2001 Jun 08 2
BCcomponents Product specification
Professional MELF resistors MMU 0102; MMA 0204;
MMB 0207
•Advanced thin film technology
•Power dissipation rating up to 1 W
•Excellent overall stability: Class 0,25
•Wide professional range: 0,1 Ω to 10 MΩ
• Metric sizes:
– DIN: 0102; 0204; 0207
– CECC: RC 2211M; RC 3715M; RC 6123M
•Medical equipment.
MMU 0102, MMA 0204 and MMB 0207 professional thin
film MELF resistors are the perfect choice for most fields of
modern professional electronics where reliability and
stability is of major concern. The typical applications in the
fields of automotive, telecommunication and medical
equipment reflect the outstanding level of proven
Production is strictly controlled and follows an extensive set
of instructions established for reproducibility. A
homogeneous film of metal alloy is deposited on a high
grade ceramic body (85% Al2O3, fo r MI CR O-MEL F:
96% Al2O3) and conditioned to achieve the desired
temperature coef fici ent . Nick el plate d steel term ina tion
caps are firmly pressed on the metallised rods. A special
laser is used to achieve the target value by smoothly cutting
a helical groove in the resistive layer without damaging the
ceramics. The resistor elements are covered by a protective
coating designed for el ect ri cal , mechani cal and clima tic
protection. The terminations receive a final pure tin on
nickel plating. Four or five colour code rings designate the
resistance value and tolerance in accordance w ith
IEC 60062.
The result of the determined production is verified by an
extensive testing proce dure perf orm ed on 100% of the
individual resistors. Only accepted products are laid directly
into the blister tape in accordance with IEC 60286-3 or bulk
case in accordance with IEC 60286-6.
The resistors are suitable for processing on automatic SMD
assembly systems. They are suitable for automatic soldering
using wave, reflow or vapour phase. The encapsulation is
resi s tant to a l l c leani n g solven ts c o mmon l y u s e d in th e
electronics industry, including alcohols, esters and aqueous
The resistors are tested in accordance with
CECC 40401-803 which refers to EN 140000 (IEC 60115-1)
and EN 140400 (IEC 60115-8).
BCcomponents BEYSCH LAG has achi eve d "Approva l of
Manufacturer" in accordance with EN 100114-1. The
rel ease cer t ificate for "Technology Approval Schedule" in
accordance with CECC 240001 based on EN 100114-6 is
granted for the BCcomponents BEYSCHLAG manufacturing
This product family of thin film MELF resistors is completed
by Zero Ohm Jumpers.
On request, resistors are available with established
reliability in accordan ce with CECC 40401-803 Version E.