ASTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND S5eE D MM 1013152 0000833 75 MBAAI T S71 \ DC/DC 15 Watts Single/Dual/Triple JA/JP SERIES HH @ Surface mount technology m@ MOSFET design @ 500 Vdc I/O isolation @ Continuous short circuit protection @ Six-sided shielding @ Regulated outputs 9 - 36 Vde, 20 - 72 Vde oe Pi Filter he JA\JP Series Is Rever ity Protected To Nominal Input Current: a family of single, External Fuse Required dual and tripie out- All Models put encapsulated DC/DG converters supplying 15 Watts of output power. OUTPUT esign 8 in luae Mos Fev Voltage Tolerance t1% Main Output art surface mount tech- + 3% Auxiliary nology, ultra-wide in- Ripple and Noise 30 mV p-p (max.) put of 9-72 (9-36, 20-72) Short Circuit Protection Continuous - Auto Restart Vdc, 500 Vde input/output Temperature Coefficient 0.02%/ C max. isolation and no derating. All models are packaged in a six-sided shielded miniature case measuring GENERAL 2.0 x 2.0 x 0.4" high. Regulation: Main Aux. Line Nom.-Hi 0.25% +2% Nom.-Lo +0.25% 142% Load Min.-Max. +0.25% +3% Efficiency 80% (typ) V/O Isolation . 500 Vdc Applications Switching Frequency 300 kHz The JA/JP Series is ideally suited for space critical ENVIRONMENTAL applications targeting Operating Temperature Range -25C to +71C; No Derating telecommunications and Storage Temperature Range -55 C to +105 C small systems instrumen- : Cooling Free-air Convection tation markets. NOTE: * Measured with 3.3 MF 25V tantalum capacitor across each output. OR? All specifications are typical at nominal line and full load at +25C unless otherwise noted. SUBSIDIARY OF ASTEC AMERICA, INC. Spectications subject to change without notice. AST ECJA/JP Series Ordering Information ASTEC AMERICA/SEMICOND SeE D 1013152 0000834 SOL MBAAIL F-S 7M input Output Output Case 1 Case 2 Voltage Voltage Current Model Number Model Number 9-36 Vde 5 Vde 3000 mA JA11-300-18 JP11-300-18 20-72 Vde 5 Vde 3000 mA JA11-300-48 JP11-300-48 9-36 Vde 12 Vde 4250 mA JA12-125-18 5P12-125-18 20-72 Vde 12 vde 1250 mA JA12-125-48 JP12-125-48 9-36 Vde 15 Vde 1000 mA JA13-100-18 JP13-100-18 20-72 Vde 1S Vde 1000 mA JA13~- 100-48 JP13- 100-48 9-36 Vde +5 Vde 1500 mA JA27-300-18 JP21-300-18 20-72 Vde +5 Vde 1500 mA JA21-300-48 JP21-300-48 9-36 Vde +12 Vde 625 mA JA22- 125-18 JP22-125-18 20-72 Vde +12 Vde 625 mA JAZ2Z- 125-48 JP22- 125-48 9-36 Vde +15 Vde 500 mA JA23- 106-18 JP235-100-18 20-72 Vdc +15 Vde 500 mA JA23- 100-48 JP23-100-48 9-36 Vde +5/4+12 Vde 1500/+300 mA Soe JP34-210-18 20-72 Vde 45/+12 Vde 1500/+300 mA ee, JP34-210-48 9-36 Vde +5/+15 Vde 1500/+250 mA een JP35-200-18 20-72 vde +5/+15 Vde 1500/4250 mA - JP35-200-48 Dimensions and Connections CASE 1 CASE 2 ia 60 40 ao ae s = aa pen tor ae peepee l 9 eo 6.2) 5 6 7 & 0 ' (251 = 788 . 3 4 s ROE vew ecTTom view on ne SIDE 200 4 iT wew SoTTOM VIEW (90.81 L Zz -9o~6 ......._ won o om hag i t -o- 9 bite a aa zs | t . te 4 20 . #se e.51 29) ] Saal ax 200 More: 30.8) CHMENSIONS ARE 1 eu MOTE: mcwes DAMENSIONS ARE In PIN CONNECTION . om SINGLE QuTPUT QUAL OUTPUT mR PIN CASE 1 CASE 2 IPLE OUTPUT wen canes nena PIN CASE 1 GASE 2 PIN - CASE2 1 + Input + Input 1 + : ote eee ee 2 - Input > Input 2 . inet . inet ; + Input 3 + Output Ko pin 3 + Output No pin ~ Input 4 Wo pin Remote cont. 6 Common Remot 3 No pin 5 > Output No pin 5 - Output . outs om 4 Remote cont 6 * Qutput 6 tome, 5 + V2 Out (lav or 15v) 7 - Output 7 - Output 6 + V1 out (Sv) 8 Trim 8 Trim pu Common 49 Range Road Windham, NH 03087 (603) 893-2330 > V3 Out (12v or 1$) Fax (603) 893-6280