Rev. X
Absolute Maximum Ratings are stress ratings. Stresses
in excess of these ratings can cause permanent damage
to the device. Functional operation of the device at these
or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the
operational sections of this data sheet is not implied.
Exposure of the device to the absolute maximum ratings
for an extended period may degrade the device and effect
its reliability.
Absolute Maximum Ratings (@ 25˚ C)
Parameter Min Typ Max Units
Supply Voltages ± 5 - ±18 V
Differential Input Voltage - - ± 30 V
Output Short Circuit Duration Continuous -
Total Package Dissipation - - 11 W
Isolation Voltage
Input to Output 3750 - - VRMS
Operational Temperature -40 - +85 °C
Storage Temperature -40 - +125 °C
Soldering Temperature
DIP Package - - +260 °C
Surface Mount Package - - +220 °C
(10 Seconds Max.)
1Above 25°C Derate Linearly 1.67mW/°C
Electrical Characteristics @ TA = +25°C and
±VCC = 15VDC (unless otherwise specified)
Continuous Voltage, AC - - - 3750 VRMS
Input to Output Leakage Current 1000VRMS, 60Hz - 0.2 - µARMS
Offset Voltage
Output Offset Voltage (VOS) RF=RIN=51KΩ, K3=1.000 - 50 - mV
Input Grounded TA=25°C
Amplifier Input Impedance - - 1012 || 3 - Ω|| pF
∆VOS/∆T Average TC of Input
Offset Voltage RS=50Ω-5-µV/°C
(Input and Output Stage)
Common Mode Rejection Ratio, CMRR 60Hz, RF=1MΩ- 100 - dB
RIN=10KΩ, Gain=100
Input Offset Voltage RS=50Ω, TA=25°C - 3 10 mV
Common Mode Range ±12 - - V
Frequency Response
Bandwidth - - 40 - kHz
Slew Rate 0-10V Step Input - 0.3 - V/µs
Non-Linearity FO=300Hz, -10dBm - - 0.01 %
Power Supplies
Input Stage Supply Voltage VCC1, VEE1 - ±5 - ±18 V
Output Stage Supply Voltage VCC2, VEE2 - ±5 - ±18 V
Input (A1) & Output Stage (A2) Supply Current - - 5 10 mA
Power Supply Rejection Ratio, PSRR - - 80 100 dB