TY 2.54 <5.08mm GRID PATTERN CR11 DUAL LINE CONNECTORS General CR11 series are 2.54mm centers dual line connectors with Wire Wrapping post and Dip Soldering post. CR11 featuring bifurcated contacts finished by selective gold series are completely compatible with CRS5 series. A plating. 56, 60, 68, 72, 80, 88, and 100 pin are line-uped _ polarizing key is available for protection of coupling errors. Material and Finish Molding : UL94V-0, Glass-reinforced Polyester, Black Contacts: Phosphor Bronze Finish : (1). Gold over nickel ........ Contact Part (2) Solder over nickel ........ Terminal Post Electrical and Environmental Performance Current Rating :3A Voltage Rating : AC300V Insulation Resistance : 1000MQ MIN at DCS00V Contact Resistance : 20m{Q2 MAX at DC1A_ Voltage Withstanding : AC1000V for a minute Insertion Force : 350grs/contact MAX at 1.575*0-002 am steel gauge Extraction Force : 40200grs/contact at 1.575*?-2 mm steel gauge Humidity : MIL-STD-202, Insulation Resistance 1000MQ MIN at 4077 C,9095%, and 48 hours Vibration : MIL-STD-202, No visual damage nor looseness of parts at 1055Hz with 1.5mm amplitude Shock : MIL-STD-202 No visual damage nor looseness of parts at 50G in 3 directions Temperature Cycling : MIL-STD-202, No visual damage at 55 to +125C Durability : Contact Resistance 20mQ2 MAX after 500 times consecutive coupling operation Salt Spray : MIL-STD-202, No heavy corrosion at 5%, 35C Salt Water spray for 48 hours \ Low Level Circuit. |: MIL-C-21097, Contact Resistance 20m2 MAX at DC1mA - >, 20 2.54 *08 5.9 18.5 6.4 9.0 mone mma _ zo | Tan oO mm No.of Part No. A|sBi]cel|loie F | G 56 a ea SENS 92.00} 84.00} 76.00} 68.58] 73.00] 9.5 es 60 cea sop eats 99.84} 92.24] 84.84] 73.66] 81.14] 9.5 ae 68 oni cae ean 110.00] 102.40} 95.00] 83.82] 91.30] 9.5 ar 72 CAIIGT FDLDSADS | 11508] 107.48] 100.08] 88.90] 96.38] 10 a 80 ae e soa 125.24| 117.64] 110.24| 99.06] 106.54] 10 a 88 a seed cans 135,40] 127.80] 120.40] 109.22] 116.70] 10 ar 100 = ocioab eas 150.64 | 143.04] 135.64 | 124.46| 131.94] 10 we (210 oe . mm . ( polarizing Key Mounting Cutout > M3 Tapping or $3.3mm Hole : | Ak AN ce . - WwW tll A a 2 _ Bt0.1 mm { No. of | 56 60 68 72 80. 88 100 pin Material A | 77.0 | 85.84 96.00 | 101.08 | 111.24 | 121.40 | 136.64 B | 84.0 | 92.24 | 102.40 | 107.48 | 117.64 | 127.80 | 143.04 Polyacetal, White c| 105 | 105 10.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 1.5 Recommended PCB size c_, dea J it | I iL , Le -d i : 1.6751 0.5C . LY La sates NM. 0.5C . | Axt0.08 1.65015 Bt3 ; mm No. of | 56 60 68 72 80 88 100 pin : A | 68.58 | 73.66 | 83.82 | 98.90 | 99.06 | 109.20 | 124.46 B | 729 | 81.04 | 91.20 | 96.28 | 106.44 | 116.60 | 131.84 Cc 1.070? Recommended Board Pattern s O-D-O B-O-O oo S wn Oy oh oh ily ANA QT NG NS eS 0.05 we) LE 1.29 Ato.1 mm No. ' of 56 60 68 72 80 88 100 pin A | 68.58 73.66 83.82 88.90 99.06 | 109.22..) 124.46 |