Input Voltage Range ±10%
Output Voltage Accuracy ±5%
Line Voltage Regulation 1.2%/1% of Vin typ.
Load Voltage Regulation 3.3V output types 20% max.
(10% to 100% full load) 5V output type 15% max.
12V, 15V, 24V output types 10% max.
Output Ripple and Noise (20MHz limited) 50mVp-p max.
Operating Frequency 50kHz min. / 90kHz typ. / 105kHz max.
Efficiency at Full Load 65% min. / 75% typ.
No Load Power Consumption 45mW min. / 75mW typ. / 155mW max.
Maximum Capacitive Load 22µF
Isolation Voltage (tested for 1 second) 1000VDC min.
Rated Working Voltage (long term isolation) see Application Notes
Isolation Voltage H-Suffix (tested for 1 second) 2000VDC min.
Rated Working Voltage H-Suffix (long term isolation) see Application Notes
Isolation Capacitance 25pF min. / 82pF max.
Isolation Resistance 10 GΩmin.
Short Circuit Protection 1 Second
P-Suffix Continuous
Operating Temperature Range (free air convection) -40°C to +85°C (see Graph)
Storage Temperature Range -55°C to +125°C
Relative Humidity 95% RH
Package Weight RM types 1.4g
RL types 1.8g
MTBF (+25°C) using MIL-HDBK 217F 1327 x 103 hours
(+85°C) using MIL-HDBK 217F 302 x 103 hours Refer to Application Notes
0.25 Watt
Single Output
●●SSiinnggllee OOuuttppuutt RRaaiill
●●IInndduussttrryy SSttaannddaarrdd PPiinnoouutt
●●11kkVVDDCC &&22kkVVDDCC IIssoollaattiioonn
●●HHiigghh EEffffiicciieennccyy ffoorr LLooww PPoowweerr AApppplliiccaattiioonnss
●●UULL9944VV--00 PPaacckkaaggee MMaatteerriiaall
●●OOppttiioonnaall CCoonnttiinnuuoouuss SShhoorrtt CCiirrccuuiitt PPrrootteecctteedd
●●FFuullllyy EEnnccaappssuullaatteedd
●●EEffffiicciieennccyy ttoo 8800%%
●●CCuussttoomm vveerrssiioonnss aavvaaiillaabbllee::
Selection Guide
Specifications (measured at TA = 25°C, nominal input voltage, full load and after warm-up)
Detailed Information see
Application Notes chapter "MTBF"
(Ambient Temperature)
The RM series DC/DC converter has been designed for isolating or converting DC power rails with very light loads.
Efficiencies are typically 10% higher than a comparable 0.5W or 1W converters run at the same low load.
Part Input Output Output Efficiency
Number Voltage Voltage Current
SIP 4 (2kV) (VDC) (VDC) (mA) (%)
RM-xx3.3S (H) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 3.3 76 65-70
RM-xx05S (H) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 5 50 66-72
RM-xx09S (H) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 9 28 70-72
RM-xx12S (H) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 12 21 70-72
RM-xx15S (H) 3.3, 5, 12, 15, 24 15 17 70-76
xx = Input Voltage (other input and output voltage combinations and output powers available on request)
* add Suffix “P” for Continuous Short Circuit Protection, e.g. RM-0505S/P, RM-0505S/HP
EN-60950-1 Certified
REV: 0/2009