An AD1847 SoundPort® codec is connected to the DSP
through serial port 0. The AD1847’s sampling rate can be
programmed for analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog
conversion from 5.5 kHz to 48 kHz. The high-speed
synchronous serial port carries all of the data, control, and
status information between the DSP and the codec. The codec
may be disconnected from the serial port if the port is needed
for other purposes. Input to the codec can be a microphone,
signal generator, or any other high impedance source, while the
resulting output signal can drive an amplified speaker or the
line-level input of other audio equipment.
As with all EZ-LAB evaluation boards, the ADDS-2181 EZ-
LAB provides a manual power-on reset button, an interrupt
button, and an LED controlled by the FL1 Flagout pin.
Although the IDMA port on the ADSP-2181 is not used on the
EZ-LAB board, all of the IDMA signals are available through
an expansion connector.
Device Specific EZ-KITs
Two other EZ-KITs are available for specific members of the
ADSP-21xx Family.
The ADSP-2101 EZ-KIT is a starter package for system
development that combines the ADSP-2101 EZ-LAB with an
Assembler software package and a Simulator. This EZ-KIT
may also be used for developing applications targeting the
ADSP-2105 and ADSP-2115 processors.
The ADSP-2111 EZ-KIT is a starter package for ADSP-2111-
based system development that combines the ADSP-2111 EZ-
LAB with an Assembler software package and a Simulator.
The ADSP-2100 Family EZ-LAB Evaluation Boards are a
complete DSP system on a single board that lets you test coded
applications in real time. Some EZ-LABs provide for booting
from EPROM and others allow upload/download capabilities
from a host PC. Table II lists the features of the different
versions of the EZ-LAB available for the ADSP-2100 family.
See the discussion of the ADSP-21xx EZ-KIT Lite for
information on the ADSP-2181 EZ-LAB.
ADSP-2101 & ADSP-2111 EZ-LABs
The ADSP-2101 and ADSP-2111 EZ-LABs are similar in
design and use. A complete DSP system on a single board, the
EZ-LAB lets you test coded applications in real time without an
external host. At reset, the processor on the EZ-LAB boots
code and programs memory data into its internal program
memory from a 64K × 8-bit EPROM and then executes the
The ADSP-2101 and ADSP-2111 EZ-LAB provide manual
control of several functions. For example, push-buttons activate
the IRQ2 interrupt and FLAG IN pins, and an on-board
hardware RESET switch resets the EZ-LAB.
In addition to the standard features of the ADSP-2101, the
ADSP-2111 includes a Host Interface Port (HIP) that is also
included on the ADSP-2111 EZ-LAB board as a separate
connector. The ADSP-2111 EZ-LAB board replaces the
ADDS-2101’s User Interface Connector with an Expansion
Connector that allows access to the external address and data
bus and control lines of the DSP.
The demonstration boards operates alone when you attach them
to a +5 V dc @ 1 amp and ±12 V dc power supply with a
common power return.
Demo Programs
Use the prepared demonstrations on the ADSP-2101 and
ADSP-2111 EZ-LABs, which include speech and graphics
applications, to familiarize yourself with and to evaluate the
ADSP-2100 Family processors. The EPROM is mapped into
the boot memory space. Upon reset, the processor loads boot
page 0 into its internal program memory and begins execution.
During program execution, any one of the eight boot pages can
be loaded into the processor under software control.
The demonstrations use the microphone and speaker
connections for audio input and output. The ADSP-2101 and
ADSP-2111 EZ-LABs have four DAC outputs to connect to an
oscilloscope for display. In addition to these outputs, these EZ-
LABs have an expansion connector and a serial port connector
for synchronous serial data I/O. The connectors let you access
the serial ports, external address bus, external data bus, control
signals, interrupt lines, and the host interface port.
Analog I/O
A codec attaches to the processor’s serial port 0 on the ADSP-
2101 and ADSP-2111 EZ-LABs. Configure the other serial
port for interrupts and flags by changing on-board jumpers. The
input signal to the codec can be a microphone, signal generator
or any other high impedance source, and the resulting output
signal can drive a small speaker.
The ADSP-2101 EZ-LAB and ADSP-2111 EZ-LABs contain
socket-mounted 16.384 MHz crystals. The socket lets you
replace the crystal to achieve different clock speeds.
ADSP-2105 and ADSP-2115 System Development
The ADSP-2101 EZ Development Tools support the ADSP-
2105 and the ADSP-2115 because their architectures are
subsets of the ADSP-2101. The ADSP-2105 has one serial port
(instead of two), and both the ADSP-2105 and the ADSP-2115
have half the internal memory of the ADSP-2101. Use the
ADSP-2101 EZ-LAB to evaluate, and the ADSP-2101 EZ-ICE
for emulation and debugging of both the ADSP-2115 and
ADSP-2105 target systems.
The ADSP-2171 EZ-LAB
The ADSP-2171 EZ-LAB is an easy to use hardware
development platform on which you can quickly get started with
your ADSP-2171-based application. Applications can be run in
real-time with or without a PC host. This EZ-LAB has four
modes of operation:
• EZ-LAB can be controlled from your PC host when the
board is plugged into the PC backplane; programs can be
downloaded and uploaded, the processor can be reset, and
program execution can be initiated.
• EZ-LAB can be interfaced to an EZ-ICE Emulator; through
the EZ-ICE, programs can be loaded into EZ-LAB, program
execution can be initiated and halted, register and memory
locations can be examined and altered, and other debugging
operations can be performed.
SoundPort is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc