ner Tee e) Tee Ceca eae SUBSIDIARY OF ASTEC AMERICA, INC. ASTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND 52 D MM 1013152 0000829 144 MMAAI GA SERIES 15 Watt DC/DC Power CONVERTER SINGLE AND DUAL OUTPUTS RNAS . : = a = \ Sees ESE re ors Sees ~ SS . HE GA SERIES is an economically priced 15 watt DC/DC converter SHESS featuring ultrawide input range, efficiencies to 85%, and a continuous six-sided shielded case. Low ESR capacitors are used both on the input and the output(s) to minimize the conductive noise. Other key features include: overvoltage protection, output trim adjustability, TTL and CMOS compatible remote on/off, short-circuit protection, thermal shutdown, and small size. The GA Series measures only 1.6 x 2.0 x 0.40 and offers a power density of 11.7 watts/cu. in. SUBSIDIARY OF ASTEC AMERICA, INC. ASTEC= ane means ASTEC AMERICA/SENICOND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS S2 D M 1013152 0000830 %bb MBAAIT-S7-// | Parameter Conditions Limits Input Voltage 20-72 Vdc input Filter See Note 2 Input Surge Protection 100 Vdc for 100 mS Reflected Ripple Current When measured using recommended filter cap <100 mA P-P Input Current Nominal Line Full Load <400 mA 25% Load <125 mA Inhibit <10mA Setting Accuracy Single & Dual Outputs +1% Maximum Trim Adjustability +10% Typical _ | Line Regulation Low Line to High Line, Full Load +0.5% Load Regulation Full Load to 25% Load 2.0% Bandwidth Full Load to No Load 4.0% Bandwidth Efficiency Nominal Line Full Load 5V 80% Typical Nominal Line Full Load+12V,+15V 80% Typical Nominal Line FullLoad 12V &15V_ 85% Typical Temperature Coefficient 0.02%/C Maximum Voltage Stability 24 Hours + 0.05% Maximum Transient Response 25% Load Step 150 mV Peak Transient settling within 1% within 1 ms Output PARD 20 MHz Bandwidth 75 mV P-P Max (See Note 3) Overshoot/Undershoot Tum-on None Short Circuit Protection < 150% Primary Power Foldback Auto Recovery Thermal Shutdown +105C Auto Recovery Overvoltage Protection 5 Vde Output 6.2 Vdc + 5% Threshold 12 Vdc Output 15 Vde + 5% 15 Vde Output 18 Vdc + 5% Total Output Power 60 C Ambient Temperature 15 Watts Maximum isolation Voltage Input to Output 500 Vdc isolation Resistance 10 Megohms Minimum Switching Frequency Single Output 130 KHz + 5% Dual Output 100 KHz+5% Remote On/Off Logic Compatibitity CMOS/TTL Compatible ON Logic High or Open OFF Logic Low or Jumper Pins 2 and 4 Temperature Operating - 25C to +60C (See Operating Case Temperature 4+105C Maximum Limits on Back - Non-Operating - 40C to +125C Page) Cooling Free Air Convection Relative Humidity Non-Condensing 5% to 95% Vibration Three Orthogonal Axes, Random Vibration 2.4 G RMS (approximately) 10 Minute Test for Each Axis 5 Hz to 500 Hz MTBF Per MIL-217-E 385,000 Hours Minimum Size 1.6" x 2.0 x 0.4" 40.03% Case Material Case Ground to input Pin #1 Six-Sided Shielded, Black Anodized Aluminum with Non-Conductive Base Flammability Rating Meets UL 94V-0 NOTES: (1) All specifications typical at 48 Vdc input, full output load, 25C ambient temperature unless otherwise noted. (2) Requires external filter capacitor across input. SCI recommends a 33uF @ 100V capacitor (Spraque type 672D or equivalent). (3) Measured with 3.3 MF 25V tantalum capacitor across each output. iASTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND See D MM 103335e 0000831 bTe MBAAT 7 S7-// Output Data/ORDER ORMATIO Model Input Voltage Output Output Ripple, P-P Power Number Range Voltage Current Max Out GA11-300-48 20-72 Vde 5 Vde 3000 mA 75 mV 15 Watts GA12-125-48 20-72 Vdc 12 Vde 1250 mA 75 mV 15 Watts GA13-100-48 20-72 Vdc 15 Vde 1000 mA 75 mV 15 Watts GA22-125-48 20-72 Vdc + 12 Vde +625 mA 75 mV 15 Watts ' GA23-100-48 20-72 Vdc + 15 Vde +500 mA 75 mV 15 Watts . NOTE: The GA Series requires an external filter capacitor across the input, which must withstand 600mA of ripple current. Semiconductor Circuits, Inc. recommends a 33uF @ 100V capacitor (Sprague type 672D or equivalent). y vS OutpuT LOA EFFICIENCY VS INPUT VOLTAGE Output VOLTAGE TRIM LIMITANTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND 6 SeE D MM 1013152 0000832 739 MBAAI T-57-1] CASE DIMENSIONS 10, (2.5) J. 2.00 (51) _> f+" -80 (45.7) + 70 (17.8) 1.60 3 (40.6) 50 (5. ig 0.2 ga $4 541 64- 74 a+ BOTTOM VIEW | erwass 40 (1) (10.2) [ + (i0.2) } 40 (10.2) _Y 15 Min. . 4 "ee 7 tio 20 (5.1) 04 Typ. 1 r Note: Dimensions are given in both inches and (mm) Pin CONNECTIONS SUBSIDIARY OF ASTEC AMERICA, INC. 49 Range Road Windham, NH 03087 TEL: (603) 893-2330 FAX: (603) 893-6280 ASTEC