F15 Olympian Filter 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" Port Sizes Olympian plug in design High efficiency water and particle removal Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Maximum pressure: Metal bowl: 17 bar (250 psig) Operating temperature*: Metal bowl: -20 to +80C (0 to +175F) See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Partical removal: 5, 25 or 50 m. Within ISO 8573-1, Class 3 and Class 5 Typical flow at 6,3 bar (90 psig) inlet pressure and a droop of 0,5 bar (7 psig): 50 m element: 185 dm3/s (393 scfm) Automatic drain connection: 1/8" Automatic drain operating conditions: Minimum pressure: 0,7 bar (10 psig). Drain opens when bowl pressure drops below 0,2 bar (3 psig). Minimum air flow: 1 dm3/s (2 scfm) required to close drain. Nominal bowl size: 0,5 litre (1 pint US) Materials: Body: Aluminium Yoke: Aluminium Metal bowl: Aluminium Sight glass: Pyrex Element: Sintered bronze Elastomers: Synthetic rubber 7/97 ISO Symbols Automatic Drain Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. Manual Drain N/AL. F15 Typical Performance Characteristics bar g psig FLOW CHARACTERISTICS UNPORTED 50 m ELEMENT 0,8 INLET PRESSURE - bar g (psig) PRESSURE DROP 1 2,5 (36) 0,6 4,0 (58) 6,3 (91) 8,0 10,0 (116) (150) 8 6 0,4 4 0,2 2 0 0 0 50 0 100 100 200 150 300 200 400 250 500 dm3/s 600 scfm AIR FLOW Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads, automatic drain, 50 m element. Port Size G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Model F15-600-A3HD F15-800-A3HD F15-A00-A3HD F15-B00-A3HD Weight kg (lb) 2,72 (6.04) 2,60 (5.78) 2,70 (6.00) 2,54 (5.64) For replacement Filter (without yoke) substitute `0' at 4th and `O' at 10th digits eg: F15-000-A3HO. Alternative Models F 1 5 - - Port Size 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Substitute 6 8 A B Option Standard Substitute 00 Drain Automatic Manual Substitute A M Thread PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B D Option Standard bowl, with sight glass Standard bowl, without sight glass Substitute H G Element 5 m 25 m 50 m Substitute 1 2 3 Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 F15 Dimensions mm (inches) 112 (4.41) 100 (3.94) 50 (1.97) 190 (7.48)* F15 (manual drain) G1/8 242 (9.53) 269 (10.6) 257 (10.1) G1/8 235 (9.25) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) F15 (automatic drain) G1/8 61 (2.40) 61 (2.40) Minimum clearance required to remove bowl. * 200 mm (7.87) for 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" models Bracket Kit Reference Bracket Mounting Item Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. 208 (8.19)* 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 190 (7.48)* Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 8,5 (0.33) 72 (2.84) Wall Bracket Type 3/4" model 1" model 1 1/4" model 1 1/2" model 15 (0.59) 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL. F15 Service Kits Item Service kit Replacement elements Replacement Sight Glass Replacement Drains Type Automatic drain Manual drain 5 m 25 m 50 m Part Number F15-100A F15-100M 5576-97 5576-98 5576-99 Pyrex 5872-99 Automatic Manual 3000-97 684-84 Manual drain service kit includes; insert retaining ring, valve spring, 50 m element, drain cock body, drain cock spindle assembly and necessary seals and `o' rings. Automatic drain service kit includes; cap strainer, strainer, valve spring, 50 m element and necessary seals and `o' rings. Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 F53 Olympian Puraire High Efficiency Coalescing Filter 1/2", 3/4", 1" Port Sizes Olympian plug-in design Coalescing element removes sub-micron particles and converts oil and water mist to liquid form to drain away Automatic drain is operated by liquid level and also opens on depressurisation Oil and dirt contamination in outlet air within ISO 8573.1 Quality Class 1.7.2 Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Maximum pressure: Metal bowl: 17 bar (250 psig) Operating temperature*: Metal bowl: -20 to +65C (0 to +150F) See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Partical removal: 0,01 m Maximum remaining oil content: 0,01 ppm at +21C (+70F) with an inlet concentration of 15 ppm. Maximum flow at 6,3 bar (90 psig) inlet pressure: G1/2, CDS15 element: 35 dm3/s (74 scfm) G3/4, CDS25 element: 35 dm3/s (74 scfm) G1, CDS25 element: 60 dm3/s (127 scfm) It is recommended that an appropriate prefilter be fitted upstream of these units to remove coarse contaminants. ISO Symbol To maintain stated oil removal performance Automatic drain connection: 1/8" Automatic drain operating conditions: Minimum pressure: 0,7 bar (10 psig). Drain opens when bowl pressure drops below 0,2 bar (3 psig). Minimum air flow: 1 dm3/s (2 scfm) required to close drain. Nominal bowl sizes: 1 litre (1 quart US) 0,5 litre (1 pint US) Materials: Body: Aluminium Yoke:Aluminium Metal bowl: Aluminium Element and activated carbon pack: Composite materials Elastomers: Synthetic rubber 7/97 Automatic Drain Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL. F53 Typical Performance Characteristics Inlet Pressure bar 1 3 5 6,3 7 9 (psig) (15) (45) (70) (90) (100) (130) Maximum Flow* G1/2 G3/4 G1 CDS15 CDS25 CDS25 dm3/s (scfm) dm3/s (scfm) dm3/s (scfm) 14 (30) 14 (30) 24 (51) 24 (51) 24 (51) 41 (87) 31 (66) 31 (66) 53 (112) 35 (74) 35 (74) 60 (127) 36,7 (78) 36,7 (78) 63 (133) 42 (89) 42 (89) 72 (153) * Maximum flow to maintain stated oil removal performance. Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads, automatic drain. Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 Model F53-415-A0GD F53-625-A0MD F53-825-A0MD Weight kg (lb) 2,38 (5.29) 2,72 (6.04) 2,66 (5.91) For replacement Filter (without yoke) substitute `0' at 4th and `O' at 10th digits eg: F53-025-A0GO. Alternative Models F 5 3 - - Port Size 1/2" 3/4" 1" Substitute 4* 6 8 Thread PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B D Option CDS15, short bowl CDS25, long bowl Substitute 1 5* 25 Option Short bowl, without sight glass Long bowl, without sight glass Substitute G* M Drain Automatic Manual Substitute A M Element Oil removal Substitute 0 * 1/2 only available with CS15 element and short bowl. Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 F53 Dimensions mm (inches) CDS25 (long bowl) CDS15 (short bowl) G1/8 257 (10.1) 296 (11.7) 320 (12.6) G1/8 235 (9.25) 45 (1.77) 112 (4.41) 45 (1.77) 100 (3.94) 50 (1.97) 190 (7.48) G1/8 G1/8 Minimum clearance required to remove bowl. Bracket Kit Reference Bracket Mounting Item Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-979 208 (8.19)* 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 190 (7.48)* 8,5 (0.33) 72 (2.84) Wall Bracket Type 1/2" model 3/4" model 1" model 15 (0.59) 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL. F53 Service Kits Item Service kit Type CDS15 standard bowl CDS25 long bowl Gasket kit Replacement drain Automatic Part Number F53-100 F53-120 F53-GK 3000-04 Service kit includes; element kit and necessary seals and `o' rings. Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 F52 Olympian Ultraire Oil Removing Coalescing Filter 1/2", 3/4", 1" Port Sizes Olympian plug-in design Oil mist contamination in outlet air normally complies with BS 4275 (1974) Provide two stage filtration. Main coalescing filter element removes sub-micron particles and converts oil and water mist to liquid form to drain away. Activated carbon pack in second stage acts as an adsorbent to assist in the removal of some hydrocarbon gases and any oil carry-over from previous stage Ultra high efficiency, suitable for instrumentation, paint spraying, food handling and similar demanding applications Oil and dirt contamination in outlet air within ISO 8573.1 Quality Class 1.7.1 These units will not remove carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide or other toxic gases or fumes. Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Maximum pressure: Metal bowl: 17 bar (250 psig) Operating temperature*: -20 to +65C (0 to +150F) See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Partical removal: 0,01 m. Maximum remaining oil content: 0,003 ppm at +21C (+70F) with an inlet concentration of 15 ppm Approximate flow at 6,3 bar (90 psig) inlet pressure: G1/2, CDS15 element: 25 dm3/s (53 scfm) G3/4, CDS25 element: 35 dm3/s (74 scfm) G1, CDS25 element: 60 dm3/s (127 scfm) It is recommended that an appropriate prefilter be fitted upstream of these units to remove coarse contaminants. ISO Symbol To maintain stated oil removal performance Automatic drain connection: 1/8" Automatic drain operating conditions: Minimum pressure: 0,7 bar (10 psig). Drain opens when bowl pressure drops below 0,2 bar (3 psig). Minimum air flow: 1 dm3/s (2 scfm) required to close drain. Nominal bowl sizes: 1 litre (1 quart US) 0,5 litre (1 pint US) Materials: Body: Aluminium Yoke:Aluminium Metal bowl: Aluminium Sight glass: Pyrex Element and activated carbon pack: Composite materials Elastomers: Synthetic rubber 7/97 Automatic Drain Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL. F52 Typical Performance Characteristics Inlet Pressure bar 1 3 5 6,3 7 9 (psig) (15) (45) (70) (90) (100) (130) Maximum Flow* G1/2 G3/4 G1 CDS15 CDS25 CDS25 dm3/s (scfm) dm3/s (scfm) dm3/s (scfm) 10 (21) 14 (30) 24 (51) 17,25 (37) 24 (51) 41 (87) 22,25 (47) 31 (66) 53 (112) 25 (53) 35 (74) 60 (127) 26,25 (56) 36,7 (78) 63 (133) 30 (64) 42 (89) 72 (153) * Maximum flow to maintain stated oil removal performance. Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads, automatic drain. Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 Model F52-415-AAGD F52-625-AAMD F52-825-AAMD Weight kg (lb) 4,44 (9.87) 5,05 (11.22) 5,05 (11.22) Alternative Models F 5 2 - - Port Size 1/2" 3/4" 1" Substitute 4* 6 8 Thread PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B D Option CDS15, short bowl CDS25, long bowl Substitute 1 5* 25 Option Short bowl, without sight glass Long bowl, without sight glass Substitute G* M Drain Automatic Manual Substitute A M Element Activated carbon Substitute A * 1/2 only available with CS15 element and short bowl. Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G1/2 G3/4 G1 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-979 N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 F52 Dimensions mm (inches) 112 (4.41) 100 (3.94) 50 (1.97) 315 (12.4) CDS15 (short bowl) 296 (11.7) 320 (12.6) G1/8 257 (10.1) G1/8 235 (9.25) 45 (1.77) 45 (1.77) CDS25 (long bowl) G1/8 G1/8 Minimum clearance required to remove bowl. Bracket Kit Reference Bracket Mounting Item Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-979 334 (13.1) 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 315 (12.4) 8,5 (0.33) 72 (2.84) Wall Bracket Type 1/2" model 3/4" model 1" model 15 (0.59) 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL. F52 Service Kits Item Service kit Type CDS15 standard bowl CDS25 long bowl CDS15 standard bowl CDS25 long bowl Replacement Carbon Element Gasket kit Replacement drain Automatic Part Number F52-100 F52-120 665-72 665-70 F52-GK 3000-04 Service kit includes; first stage element kit, second stage element kit and necessary seals and `o' rings. Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 R15 Olympian Regulator 3/4", 1", 1 1/4",1 1/2" Port Sizes Olympian plug in design Robust and compact High flow unit with large valve and diaphragm Push to lock adjusting knob with tamper resistant option Excellent flow and regulation characteristics Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Maximum pressure: 20 bar (290 psig) Operating temperature*: -20 to +80C (0 to +175F) See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Typical flow at 10 bar (150 psig) inlet pressure, 6,3 bar (90 psig) set pressure and a droop of 1 bar (15 psig) from set: 180 dm3/s (381 scfm) Gauge ports: ISO G1/8 Materials: Body: Aluminium Bonnet: Aluminium Adjusting knob: Acetal resin Valve: Brass Optional T-bar adjusting screw: Steel Yoke:Aluminium 7/97 ISO Symbols Relieving Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. Non Relieving N/AL. R15 Typical Performance Characteristics bar g psig FLOW CHARACTERISTICS UNPORTED INLET PRESSURE - 10 bar g (150 psig) RANGE: 0,4 to 8 bar (5 to 120 psig) 8 PRESSURE DROP 100 6 80 60 4 40 2 20 0 0 0 50 0 100 100 200 150 300 200 400 250 500 dm3/s 600 scfm AIR FLOW Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads, knob adjustment, relieving diaphragm, 0,3 to 10 bar (5 to 150 psig) outlet pressure adjustment range* without gauge. Port Size G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Model R15-600-RNLD R15-800-RNLD R15-A00-RNLD R15-B00-RNLD Weight kg (lb) 2,04 (4.53) 2,04 (4.53) 2,08 (4.62) 2,12 (4.71) For replacement Regulator (without yoke) substitute `0' at 4th and `O' at 10th digits eg: R15-000-RNLO. Alternative Models R 1 5 - - Port Size 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Substitute 6 8 A B Option Adjusting knob T-bar Max. adjustment Substitute 00 0 1** 2 0*** * Outlet pressure can be adjusted to pressures in excess of, and less than, those specified. Do not use these units to control pressures outside of the specified ranges. ** Units with 17 bar (250 psig) adjustment range are available only with the T-bar adjustment; therefore substitute `01' at the 5th and 6th digits and `S' at the 9th position. Thread PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B D Outlet Pressure Adjustment Range* 0 to 4 bar (0 to 60 psig) 0,4 to 8 bar (5 to 120 psig) 0,7 to 17 bar (10 to 250 psig) Substitute F L S** Gauge With Without Substitute G N Type Relieving Non relieving Substitute R N *** Contact Technical Sales for setting conditions. N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 R15 Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Key Lock Bonnet 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 5803-98 O 50 mm Pressure Gauge R1/8 Connection 4 bar (60 psig): 10 bar (150 psig): 25 bar (360 psig): 18-013-012 18-013-013 18-013-014 1/8 PTF Connection 18-013-202 18-013-204 18-013-206 Dimensions mm (inches) G1/8 112 (4.41) 198 (7.80)* 222 (8.74) 60 (2.36) 100 (3.94) 50 (1.97) 190 (7.48)** 54 (2.13) * Reduces by 4 mm (0.16") with knob in locked position. Add 37 mm (1.46") for unit with T-handle Minimum clearance required to remove unit. ** 200 mm (7.87) for 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" models 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL. R15 Bracket Kit Reference Bracket Mounting Item Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. 208 (8.19)* 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 190 (7.48)* Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 8,5 (0.33) 72 (2.84) Wall Bracket Type 3/4" model 1" model 1 1/4" model 1 1/2" model 15 (0.59) Service Kits Item Service kit Type Relieving Non relieving Part Number R15-100R R15-100N Service kit includes, valve spring, slip ring, valve assembly, diaphragm assembly and necessary seals and `o' rings. Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 B15 Olympian Filter/Regulator 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" Port Sizes Olympian plug in design High Efficiency water and particle removal Push to lock adjusting knob with tamper resistant option Technical Data Fluid: Compressed air Maximum pressure: Metal bowl: 17 bar (250 psig) Operating temperature*: Metal bowl: -20 to +80C (0 to +175F) Ordering Information See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Partical removal: 5, 25 or 50 m. Within ISO 8573-1, Class 3 and Class 5 Typical flow at 10 bar (150 psig) inlet pressure, 6,3 bar (90 psig) set pressure and a droop of 1 bar (15 psig) from set: 230 dm3/s (487 scfm) Automatic drain connection: 1/8" Automatic drain operating conditions: Minimum pressure: 0,7 bar (10 psig). Drain opens when bowl pressure drops below 0,2 bar (3 psig). Minimum air flow: 1 dm3/s (2 scfm) required to close drain. Nominal bowl size: 0,5 litre (1 pint US) Gauge ports: ISO G1/8 Materials: Body: Aluminium Bonnet: Aluminium Adjusting knob: Acetal resin Valve: Brass Optional T-bar adjusting screw: Steel Yoke: Aluminium Metal bowl: Aluminium Sight glass: Pyrex Element: Sintered bronze Elastomers: Synthetic rubber 7/97 ISO Symbols Automatic Drain Relieving Manual Drain Relieving Automatic Drain Non Relieving Manual Drain Non Relieving Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.300.01 B15 Typical Performance Characteristics bar g psig FLOW CHARACTERISTICS UNPORTED INLET PRESSURE - 10 bar g (150 psig) RANGE: 0,4 to 8 bar (5 to 120 psig) 8 PRESSURE DROP 100 6 80 60 4 40 2 20 0 0 0 50 0 100 100 200 150 300 200 400 250 500 dm3/s scfm AIR FLOW Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads, knob adjustment, automatic drain, 50 m element, relieving diaphragm and 0,3 to 10 bar (5 to 150 psig) outlet pressure adjustment range* without gauge. Port Size G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Model B15-696-F3LD B15-896-F3LD B15-A96-F3LD B15-B96-F3LD Weight kg (lb) 3,16 (7.02) 3,12 (6.93) 3,14 (6.98) 3,18 (7.07) For replacement Filter/Regulator (without yoke) substitute `0' at 4th and `O' at 10th digits eg: B15-096-F3LO. Alternative Models B 1 5 - - Adjustment Knob T-bar Substitute B A** Port Size 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Substitute 6 8 A B Option With sight glass, relieving Without sight glass, relieving With sight glass, non relieving Without sight glass, non relieving Substitute 96 24 98 26 * Outlet pressure can be adjusted to pressures in excess of, and less than, those specified. Do not use these units to control pressures outside of the specified ranges. ** Units with 17 bar (250 psig) adjustment range are available only with the T-bar adjustment; therefore substitute `A' at the 1st digit and `S' at the 9th position. N/AL.8.261.300.02 Thread PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B D Outlet Pressure Adjustment Range* 0 to 4 bar (0 to 60 psig) 0,4 to 8 bar (5 to 120 psig) 0,7 to 17 bar (10 to 250 psig) Substitute F L S** Element 5 m 25 m 50 m Substitute 1 2 3 Drain Automatic Manual Substitute F B Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 B15 Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 O 50 mm Pressure Gauge R1/8 Connection 4 bar (60 psig): 10 bar (150 psig): 25 bar (360 psig): 18-013-012 18-013-013 18-013-014 Key Lock Bonnet 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 5803-98 1/8 PTF Connection 18-013-202 18-013-204 18-013-206 Dimensions mm (inches) 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 112 (4.41) 190 (7.48)** B15 (automatic drain) B15 (manual drain) 340 (12.9)* G1/8 364 (14.3) 328 (12.9)* 352 (13.9) G1/8 140 (5.51)* 54 (2.13) 140 (5.51)* 54 (2.13) G1/8 61 (2.40) * 61 (2.40) Reduces by 4 mm (0.16") with knob in locked position. Add 37 mm (1.46") for unit with `T' handle Minimum clearance required to remove bowl. ** 200 mm (7.87) for 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" models 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.300.03 B15 Bracket Kit Reference Bracket Mounting Item Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. 208 (8.19)* 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 190 (7.48)* Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 8,5 (0.33) 72 (2.84) Wall Bracket Type 3/4" model 1" model 1 1/4" model 1 1/2" model 15 (0.59) Service Kits Item Service kit Replacement elements Replacement Sight Glass Replacement Drains Type Automatic drain, relieving Manual drain, relieving Automatic drain, non relieving Manual drain, non relieving 5 m 25 m 50 m Part Number B15-100RA B15-100RM B15-100NA B15-100NM 5576-97 5576-98 5576-99 Pyrex 5827-99 Automatic Manual 3000-97 684-84 Manual drain service kit includes; insert retaining ring, valve spring, 50 m element, slip ring, valve assembly, diaphragm assembly, drain cock body, drain cock spindle assembly and necessary seals and `o' rings. Automatic drain service kit includes; cap strainer, strainer, valve spring, 50 m element, slip ring, valve assembly, diaphragm assembly and necessary seals and `o' rings. Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL.8.261.300.04 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 L15 Olympian Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog Lubricator 3/4", 1, 1 1/4", 1 1/2" Port Sizes Olympian plug-in design Built in flow sensor gives almost consistant oil/air ratio over a wide range of flows 0,5 and 1 litre (1 pint and 1 quart US) models can be filled under pressure Simple and accurate drip rate adjustment, snap action lock Ideal for general lubrication applications Use Micro-Fog models in applications with one or more points of lubrication. Use Oil-Fog models to lubricate a single tool, cylinder or other air driven device. Use Fixed Venturi for high flow general purpose applications. Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Maximum pressure: 17 bar (250 psig) Operating temperature*: -20 to +80C (0 to +175F) See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Start point (i.e. minimum flow required for lubricator operation) at 6,3 bar (90 psig) inlet pressure: Micro-Fog: 6 dm3/s (13 scfm) Oil-Fog: 6 dm3/s (13 scfm) Fixed venturi: 52 dm3/s (110 scfm) Typical flow at 6,3 bar (90 psig) inlet pressure and 0,5 bar (7 psig) pressure drop: Micro-Fog and Oil-Fog: 175 dm3/s (370 scfm) Fixed venturi: 400 dm3/s (848 scfm) Nominal bowl sizes: 0,5 litre (1 pint US) 1 litre (1 quart US) 8 litre (2 gallons US) 20 litre (5 gallons US) Recommended lubricants: See page N/AL.8.900.935 Materials: Body: Aluminium Yoke: Aluminium Bowl, 0,5 litre (1 pint US) and 1 litre (1 quart US): Aluminium Bowl sight glass: Pyrex Reservoirs, 8 litre (2 gallons US) and 20 litre (5 gallons US): Steel Reservoir sight tube: Polythene Elastomers: Synthetic rubber 7/97 ISO Symbol Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.400.01 L15 Typical Performance Characteristics psig FLOW CHARACTERISTICS MICRO FOG UNPORTED 0,8 0,6 2,5 (36) 8 4,0 (58) 6,3 (91) 8,0 10,0 (116) (150) 0,4 PRESSURE DROP PRESSURE DROP 10 INLET PRESSURE: bar g (psig) 4 INLET PRESSURE: bar g (psig) 0,6 2,5 (36) 8 6 4,0 (58) 6,3 (91) 8,0 10,0 (116) (150) 0,4 4 0,2 0,2 2 0 OIL FOG UNPORTED 0,8 10 6 bar g bar g psig FLOW CHARACTERISTICS 2 0 0 0 40 0 80 80 120 160 240 160 320 200 400 dm3/s 480 scfm 0 0 0 40 80 AIR FLOW 80 160 120 240 160 320 200 400 dm3/s 480 scfm AIR FLOW bar g psig FLOW CHARACTERISTICS FIXED VENTURI PORT SIZE 1 1/2" 0,8 PRESSURE DROP 10 INLET PRESSURE: bar g (psig) 0,6 2,5 (36) 8 6 8,0 10,0 6,3 (91) (116) (150) 4,0 (58) 0,4 4 0,2 2 0 0 0 0 100 200 200 400 300 600 400 800 500 1 000 dm3/s scfm AIR FLOW Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads, 0,5 litre (1 pint US) reservoir without drain. Type Micro-Fog Port Size G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Alternative Models Model L15-600-MP9D L15-800-MP9D L15-A00-MP9D L15-B00-MP9D Weight kg (lb) 2,31 (5.13) 2,25 (5.00) 2,29 (5.09) 2,33 (5.18) L 1 5 - 0 - P Port Size 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Substitute 6 8 A B Options Standard Fixed venturi Substitute 0 1* Type Oil-Fog Micro-Fog Substitute O* M Threads PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B G Bowl 0,5 litre (1 pint US), no drain 1 litre (1 quart US), no drain 0,5 litre (1 pint US) with drain 1 litre (1 quart US) with drain 8 litre (2 gallons US) 20 litre (5 gallons US) Substitute 9 8 7 D J K * Fixed venturi, Oil Fog only N/AL.8.261.400.02 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 L15 Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A Tamper Resistant Wire Quick Fill Nipple 2117-01 (pack of 10) 18-011-021 Level Switch Remote Fill Kit 8 litre: 18-007-975 20 litre: 18-007-974 18-027-980 Dimensions mm (inches) 1 litre 75 (2.95) 344 (13.5) G1/8 280 (11.0) G1/8 256 (10.1)* 75 (2.95) 0,5 litre 320 (12.6)* 112 (4.41) 100 (3.94) 50 (1.97) 190 (7.48)** 61 (2.40) Minimum clearance required to remove bowl. * ** 200 mm (7.87") for 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" models. 61 (2.40) 20 litre 252 (9.92) 305 (12.0) 490 (19.3) 42 (1.65) 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 595 (23.4) 8 litre 42 (1.65) For 1/4 turn manual drain add 16 mm (0.63") on 0,5 and 1 litre bowls. N/AL.8.261.400.03 L15 Bracket Kit Reference Bracket Mounting Item Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. 72 (2.84) Wall Bracket Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 8,5 (0.33) 208 (8.19)* Type 3/4" model 1" model 1 1/4" model 1 1/2" model 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 190 (7.48)* 15 (0.59) Service Kits Item Service kit Replacement Sight Glass for 0,5 litre (1 pint US) bowls Replacement Drain Type Micro-Fog Oil-Fog Part Number L15-100M L15-100O Pyrex 5872-99 Manual 684-84 Service kit includes sight dome assembly, screen, filler plug, ball, threaded cap and necessary seals and o-rings. Oil-Fog service kit also contains spring. Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL.8.261.400.04 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 V15 Olympian Pressure Relief Valve 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", Port Sizes Olympian plug in design Helps protect compressed air systems from over pressure by retarding excessive pressure build up High relief capacity, sensitive and accurate Integral pilot operated design, suitable for in-line or indirect mounting Threaded relief port for silencer or piped exhaust Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Operating temperature*: -20 to +80C (0 to +175F) See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Gauge ports: ISO G1/8 Exhaust port: ISO G1 Materials: Body: Aluminium Intermediate body: Aluminium Bonnet: Aluminium Bottom plug: Aluminium Adjusting screw: Steel Elastomers: Synthetic rubber Yoke: Aluminium 7/97 ISO Symbol Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.500.01 V15 Typical Performance Characteristics bar g psig FLOW CHARACTERISTICS UNPORTED RANGE: 1 to 10 bar (15 to 150 psig) 16 RELIEF PRESSURE 200 14 12 160 10 120 80 8 6 4 40 2 0 0 0 50 0 100 100 200 150 300 200 400 250 500 dm3/s 600 scfm RELIEF AIR FLOW Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads, 1 to 10 bar (15 to 150 psig) operating adjustment range* without gauge. Port Size G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Model V15-603-NNMD V15-803-NNMD V15-A03-NNMD V15-B03-NNMD Weight kg (lb) 2,21 (4.91) 2,20 (4.89) 2,22 (4.93) 2,26 (5.02) Alternative Models V 1 5 - - * Port Size 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Substitute 6 8 A B Option Slotted screw Substitute 03 Relief Pressure Not set Substitute N Relief valve can be adjusted to pressures in excess of, and less than, those specified. Do not use these units to control pressures outside of the specified ranges. Thread PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B D Outlet Pressure Adjustment Range* 0,4 to 4 bar (0 to 60 psig) 1 to 10 bar (15 to 150 psig) 0.7 to 17 bar (10 to 250 psig) Substitute F M S Gauge With Without Substitute G N Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A N/AL.8.261.500.02 O 50 mm Pressure Gauge 4 bar (60 psig): 10 bar (150 psig): 25 bar (360 psig): R1/8 Connection 1/8 PTF Connection 18-013-012 18-013-013 18-013-014 18-013-202 18-013-204 18-013-206 Silencer MB008B (R1) Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 V15 Dimensions mm (inches) * G1/8 232 (9.13) 256 (10.1)* 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 50 (1.97) 190 (7.48) Minimum clearance required to remove unit. 200 mm (7.87) for 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" models Bracket Kit Reference Bracket Mounting Item Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. 208 (8.19)* 50 (1.97) 100 (3.94) 190 (7.48)* Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 8,5 (0.33) 72 (2.84) Wall Bracket Type 3/4" model 1" model 1 1/4" model 1 1/2" model 15 (0.59) Service Kits Item Service kit Part Number V15-100 Service kit includes, valve spring, slip ring, valve assembly, pilot diaphragm assembly and necessary seals and o-rings. 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.500.03 V15 Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL.8.261.500.04 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 T15 Olympian Shut-off & Lockout Valves 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" Port Sizes Olympian plug in design Quick action 1/4 turn from full flow to exhaust T15 3-port/2-position shut-off valves with exhaust Valves can be locked in open or closed position Use upstream or downstream of air processing units Low pressure drop ball valve design Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Maximum Pressure: 17 bar (250 psig) Operating Temperature*: -20 to +80C (0 to +175F) See Ordering Information on the following page. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Cv factor from IN to OUT ports**: 27,5 Materials: Body: Aluminium Handle: Zinc Seals: PTFE Ball: Brass ISO Symbols 2-Port/2-Position 9/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 3-Port/2-Position N/AL.8.261.600.01 T15 Ordering Information. Models listed have ISO G threads and include screws and seals for yoke connection. 3-Port/2-Position Threaded Exhaust Port (M5) T15-600-E2AD T15-800-E2AD T15-A00-E2AD T15-B00-E2AD Port Size G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Weight kg (lbs) 1,00 (2.21) 0,96 (2.12) 0,94 (2.07) 0,98 (2.16) 2-Port/2-Position No Exhaust Outlet T15-600-B2AD T15-800-B2AD T15-A00-B2AD T15-B00-B2AD Weight kg (lbs) 1,00 (2.21) 0,87 (1.92) 1,00 (2.21) 0,98 (2.16) Alternative Models T 1 5 - 0 0 - 2 A Port Size 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Substitute 6 8 A B Threads PTF ISO Rc taper ISO G parallel Substitute A B D Ball Type Non exhaust Exhaust Substitute B E Dimensions mm (inches) 65 (2.56) 100 (3.94) 15* (0.59) * 20 mm (0.79") for G1 1/2 model. 43 (1.69) 50 (1.97) 62 (2.44) 95 (3.74) 20 (0.79) Warning Service Kits Item Service kit Part Number T15-800-100 Service kit includes thrust bearing, Teflon seats, stem seal, gland, stem nut, and necessary o-rings. N/AL.8.261.600.02 These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 9/97 Accessories Olympian Series 15 System Accessories Olympian Series 15 System Components Bracket and Connector Kits Tamper Resistant Kits Lubricator Fill Devices Porting Block Silencers Nuts held captive in yoke - no spanner required. 8/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.700.01 OLYMPIAN SERIES 15 ACCESSORIES Single Unidaptor Single Shut-off Unidaptor 125 (4.92) 190 (7.48) 237 (9.33)** 5524-57 5524-54 5524-51 5523-51 5523-94 N.P.T. 1/2 N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 5524-56 5524-53 5524-50 5523-50 5523-95 5519-98 DoubleYoke 250 (9.84) Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Y15-400-10DD Y15-600-10DD Y15-800-10DD Y15-A00-10DD Y15-B00-10DD Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Y15-400-1EDD Y15-600-1EDD Y15-800-1EDD Y15-A00-1EDD Y15-B00-1EDD Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 Y15-400-10BB Y15-600-10BB Y15-800-10BB Y15-A00-10BB Y15-B00-10BB Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 Y15-400-1EBB Y15-600-1EBB Y15-800-1EBB Y15-A00-1EBB Y15-B00-1EBB N.P.T. 1/2 N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 Y15-400-10AA Y15-600-10AA Y15-800-10AA Y15-A00-10AA Y15-B00-10AA N.P.T. 1/2 N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 Y15-400-1EAA Y15-600-1EAA Y15-800-1EAA Y15-A00-1EAA Y15-B00-1EAA 100 (3.94) Comprising seal, screws and nuts. 50 (1.97) Yoke Connecting Kit Part Number: 100 (3.94) Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 Part Number: 100 (3.94) 5524-58 5524-55 5524-52 5523-52 5523-93 100 (3.94) Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 50 (1.97) Note: Two kits are required per unidaptor. Each kit contains end connector, screws, nuts and o-ring. 51 (2.01) Single Yoke 50 (1.97) End Connector Kit Double Unidaptor Double Shut-off Unidaptor 334 (13.1)* 362 (14.3)** 5519-51 Porting Block G1/4 Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Y15-400-20DD Y15-600-20DD Y15-800-20DD Y15-A00-20DD Y15-B00-20DD Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Y15-400-2EDD Y15-600-2EDD Y15-800-2EDD Y15-A00-2EDD Y15-B00-2EDD 18-026-986 Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 Y15-400-20BB Y15-600-20BB Y15-800-20BB Y15-A00-20BB Y15-B00-20BB Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 Y15-400-2EBB Y15-600-2EBB Y15-800-2EBB Y15-A00-2EBB Y15-B00-2EBB N.P.T. 1/2 N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 Y15-400-20AA Y15-600-20AA Y15-800-20AA Y15-A00-20AA Y15-B00-20AA N.P.T. 1/2 N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 Y15-400-2EAA Y15-600-2EAA Y15-800-2EAA Y15-A00-2EAA Y15-B00-2EAA G1/2 Part Number G1/2, G3/4, G1 G1 1/4 Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/AL.8.261.700.02 100 (3.94) Brackets slip over end connectors and are bolted to Unidaptor with nuts and screws provided. Note: Each kit contains 6 screws (2 x 80 mm and 4 x 35 mm) and 4 nuts. 51 (2.01) Mounting Bracket A top take-off porting block may be fitted to end connectors or shut-off valves. This can serve several purposes but is particularly convienient if instrument or other air is required to be piped away for auxilliary use prior to lubricator. A porting block adds 29 mm (1.14") to the overall length of a combination unit. 100 (3.94) 18-026-987 50 (1.97) Part Number Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 8/97 OLYMPIAN SERIES 15 ACCESSORIES Treble Unidaptor Pressure Gauges Quick Fill Nipple Part Number 18-011-021 479 (18.9) Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Y15-400-30DD Y15-600-30DD Y15-800-30DD Y15-A00-30DD Y15-B00-30DD Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 Y15-400-30BB Y15-600-30BB Y15-800-30BB Y15-A00-30BB Y15-B00-30BB N.P.T. 1/2 N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 Y15-400-30AA Y15-600-30AA Y15-800-30AA Y15-A00-30AA Y15-B00-30AA 100 (3.94) 50 (1.97) 50 mm Pressure Gauge Liquid Level Switch R 1/8 Connection 4 bar (60 psig) 18-013-011 10 bar (150 psig) 18-013-013 25 bar (360 psig) 18-013-014 1/8 PTF Connection 4 bar (60 psig) 18-013-202 10 bar (150 psig) 18-013-204 25 bar (360 psig) 18-013-206 Part Number 8 litre: 20 litre: Key Lock Bonnet 18-007-975 18-007-974 Remote Fill Kit Treble Shut-off Unidaptor Part Number 5803-98 Part Number Silencer 18-027-980 Shut-off Valve Port Size G1/2 G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Y15-400-3EDD Y15-600-3EDD Y15-800-3EDD Y15-A00-3EDD Y15-B00-3EDD Rc1/2 Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 Y15-400-3EBB Y15-600-3EBB Y15-800-3EBB Y15-A00-3EBB Y15-B00-3EBB N.P.T. 1/2 N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 Y15-400-3EAA Y15-600-3EAA Y15-800-3EAA Y15-A00-3EAA Y15-B00-3EAA 8/97 Port Size 100 (3.94) 51 (2.01) 487 (19.2)** Part Number MB008B (R1) Tamper Resistant Wire Part Number 2117-01 (pack of 10) Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 3 Port/2 Position G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 T15-600-E2AD T15-800-E2AD T15-A00-E2AD T15-B00-E2AD Rc3/4 Rc1 Rc1 1/4 Rc1 1/2 T15-600-E2AD T15-800-E2AD T15-A00-E2AD T15-B00-E2AD N.P.T. 3/4 N.P.T. 1 N.P.T. 1 1/4 N.P.T. 1 1/2 T15-600-E2AD T15-800-E2AD T15-A00-E2AD T15-B00-E2AD For optional 2 Port/2 Position (no exhaust) models substitute `B' for `E' at the 7th digit. e.g. T 1 5 - 6 0 0 - B 2 A D . N/AL.8.261.700.03 OLYMPIAN SERIES 15 ACCESSORIES Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL.8.261.700.04 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 8/97 CS15 Olympian Coalescing Exhaust Silencers 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2" Port Sizes Olympian plug in design Effectively reduce noise emission of multi valve and cylinder systems Remove oil mist and sub-micron particles from exhaust air Single or double units for high flow rates Flow in either direction Helps to meet noise at work directive Technical Data Ordering Information Fluid: Compressed air Operating temperature*: Metal bowl: -20 to +50C (0 to +122F) See Ordering Information on the following pages. * Air supply must be dry enough to avoid ice formation at temperatures below +2C (+35F). Materials: Body: Aluminium Yoke: Aluminium Cage: Aluminium Bowl: Polypropylene Element: Composite materials Elastomers: Synthetic rubber ISO Symbol Automatic Drain 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.925.01 CS15 psig mbar g Typical Performance Characteristics 14 PRESSURE DR0P vs AIR FLOW 120 CS15-800 10 SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL - dB 900 12 PRESSURE DROP SILENCER COMPARED WITH OPEN LINE 1 000 800 700 600 8 500 6 400 4 300 200 Open line 100 80 CS15-800 2 100 0 0 0 10 0 20 20 40 30 40 60 80 dm3/s 60 10 100 1 000 10 000 FREQUENCY - Hz 100 scfm AIR FLOW Ordering Information. Models listed include ISO G threads. Port Size G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 Single CS15-600-10DD CS15-800-10DD - - Weight kg (lb) 2,34 (5.20) 2,29 (5.09) Double CS15-600-20DD CS15-800-20DD CS15-A00-20DD CS15-B00-20DD Weight kg (lb) 4,26 (9.47) 4,21 (9.36) 4,27 (9.49) 4,28 (9.51) For replacement silencer without yoke substitute `0' at the 5th, 8th, 10th and 11th digits eg:CS15-000-0000. Alternative Models C S 1 5 - 0 0 - 0 Port Size 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" Substitute 6 8 A B Option Single yoke Double yoke Substitute 1 2 Port Option PTF threaded ISO G threaded ISO Rc threaded One main outlet plugged (PTF) One main outlet plugged (ISO G) One main outlet plugged (ISO Rc) Substitute AA DD BB AX DX BX Accessories Wall Mounting Bracket G3/4 G1 G1 1/4 G1 1/2 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A N/AL.8.261.925.02 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97 CS15 Dimensions mm (inches) Single unit Double unit 110 (4.33) 50 (1.97) 330 (13.0) 45 (1.77) 100 (3.94) 354 (13.9) 354 (13.9) 330 (13.0) 45 (1.77) 100 (3.94) 110 (4.33) 315 (12.4) 50 (1.97) 190 (7.48) Minimum clearance required to remove bowl. 200 mm (7.87) for 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" models Bracket Kit Reference Item Bracket Mounting Wall Bracket 334 (13.1) 100 (3.94) 315 (12.4) 8,5 (0.33) 8,5 (0.33) 190 (7.48)* 50 (1.97) 208 (8.19)* 100 (3.94) Part Number 18-001-979 18-001-979 18-001-978 N/A 72 (2.84) 72 (2.84) Use 4 mm (5/32") screws to mount bracket to wall. Type 3/4" model 1" model 1 1/4" model 1 1/2" model 50 (1.97) * 15 (0.59) 15 (0.59) 7/97 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. N/AL.8.261.925.03 CS15 Service Kits Item Service kit Replacement elements Part Number CS15RK 5576-97 Service kit includes: bowl, drain plug and drain retainer. Warning These products are intended for use in industrial compressed air systems only. Do not use these products where pressures and temperatures can exceed those listed under `Technical Data'. Before using these products with fluids other than those specified, for non-industrial applications, life-support systems, or other applications not within published specifications, consult NORGREN. Through misuse, age, or malfunction, components used in fluid power systems can fail in various modes. The system designer is warned to consider the failure modes of all component parts used in fluid power systems and to provide adequate safeguards to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment in the event of such failure. System designers must provide a warning to end users in the system instructional manual if protection against a failure mode cannot be adequately provided. System designers and end users are cautioned to review specific warnings found in instruction sheets packed and shipped with these products. Water vapor will pass through these units and will condense into liquid if air temperature drops in the downstream system. Install an air dryer if water condensation could have a detrimental effect on the application. N/AL.8.261.925.04 Our policy is one of continuous research and development. We reserve the right to amend, without notice, the specifications given in this document. 7/97