International [zeR|Rectifier PD-2.344 MBR4060PT SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER Major Ratings and Characteristics 40 Amp Description/Features The MBR4060PT center tap Schottky rectifier has been Characteristics MBR4060PT| Units | optimized for very low forward voltage drop, with moderate leakage. The proprietary barrier technology allows for Rectangular 40 A reliable Operation up to 1 50C junction temperature. tevayy f Typical appiications are in switching power supplies, wavetorm converters, free-wheeling diodes, and reverse battery Var 60 Vv Protection, ; 150 C T, operation les @tp=5ys sine 1020 A * Center tap TO-247 package > High purity, high temperature epoxy encapsulation for Ve @20Apk,T =125C 0.61 v enhanced mechanical strength and moisture resistance (per leg) * Very low forward voltage drop T, 5510150 C High frequency operation Guard ting for enhanced ruggedness and long term reliability CASE STYLE AND DIMENSIONS 43:90 (6.626) 3.65 (0,144) '53040.209; . "| 75-30 1000) oe (0.139) DA mee Fests 15 (0.059 t 0.225) CT 5.30 (0.209) I a ane ia 270 (0.165) ail yt sab | 730 (0.177) ooo ? a i {2 PLES.) oe aol vats TF ! 15.90 (0,626) me soa 15.30 (0.602) ADE cowmowy ange. 20.30 (0.800) 19.70 (0.775) 2.200.087) 2.40 (0.095) a oe MAX, 0.20 (0.032) i MAX. * 3. a6) tao BAT (0.248) 5.43 (0273) Conforms to JEDEC Outline TO-247AC (TO-3P) Dimensions in millimeters and inchesMBR4060PT Voltage Ratings Part number MBR4060PT V, Max. DC Reverse Voltage (V) Mew Max. Working Peak Reverse Voltage (V) 80 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters .MBR4Q60PT | Units Conditions te, Ay) Max. Average Forward Currant 4 A | 80% dutycycla @ T2101 C, rectangular wave form | *See Fig. 5 sm Max. Peak One Cycle Non-Repetitive 1020 A Sys Sine or 3ys Rect. pulse longing any rated | Surge Current (Per Leg) * See Fig. 7 265 10ms Sine or 6ms Rect. pulse! rated V_.,, applied E,, Non-Repetitive Avalanche Energy 13 mJ T- = 25C, (571.50 Amps, L= 11.5 mH (Per Leg) \4q_ Repetitive Avalanche Current 1.50 A Current decaying linearly to zero in 1 psec {Per Leg) Frequency iimitedby T max. V,=1.5xV, typical Electrical Specifications Parameters MBR460PT Linits Conditions Vey Max. Forward Vaitage Drop 0.68 | V_ |@20A T 26C (Per Lag) * See Fig. 1 (1) 092 | Vv |[@40A 0.61 Vv [@ 20a - 0.77 Vv [@ 40a y= 128 C lay Max. Reverse Leakage Current 7 0.80 mA |T.= 25C V. rated V (Per Leg) * See Fig, 2 (1) 45 mA |T,= 125C A 3 C. Max. Junction Capacitance (Per Leg) 720 pF |V, = SV... (test signal range 100Khz to 1Mhz) 25C Ly Typical Series inductance (Per Leg) 75 AH | Maasured lead to lead Smm from package body dvjdt Max. Voltaga Rate ct Change 10,000 'V/ps (Rated V,,) | | (1} Pulse Width < 300ps, Duty Cycte <2% Thermal-Mechanical Specifications Parameters | MBR4C60PT | Units | Conditions | T, Max. Junction Temperature Range l-55ta180] C T. stg Max. Storage Temperature Range -65to150 | C Rayo Max. Thermal Resistance Junction 7" 2.2C G/W | DC oparation *SeeFig.4 to Case (Per Lag} | \ i Bice Max. Thermal Resistance Junction | 270 CMNN | OC oparation | to Case (Per Packaga) : Racs Typical Thermal Resistance, Casa ; 0.24 C/W, Maunting surtace , smooth and greased IL to Heatsink a Approximate Weight ' 6 (0.21) ' 1 g(0z.} T Maurting Torque Min 6 (5) G)'Kg-cm Non-lubricated threads | Max 121c) {Ibt-in) - JEDEC Case Style TO-247AC(TO-4P),MBR4060PT Instantaneous Forward Current - Ie (A) a 0 Thermal impedance - Zhe COM) 2 4 6 8 1 12 14 16 1.8 2 Forward Voltage Drop - Vem {vy Reverse Voltage - Va %) Fig. 1-Max. Forward Voltage Drop Characteristics <= & = 5 E = oO 2 2 a > D o Reverse Voltage - VR wv Fig. 2 - Typical Values Of Reverse Current Vs. Reverse Voltage (Per Leg) 1000 c 2 bE o 2 o = # 3 a a Ss Oo ec 8 = 2 100 10 Sy Ld er Notes: 01 1. Duty factor D = t, / 1p 2. Peak Ty - Fou* Znact To .001 .00001 .0001 001 01 A 1 10 100 ty, Rectangular Pulse Duration (Seconds) Fig. 4- Max. Thermal Impedance Zmc Characteristics (Per Leg) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Fig. 3- Typical Junction Capacitance (Par Lag) Vs. Reverse Voltage (Per Leg)MBR4060PT Average Forward Current - | FIAV) (Ab Fig. 5 -Max. Allowable Case Temperature Vs. Average Forward Current (Par Lag) 2 2 2 a g 5 a 2 Oo 2 5 os & =z 0 5 10 + DUT CURRENT MONITOR I CAMADA: 101 16 Non-Repetitive Surge Current - lesa (A) 20 1000 100 10 Fig. 8 - Unclamped Inductive Test Circuit 26 Rg - 25 ohm IRFP460 Average Power Loss - (Watts) 30 0 5 10 16 20 2 = 30 Average Forward Current - lea) (A) Fig. 6- Forward Power Loss Characteristics (Per Lag) i Load With Rated Varn Surge I 400 1000 10000 Square Wave Pulse Duration - tp ({microsec) Fig.?- Max. Non-Repetitive Surge Current (Per Leg) VY HIGH-SPEED SWITCH FREE-WHEEL DIODE + | Vd = 25 Vol TT 40HFL40802 WORLD HEADQUARTERS: 233 Kanaas Si., El Segundo, California 80246, Tel: (310) 222-3331, Twoc 4720403 EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS: Hurs! Green, Oxted, Surrey RH8 986 England, Tel: (0883) 713215, Twx: $5219 Bentiey St., Markharn, Ontario L3R Lt, Tel: (418) 475-1807. IR GERMANY: Saalburgstrasse 157, D-63B0 Bad Harnburg, Tel: 8172-37086. IF ITALY: Vie Liguiie 49 10071 Borgaro, Torino, Tet: (011} 470 1484. IR FAR EAST: K&H Building, 30-4 Nishlikebukuro 3-Chome, Joshima-ku, Tokyo 171 Japan, Tel; (03) 883.0641. In SOUTHEAST ASIA: 190 Middle Road, HEX 10-01 Fortune Centre, Singapore 0718, Tal: (65) 336 2922. Printed InUS.A. 92 Sales Offices, Agents and Distributors in Major Cities Throughout the World. Date and spectticavone subject 10 change without notion (100