Technical Data 4336
Effective May 2017
Supersedes February 2010
Product features
Fast-acting Chip™ surface mount fuse
Fast-acting surface-mount fuse
Satisfies the EIA/IS-722 Standard
Solder immersion compatible
Agency information
Soldering method
UL Recognition Guide & File numbers: JDYX2
CSA Component Acceptance: 053787 C 000 &
Class Number: 1422 30
Wave immersion: 260°C, 10 Sec. max.
Infrared reflow: 260°C, 30 Sec. max.
Environmental data
Operating temperature: -55ºC to 125ºC with
proper derating
Load humidity test: MIL-STD-202, Method 103B
Moisture resistance test: MIL-STD-202, Method
Thermal shock test: MIL-STD-202, Method 107D
High frequency vibration test: MIL-STD-202,
Method 204D
Specify packaging and product code
(i.e., TR/0603FA250-R)
Surface Mount Device
100% 4 Hours Minimum
200% 60 Seconds Maximum
S pecifications
C urrent Interrupting
R ating (amps ) at
R ated Voltage*
DC C old
R es is tance** ( )
Typical Typical Alpha
Part Number R ating Voltage Melting Voltage C ode
(amps ) R ating I
t*** Drop† Marking
0603FA250-R 250mA 50Vdc 50 3.100 0.0004 0.921 D
0603FA375-R 375mA 50Vdc 50 1.250 0.0009 0.605 E
0603FA500-R 500mA
50ac/35dc 1.025 0.00193 0.600 F
0603FA750-R 750mA
50 0.450 0.0090 0.440 G
0603FA1-R 1
50 0.150 0.0025 0.211 H
0603FA1.25-R 1.25
35 0.108 0.0130 0.151 J
0603FA1.5-R 1.5
35 0.086 0.0319 0.138 K
0603FA2-R 2
35 0.051 0.0491 0.116 N
0603FA2.5-R 2.5
35 0.037 0.0625 0.113 O
0603FA3-R 3
35 0.028 0.0699 0.110 P
0603FA3.5-R 3.5
35 0.022 0.1200 0.103 R
0603FA4-R 4
35 0.017 0.2430 0.097 S
0603FA5-R 5
35 0.011 0.6950 0.090 T
* DC Interrupting rating (Measured at designated voltage, time constant of less than 50 microseconds, battery source)
** DC Cold resistance (Measured at 10% of rated current)
***Typical melting I 2t (Measured with a battery bank at rated DC voltage, 10x-rated current, not to exceed IR, time constant of calibrated circuit less than 50
microseconds) (0603FA4A and 5A measured at interrupting rating)
Typical voltage drop (Measured at rated current after temperature stabilizes)
Alpha code to be marked on the top of fuse body for all ratings
Electronics Division
1000 Eaton Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44122
United States
© 2017 Eaton
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA
Publication No. 4336 BU-SB10140
May 2017
Eaton is a registered trademark.
All other trademarks are property
of their respective owners.
Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express written
approval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly
used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.
Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also
reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.
Fast-acting Chip™ surface mount fuse
Technical Data 4336
Effective May 2017
0.50 0.90
RReeccoommmmeennddeedd PPaadd LLaayyoouutt mmmm//iinncchheess
DDiimmeennssiioonnss mmmm//iinncchheess
Drawing Not to Scale
Time C urrent C urve
Packaging C ode
Pac kaging C ode P refix Des cription
TR 5,000 fuses on paper tape and reeled on a 178mm (7 inch) diameter reel per EIAStandard 481-1
Mouser Electronics
Authorized Distributor
Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information:
TR/0603FA2.5-R TR/0603FA1.5A TR/0603FA3A TR/0603FA3-R TR/0603FA1.25A TR/0603FA1-R TR/0603FA1.5-
R TR/0603FA2.5A TR-0603FA250-R TR-0603FA1-5-T TR-0603FA1A TR-0603FA1-T TR-0603FA250MA TR-
0603FA250-T TR-0603FA375MA TR-0603FA375-T TR-0603FA500MA TR-0603FA500-T TR-0603FA5-T TR-
0603FA750MA TR-0603FA750-T TR/0603FA3.5-R TR/0603FA375-R TR/0603FA4A TR/0603FA5A TR/0603FA3.5A
TR/0603FA500-R TR/0603FA1.25-R TR/0603FA4-R TR/0603FA2-R TR/0603FA5-R TR/0603FA2A
TR/0603FA750-R TR/0603FA1.5-T TR/0603FA1-T TR/0603FA250-R