIE6 0 4 DFMIE5 0 3 DFMIE4 0 2 DFMIE3 0 1 DFMIE2 0 0 DFMIE1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Driver Fault Monitor Interrupt Enable Channel n (DFMIEn). When this bit is set, a change in DFM status can generate an interrupt in monitor n. LOSIS Loss-of-Signal Interrupt Status 08h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 LOSIS8 0 6 LOSIS7 0 5 LOSIS6 0 4 LOSIS5 0 3 LOSIS4 0 2 LOSIS3 0 1 LOSIS2 0 0 LOSIS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Loss-of-Signal Interrupt Status Channel n (LOSISn). When this bit is set, it indicates an LOS status has transitioned from a 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 and was detected for LIUn. The bit for LIUn is enabled by register LOSIE(06h). This bit when latched is cleared on a read operation. DFMIS Driver Fault Monitor Interrupt Status 09h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 DFMIS8 0 6 DFMIS7 0 5 DFMIS6 0 4 DFMIS5 0 3 DFMIS4 0 2 DFMIS3 0 1 DFMIS2 0 0 DFMIS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Driver Fault Status Register Channel n (DFMISn). When this bit is set, it indicates a DFM status has transitioned from "0 to 1" or "1 to 0" and was detected for LIUn. The bit for LIUn is enabled by register DFMIE(07h). This bit when latched is cleared on a read operation. SWR Software Reset 0Ah Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 SWR8 0 6 SWR7 0 5 SWR6 0 4 SWR5 0 3 SWR4 0 2 SWR3 0 1 SWR2 0 0 SWR1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Software Reset (SWR). Whenever any write is performed to this register, at least a 1ms reset will be generated that resets the DS26303. All the registers will be restored to their default values. A read operation will always read back all zeros. 32 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit GMC G.772 Monitoring Control 0Bh Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 -- 0 5 -- 0 4 -- 0 3 GMC3 0 2 GMC2 0 1 GMC1 0 0 GMC0 0 Bits 3 to 0: G.772 Monitoring Control (GMC). These bits are used to select transmitter or receiver for nonintrusive monitoring. Receiver 1 is used to monitor channels 2 to 8 of one receiver from RTIP2- RTIP8/RRING2-RRING8 or of one transmitter from TTIP2-TTIP8/TRING2-TRING8. See Table 5-9. Table 5-9. G.772 Monitoring Control GMC3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GMC2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 GMC1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 7 DLBC8 0 SELECTION No Monitoring Receiver 2 Receiver 3 Receiver 4 Receiver 5 Receiver 6 Receiver 7 Receiver 8 No Monitoring Transmitter 2 Transmitter 3 Transmitter 4 Transmitter 5 Transmitter 6 Transmitter 7 Transmitter 8 DLBC Digital Loopback Control 0Ch Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default GMC0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 6 DLBC7 0 5 DLBC6 0 4 DLBC5 0 3 DLBC4 0 2 DLBC3 0 1 DLBC2 0 0 DLBC1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Digital Loopback Control Channel n (DLBCn). When this bit is set, the LIUn is placed in digital loopback. The data at TPOS/TNEG is encoded and looped back to the decoder and output on RPOS/RNEG. The jitter attenuator can optionally be included in the transmit or receive paths. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 LASCS8 0 LASCS LOS/AIS Criteria Selection 0Dh 6 LASCS7 0 5 LASCS6 0 4 LASCS5 0 3 LASCS4 0 2 LASCS3 0 1 LASCS2 0 0 LASCS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: LOS/AIS Criteria Selection Channel n (LASCSn). This bit is used for LOS/AIS selection criteria for LIUn. In E1 mode if set, these bits use ETSI (300233) mode selections. If reset, these bits use G.775 criteria. In T1/J1 mode, T1.231 criteria is selected. 33 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit ATAOS Automatic Transmit All-Ones Select 0Eh Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 ATAOS8 0 6 ATAOS7 0 5 ATAOS6 0 4 ATAOS5 0 3 ATAOS4 0 2 ATAOS3 0 1 ATAOS2 0 0 ATAOS1 0 Bit 7 to 0: Automatic Transmit All-Ones Select Channel n (ATAOSn). When this bit is set an all-ones signal is sent if a loss of signal is detected for LIUn. All-ones signal uses MCLK as the reference clock. GC Global Configuration 0Fh Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 RIMPMS 0 6 AISEL 0 5 SCPD 0 4 CODE 0 3 JADS 0 2 -- 0 1 JAPS 0 0 JAE 0 Bit 7: Receive Impedance Mode Select (RIMPMS). When this bit is set, the internal impedance mode is selected, so RTIP and RING require no external resistance component. When this mode is selected, the die attach pad on the bottom of the package should be connected to ground for thermal dissipation. When reset, external impedance mode is selected so RTIP and RING require external resistance. Note that when in external impedance mode, the resistance is still adjusted internally for the T1 (100W), J1 (110W), and E1(75W) modes of operation by the template selected so that only one resistor value is required externally. In E1 (120W), external impedance mode has no need for any internal adjustment. Bit 6: AIS Enable During Loss (AISEL). When this bit is set, an AIS is sent to the system side upon detecting an LOS for each channel. The individual LIU register IAISEL settings are ignored when this bit is set. When reset, the IAISEL register has control. Bit 5: Short-Circuit-Protection Disable (SCPD). If this bit is set, the short-circuit protection is disabled for all the transmitters. The individual LIU register ISCPD settings are ignored when this bit is set. When reset, the ISCPD register has control. Bit 4: Code (CODE). If this bit is set, AMI encoder/decoder is selected. The LCS register settings are ignored when this bit is set. If reset, the LCS register has control. Bit 3: Jitter Attenuator Depth Select (JADS). If this bit is set the jitter attenuator FIFO depth is 128 bits. The settings in the IJAFDS register are ignored if this register is set. If reset, the IJAFDS register has control. Bit 1: Jitter Attenuator Position Select (JAPS). When the JAPS bit is set high, the JA is in the receive path, and when it is default or set low, it is in the transmit path. These settings can be changed for an individual LIU by settings in register IJAPS. Note that when bit JAE is set, the settings in register IJAPS are ignored. Bit 0: Jitter Attenuator Enable (JAE). When this bit is set the JA is enabled. The settings in the IJAE register are ignored if this register is set. If reset, the IJAE register has control. 34 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit TST Template Select Transmitter Register 10h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 5 -- -- 0 4 3 -- -- 0 0 0 2 TST2 0 1 TST1 0 0 TST0 0 Bits 2 to 0: TST Template Select Transceiver [2:0] (TST [2:0]). TST[2:0] is used to select the transceiver that the transmit template select register (hex 11) applies to. See Table 5-10. Table 5-10. TST Template Select Transmitter Register TST[2:0] 000 001 010 011 CHANNEL 1 2 3 4 CHANNEL 5 6 7 8 TS Template Select Register 11h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default TST[2:0] 100 101 110 111 7 RIMPOFF 0 6 TIMPOFF 0 5 -- -- 4 -- -- 3 TIMPRM 0 2 TS2 0 1 TS1 0 0 TS0 0 Bit 7: Receive Impedance Match Off (RIMPOFF). If this bit is set, all the receive impedance match is turned off. Bit 6: Transmit Impedance Termination Off (TIMPOFF). If this bit is set, all the internal transmit terminating impedance is turned off. Bits 5 and 4: Reserved Bit 3: Transmit Impedance Receive Match (TIMPRM). This bit selects the internal transmit termination impedance and receive impedance match for E1 mode and T1/J1 mode. Note: If the part number ends with -120, then the default is 120W and 75W when set for El mode only. DEVICE DS26303L-120 DS26303L-120 DS26303L-75 DS26303L-75 BIT SETTING 0 1 0 1 E1 MODE (W) 120 75 75 120 T1 MODE (W) 100 110 100 110 Bits 2 to 0: Template Selection [2:0] (TS[2:0]). Bits TS[2:0] are used to select E1 or T1/J1 mode, the template, and the settings for various cable lengths. The impedance termination for the transmitter and impedance match for the receiver are specified by bit TIMPRM. See Table 5-11 for bit selection of TS[2:0]. 35 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 5-11. Template Selection TS[2:0] 011 100 101 110 111 000 001 and 010 1 CABLE LOSS (dB) 0-133ft. ABAM 0.6 133-266ft. ABAM 1.2 266-399ft. ABAM 1.8 399-533ft. ABAM 2.4 533-655ft. ABAM 3.0 G.703 coaxial and twisted pair cable Reserved -- LINE LENGTH IMPEDANCE (W) 1 100/110 100/110 100/110 100/110 100/110 75/120 -- OPERATION MODE T1/J1 T1 T1 T1 T1 E1 -- See TIMPRM bit in SWM or TIMPRM pin in HWM for transmit impedance and receive match selection. OEB Output-Enable Bar 12h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 OEB8 0 6 OEB7 0 5 OEB6 0 4 OEB5 0 3 OEB4 0 2 OEB3 0 1 OEB2 0 0 OEB1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Output-Enable Bar Channel n (OEBn). When this bit is set the transmitter output for LIUn is placed in high impedance. Note that the OE pin overrides this setting when low. AIS Alarm Indication Signal Status 13h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 AIS8 0 6 AIS7 0 5 AIS6 0 4 AIS5 0 3 AIS4 0 2 AIS3 0 1 AIS2 0 0 AIS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Alarm Indication Signal Channel n (AISn). This bit is set when AIS is detected for LIUn. The criteria for AIS selection is detailed in Section 6.4.4: AIS. The selection of the AIS criteria is done by settings in LASCS (0D) register. 36 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit AISIE AIS Interrupt Enable 14h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 AISIE8 0 6 AISIE7 0 5 AISIE6 0 4 AISIE5 0 3 AISIE4 0 2 AISIE3 0 1 AISIE2 0 0 AISIE1 0 Bits 7 to 0: AIS Interrupt Mask Channel n (AISIEn). When this bit is set, interrupts can be generated for LIUn if AIS status transitions. AISI AIS Interrupt 15h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 AISI8 0 6 AISI7 0 5 AISI6 0 4 AISI5 0 3 AISI4 0 2 AISI3 0 1 AISI2 0 0 AISI1 0 Bits 7 to 0: AIS Interrupt Channel n (AISIn). This bit is set when AIS transitions from a 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 and interrupts are enabled by the AISIE(14) register for LIUn. This bit if set is cleared on a read operation or when the interrupt-enable register is disabled. ADDP Address Pointer 1Fh Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 ADDP7 0 6 ADDP6 0 5 ADDP5 0 4 ADDP4 0 3 ADDP3 0 2 ADDP2 0 1 ADDP1 0 0 ADDP0 0 Bits 7 to 0: Address Pointer (ADDP). This pointer is used to switch between pointing to the primary registers, the secondary registers, individual registers, BERT registers, and all the test registers. See Table 5-12 for bank selection. Table 5-12. Address Pointer Bank Selection ADDP7 TO ADDP0 (HEX) 00 AA 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B BANK NAME Primary Bank Secondary Bank Individual LIU Bank BERT Bank Global Test Bank LIU1 Test Bank LIU2 Test Bank LIU3 Test Bank LIU4 Test Bank LIU5 Test Bank LIU6 Test Bank LIU7 Test Bank LIU8 Test Bank 37 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 5.1.2 Secondary Registers SRMS Single-Rail Mode Select 00h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 SRMS8 0 6 SRMS7 0 5 SRMS6 0 4 SRMS5 0 3 SRMS4 0 2 SRMS3 0 1 SRMS2 0 0 SRMS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Single-Rail Mode Select Channel n (SRMSn). When this bit is set, single-rail mode is selected for the system transmit and receive n. If this bit is reset, dual-rail mode is selected. LCS Line Code Selection 01h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 LCS8 0 6 LCS7 0 5 LCS6 0 4 LCS5 0 3 LCS4 0 2 LCS3 0 1 LCS2 0 0 LCS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Line Code Select Channel n (LCSn). When this bit is set, AMI encoding/decoding is selected for LIUn. If reset B8ZS or HDB3 encoding/decoding is selected for LIUn. Note that if the GC.CODE (0F) register is set it will ignore this register. RPDE Receive Power-Down Enable 03h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 RPDE8 0 6 RPDE7 0 5 RPDE6 0 4 RPDE5 0 3 RPDE4 0 2 RPDE3 0 1 RPDE2 0 0 RPDE1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Receive Power-Down Enable Channel n (RPDEn). When this bit is set, the receiver for LIUn is powered down. TPDE Transmit Power-Down Enable 04h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 TPDE7 0 6 TPDE6 0 5 TPDE5 0 4 TPDE4 0 3 TPDE3 0 2 TPDE2 0 1 TPDE1 0 0 TPDE0 0 Bits 7 to 0: Transmit Power-Down Enable Channel n(TPDEn). When this bit is set, the transmitter for LIUn is powered down. 38 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit EZDE Excessive Zero Detect Enable 05h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 EXZDE8 0 6 EXZDE7 0 5 EXZDE6 0 4 EXZDE5 0 3 EXZDE4 0 2 EXZDE3 0 1 EXZDE2 0 0 EXZDE1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Excessive Zero Detect Enable Channel n (EZDEn). When this bit is reset, excessive zero detection is disabled for LIUn. When this bit is set, excessive zero detect enable is enabled. Excessive zero detection is only relevant in single-rail mode with HDB3 or B8ZS encoding. CVDEB Code Violation Detect Enable Bar 06h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 CVDEB8 0 6 CVDEB7 0 5 CVDEB6 0 4 CVDEB5 0 3 CVDEB4 0 2 CVDEB3 0 1 CVDEB2 0 0 CVDEB1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Code Violation Detect Enable Bar Channel n (CVDEBn). If this bit is set, code violation detection is disabled for the LIUn. If this bit is reset, code violation detection is enabled. Code violation detection is only relevant in single-rail mode with HDB3 encoding. Note that if the GC.CODE register bit is set, it ignored the settings of this register. 5.1.3 Individual LIU Registers IJAE Individual Jitter Attenuator Enable 00h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 IJAE8 0 6 IJAE7 0 5 IJAE6 0 4 IJAE5 0 3 IJAE4 0 2 IJAE3 0 1 IJAE2 0 0 IJAE1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Individual Jitter Attenuator Enable Channel n (IJAEn). When this bit is set, the LIU jitter attenuator n is enabled. Note that if the GC.JAE register bit is set, this register is ignored. IJAPS Individual Jitter Attenuator Position Select 01h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 IJAPS8 0 6 IJAPS7 0 5 IJAPS6 0 4 IJAPS5 0 3 IJAPS4 0 2 IJAPS3 0 1 IJAPS2 0 0 IJAPS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Individual Jitter Attenuator Position Select Channel n (IJAPSn). When this bit is set high, the jitter attenuator is in the receive path n, and when this bit is default or set low the jitter attenuator is in the transmit path n. Note that if the GC.JAE register bit is set, this register is ignored. 39 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 IJAFDS8 0 IJAFDS Individual Jitter Attenuator FIFO Depth Select 02h 6 IJAFDS7 0 5 IJAFDS6 0 4 IJAFDS5 0 3 IJAFDS4 0 2 IJAFDS3 0 1 IJAFDS2 0 0 IJAFDS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Individual Jitter Attenuator FIFO Depth Select n (IJAFDSn). When this bit is set for LIUn, the jitter attenuator FIFO depth is 128 bits. When reset, the jitter attenuator FIFO depth is 32 bits. Note that if the GC.IJAFDS register is set, this register is ignored. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 IJAFLT8 0 IJAFLT Individual Jitter Attenuator FIFO Limit Trip 03h 6 IJAFLT7 0 5 IJAFLT6 0 4 IJAFLT5 0 3 IJAFLT4 0 2 IJAFLT3 0 1 IJAFLT2 0 0 IJAFLT1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Individual Jitter Attenuator FIFO Limit Trip n (IJAFLTn). Set when the jitter attenuator FIFO reaches to within 4 bits of its useful limit for transmitter n. This bit is cleared when read. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 ISCPD8 0 ISCPD Individual Short-Circuit Protection Disabled 04h 6 ISCPD7 0 5 ISCPD6 0 4 ISCPD5 0 3 ISCPD4 0 2 ISCPD3 0 1 ISCPD2 0 0 ISCPD1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Individual Short-Circuit Protection Disabled n (ISCPDn). When this bit is set, the short-circuit protection is disabled for the individual transmitter n. Note that if the GC.SCPD register bit is set, the settings in this register are ignored. Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 IAISEL8 0 IAISEL Individual AIS Select 05h 6 IAISEL7 0 5 IAISEL6 0 4 IAISEL5 0 3 IAISEL4 0 2 IAISEL3 0 1 IAISEL2 0 0 IAISEL1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Individual AIS Enable During Loss n (IAISELn). When this bit is set, individual-AIS-enable during loss is enabled for the individual receiver n and AIS is sent to the system side upon detection of an LOS. Note that if the GC.AISEL register bit is set, the settings in this register are ignored. 40 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit MC Master Clock Select 06h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 PCLKI 0 5 TECLKE 0 4 CLKAE 0 3 MPS1 0 2 MPS0 0 1 FREQS 0 0 PLLE 0 Bit 6: PLL Clock Input (PCLKI). This bit selects the input into to the PLL. 0 = MCLK is used. 1 = RCLK1-RCLK8 is used based on the selection in register CCR. Bit 5: T1/E1 Clock Enable (TECLKE). When this bit is set the TECLK output is enabled. If not set TECLK is disabled and the TECLK output is an RLOS output. TECLK requires PLLE to be set for correct functionality. Bit 4: Clock A Enable (CLKAE). When this bit is set the CLKA output is enabled. If not set CLKA is disabled to tristate. CLKA requires PLLE to be set for correct functionality. Bits 3 to 2: Master Period Select [1:0] (MPS[1:0]). These bits MPS[1:0] selects the external MCLK frequency for the DS26303. See Table 5-13 for details. Bit 1: Frequency Select (FREQS). In conjunction with MPS[1:0], this bit selects the external MCLK frequency for the DS26303. If this bit is set the external master clock can be 1.544MHz or a multiple thereof. If not set the external master clock can be 2.048MHz or a multiple thereof. See Table 5-13 for details. Bit 0: Phase Lock Loop Enable (PLLE). When this bit is set the phase lock loop is enabled. If not set MCLK is the applied input clock. Table 5-13. MCLK Selections PLLE MPS1, MPS0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 xx xx 00 01 10 11 00 01 10 11 7 -- 0 FREQS MODE x x 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 T1 E1 T1/J1 or E1 T1/J1 or E1 T1/J1 or E1 T1/J1 or E1 T1/J1 or E1 T1/J1 or E1 T1/J1 or E1 T1/J1 or E1 GMR Global Management Register 07h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default MCLK (MHz/50ppm) 1.544 2.048 1.544 3.088 6.176 12.352 2.048 4.096 8.192 16.384 6 -- 0 5 -- 0 4 -- 0 3 -- 0 2 -- 0 1 -- 0 0 RHPMC 0 Bit 0: Receive Hitless-Protection Mode Control (RHPMC). This bit when set and, when the OE pin goes low, will force all the receivers to turn off any internal impedance matching on RTIP and RRING. This is used for hitlessprotection switching when the user would like a system requiring no external relays in the system. 41 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit BTCR Bit Error-Rate Tester Control Register 10h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name 7 BTS2 6 BTS1 5 BTS0 4 -- Default 0 0 0 0 3 -- 0 2 -- 0 1 -- 0 0 BERTE 0 Bits 7 to 5: Bit Error-Rate Transceiver Select [2:0] (BTS[2:0]). These bits BTS[2:0] select the LIU that the BERT applies to. This is only applicable if the BERTE bit is set. Bit 0: Bit Error-Rate Tester Enable (BERTE). When this bit is set, the BERT is enabled. The BERT is only active for one transceiver at a time selected by BTS[2:0]. BEIR BPV Error Insertion Register 11h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 BEIR8 0 6 BEIR7 0 5 BEIR6 0 4 BEIR5 0 3 BEIR4 0 2 BEIR3 0 1 BEIR2 0 0 BEIR1 0 Bits 7 to 0: BPV Error Insertion Register n (BEIRn). A 0-to-1 transition on this bit causes a single bipolar violation (BPV) to be inserted into the transmit data stream channel n. This bit must be cleared and set again for a subsequent error to be inserted. LVDS Line Violation Detect Status 12h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 LVDS8 0 6 LVDS7 0 5 LVDS6 0 4 LVDS5 0 3 LVDS4 0 2 LVDS3 0 1 LVDS2 0 0 LVDS1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Line Violation Detect Status n (LVDSn). A bipolar violation, code violation, or excessive zeros cause the associated LVDSn bit to latch. This bit is cleared on a read operation. The LVDS register captures the first violation within a three-clock-period window. If a second violation occurs after the first violation within the threeclock-period window, then the second violation will not be latched even if a read to the LVDS register was performed. Excessive zeros need to be enabled by the EZDE register for detection by this register. Code violations are only relative when in HDB3 mode and can be disabled for detection by this register by setting the CVDEB register. In dual-rail mode only bipolar violations are relevant for this register. 42 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit RCLKI Receive Clock Invert 13h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 RCLKI8 0 6 RCLKI7 0 5 RCLKI6 0 4 RCLKI5 0 3 RCLKI4 0 2 RCLKI3 0 1 RCLKI2 0 0 RCLKI1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Receive Clock Invert n (RCLKIn). When this bit is set the RCLK for channel n is inverted. This aligns RPOS/RNEG on the falling edge of RCLK. When reset or default, RPOS/RNEG is aligned on the rising edge of RCLK. Note that if the CLKE pin is high, the RPOS/RNEG is set on the falling edge of RCLK regardless of the settings in the register. TCLKI Transmit Clock Invert 14h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 TCLKI8 0 6 TCLKI7 0 5 TCLKI6 0 4 TCLKI5 0 3 TCLKI4 0 2 TCLKI3 0 1 TCLKI2 0 0 TCLKI1 0 Bits 7 to 0: Transmit Clock Invert n (TCLKIn). When this bit is set the expected TCLK for channel n is inverted. TPOS/TNEG should be aligned on the rising edge of TCLK. When reset or default TPOS/TNEG should be aligned on the falling edge of TCLK. 43 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit CCR Clock Control Register 15h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 PCLKS2 0 6 PCLKS1 0 5 PCLKS0 0 4 TECLKS 0 3 CLKA3 0 2 CLKA2 0 1 CLKA1 0 0 CLKA0 0 Bits 7 to 5: PLL Clock Select (PCLKS[2:0]). These bits determine the RCLK that is to be used as the input to the PLL. If an LOS is detected for the channel that RCLK is recovered from, the PLL switches to MCLK until the LOS is cleared. When the LOS is cleared, RCLK is used again. See Table 5-14. for RCLK selection. Table 5-14. PLL Clock Select PCLKS2 TO PCLKS0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 PLL CLOCK SELECTED MC.PCLKI = 1 RCLK1 RCLK2 RCLK3 RCLK4 RCLK5 RCLK6 RCLK7 RCLK8 Bit 4: T1/E1 Clock Select (TECLKS). When this bit is set the T1/E1 clock output is 2.048MHz. When this bit is reset the T1/E1 clock rate is 1.544MHz. Bits 3 to 0: Clock A Select (CLKA[3:0]). These bits select the output frequency for CLKA pin. See Table 5-15. for available frequencies. Table 5-15. Clock A Select CLKA3 TO CLKA0 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 MCLK (Hz) 2.048M 4.096M 8.192M 16.384M 1.544M 3.088M 6.176M 12.352M 1.536M 3.072M 6.144M 12.288M 32k 64k 128k 256k 44 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit RDULR RCLK Disable Upon LOS Register 16h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 RDULR8 0 6 RDULR7 0 5 RDULR6 0 4 RDULR5 0 3 RDULR4 0 2 RDULR3 0 1 RDULR2 0 0 RDULR1 0 Bits 7 to 0: RCLK Disable Upon LOS Register n (RDULRn). When this bit is set the RCLK for channel n is disabled upon a loss of signal and set as a low output. When reset or default, RCLK switches to MCLK upon a loss of signal within 10ms. GISC Global Interrupt Status Control 1Eh Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 -- 0 5 -- 0 4 -- 0 3 -- 0 2 -- 0 1 INTM 0 0 CWE 0 Bit 1: INT Pin Mode (INTM). This bit determines the inactive mode of the INT pin. The INT pin always drives low when active. 0 = Pin is high impedance when not active. 