SMT Power Inductors
Power Beads - Volta 1 & 2 series
P522.E (03/13)
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Performance warranty of products oered on this data sheet is limited to the parameters specified. Data is subject to change without notice. Other brand and product names mentioned herein may be
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1. The rated current as listed is either the saturation current or the heating current
depending on which value is lower.
2. The saturation current is the current which causes the inductance to drop by 10%
at the stated ambient temperatures (-40°C, 25°C, 125°C). This current is determined by
placing the component in the specified ambient environment and applying a short
duration pulse current (to eliminate self-heating eects) to the component.
3. The heating current is the DC current which causes the temperature of the part to
increase by approximately 30°C. This current is determined by mounting the component
on a PCB with .25” wide, 3 oz. equivalent copper traces, and applying the current to the
device for 30 minutes.
4. In high volt*time applications, additional heating in the component can occur due to core
losses in the inductor which may neccessitate derating the current in order to limit the
temperature rise of the component. In order to determine the approximate total losses
(or temperature rise) for a given application both copper losses and core losses should be
taken into account.
5. Optional Tape & Reel packaging can be ordered by adding a “T” sux to the part number,
(i.e. PA0277T).
6. To order RoHS compliant part, add the sux “NL” to the part number (i.e. PA0277 becomes
PA0277NL and PA0277T becomes PA0277NLT).
Estimated Temperature Rise:
Trise = (°C)
Coreloss = K1 * (Fsw (kHz)) * (K2 * dl) (mW)
Copper Loss = Irms * DCR (mΩ) (mW)
Irms = IDC + (Arms)
Fsw(kHz) = switching frequency (kHz)
dI = delta I across the component (A)
The temperature of the component (ambient temperature + temperature rise) should
be within the listed operating temperature range.
Coreloss (mW) + Copper Loss (mW)
1.6688 2.17