Document #: 38-05057 Rev. ** Page 2 of 13
Maximum Ratings
(Above w hi ch the usef ul l ife m ay be impai red. For user g uid e-
lines, not tes ted .)
Storage Temperature .....................................−65°C to +150°C
Ambient Temperature with
Power Applied...................................................0°C to +70°C
Supply Voltage to Ground Potential
(Pin 28 to Pin 14).................................................−0.5V to +4.6V
DC Voltage Applied to Outputs
in High Z Stat e[1] .......................................−0.5V to VCC + 0.5V
DC Input Voltage[1]....................................−0.5V to VCC + 0.5V
Output Current into Outputs (LOW).............................20 mA
Static Discharge Voltage.......................................... >2001V
(per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015)
Latch-Up Current.................................................... >200 mA
Operating Range
Range Ambient Temperature VCC
Commercial 0°C to +70°C 1.6V to 3.6V
Industrial −40°C to +85°C 1.6V to 3.6V
1. VIL (min.) = –2.0V for pulse durations of less than 20 ns.
Product Portfolio
Product VCC Range Speed
Power Dissipation (LL Devices)
Operating (ICC)Standby (ISB2)
Min. Typ. Max. Typical Maximum Typical Maximum
CY62256V 2.7V 3.0 3.6V 70 ns 11 mA 30 mA 0.1 µA5 µA
CY62256V25 2.3V 2.5V 2.7V 100 ns 9 mA 15 mA 0.1 µA4 µA
CY62256V18 1.6V 1.8V 2.0V 200 ns 5 mA 10 mA 0.1 µA3 µA
Electrical Characteristics Over the Op erat ing Ran ge
Test Conditions
Parameter Description Min. Typ.[2] Max. Unit
VOH Output HIGH Voltage VCC = Min., IOH = −1.0 mA 2.4 V
VOL Output LOW Voltage VCC = Min., IOL = 2.1 mA 0.4 V
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 2.2 VCC
+0.3V V
VIL Input LOW Voltage −0.5 0.8 V
IIX Input Load Current GND < VI < VCC −1+1 µA
IOZ Output Leakage Current GND < VO < VCC, Output Disabled −1+1 µA
ICC VCC Operating Supply
Current VCC = Max. , IOUT = 0 mA,
f = fMAX = 1/tRC Com’lStd/L
/LL 11 30 mA
ISB1 Automatic CE Power-Down
Current— TTL Inputs Max. VCC, CE > VIH, VIN > VIH
or V IN < VIL, f = fMAX Com’lStd/L
/LL 100 300 µA
ISB2 Automatic CE
Power-Down Current—
CMOS Inputs
Max. VCC, CE > VCC – 0.3V
VIN > VCC – 0.3V or VIN < 0.3V,
f = 0
Com’lStd/ L 0.1 50 µA
LL 5µA
Ind’lLL 10 µA
Electrical Characteristics Over the Op erat ing Ran ge
Parameter Description Test Conditions Min. Typ.[2] Max. Unit
VOH Output HIGH Voltage VCC = Min., IOH = −0.1 mA 2 V
VOL Output LO W Voltage VCC = Min., IOL = 0.1 mA 0.4 V
VIH Input HIGH Voltage 1.7 Vcc +
0.3V V
VIL Input LOW Voltage −0.3 0.7 V
IIX Input Lo ad Current GND < VI < VCC −1+1 µA