1 = Pin drives high when not active. Bit 0: Clear-On-Write Enable (CWE). When this bit is set, the clear-on-write is enabled for all the latched interrupt status registers. The host processor must write a 1 to the latched interrupt status register bit position before the particular bit is cleared. Default for all the latched interrupt status registers is to clear on a read. 45 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 5.1.4 BERT Registers BCR BERT Control Register 00h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 PMUM 0 6 LPMU 0 5 RNPL 0 4 RPIC 0 3 MPR 0 2 APRD 0 1 TNPL 0 0 TPIC 0 Bit 7: Performance-Monitoring Update Mode (PMUM). When 0, a performance-monitoring update is initiated by the LPMU register bit. When 1, a performance-monitoring update is initiated by the receive performance-monitoring update signal (RPMU). Note: If RPMU or LPMU is 1, changing the state of this bit may cause a performancemonitoring update to occur. Bit 6: Local Performance-Monitoring Update (LPMU). This bit causes a performance-monitoring update to be initiated if the local performance-monitoring update is enabled (PMUM = 0). A 0-to-1 transition causes the performance-monitoring registers to be updated with the latest data, and the counters reset (0 or 1). For a second performance-monitoring update to be initiated, this bit must be set to 0, and back to 1. If LPMU goes low before the PMS bit goes high, an update might not be performed. This bit has no affect when PMUM = 1. Bit 5: Receive New Pattern Load (RNPL). A 0-to-1 transition of this bit causes the programmed test pattern (QRSS, PTS, PLF[4:0], PTF[4:0], and BSP[31:0]) to be loaded in to the receive pattern generator. This bit must be changed to 0 and back to 1 for another pattern to be loaded. Loading a new pattern forces the receive pattern generator out of the sync state, which causes a resynchronization to be initiated. Note: QRSS, PTS, PLF[4:0}, PTF[4:0], and BSP[31:0] must not change from the time this bit transitions from 0 to 1 until four RXCK clock cycles after this bit transitions from 0 to 1. Bit 4: Receive Pattern Inversion Control (RPIC). When 0, the receive incoming data stream is not altered. When 1, the receive incoming data stream is inverted. Bit 3: Manual Pattern Resynchronization (MPR). A 0-to-1 transition of this bit causes the receive pattern generator to resynchronize to the incoming pattern. This bit must be changed to 0 and back to 1 for another resynchronization to be initiated. Note: A manual resynchronization forces the receive pattern generator out of the sync state. Bit 2: Automatic Pattern Resynchronization Disable (APRD). When 0, the receive pattern generator automatically resynchronizes to the incoming pattern if six or more times during the current 64-bit window the incoming data stream bit and the receive pattern generator output bit did not match. When 1, the receive pattern generator does not automatically resynchronize to the incoming pattern. Note: Automatic synchronization is prevented by not allowing the receive pattern generator to automatically exit the sync state. Bit 1: Transmit New Pattern Load (TNPL). A 0-to-1 transition of this bit causes the programmed test pattern (QRSS, PTS, PLF[4:0], PTF[4:0], and BSP[31:0]) to be loaded in to the transmit pattern generator. This bit must be changed to zero and back to one for another pattern to be loaded. Note: QRSS, PTS, PLF[4:0}, PTF[4:0], and BSP[31:0] must not change from the time this bit transitions from 0 to 1 until four TXCK clock cycles after this bit transitions from 0 to 1. Bit 0: Transmit Pattern Inversion Control (TPIC). When 0, the transmit outgoing data stream is not altered. When 1, the transmit outgoing data stream is inverted. 46 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit BPCR1 BERT Pattern Configuration Register 1 02h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 QRSS 0 5 PTS 0 4 PLF4 0 3 PLF3 0 2 PLF2 0 1 PLF1 0 0 PLF0 0 Bit 6: QRSS Enable (QRSS). When 0, the pattern generator configuration is controlled by PTS, PLF[4:0], and PTF[4:0], and BSP[31:0]. When 1, the pattern generator configuration is forced to a PRBS pattern with a 20 17 generating polynomial of x + x + 1. The output of the pattern generator is forced to one if the next 14 output bits are all 0. Bit 5: Pattern Type Select (PTS). When 0, the pattern is a PRBS pattern. When 1, the pattern is a repetitive pattern. Bits 4 to 0: Pattern Length Feedback (PLF[4:0]). These bits control the "length" feedback of the pattern generator. The length feedback is from bit n of the pattern generator (n = PLF[4:0] +1). For a PRBS signal, the feedback is an XOR of bit n and bit y. For a repetitive pattern the feedback is bit n. BPCR 2 BERT Pattern Configuration Register 2 03h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 -- 0 5 -- 0 4 PTF4 0 3 PTF3 0 2 PTF2 0 1 PTF1 0 0 PTF0 0 Bits 4 to 0: Pattern Tap Feedback (PTF[4:0]). These bits control the PRBS "tap" feedback of the pattern generator. The tap feedback is from bit y of the pattern generator (y = PTF[4:0] +1). These bits are ignored when programmed for a repetitive pattern. For a PRBS signal, the feedback is an XOR of bit n and bit y. 47 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit BSPR1 BERT Seed/Pattern Register #1 04h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 BSP7 0 6 BSP6 0 7 BSP15 0 6 BSP14 0 7 BSP23 0 6 BSP22 0 7 BSP31 0 2 BSP2 0 1 BSP1 0 0 BSP0 0 5 BSP13 0 4 BSP12 0 3 BSP11 0 2 BSP10 0 1 BSP9 0 0 BSP8 0 5 BSP21 0 4 BSP20 0 3 BSP19 0 2 BSP18 0 1 BSP17 0 0 BSP16 0 2 BSP26 0 1 BSP25 0 0 BSP24 0 BSPR4 BERT Seed/Pattern Register #4 07h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 3 BSP3 0 BSPR3 BERT Seed/Pattern Register #3 06h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 4 BSP4 0 BSPR2 BERT Seed/Pattern Register #2 05h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 5 BSP5 0 6 BSP30 0 5 BSP29 0 4 BSP28 0 3 BSP27 0 Bits 31 to 0: BERT Seed/Pattern (BSP[31:0]). These 32 bits are the programmable seed for a transmit PRBS pattern, or the programmable pattern for a transmit or receive repetitive pattern. BSP(31) is the first bit output on the transmit side for a 32-bit repetitive pattern or 32-bit length PRBS. BSP(31) is the first bit input on the receive side for a 32-bit repetitive pattern. 48 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit TEICR Transmit Error-Insertion Control Register 08h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 -- 0 5 TEIR2 0 4 TEIR1 0 3 TEIR0 0 2 BEI 0 1 TSEI 0 0 MEIMS 0 Bits 5 to 3: Transmit Error-Insertion Rate (TEIR[2:0]). These bits indicate the rate at which errors are inserted in n the output data stream. One out of every 10 bits is inverted. TEIR[2:0] is the value n. A TEIR[2:0] value of 0 disables error insertion at a specific rate. A TEIR[2:0] value of 1 result in every 10th bit being inverted. A TEIR[2:0] value of 2 result in every 100th bit being inverted. Error insertion starts when this register is written to with a TEIR[2:0] value that is non-zero. If this register is written to during the middle of an error insertion process, the new error rate will be started after the next error is inserted. Bit 2: Bit-Error-Insertion Enable (BEI). When 0, single bit-error insertion is disabled. When 1, single bit-error insertion is enabled. Bit 1: Transmit Single Error Insert (TSEI). This bit causes a bit error to be inserted in the transmit data stream if manual error insertion is disabled (MEIMS = 0) and single bit-error insertion is enabled. A 0-to-1 transition causes a single bit error to be inserted. For a second bit error to be inserted, this bit must be set to 0, and back to 1. Note: If MEIMS is low, and this bit transitions more than once between error insertion opportunities, only one error is inserted. Bit 0: Manual-Error Insert-Mode Select (MEIMS). When 0, error insertion is initiated by the TSEI register bit. When 1, error insertion is initiated by the transmit manual-error-insertion signal (TMEI). Note: If TMEI or TSEI is 1, changing the state of this bit may cause a bit error to be inserted. BSR BERT Status Register 0Ch Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 -- 0 5 -- 0 4 -- 0 3 PMS 0 2 -- 0 1 BEC 0 0 OOS 0 Bit 3: Performance-Monitoring Update Status (PMS). This bit indicates the status of the receive performancemonitoring register (counters) update. This bit transitions from low to high when the update is completed. PMS is asynchronously forced low when the LPMU bit (PMUM = 0) or RPMU signal (PMUM = 1) goes low. Bit 1: Bit Error Count (BEC). When 0, the bit error count is 0. When 1, the bit error count is 1 or more. Bit 0: Out of Synchronization (OOS). When 0, the receive pattern generator is synchronized to the incoming pattern. When 1, the receive pattern generator is not synchronized to the incoming pattern. 49 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit BSRL BERT Status Register Latched 0Eh Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 -- 0 5 -- 0 4 -- 0 3 PMSL 0 2 BEL 0 1 BECL 0 0 OOSL 0 Bit 3: Performance-Monitoring Update Status Latched (PMSL). This bit is set when the PMS bit transitions from 0 to 1. A read operation clears this bit. Bit 2: Bit Error Latched (BEL). This bit is set when a bit error is detected. A read operation clears this bit. Bit 1: Bit-Error Count Latched (BECL). This bit is set when the BEC bit transitions from 0 to 1. A read operation clears this bit. Bit 0: Out-of-Synchronization Latched (OOSL). This bit is set when the OOS bit changes state. A read operation clears this bit. BSRIE BERT Status Register Interrupt Enable 10h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 -- 0 6 -- 0 5 -- 0 4 -- 0 3 PMSIE 0 2 BEIE 0 1 BECIE 0 0 OOSIE 0 Bit 3: Performance-Monitoring Update Status-Interrupt Enable (PMSIE). This bit enables an interrupt if the PMSL bit is set. 0 = interrupt disabled 1 = interrupt enabled Bit 2: Bit-Error-Interrupt Enable (BEIE). This bit enables an interrupt if the BEL bit is set. 0 = interrupt disabled 1 = interrupt enabled Bit 1: Bit-Error-Count Interrupt Enable (BECIE). This bit enables an interrupt if the BECL bit is set. 0 = interrupt disabled 1 = interrupt enabled Bit 0: Out-of-Synchronization Interrupt Enable (OOSIE). This bit enables an interrupt if the OOSL bit is set. 0 = interrupt disabled 1 = interrupt enabled 50 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit RBECR1 Receive Bit-Error-Count Register #1 14h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 BEC7 0 6 BEC6 0 7 BEC15 0 6 BEC14 0 7 BEC23 0 3 BEC3 0 2 BEC2 0 1 BEC1 0 0 BEC0 0 5 BEC13 0 4 BEC12 0 3 BEC11 0 2 BEC10 0 1 BEC9 0 0 BEC8 0 2 BEC18 0 1 BEC17 0 0 BEC16 0 RBECR3 Receive Bit-Error-Count Register #2 16h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 4 BEC4 0 RBECR2 Receive Bit-Error-Count Register #1 15h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 5 BEC5 0 6 BEC22 0 5 BEC21 0 4 BEC20 0 3 BEC19 0 Bits 23 to 1: Bit Error Count (BEC[23:0]). These 24 bits indicate the number of bit errors detected in the incoming data stream. This count stops incrementing when it reaches a count of FF FFFFh. The associated bit-error counter is not incremented when an OOS condition exists. 51 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit RBCR1 Receive Bit Count Register #1 18h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 7 BC7 0 6 BC6 0 15 BC15 0 14 BC14 0 7 BC23 0 6 BC22 0 15 BC31 0 2 BC2 0 1 BC1 0 0 BC0 0 13 BC13 0 12 BC12 0 11 BC11 0 10 BC10 0 9 BC9 0 8 BC8 0 5 BC21 0 4 BC20 0 3 BC19 0 2 BC18 0 1 BC17 0 0 BC16 0 11 BC27 0 10 BC26 0 9 BC25 0 8 BC24 0 RBCR4 Receive Bit Count Register #4 1Bh Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 3 BC3 0 RBCR3 Receive Bit Count Register #3 1Ah Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 4 BC4 0 RBCR2 Receive Bit Count Register #2 19h Register Name: Register Description: Register Address: Bit # Name Default 5 BC5 0 14 BC30 0 13 BC29 0 12 BC28 0 Bits 31 to 0: Bit Count (BC[31:0]). These 32 bits indicate the number of bits in the incoming data stream. This count stops incrementing when it reaches a count of FFFF FFFFh. The associated bit counter is not incremented when an OOS condition exists. 