SILICON DIODES Silicon Controlled Avalanche Rectifiers Max. Ratings at 25C Characteristics Jedec Outline VRWM Mean Rect. Reverse Max. Iz Max. Ve Avalanche Voltage Outline Drawing Comments current Power at VRWM at 5 Amps at SmA Type No. volts Amps kw* pA volts min. { max. ZAR110 1000 1-5 4 5 1-5 1200 1800 DO-6 D11B Controlled Avalanche ZAR210 4000 8-0F 4 5 1-55 1200 14800 DO-4 D14B Rectifiers. Self protecting ZAR610 1000 1-5 1 5 1-28 1200 1800 DO-1,2,3 DITA against reverse voltage transients ZAR710 1000 1-5 1 5 1-2 1200 1800 _ D23 *10,S square pulse. At1-5A. t+Mounted ona 23 inx 23 inx 16 s.w.g. copper or aluminium fin. Nominal Tolerance Max. Slope Max. Max. Temp. Type Voltage on Nominal Resistance Dissipation Coefficient Outline at 50 mA Voltaget at 50 mA * at 20 mA volts % ohms watts % per C Comments KR50 15 10 5 10 0-09 D13A KR51 18 10 5 10 0-09 Di3A KR52 22 10 5 10 0.09 D13A KR53 27 10 5 10 0-09 D13A For transient clip- KRS4 33 10 5 10 0-09 D13A ping, high frequen- KR55 39 10 6 10 0-09 D13A cy power supplies, KR56 47 10 8 10 0-09 D1i3A d.c. smoothing. KR57 56 10 1 10 0-10 D1I3A High forward and KR58 68 10 14 10 0-10 D13A reverse surge KR5S9 82 10 20 10 0-11 D13A power rating. KR60 100 10 30 10 0-12 D13A KR50R to Reverse Polarity Versions of KR50 to KR60 D13B KR60R *Mounted on a 2$ in x23 in x yg in copper or aluminium Heat Sink +Can be supplied to tighter tolerance Multi-Purpose Maximum Ratings and Characteristics Type Mean Recurrent Reverse Jedec Outline No. Rectified Current Peak Operating Current at VRWM Outline Drawing VRWM mA Fd Current Temperature at 25C Range volts 25C 100C amp. C 26C 100C Comments ZS120 50 250 _ 1-25 55 to +100 5.0 50 DO-7 D8 z$121 100 250 1-25 55 to +100 5.0 50 DO-7 bs lu industrial ZS122 200 260 1-25 -5B to +100 5-0 50 DO-7 D8 oven 28123 300 250 _ 1-25 -55to +100 5-0 50 DO-7 bs applications Z8124 400 250 _ 4-25 55 to +100 5-0 50 DO-7 D8 Other Diode types available Multi-Purpose Power RectifiersUp to 1.5 Amps ZR 10, R-15, R ZS 10A, B ZR 10T, TR-15T, TR ZS 20A, B Up to 8 Amps. ZS 21, 22, 24 ZR 20-24 ZS 30A~34A ZR 20R-24R ZS 30B-34B Voltage Reference High Speed Logic KS 30A-44A ZS 40-42 KS 30B-44B 31