Copyright ANPEC Electronics Corp.
Rev. A.4 - Jun., 2008
Function Description
Main Control Loop
The APW7101 uses a constant frequency, current mode
step-down architecture. Both the main and synchro-
nous switches are internal to reduce the external
components. During normal operation, the internal
PMOSFET is turned on, but is turned off when the induc-
tor current at the input of ICOMP to reset the RS latch. The
load current increases, it causes a slight decrease in
the feedback voltage, which in turn, causes the EA’s out-
put voltage to increase until the average inductor current
matches the new load current. While the internal power
PMOSFET is off, the internal power NMOSFET is turned
on until the inductor current starts to reverse, as indicated
by the current reversal comparator IRCMP, or the beginning
of next cycle. When the NMOSFET is turned off by IRCMP, it
operates in the discontinuous conduction mode.
Pulse Skipping Mode Operation
At light load with a relative small inductance, the in-
ductor current may reach zero. The internal power
NMOSFET is turned off by the current reversal comparator,
IRCMP, and the switching voltage will ring. This is discon-
tinuous mode operation, and is normal behavior for the
switching regulator. At very light load, the APW7101 will
automatically skip some pulses in the pulse skipping
mode to maintain the output regulation. The skipping pro-
cess modulates smoothly depend on the load.
Short Circuit Protection
In the short circuit situation, the output voltage is al-
most zero volts. Output current is limited by the ICOMP to
prevent the damage of electrical circuit. In the normal
operation, the two straight line of the inductor current
ripple have the same height, it means the volts-sec-
onds product is the same. When the short circuit opera-
tion occurs, the output voltage down to zero leads to the
voltage across the inductor maximum in the on period and
the voltage across the inductor minimum in the off period.
In order to maintain the volts-seconds balance, the off-
time must be extended to prevent the inductor current run
away. Frequency decay will extend the switching period
to provide more times to the off-period, then the inductor
An important detail to remember is that on resistance of
PMOSFET switch will increase at low input supply voltage.
Therefore, the user should calculate the power dissipa-
tion when the APW7101 is used at 100% duty cycle with
low input voltage.
Slope Compensation
Slope compensation provides stability in constant fre-
quency current mode architecture by preventing sub-
harmonic oscillations at high duty cycle. It is accom-
plished internally by adding a compensating ramp to the
inductor current signal at duty cycle in excess of 40%.
Normally, this results in a reduction of maximum induc-
tor peak current for duty cycles greater than 40%. In the
APW7101, the reduction of inductor peak current recov-
ered by a special skill at high duty ratio. This allows the
maximum inductor peak current maintain a constant level
through all duty ratio.
current has to restrict to protect the electrical circuit in the
short situation.
Dropout Operation
As the input supply voltage decreases to a value ap-
proaching the output voltage, the duty cycle increases to-
ward the maximum on time. Further reduction of the sup-
ply voltage forces the main switch to remain on for more
than one cycle until it reaches 100% duty cycle. The out-
put voltage will then be determined by the input volt-
age minus the voltage drop across the PMOSFET and the