CFPO-11: SMD Micro High Stability OCXO ISSUE 3; 1 SEPTEMBER 2001 Outline in mm - Package 25AS Description 25.0 x 22.0 x 11.5mm (25LP) 25.0 Supply Options Standard: 5V (5) Option: 3.3V (3.3), 9V (9), 12V (12) Pad connections 1. Frequency control 2. Ref. voltage 3. +Vs 4. RF output 5. Oven alarm 6. N/C 7. GND 14.0 max 25.0 x 22.0 x 14.0mm (25AS) 2 3 Package Outlines 4 5 6 7 1 Micro high stability surface mount OCXO 22.0 Solder pad layout 10.0, 12.8, 13.0, 16.384, 20.0, 26.0MHz 17.80 Frequency Range 4.0 7.62 Standard Frequencies 5.08 7.62 5.08 4.096 to 40.0MHz 22.0 Input Current @5V (Power Consumption) Warm up: <2.5W In steady state @ +25C <1.5W (calm air) All tolerance 0.2mm Outline in mm - Package 25LP Warm Up Time @25C (typical) < 1 x 10-8 after 5 minutes @ 25C Retrace after 24 hours off 7 6 5 4 1 22.0 2 3 < 1 x 10-8 after 60 minutes 25.0 Output Compatibility (Standard) HCMOS Pad connections 1. Frequency control 2. Ref. voltage 3. +Vs 4. RF output 5. Oven alarm 6. N/C 7. GND 11.5 Frequency Stability Vs Supply Voltage Change (5%) and Load Change (1 to 2 HCMOS) < 5 x 10-9 Solder pad layout < 10% Environmental Specification (non-operating) Storage Temperature Range: -55 to 90C Shock: 50g for 11ms Vibration: 10g for 10 to 500Hz 17.80 OCXOs 4.0 7.62 Frequency Control Linearity 5.08 7.62 5.08 22.0 All tolerance 0.2mm Marking Includes Model number (including options) Frequency Serial number Date code (Year/Week) Europe Tel: +44 (0)1460 270200 Americas Tel: +1 919 941 9333 Asia Tel: +86 755 8826 5991 Fax: +44 (0)1460 72578 Fax: +1 919 941 9371 Fax: +86 755 8826 5990 Website: Electrical Specification Operating Stability Temperature within Range* Temperature Range (pk-pk) Long Term Stability @ 25C after 30 days operation Per Day Per Month Per Year Frequency Adjustment from 0 to V ref(**) Phase Noise (Typical Figures) Model Number Output Frequency @ 10Hz @ 1kHz 0 to 70C <2 x10-8 <5 x10-10 <1.5 x10-8 <5 x10-8 >6 x10-7 @ 10MHz -115 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz CFPO-11A1 0 to 70C <5 x10 <1 x10 -8 <3 x10 <1.5 x10 -7 >6 x10 @ 10MHz -110 dBc/Hz -145 dBc/Hz CFPO-11A2 0 to 70C <2 x10-7 <3 x10-9 <8 x10-8 <5 x10-7 >2 x10-6 @ 26MHz -105 dBc/Hz -140 dBc/Hz CFPO-11B1 -8 -9 Ordering Example -7 CFPO-11 A2 25AS-15 10.0MHz Model (CFPO-11 A1) (CFPO-11 A2) (CFPO-11 B1) Package Outline (25AS) (25LP) Supply Voltage (3.3) (5) (9) (12) Frequency (MHz) *Please note: Extended Operating Temperature Ranges may be available on request, please contact our sales office for further details. (**) V Ref = Volyage reference 4.00.2V with 5V and 12V supply 2.80.1V with 3.3V supply External Frequency Adjustment Manual freq. adjust. Settability < 1 x 10-8 OUT IFC Fine manual freq. adjust. Settability <1 x 10-10 REF OUT 20k GND IFC REF Freq. control voltage and manual adjust OUT 20k IFC V in REF 10k GND GND Ext. freq. control voltage 20k OUT REF NC V in IFC GND 1k OCXOs All potentiometers must be 10 turns type with temperature coefficient 50ppm/C Europe Tel: +44 (0)1460 270200 Americas Tel: +1 919 941 9333 Asia Tel: +86 755 8826 5991 Fax: +44 (0)1460 72578 Fax: +1 919 941 9371 Fax: +86 755 8826 5990 Website: