MPS3704 (SILICON) MPS3705 MPS3706 NPN SILICON ANNULAR TRANSISTORS NPN SILICON AMPLIFIER . .. designed for use in Jow-current, large-signal amplifier applications. TRANSISTOR @ Devices Similar Electrically to 2N3704, 2N3705, 2N3706 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbot [MBS#7be| MPS3706| Unit Collector-Emitter Voltage VcEO 30 20 Vde he A Collector-Base Voltage Vos 50 40 Vdc T Emitter-Base Voltage VeB 5.0 Vde c Collector Current Continuous le 600 mAdc { { Total Power Dissipation @ Ta = 25C Pp 350 mw SEATING St an Derate above 26C 2.8 mw/C PLANE j PF Total Power Dissipation @ Tc = 25C Pp 1.0 Watt f Derate above 25C 8.0 mw/c D | 4 Operating arid Storage Junction Ty.Tstg -55 to +150 C ae feb Temperature Range ~ R nx Qa THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS "] ie Characteristic Symbol Max Unit STYLE 1: | {4 PIN 1, EMITTER sed i Thermal Resistance, Junction to Ambient Royall) 357 ciw 2. BASE s 8 Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case Resc 125 Sew 3. COLLECTOR TF (1) Raya is measured with the deviced soldered into a typical printed circuit board. CASE 29-02 TO-92 898MPS3704, MPS3705, MPS3706 (continued) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25C unless otharwite noted) Characteristic Symbol Min Max Unit y' OFF CHARACTERISTICS Collector-Emitter Breakdown Voltage '2) BVoEo Vde Ip = 10 mAdc, I, = 0) MPS3704 30 - MPS3705 30 - MPS3706 20 - Collector-Base Breakdown Voltage BVoBoO Vde (Ig = 100 wade, Ip = 0) MPS3704 50 - MPS3705 50 - MPS3706 40 - Emitter-Base Breakdown Voltage BVEBO Vde a, = 100 pAdc, Io = 0) 5.0 - Collector Cutoff Current logo nAdc Vog = 20 Vdc, I = 0) - 100 Emitter Cutoff Current lnBo nAdec Vor =3-Vdc, Io = 0) - 100 ON CHARACTERISTICS DC Current Gain (2) her - Mo = 50 mAdc, Vor = 2 Vdc) MPS3704 100 300 MPS3705 50 150 MPS3706 30 600. Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage (2) . Vox (sat) Vde ig = 100 mAde, I, = mAdc) MPS3704 {sal - 0.6 MPS3705 - 0.8 MPS3706 - 1.0 Base-Emitter On Voltage (2) Vsg(on) Vde (ig = 100 mAdc, Vog = 2 Vde) {on 0.5 1.0 DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Current-GainBandwidth Product fy MHz (I. = 50 mAdc, V, = 2 Vdc, { = 20 MHz) 100 - Cc CE Output Capacitance , Cop pF Wop = 10 Vde, Ip = 0, f = 1 MHz) - 12 {2) Pulse Test: Puise Width = 300 j8; Duty Cycie = 2% 899