52 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 6.1 Power-Up and Reset Internal Power_On_Reset circuitry generates a reset during power-up. All registers are reset to the default values. Writing to the software-reset register generates at least 1ms reset cycle, which has the same effect as the power-up reset. A reset can also be performed in software by writing to SWR register. 6.2 Master Clock The DS26303 requires 2.048MHz 50ppm or 1.544MHz 50ppm or multiple thereof. The receiver uses the MCLK as a reference for clock recovery, jitter attenuation, and generating RCLK during LOS. The AIS transmission uses MCLK for transmit all-ones condition. See register MC to set desired incoming frequency. If the PLLE bit is not set, MCLK is whatever the incoming frequency is. MCLK or RCLK can also be used to output CLKA. Register CCR is used to select the clock generated for CLKA and the TECLK. Any RCLK can also be selected as an input to the clock generator using this same register. For a detailed description of selections available, see Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1. Pre-Scaler PLL and Clock Generator PCLKS2..0 RLCK1..8 CLKA3..0 PLLE RLOS16 PCLKI1..0 T1CLK MPS1..0 MCLK CLKAE FREQS CLK GEN Pre Scaler PLL CLKA CLKAI E1CLK TECLKI TECLK PLLE TECLKS TECLKE RLOS1 53 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.3 Transmitter NRZ data arrives on TPOS and TNEG on the transmit system side. The TPOS and TNEG data is sampled on the falling edge of TCLK (Figure 10-12). The data is encoded with HDB3 or B8ZS or NRZ encoding when single-rail mode is selected (only TPOS as the data source). When in single-rail mode only, BPV errors can be inserted for test purposes by register BEIR. Preencoded data is expected when dual-rail mode is selected. The encoded data passes through a jitter attenuator if it is enabled for the transmit path. A digital sequencer and DAC generate transmit waveforms compliant with T1.102 and G.703 pulse masks. A line driver drives an internal matched-impedance circuit for provision of 100W, 110W, 120W, and 75W termination. The DS26303 drivers have short-circuit driver-fail-monitor detection. There is an OE pin that can high-Z the transmitter outputs for protection switching. The individual transmitters can be placed in high impedance by register OEB. The DS26303 also has functionality for powering down the transmitters individually. The registers that control the transmitter operation are shown in Table 6-3. Table 6-1. Telecommunications Specification Compliance for DS26303 Transmitters TRANSMITTER FUNCTION AMI Coding, B8ZS Substitution, DS1 Electrical Interface T1 Telecom Pulse Mask Compliance T1 Telecom Pulse Mask Compliance Transmit Electrical Characteristics for E1 Transmission and Return Loss Compliance TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPLIANCE ANSI T1.102 ANSI T1.403 ANSI T1.102 ITUT G.703 Table 6-2. Registers Related to Control of DS26303 Transmitters REGISTER NAME ACRONYM Transmit All-Ones Enable TAOE Transmit All-Ones Enable. Driver Fault Monitor Status DFMS Driver Fault Status. Driver Fault Monitor Interrupt Enable DFMIE Driver Fault Status Interrupt Mask. Driver Fault Monitor Interrupt Status DFMIS Global Configuration Register GC Driver Fault Status Interrupt Mask. Selection of the jitter attenuator in the transmit receive or not used and code for B8ZS or HDB3 substitution. Template Select Transmitter TST Template Select TS Output Enable Configuration Register Master Clock Selection OEB MC Single-Rail Mode Select Register SRMS Line Code Selection LCS Transmit Power-Down Individual Short-Circuit-Protection Disable TPDE BERT Control Register ISCPD BTCR FUNCTION The transmitter that the template select applies to. The TS2 to TS0 bits for selection of the templates for transmitter and match impedance for the receiver. This bits can be used to place the transmitter outputs in highimpedance mode. Selects the MCLK frequency used for transmit and receive. This register can be used to select between single-rail and dual-rail mode. The individual LIU line codes can be selected to overwrite the global setting. Individual transmitters can be powered down. This register allows the individual transmitters short-circuit protection disable. This register is used for sending different BERT patterns for the individual transmitters. 54 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.3.1 Transmit Line Templates The DS26303 the transmitters can be selected individually to meet the pulse masks for E1 and T1/J1 mode. The T1/J1 pulse mask is shown in the transmit pulse template and can be configured on an individual LIU basis. The TIMPRM pin/bit is used to select the internal transmit terminating impedance of 100W/110W for T1/J1 mode or 75W/120W for E1 mode. The T1 pulse mask is shown in Figure 6-2 and the E1 pulse template is shown in Figure 6-3. Table 6-3. DS26303 Template Selections TS2, TS1, TS0 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 APPLICATION E1 Reserved DSX-1 (0-133 ft) DSX-1 (133-266 ft) DSX-1 (266-399 ft) DSX-1 (399-533 ft) DSX-1 (533-655 ft) Figure 6-2. T1 Transmit Pulse Templates 1 .2 1 .1 1 .0 0 .9 0 .8 NORMALIZEDAMPLITUDE 0 .7 0 .6 0 .5 0 .4 0 .3 0 .2 0 .1 0 -0 .1 T 1 .1 0 2 / 8 7 , T 1 .4 0 3 , C B 1 1 9 (O c t. 7 9 ), & I.4 3 1 T e m p la te -0 .2 -0 .3 -0 .4 -0 .5 -5 0 0 -4 0 0 -3 0 0 -2 0 0 -1 0 0 0 100 200 T IM E (n s ) D S X -1 T e m p la te (p e r A N S I T 1 .1 0 2 -1 9 9 3 ) M A X IM U M C U R V E UI T im e Am p. - 0 .7 7 - 0 .3 9 - 0 .2 7 - 0 .2 7 - 0 .1 2 0 .0 0 0 .2 7 0 .3 5 0 .9 3 1 .1 6 -5 0 0 -2 5 5 -1 7 5 -1 7 5 -7 5 0 175 225 600 750 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 0 .8 0 1 .1 5 1 .1 5 1 .0 5 1 .0 5 - 0 .0 7 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 M IN IM U M C U R V E UI T im e Am p. - 0 .7 7 - 0 .2 3 - 0 .2 3 - 0 .1 5 0 .0 0 0 .1 5 0 .2 3 0 .2 3 0 .4 6 0 .6 6 0 .9 3 1 .1 6 -5 0 0 -1 5 0 -1 5 0 -1 0 0 0 100 150 150 300 430 600 750 - 0 .0 5 - 0 .0 5 0 .5 0 0 .9 5 0 .9 5 0 .9 0 0 .5 0 - 0 .4 5 - 0 .4 5 - 0 .2 0 - 0 .0 5 - 0 .0 5 300 400 500 600 D S 1 T e m p l a t e ( p e r A N S I T 1 .4 0 3 - 1 9 9 5 ) M A X IM U M C U R V E UI T im e Am p. - 0 .7 7 - 0 .3 9 - 0 .2 7 - 0 .2 7 - 0 .1 2 0 .0 0 0 .2 7 0 .3 4 0 .7 7 1 .1 6 55 of 97 -5 0 0 -2 5 5 -1 7 5 -1 7 5 -7 5 0 175 225 600 750 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 0 .8 0 1 .2 0 1 .2 0 1 .0 5 1 .0 5 - 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 0 .0 5 M IN IM U M C U R V E UI T im e Am p. - 0 .7 7 - 0 .2 3 - 0 .2 3 - 0 .1 5 0 .0 0 0 .1 5 0 .2 3 0 .2 3 0 .4 6 0 .6 1 0 .9 3 1 .1 6 -5 0 0 -1 5 0 -1 5 0 -1 0 0 0 100 150 150 300 430 600 750 - 0 .0 5 - 0 .0 5 0 .5 0 0 .9 5 0 .9 5 0 .9 0 0 .5 0 - 0 .4 5 - 0 .4 5 - 0 .2 6 - 0 .0 5 - 0 .0 5 700 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 6-3 E1 Transmit Pulse Templates 1.2 1.1 269ns SCALED AMPLITUDE (in 75 ohm systems, 1.0 on the scale = 2.37Vpeak in 120 ohm systems, 1.0 on the scale = 3.00Vpeak) 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 G.703 Template 194ns 0.6 0.5 219ns 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 TIME (ns) 56 of 97 50 100 150 200 250 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.3.2 LIU Transmit Front End It is recommended to configure the transmitter's LIU as described in Figure 6-4 and in Table 6-4. No series resistors are required. The transmitter has internal termination for E1, J1, and T1 modes. Figure 6-4. LIU Front End 3.3V TFt 1:2 Dt TVDDn C1 TTIP Dt C2 Tx Line Ct Dt TVSSn TRING Dt DS26303 (One Channel) 3.3V AVDDn C3 TFr 1:2 RTIP Rt C4 A75 A100 A110 AVSSn 30 C5 Rx Line Rt RRING 3.3V TVS1 Table 6-4. LIU Front-End Values MODE COMPONENT Tx Capacitance Ct Tx Protection Dt Rx Transformer 1:2 Tx Transformer 1:2 Tx Decoupling (ATVDD) Tx Decoupling (ATVDD) Rx Decoupling (AVDDn) Rx Decoupling (AVDDn) TFr TFt C1 C2 C3 C4 Rx Termination C5 Rx Termination Rt Voltage Protection TVS1 75W COAX 120W TWISTED PAIR 100W/110W TWISTED PAIR 560pF typical. Adjust for board parasitics for optimal return loss. International Rectifier: 11DQ04 or 10BQ060 Motorola: MBR0540T1 Pulse: T1124 (0C to +70C) Pulse: T1114 (-40C to +85C) Common decoupling for all eight channels is 68mF. Recommended decoupling per channel is 0.1mF. Common decoupling for all eight channels is 68mF. Common decoupling for all eight channels is 0.1mF. When in external impedance mode, Rx capacitance for all eight channels is 0.1mF. Do not populate if using internal impedance mode. When in external impedance mode, the two resistors for all modes are 15.0W 1%. Do not populate if using internal impedance mode. SGS-Thomson: SMLVT 3V3 (3.3V transient suppressor) 57 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.3.3 Dual-Rail Mode Dual-rail mode consists of TPOS, TNEG, and TCLK pins on the system side. NRZ data is sampled on the falling edge of TCLK as shown in Figure 10-12. The zero substitution B8ZS or HDB3 is not allowed. The TPOS/TNEG data is encoded in AMI format on the TTIP and TRING pins. The data that appears on the TPOS pin is output on TTIP and data on the TRING is output on TRING after pulse shaping. The single-rail-select register (SRMS) is used for selection of dual-rail or single-rail mode. The data that arrives at the TPOS and TNEG can be overwritten in the maintenance mode by setting the BERT Control Register (BTCR). 6.3.4 Single-Rail Mode Single-rail mode consists of TPOS, TNEG, and TCLK pins on the system side. NRZ data is sampled on the falling edge of TCLK as shown in Figure 10-12. The zero substitution B8ZS or HDB3 is allowed. The TPOS data is encoded in AMI format on the TTIP and TRING pins after pulse shaping. The single-rail-mode select (SRMS) is used for selection of dual-rail or single-rail mode. The data that arrives at the TPOS can be overwritten in the maintenance mode by setting in BERT control register (BTCR). 6.3.5 Zero Suppression--B8ZS or HDB3 B8ZS coding is available when the device is in T1 mode selected by the TS2, TS1, and TS0 bits in the TS register. Setting the LCS bit in the LCS register enables B8ZS. Note that if the individual LIU is configured in E1 mode, then HDB3 code substitution can be selected. Bipolar violations can be inserted via the TNEG/BPVI pin or transmit maintenance register settings only if B8ZS or HDB3 coding is turned off. B8ZS substitution is defined in ANSI T1.102 and HDB3 in ITUT G.703 standards. 6.3.6 Transmit Power-Down The transmitter is powered down if the relevant bits in the TPDE register are set. 6.3.7 Transmit All Ones When transmit all ones is invoked, continuous 1s are transmitted using MCLK as the timing reference. Data input at TPOS and TNEG is ignored. Transmit all ones can be sent by setting bits in the TAOE register. Transmit all ones are enabled if bits in register ATAOS are set and the corresponding receiver goes into an LOS state in the status register LOSS. 6.3.8 Drive Failure Monitor The Driver Fail Monitor is connected to the TTIP and TRING pins. It will detect a Short Circuit on the Secondary side of the Transmit Transformer. The drive current will be limited to 50 ma if a short circuit is detected. The DFMS status registers and the corresponding Interrupt and Enable Registers can be used to monitor the driver failure. 6.4 Receiver The DS26303's eight receivers are all identical. A 2:1 transformer steps down the input from the line. The DS26303 is designed to be fully software-selectable for E1 and T1/J1 without the need to change any external resistors for the receive side. The output of the internal termination circuitry is fed into a peak detector. The peak detector and data slicer process the received signal. The output of the data slicer goes to clock and data recovery. A 2.048/1.544 PLL is internally multiplied by 8 by another internal PLL and fed to the clock recovery system derives E1 or T1 clock. The clock-recovery system uses the clock from the PLL circuit to form an 8-times oversampler, which is used to recover the clock and data. This oversampling technique offers outstanding performance to meet jitter tolerance specifications. Depending on selection options, B8ZS/HDB3/AMI decoding is performed. These decoded data is provided to the system side in either single-rail or dual-rail mode. The selection of single rail or dual rail is done by settings in the SRMS register. 6.4.1 Peak Detector and Slicer The slicer determines the polarity and presence of the received data. The output of the slicer is sent to the clock and data recovery circuitry for extraction of data and clock. The slicer has a built-in peak detector for determination of the slicing threshold. 58 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.4.2 Clock and Data Recovery The resultant E1 or T1 clock derived from the 2.048/1.544 PLL (JACLK in) is internally multiplied by 16 by another internal PLL and fed to the clock recovery system. The clock recovery system uses the clock from the PLL circuit to form a 16-times oversampler, which is used to recover the clock and data. This oversampling technique offers outstanding performance to meet jitter tolerance specifications. 6.4.3 Loss of Signal The DS26303 uses both the digital and analog loss-detection method in compliance with the latest T1.231 for T1/J1 and ITU G.775 or ETSI 300 233 for E1 mode of operation. LOS is detected if the receiver level falls bellow a threshold analog voltage for a certain duration. Alternatively, this can be termed as having received zeros for a certain duration. The signal level and timing duration are defined in accordance with the T1.231 or G.775 or ETSI 300 233 specifications. The loss-detection thresholds are based on cable loss of 15dB for both T1 and E1 mode. RCLK is replaced by MCLK when the receiver detects a loss of signal if the AISEL bit is set in the GC register, or if the IAISEL.ILAISE bit is set. The RPOS/RNEG data is replaced by an all-ones signal upon receiving an LOS to indicate AIS to the downstream device. The loss state is exited when the receiver detects a certain number of ones density at a higher signal level than the loss-detection level. The loss-detection-signal level and loss-reset-signal level are defined with a hysteresis to prevent the receiver from bouncing between LOS and no-LOS states. The following table outlines the specifications governing the loss function. Table 6-5. Loss Criteria T1.231, G.775, and ETSI 300 233 Specifications CRITERIA T1.231 Loss Detection No pulses are detected for 175 75 bits. Loss Reset Loss is terminated if a duration of 12.5% ones are detected over duration of 175 75 bits. Loss is not terminated if eight consecutive 0s are found if B8ZS encoding is used. If B8ZS is not used, loss is not terminated if 100 consecutive pulses are 0. STANDARD ITU G.775 No pulses are detected for duration of 10 to 255 bit periods. The incoming signal has transitions for duration of 10 to 255 bit periods. ETSI 300 233 No pulses are detected for a duration of 2048 bit periods or 1ms, Loss reset criteria is not defined. ANSI T1.231 for T1 and J1 Modes Loss is detected if the received signal level is less than 200mV for duration of 192 bit periods. LOS is reset if the all of the following criteria are met: * * * 24 or more 1s are detected in a 192-bit period with a detection threshold of 300mV measured at RTIP and RRING. During the 192 bits less than 100 consecutive zeros are detected. Eight consecutive 0s are not detected if B8ZS is set. ITU G.775 for E1 Modes LOS is detected if the received signal level is less than 200mV for a continuous duration of 192 bit periods. LOS is reset if the receive signal level is greater than 300mV for a duration of 192 bit periods. ETSI 300 233 for E1 Modes LOS is detected if the received signal level is less than 200mV for a continuous duration of 2048 (1ms) bit periods. LOS is reset if the receive signal level is greater than 300mV for a duration of 192 bit periods. 59 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.4.4 AIS Table 6-6 outlines the DS26303 AIS-related specifications. Table 6-7 states the AIS functionality in the DS26303. The registers related to the AIS detection are shown in Table 6-8. Table 6-6. AIS Criteria T1.231, G.775, and ETSI 300 233 Specifications CRITERIA STANDARD ETSI 300233 FOR E1 ITU G.775 FOR E1 AIS Detection Two or fewer 0s in each of two consecutive 512-bit streams received. Fewer than three 0s detected in 512-bit period. AIS Clearance Three or more 0s in each of two consecutive 512-bit streams received. Three or more 0s in a 512-bit period received. ANSI T1.231 FOR T1 Fewer than nine 0s detected in a 8192-bit period (a ones density of 99.9% over a period of 5.3ms) are received. Nine or more 0s detected in a 8192-bit period are received. Table 6-7. AIS Detection and Reset Criteria CRITERIA STANDARD ETSI 300233 FOR E1 ITU G.775 FOR E1 ANSI T1.231 FOR T1 AIS Detection Two or fewer 0 in each of two consecutive 512-bit streams received. Fewer than three 0s detected in 512-bit period. Fewer than nine 0s contained in 8192 bits. AIS Clearance Three or more 0s in each of two consecutive 512-bit streams received. Three or more 0s in a 512-bit period received. Nine or more bits received in a 8192-bit stream. Table 6-8. Registers Related to AIS Detection REGISTER ACRONYM POINTER LOS/AIS Criteria LASCS AIS Register AIS AIS Enable Register AISIE AIS Interrupt AISI FUNCTIONALITY Section criteria for AIS. T1.231, G.775, ETSI 300233 for E1. Set when AIS is detected. If reset interrupt due to AIS is not generated. Latched if there is a change in AIS and the Interrupt is enabled. 60 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.4.5 Bipolar Violation and Excessive Zero Detector The DS26303 detects code violations, BPV, and excessive zero errors. The reporting of the errors is done through the pin RNEGn/CVn. Excessive zeros are detected if eight consecutive 0s are detected with B8ZS enabled and four consecutive 0s are detected with HDB3 enabled. Excessive zero detection is selectable when single-rail mode and HDB3/B8ZS encoding/decoding is selected. The bits in EZDE and CVDEB registers determine the combinations that are reported. Table 6-9 outlines the functionality: Table 6-9. BPV, Code Violation, and Excessive Zero Error Reporting CONDITIONS EZDE is reset, CVDEB is reset EZDE is set, CVDEB is reset EZDE is reset, CVDEB is set EZDE is set, CVDEB is set 6.4.6 CVn PIN REPORTS BPV + code violation BPV + code violation + excessive zero BPV BPV + excessive zero LIU Receiver Front End It is recommended that the receiver be configured as per Table 6-4 and Figure 6-4. Internal or external mode for the receiver front end can be selected by register GC.RIMPMS. When this bit is set to external mode the user is required to supply two 15W resistors as shown in Figure 6-4. The internal adjust resistors A75, A100, and A110 will still be set in external mode if 75W, 100W, or 110W impedance is selected during template selection. However, the internal 30W resistor will be disconnected. If the user would like all the adjust resistors to be disconnected or any internal impedance matching, then the user should set the TS.RIMPOFF bit for each LIU or the RIMPOFF pin when in hardware mode. 6.5 Hitless-Protection Switching (HPS) Many current redundancy protection implementations use mechanical relays to switch between primary and backup boards. The switching time in relays is typically in the milliseconds, making T1/E1 HPS impossible. The switching event likely causes frame-synchronization loss in any equipment downstream, affecting the quality of service. The same is also true for tri-stating mechanisms that use software or inactive clocks for the triggering of HPS. The DS26303 LIU includes fast tri-statable outputs for TTIP and TRING and fast turn-off impedance matching for the RTIP and RRING within less than one bit cycle. The control logic is shown in Figure 6-5. In software mode, the user can set the RHPMC bit, which allows the OE pin to control both the transmitter outputs and the receive impedance matching. This is a very useful function in that control can be done through a hardware pin, allowing a quick switch to the backup system for both the receiver and the transmitter. Figure 6-6 shows a typical HPS application in software mode where the OE is used for control. In hardware mode, the receiver can have impedance matching turned off quickly by using the RIMPOFF pin, and the transmitter output can be turned off quickly by using the OE pin. 61 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 6-5. HPS Logic D SET CLR OEB Q int_oe_off Q OE D SET Q Rint_imp_off RHPMC CLR D SET CLR Q Q RIMPOFF Q hw/sw mode RIMPOFF Figure 6-6. HPS Block Diagram RTIP RRING Primary Board OE TTIP TRING RX Line Interface Card Switching Control TX OE RTIP RRING Backup Board TTIP TRING 62 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.6 Jitter Attenuator The DS26303 contains an on-board jitter attenuator that can be set to a depth of either 32 or 128 bits by the JADS bit in register GC. It can also be controlled on an individual LIU basis by settings in the IJAFDS register. The 128bit mode is used in applications where large excursions of wander are expected. The 32-bit mode is used in delaysensitive applications. The characteristics of the attenuation are shown in Figure 6-7. The jitter attenuator can be placed in either the receive path or the transmit path or none by appropriately setting the JAPS and the JAE bits in register GC. These selections can be changed on an individual LIU basis by settings in the IJAPS and IJAE. For the jitter attenuator to properly operate, a 2.048MHz or multiple thereof, or 1.544MHz clock or multiple thereof must be applied at MCLK. ITU specification G.703 requires an accuracy of 50ppm for both T1 and E1 applications. TR62411 and ANSI specs require an accuracy of 32ppm for T1 interfaces. On-board circuitry adjusts either the recovered clock from the clock/data recovery block or the clock applied at the TCLK pin to create a smooth jitter-free clock, which is used to clock data out of the jitter attenuator FIFO. It is acceptable to provide a gapped/bursty clock at the TCLK pin if the jitter attenuator is placed on the transmit side. If the incoming jitter exceeds either 120UIP-P (buffer depth is 128 bits) or 28UIP-P (buffer depth is 32 bits), then the DS26303 divides the internal nominal 32.768MHz (E1) or 24.704MHz (T1) clock by either 15 or 17 instead of the normal 16 to keep the buffer from overflowing. When the device divides by either 15 or 17, it also sets the jitter attenuator limit trip (JFLT) bits in the IJAFLT register described. Figure 6-7. Jitter Attenuation ITU G.7XX Prohibited Area TBR12 Prohibited Area -20dB C ve ur A E1 T1 -40dB TR 62411 (Dec. 90) Prohibited Area B rve Cu JITTER ATTENUATION (dB) 0dB -60dB 1 10 100 1K FREQUENCY (Hz) 63 of 97 10K 100K DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.7 G.772 Monitor In this application, only seven LIUs are functional and one LIU is used for nonintrusive monitoring of input and output of the other seven channels. Channel 1 is used for monitoring channels 2 to 8. G.772 monitoring is configured by the GMC register (see Table 5-9). While monitoring with channel 1, the device can be configured in remote loopback and the monitored signal can be output on TTIP1 and TRING1. 6.8 Loopbacks The DS26303 provides four loopbacks for diagnostic purposes: analog loopback, digital loopback, remote loopback, and dual loopback. 6.8.1 Analog Loopback The analog output of the transmitter TTIP and TRING is looped back to RTIP and RRING of the receiver. Data at RTIP and RRING is ignored in analog loopback. See Figure 6-8. Figure 6-8. Analog Loopback TCLK TPOS TNEG RCLK RPOS RNEG 6.8.2 H D B 3 / B 8 Z S E n c o d e r H D B 3 / B 8 Z S D e c o d e r O p tio n a l J itt e r A tte n u a to r O p t io n a l J it te r A tte n u a to r T r a n s m it D ig it a l R e c e iv e D ig i ta l T ra n s m it A n a lo g R e c e iv e A n a lo g Line Driver Rtip Rring Digital Loopback The transmit system data TPOS, TNEG, and TCLK are looped back to output on RCLK, RPOS, and RNEG. The data input at TPOS and TNEG is encoded and output on TTIP and TRING. Signals at RTIP and RRING are ignored. This loopback is conceptually shown in Figure 6-9. 64 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 6-9. Digital Loopback TCLK TPOS TNEG RCLK RPOS RNEG 6.8.3 H D B 3 / B 8 Z S E n c o d e r H D B 3 / B 8 Z S D e c o d e r TPOS O p tio n a l J itt e r A tte n u a to r O p t io n a l J it te r A tte n u a to r T r a n s m it D ig it a l R e c e iv e D ig i ta l T ra n s m it A n a lo g Line Driver TNEG RTIP R e c e iv e A n a lo g RRING Remote Loopback The inputs at RTIP and RRING are looped back to TTIP and TRING. The inputs at TCLK, TPOS, and TNEG are ignored during a remote loopback. This loopback is conceptually shown in Figure 6-10. Figure 6-10. Remote Loopback TCLK TPOS TNEG RCLK RPOS RNEG H D B 3 / B 8 Z S E n c o d e r H D B 3 / B 8 Z S D e c o d e r TPOS O p tio n a l J itt e r A tte n u a to r O p t io n a l J it te r A tte n u a to r T r a n s m it D ig it a l R e c e iv e D ig i ta l 65 of 97 T ra n s m it A n a lo g Line Driver TNEG RTIP R e c e iv e A n a lo g RRING DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 6.9 BERT The BERT is a software-programmable test-pattern generator and monitor capable of meeting most errorperformance requirements for digital transmission equipment. It generates and synchronizes to pseudorandom n y patterns with a generation polynomial of the form x + x + 1, where n and y can take on values from 1 to 32 and to repetitive patterns of any length up to 32 bits. The transmit direction generates the programmable test pattern, and inserts the test pattern payload into the data stream. The receive direction extracts the test pattern payload from the receive data stream, and monitors the test pattern payload for the programmable test pattern. The features include: n * y Programmable PRBS pattern. The pseudorandom bit sequence (PRBS) polynomial (x + x + 1) and seed n are programmable (length n = 1 to 32, tap y = 1 to n - 1, and seed = 0 to 2 - 1). Programmable repetitive pattern. The repetitive pattern length and pattern are programmable (the length n = n 1 to 32 and pattern = 0 to 2 - 1). 24-bit error count and 32-bit bit count registers Programmable bit-error insertion. Errors can be inserted individually, on a pin transition, or at a specific rate. n The rate 1/10 is programmable (n = 1 to 7). -3 Pattern synchronization at a 10 BER. Pattern synchronization is achieved even in the presence of a -3 random bit-error rate (BER) of 10 . * * * * 6.9.1 Configuration and Monitoring Set PORT.CR1.BENA = 1 to enable the BERT. The following tables show how to configure the on-board BERT to send and receive common patterns. Table 6-10. Pseudorandom Pattern Generation PATTERN TYPE 9 2 -1 O.153 (511 type) 11 2 -1 O.152 and O.153 (2047 type) 15 2 -1 O.151 PTF[4:0] (hex) 04 BPCR REGISTER PLF[4:0] PTS (hex) 08 0 QRSS BERT. PCR BERT. SPR2 BERT. SPR1 0 0x0408 0xFFFF 0xFFFF BERT.CR TPIC, RPIC 0 08 0A 0 0 0x080A 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0 0D 0E 0 0 0x0D0E 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 1 20 10 13 0 0 0x1013 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0 20 02 13 0 1 0x0253 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 0 23 11 16 0 0 0x1116 0xFFFF 0xFFFF 1 2 -1 O.153 2 -1 O.151 QRSS 2 -1 O.151 Table 6-11. Repetitive Pattern Generation PATTERN TYPE All 1s BPCR REGISTER PTF[4:0] PLF[4:0] PTS (hex) (hex) NA 00 1 QRSS BERT. PCR BERT. SPR2 BERT. SPR1 0 0x0020 0xFFFF 0xFFFF All 0s NA 00 1 0 0x0020 0xFFFF 0xFFFE Alternating 1s and 0s NA 01 1 0 0x0021 0xFFFF 0xFFFE Double alternating and 0s NA 03 1 0 0x0023 0xFFFF 0xFFFC 3 in 24 NA 17 1 0 0x0037 0xFF20 0x0022 1 in 16 NA 0F 1 0 0x002F 0xFFFF 0x0001 1 in 8 NA 07 1 0 0x0027 0xFFFF 0xFF01 1 in 4 NA 03 1 0 0x0023 0xFFFF 0xFFF1 66 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit After configuring these bits, the pattern must be loaded into the BERT. This is accomplished through a 0-to-1 transition on BCR.TNPL and BCR.RNPL Monitoring the BERT requires reading the BSR register that contains the BEC bit and the OOS bit. The BEC bit is 1 when the bit-error counter is 1 or more. The OOS is 1 when the receive pattern generator is not synchronized to the incoming pattern, which will occur when it receives a minimum 6 bit errors within a 64-bit window. The receive BERT bit-count register (RBCR) and the receive BERT bit-error count register (RBECR) are updated upon the reception of a performance-monitor update signal (e.g., BCR.LPMU). This signal updates the registers with the values of the counters since the last update and resets the counters. 6.9.2 Receive Pattern Detection The receive BERT receives only the payload data and synchronizes the receive pattern generator to the incoming pattern. The receive pattern generator is a 32-bit shift register that shifts data from the least significant bit (LSB) or bit 1 to the most significant bit (MSB) or bit 32. The input to bit 1 is the feedback. For a PRBS pattern (generating n y polynomial x + x + 1), the feedback is an XOR of bit n and bit y. For a repetitive pattern (length n), the feedback is bit n. The values for n and y are individually programmable (1 to 32). The output of the receive pattern generator is the feedback. If QRSS is enabled, the feedback is an XOR of bits 17 and 20, and the output is forced to 1 if the next 14 bits are all 0s. QRSS is programmable (on or off). For PRBS and QRSS patterns, the feedback is forced to 1 if bits 1 through 31 are all 0s. Depending on the type of pattern programmed, pattern detection performs either PRBS synchronization or repetitive pattern synchronization. Receive PRBS Synchronization PRBS synchronization synchronizes the receive pattern generator to the incoming PRBS or QRSS pattern. The receive pattern generator is synchronized by loading 32 data stream bits into the receive pattern generator, and then checking the next 32 data stream bits. Synchronization is achieved if all 32 bits match the incoming pattern. If at least six incoming bits in the current 64-bit window do not match the receive pattern generator, automatic pattern re-synchronization is initiated. Automatic pattern resynchronization can be disabled. Refer to Figure 6-11 for the PRBS synchronization diagram. Figure 6-11. PRBS Synchronization State Diagram Sync f6 err ors 6o 32 ors err bi t sw ith h wit its out 4b 1 bit error Verify Load 32 bits loaded 67 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Receive Repetitive Pattern Synchronization Repetitive pattern synchronization synchronizes the receive pattern generator to the incoming repetitive pattern. The receive pattern generator is synchronized by searching each incoming data stream bit position for the repetitive pattern, and then checking the next 32 data stream bits. Synchronization is achieved if all 32 bits match the incoming pattern. If at least six incoming bits in the current 64-bit window do not match the receive PRBS pattern generator, automatic pattern resynchronization is initiated. Automatic pattern resynchronization can be disabled. See Figure 6-12 for the repetitive pattern synchronization state diagram. Figure 6-12. Repetitive Pattern Synchronization State Diagram Sync f6 err ors 6o 32 ors err bi t sw ith h wit its out 4b 1 bit error Verify Match Pattern Matches Receive Pattern Monitoring Receive pattern monitoring monitors the incoming data stream for both an OOS condition and bit errors and counts the incoming bits. An out-of-synchronization (OOS) condition is declared when the synchronization state machine is not in the sync state. An OOS condition is terminated when the synchronization state machine is in the sync state. Bit errors are determined by comparing the incoming data stream bit to the receive pattern generator output. If they do not match, a bit error is declared, and the bit error and bit counts are incremented. If they match, only the bit count is incremented. The bit count and bit-error count are not incremented when an OOS condition exists. 6.9.3 Transmit Pattern Generation Pattern generation generates the outgoing test pattern and passes it onto error insertion. The transmit pattern generator is a 32-bit shift register that shifts data from the least significant bit (LSB) or bit 1 to the most significant n y bit (MSB) or bit 32. The input to bit 1 is the feedback. For a PRBS pattern (generating polynomial x + x + 1), the feedback is an XOR of bit n and bit y. For a repetitive pattern (length n), the feedback is bit n. The values for n and y are individually programmable (1 to 32). The output of the receive pattern generator is the feedback. If QRSS is enabled, the feedback is an XOR of bits 17 and 20, and the output will be forced to one if the next 14 bits are all 0s. QRSS is programmable (on or off). For PRBS and QRSS patterns, the feedback will be forced to 1 if bits 1 to 31 68 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit are all 0s. When a new pattern is loaded, the pattern generator is loaded with a seed/pattern value before pattern n generation starts. The seed/pattern value is programmable (0 - 2 - 1). Transmit Error Insertion Error insertion inserts errors into the outgoing pattern data stream. Errors are inserted one at a time or at a rate of n one out of every 10 bits. The value of n is programmable (1 to 7 or off). Single bit-error insertion can be initiated from the microprocessor interface, or by the manual error-insertion input (TMEI). The method of single error insertion is programmable (register or input). If pattern inversion is enabled, the data stream is inverted before the overhead/stuff bits are inserted. Pattern inversion is programmable (on or off). 6.10 Special Test Functions This section is used for designer notes. Any special features or test functions that are for internal use or possible future features that may be needed should be documented here. 6.10.1 Metal Options The DS26303 has a metal option to allow for pins D0 to D7 to be metal revised. The metal revision adds VDDIO/2 pullup and pulldown to pins D0 to D7. This has been added in case compatibility in hardware mode needs to match the LXT384 part. 69 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 7 JTAG BOUNDARY SCAN ARCHITECTURE AND TEST ACCESS PORT The DS26303 IEEE 1149.1 design supports the standard instruction codes SAMPLE/PRELOAD, BYPASS, and EXTEST. Optional public instructions included are HIGHZ, CLAMP, and IDCODE. The DS26303 contains the following as required by IEEE 1149.1 Standard Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Architecture: * * * * * * Test Access Port (TAP) TAP Controller Instruction Register Bypass Register Boundary Scan Register Device Identification Register Details on Boundary Scan Architecture and the Test Access Port can be found in IEEE 1149.1-1990, IEEE 1149.1a-1993, and IEEE 1149.1b-1994. The Test Access Port has the necessary interface pins: JTRSTB, TCLK, JTMS, JTDI, and JTDO. See the pin descriptions for details. For the latest BSDL file go to www.maxim-ic.com/tools/bsdl/ and search for DS26303. Figure 7-1. JTAG Functional Block Diagram BOUNDARY SCAN REGISTER IDENTIFICATION REGISTER BYPASS REGISTER MUX INSTRUCTION REGISTER SELECT TEST ACCESS PORT CONTROLLER +V +V 10kW +V 10kW JTD1 OUTPUT ENABLE 10kW JTMS TCLK 70 of 97 JTRSTB JTDO DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 7.1 TAP Controller State Machine The TAP controller is a finite state machine that responds to the logic level at JTMS on the rising edge of TCLK. The state diagram is shown in Figure 7-2. Test-Logic-Reset Upon power-up, the TAP controller will be in the test-logic-reset state. The instruction register will contain the IDCODE instruction. All system logic of the device will operate normally. This state is automatically entered during power up. This state is entered from any state if the JTMS is held high for at least 5 clocks. Run-Test-Idle The run-test-idle is used between scan operations or during specific tests. The instruction register and test registers will remain idle. The controller remains in this state when JTMS is held low. When the JTMS is high and rising edge of TCLK is applied the controller moves to the Select-DR-Scan State. Select-DR-Scan All test registers retain their previous state. With JTMS LOW, a rising edge of TCLK moves the controller into the capture-DR state and will initiate a scan sequence. JTMS HIGH during a rising edge on TCLK moves the controller to the select-IR-scan state. Capture-DR Data can be parallel-loaded into the test-data registers if the current instruction is EXTEST or SAMPLE/PRELOAD. If the instruction does not call for a parallel load or the selected register does not allow parallel loads, the test register will remain at its current value. On the rising edge of TCLK, the controller will go to the shift-DR state if JTMS is LOW or it will go to the exit1-DR state if JTMS is HIGH. Shift-DR The test-data register selected by the current instruction will be connected between JTDI and JTDO and will shift data one stage towards its serial output on each rising edge of TCLK. If a test register selected by the current instruction is not placed in the serial path, it will maintain its previous state. When the TAP Controller is in this state and a rising edge of TCLK is applied, the controller enters the EXIT1-DR state if JTMS is high or remains in SHIFTDR state if JTMS is low. Exit1-DR While in this state, a rising edge on TCLK will put the controller in the Update-DR state, which terminates the scanning process, if JTMS is HIGH. A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS LOW will put the controller in the Pause-DR state. Pause-DR Shifting of the test registers is halted while in this state. All test registers selected by the current instruction will retain their previous state. The controller will remain in this state while JTMS is LOW. A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS HIGH will put the controller in the exit2-DR state. Exit2-DR A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS HIGH while in this state will put the controller in the update-DR state and terminate the scanning process. A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS LOW will enter the shift-DR state. 71 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Update-DR A falling edge on TCLK while in the update-DR state will latch the data from the shift register path of the test registers into the data output latches. This prevents changes at the parallel output due to changes in the shift register. Select-IR-Scan All test registers retain their previous state. The instruction register will remain unchanged during this state. With JTMS LOW, a rising edge on TCLK moves the controller into the capture-IR state and will initiate a scan sequence for the instruction register. JTMS HIGH during a rising edge on TCLK puts the controller back into the Test-logicreset state. Capture-IR The capture-IR state is used to load the shift register in the instruction register with a fixed value. This value is loaded on the rising edge of TCLK. If JTMS is HIGH on the rising edge of TCLK, the controller will enter the exit1IR state. If JTMS is LOW on the rising edge of TCLK, the controller will enter the shift-IR state. Shift-IR In this state, the shift register in the instruction register is connected between JTDI and JTDO and shifts data one stage for every rising edge of TCLK towards the serial output. The parallel registers as well as all test registers remain at their previous states. A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS HIGH will move the controller to the exit1-IR state. A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS LOW will keep the controller in the shift-IR state while moving data one stage thorough the instruction shift register. Exit1-IR A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS LOW will put the controller in the pause-IR state. If JTMS is HIGH on the rising edge of TCLK, the controller will enter the update-IR state and terminate the scanning process. Pause-IR Shifting of the instruction shift register is halted temporarily. With JTMS HIGH, a rising edge on TCLK will put the controller in the Exit2-IR state. The controller will remain in the Pause-IR state if JTMS is LOW during a rising edge on TCLK. Exit2-IR A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS High will put the controller in the Update-IR state. The controller will loop back to shift-IR if JTMS is LOW during a rising edge of TCLK in this state. Update-IR The instruction code shifted into the instruction shift register is latched into the parallel output on the falling edge of TCLK as the controller enters this state. Once latched, this instruction becomes the current instruction. A rising edge on TCLK with JTMS LOW will put the controller in the run-test-idle state. With JTMS HIGH, the controller will enter the select-DR-scan state. 72 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 7-2. TAP Controller State Diagram 1 Test Logic Reset 0 0 Run Test/ Idle 1 Select DR-Scan 1 Select IR-Scan 0 1 0 1 Capture DR Capture IR 0 Shift DR 0 Shift IR 0 1 Exit DR Exit IR Exit2 DR Pause IR 0 1 0 Exit2 IR 1 Update DR 1 0 73 of 97 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 Pause DR 1 1 Update IR 1 0 0 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 7.2 Instruction Register The instruction register contains a shift register as well as a latched parallel output and is 3 bits in length. When the TAP controller enters the shift-IR state, the instruction shift register will be connected between JTDI and JTDO. While in the shift-IR state, a rising edge on TCLK with JTMS LOW will shift the data one stage towards the serial output at JTDO. A rising edge on TCLK in the exit1-IR state or the exit2-IR state with JTMS HIGH will move the controller to the update-IR state. The falling edge of that same TCLK will latch the data in the instruction shift register to the instruction parallel output. Instructions supported by the DS26303 and its respective operational binary codes are shown in Table 7-1. Table 7-1. Instruction Codes for IEEE 1149.1 Architecture INSTRUCTION SELECTED REGISTER INSTRUCTION CODES EXTEST HIGHZ CLAMP SAMPLE/PRELOAD IDCODE BYPASS Boundary Scan Bypass Bypass Boundary Scan Device Identification Bypass 000 010 011 100 110 111 EXTEST This allows testing of all interconnections to the device. When the EXTEST instruction is latched in the instruction register, the following actions occur. Once enabled via the Update-IR state, the parallel outputs of all digital output pins will be driven. The boundary scan register will be connected between JTDI and JTDO. The Capture-DR will sample all digital inputs into the boundary scan register. HIGHZ All digital outputs of the device will be placed in a HIGHZ state. The BYPASS register will be connected between JTDI and JTDO. CLAMP All digital outputs of the device will output data from the boundary scan parallel output while connecting the bypass register between JTDI and JTDO. The outputs will not change during the CLAMP instruction. SAMPLE/PRELOAD This is a mandatory instruction for the IEEE 1149.1 specification that supports two functions. The digital I/Os of the device can be sampled at the boundary scan register without interfering with the normal operation of the device by using the Capture-DR state. SAMPLE/PRELOAD also allows the device to shift data into the boundary scan register via JTDI using the Shift-DR state. IDCODE When the IDCODE instruction is latched into the parallel instruction register, the identification test register is selected. The device identification code will be loaded into the identification register on the rising edge of TCLK following entry into the capture-DR state. Shift-DR can be used to shift the identification code out serially via JTDO. During Test-Logic-Reset, the identification code is forced into the instruction register's parallel output. The ID code will always have a 1 in the LSB position. The next 11 bits identify the manufacturer's JEDEC number and number of continuation bytes followed by 16 bits for the device and 4 bits for the version Table 7-2. Table 7-3 lists the device ID code for the DS26303. BYPASS When the BYPASS instruction is latched into the parallel instruction register, JTDI connects to JTDO through the one-bit bypass test register. This allows data to pass from JTDI to JTDO not affecting the device's normal operation. 74 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 7-2. ID Code Structure MSB Version Contact Factory 4 bits Device ID JEDEC LSB 1 16 bits 00010100001 1 Table 7-3 Device ID Codes PART DS26303-075 DS26303-125 7.3 DIE REV A1 A1 JTAG REV 0h 0h JTAG ID 0080h 0081h Test Registers IEEE 1149.1 requires a minimum of two test registers: the bypass register and the boundary scan register. An optional test register has been included with the DS26303 design. This test register is the identification register and is used with the IDCODE instruction and the Test-Logic-Reset state of the TAP controller. 7.3.1 Boundary Scan Register This register contains both a shift register path and a latched parallel output for all control cells and digital I/O cells and is n bits in length. 7.3.2 Bypass Register This is a single 1-bit shift register used with the BYPASS, CLAMP, and HIGHZ instructions that provide a short path between JTDI and JTDO. 7.3.3 Identification Register The identification register contains a 32-bit shift register and a 32-bit latched parallel output. This register is selected during the IDCODE instruction and when the TAP controller is in the test-logic-reset state. See Table 7-2 and Table 7-3 for more information about bit usage. 75 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 8 OPERATING PARAMETERS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Voltage Range on Any Lead with Respect to VSS (except VDD)....................................................-0.3V to +5.5V Supply Voltage (VDD) Range with Respect to VSS....................................................................-0.3V to +3.63V Operating Temperature Range for DS26303G/DS26303L............................................................0C to +70C Operating Temperature Range for DS26303GN/DS26303LN....................................................-40C to +85C Storage Temperature......................................................................................................-55C to +125C Soldering Temperature...................................................................See IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Specification This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods of time may affect reliability. Table 8-1. Recommended DC Operating Conditions (TA = -40C to +85C for DS26303GN and DS26303LN.) PARAMETER SYMBOL Logic 1 VIH Logic 0 VIL Midrange Level Supply Voltage Note 1: CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 2 2/3VDD + 0.2 (Note 1) (Note 1) 5.5 1/3VDD + 0.2 3.135 VDD V 3.3 0.8 1/3VDD 0.2 2/3VDD 0.2 3.465 V TYP MAX UNITS -0.3 (Note 1) UNITS 1/2 x VDD V V Applies to pins LP1-LP8, JAS, and MODESEL. Table 8-2. Capacitance (TA = +25C) PARAMETER Input Capacitance Output Capacitance SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN CIN COUT 7 7 pF pF Table 8-3. DC Characteristics (VDD = 3.135V to 3.465V, TA = -40C to +85C.) PARAMETER Supply Current Input Leakage Tri-State Output Leakage Output Voltage (Io = -4.0mA) Output Voltage (Io = +4.0mA) Note 1: Note 2: SYMBOL IDD CONDITIONS MIN 3.465V (Notes 1, 2) 3.3V IIL IOL VOH VOL TYP MAX 478 mA 250 -10.0 -10.0 2.4 +10.0 +10.0 0.4 RCLK1-n = TCLK1-n = 1.544MHz. Power dissipation with all ports active, TTIP and TRING driving a 25W load, for an all-ones data density. 76 of 97 UNITS A A V V DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 9 THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Table 9-1. Thermal Characteristics PARAMETER TYP MAX UNITS Power Dissipation with RIMPMS = 0 (Notes 1, 2) 0.7 1.40 W Power Dissipation with RIMPMS = 1(Notes 1, 2) 0.9 1.65 W +85 C +125 C Ambient Temperature (Note 3) MIN -40 Junction Temperature +21.3 (Note 4) 29.0 (Note 5) Theta-JA (qJA) in Still Air for 144-Pin eLQFP C/W Note 1: RCLK1-n = TCLK1-n = 1.544MHz. Note 2: Power dissipation with all ports active, TTIP and TRIN driving a 25W load, for an all-ones data density. Note 3: The package is mounted on a four-layer JEDEC standard test board. Note 4: Theta-JA (qJA) is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, when the package is mounted on a four-layer JEDEC standard test board and the die attach pad is soldered to the test board. Note 5: Theta-JA (qJA) is the junction-to-ambient thermal resistance, when the package is mounted on a four-layer JEDEC standard test board and the die attach pad is not soldered to the test board. 77 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 10 AC CHARACTERISTICS 10.1 Line Interface Characteristics Table 10-1. Transmitter Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL Output Mark Amplitude V Output Zero Amplitude (Note 1) CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX E1 75W 2.14 2.37 2.6 E1 120W 2.7 3.0 3.3 T1 100W 2.4 3.0 3.6 T1 110W 2.4 3.0 3.6 Vs Transmit Amplitude Variation with Supply Transmit Path Delay UNITS V -0.3 +0.3 V -1 +1 % Single rail 8 Dual rail 3 UI Table 10-2. Receiver Characteristics PARAMETER SYMBOL Cable Attenuation Analog Loss-of-Signal Threshold Hysteresis Short-Haul Mode CONDITIONS MIN Attn (Note 1) 200 100 MAX UNITS 12 dB mV 192 192 2048 24 192 192 Allowable Zeros Before Loss (Note 2) Allowable Ones Before Loss (Note 3) Receive Path Delay TYP Dual rail 3 Single rail 8 UI Note 1: Measured at the RRING and RTIP pins. Note 2: 192 zeros for T1 and T1.231 specification compliance. 192 zeros for E1 and G.775 specification compliance. 2048 Zeros for ETSI 300 233 compliance. Note 3: 24 ones in 192-bit period for T1.231. 192 ones for G.775, 192 ones for ETSI 300 233. 78 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 10.2 Parallel Host Interface Timing Characteristics Table 10-3. Intel Read Mode Characteristics (VDD = 3.3V 5%, Tj = -40C to +125C.) (Figure 10-1 and Figure 10-2) SIGNAL NAME(S) RDB CSB CSB AD[7:0] A[5:0] D[7:0], AD[7:0] D[7:0], AD[7:0] RDYB RDYB A[5:0] ALE A[5:0] RDB RDYB RDYB ALE Note 1: SYMBOL t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 t16 DESCRIPTION (NOTE 1) Pulse Width Setup Time to RDB Hold Time from RDB Setup Time to ALE Hold Time from RDB Delay Time RDB, CSB Active Deassert Delay from RDB, CSB Inactive Enable Delay Time from CSB Active Disable Delay Time from the CSB Inactive Setup Time to RDB Active Pulse Width Hold Time from ALE Output Delay Time of AD[7:0], D[7:0] Delay Time from RDB Inactive Active Output Delay Time from RDB Inactive Time to RDB Active The input/output timing reference level for all signals is VDD/2. 79 of 97 MIN 60 0 0 10 0 6 3 0 6 10 5 10 0 40 2 TYP MAX 48 35 12 12 50 12 52 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-1. Intel Nonmuxed Read Cycle t3 t2 CSB t1 t13 RDB ALE=(1) t5 t10 A[5:0] ADDRESS t7 t6 D[7:0] DATA OUT t8 t14 RDY t15 80 of 97 t9 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-2. Intel Mux Read Cycle t3 t2 CSB t1 RDB t11 t16 t13 ALE t12 t4 AD[7:0] t7 t6 DATA OUT ADDRESS t8 t14 RDY t15 81 of 97 t9 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 10-4. Intel Write Cycle Characteristics (VDD = 3.3V 5%, Tj = -40C to +125C.) (Figure 10-3 and Figure 10-4) SIGNAL NAME(S) WRB CSB CSB AD[7:0] A[5:0] D[7:0], AD[7:0] D[7:0], AD[7:0] RDYB RDYB RDYB RDYB ALE ALE A[5:0] A[5:0] Note 1: SYMBOL t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 t14 t15 DESCRIPTION (NOTE 1) Pulse Width Setup Time to WRB Hold Time to WRB Setup Time to ALE Hold Time from WRB Inactive Input Setup time to WRB Inactive Input Hold Time to WRB Inactive Enable Delay from CSB Active Delay Time from WRB Active Delay Time from WRB Inactive Disable Delay Time from CSB Inactive Pulse Width Inactive Time to WRB Active Hold Time from ALE Inactive Setup Time to WRB Inactive The input/output timing reference level for all signals is VDD/2. 82 of 97 MIN 60 0 0 10 2 40 30 0 40 0 10 10 10 17 TYP MAX UNITS 13 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 12 12 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-3. Intel Nonmux Write Cycle t3 t2 CSB t1 WRB ALE=(1) t5 t15 A[5:0] ADDRESS t7 t6 D[7:0] WRITE DATA t10 t8 RDY t9 83 of 97 t11 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-4. Intel Mux Write Cycle t3 t2 CSB t1 WRB t12 t13 ALE t14 t4 AD[7:0] t6 t7 WRITE DATA ADDRESS t8 t10 RDY t9 84 of 97 t11 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 10-5. Motorola Read Cycle Characteristics (VDD = 3.3V 5%, Tj = -40C to +125C.) (Figure 10-5 and Figure 10-6) SIGNAL NAME(S) DS CSB CSB RWB RWB AD[7:0] AD[7:0] AD[7:0], D[7:0] AD[7:0], D[7:0] AD[7:0], D[7:0] ACKB ACKB ASB SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MIN t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 t13 Pulse Width (Note 1) Setup Time to DSB Active (Note 1) Hold Time from DSB Inactive (Note 1) Setup Time to DSB Active (Note 1) Hold Time from DSB Inactive (Note 1) Setup Time to ASB/DSB Active (Notes 1, 2) Hold Time from ASB/DSB Active (Notes 1, 2) Output Valid Delay Time from DSB Active (Note 1) Invalid Output Delay Time from DSB Active (Note 1) Output Valid Delay Time from DSB Inactive (Note 1) Asserted Delay from DSB Active (Note 1) Output Delay Time from DSB Inactive (Note 1) Active Delay Time to DSB Active (Note 1) 60 0 0 10 0 10 5 3 2 3 10 TYP MAX 30 30 40 12 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Note 1: The input/output timing reference level for all signals is VDD/2. Note 2: In a nonmux cycle, the timing reference refers only to the DSB signal. While in a mux cycle, the timing reference refers only to the ASB signal. 85 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-5. Motorola Nonmux Read Cycle t3 t2 CSB t4 t5 RWB t1 DSB ASB=(1) A[5:0] t6 t7 ADDRESS t8 D[7:0] t10 DATA OUT t9 t12 ACKB t11 86 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-6. Motorola Mux Read Cycle t3 t2 CSB t4 t5 RWB t1 DSB t13 ASB t9 t6 AD[7:0] t8 t10 t7 ADDRESS DATA OUT t12 ACKB t11 87 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 10-6. Motorola Write Cycle Characteristics (VDD = 3.3V 5%, Tj = -40C to +125C.) (Figure 10-7 and Figure 10-8) SIGNAL NAME(S) DSB CSB CSB RWB RWB AD[7:0] AD[7:0] AD[7:0], D[7:0] AD[7:0], D[7:0] A[5:0] ACKB ASB SYMBOL t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11 t12 DESCRIPTION Pulse Width (Note 1) Setup Time to DSB Active (Note 1) Hold Time from DSB Inactive (Note 1) Setup Time to DSB Active (Note 1) Hold Time to DSB Inactive (Note 1) Setup Time to ASB/DSB Active (Notes 1, 2) Hold Time from ASB/DSB Active (Notes 1, 2) Setup Time to DSB Inactive (Note 1) Hold Time from DSB Inactive (Note 1) Assert Time from DSB Active (Note 1) Output Delay from DSB Inactive (Note 1) Active Time to DSB Active (Note 1) MIN TYP MAX 60 0 0 10 0 10 5 40 30 0 10 40 12 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Note 1: The input/output timing reference level for all signals is VDD/2. Note 2: In a nonmux cycle, the timing reference refers only to the DSB signal. While in a mux cycle, the timing reference refers only to the ASB signal. 88 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-7. Motorola Nonmux Write Cycle t3 t2 CSB t4 t5 RWB t1 DSB ASB=(1) A[5:0] t6 t7 ADDRESS t8 D[7:0] t9 WRITE DATA t11 ACKB t10 89 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Figure 10-8. Motorola Mux Write Cycle t3 t2 CSB t4 t5 RWB t1 DSB t13 t12 ASB t6 AD[7:0] t7 t9 t8 WRITE DATA ADDRESS t10 ACKB 90 of 97 t11 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 10.3 Serial Port Table 10-7. Serial Port Timing Characteristics (Figure 10-9, Figure 10-10, and Figure 10-11) PARAMETER SYMBOL SCLK High Time SCLK Low Time Active CSB to SCLK Setup Time Last SCLK to CSB Inactive Time CSB Idle Time SDI to SCLK Setup Time SCLK to SDI Hold Time t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 SCLK Falling Edge to SDO High Impedance (CLKE = 0); CSB Rising to SDO High Impedance (CLKE = 1) t8 CONDITIONS MIN TYP 25 25 50 50 50 5 5 100 ns t5 CSB t3 t4 SCLK t2 t6 SDI t7 LSB MSB Figure 10-10. Serial Bus Timing Read Operation with CLKE = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 SCLK CSB 16 t4 SDO t8 Figure 10-11. Serial Bus Timing Read Operation with CLKE = 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCLK CSB 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 t4 SDO t8 91 of 97 UNITS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Figure 10-9. Serial Bus Timing Write Operation t1 MAX 16 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 10.4 System Timing Table 10-8. Transmitter System Timing (Figure 10-12) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX TPOS, TNEG Setup Time with Respect to TCLK Falling Edge t1 40 ns TPOS, TNEG Hold Time with Respect to TCLK Falling Edge t2 40 ns TCLK Pulse-Width High TCLK Pulse-Width Low t3 t4 75 75 ns ns TCLK Period t5 TCLK Rise Time TCLK Fall Time t6 t7 488 648 ns 25 25 Figure 10-12. Transmitter Systems Timing t5 t7 t3 t6 TCLK t1 TPO S , TN EG t2 92 of 97 UNITS t4 ns ns DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit Table 10-9. Receiver System Timing (Figure 10-13) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Delay RCLK to RPOS, RNEG Valid Delay RCLK to RNEG Valid in SinglePolarity Mode t1 50 ns t2 50 ns RCLK Pulse-Width High t3 75 ns RCLK Pulse-Width Low t4 75 ns RCLK Period t5 488 648 Figure 10-13. Receiver Systems Timing RCLK1 t4 t3 RCLK2 t5 t1 RPOS, RNEG t1 RPOS, RNEG t2 RNEG BPV/ EXZ/ CV BPV/ EXZ/ CV t2 RNEG BPV/ EXZ/ CV BPV/ EXZ/ CV 93 of 97 ns DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 10.5 JTAG Timing Table 10-10. JTAG Timing Characteristics (Figure 10-14) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS JTCLK Period t1 100 ns JTMS and JTDI Setup to JTCLK t2 25 ns JTMS and JTDI Hold to JTCLK t3 25 ns JTCLK to JTDO Hold t4 50 Figure 10-14. JTAG Timing t1 TC K t2 TM S TD I t3 t4 TD O 94 of 97 ns DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 11 PACKAGE INFORMATION (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information, go to www.maxim-ic.com/DallasPackInfo.) 11.1 eLQFP Package Outline (1 of 2) 95 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 11.2 eLQFP Package Outline (2 of 2) 96 of 97 DS26303: 3.3V, T1/E1/J1, Short-Haul, Octal Line Interface Unit 12 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY REVISION 072205 DESCRIPTION New product release. 97 of 97 Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time. Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 (c) 2005 Maxim Integrated Products * Printed USA The Maxim logo is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. The Dallas logo is a registered trademark of Dallas Semiconductor Corporation.