TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 * * * * * * * * A 4K Words of On-Chip Program ROM (TMS320C25) C B D E 128K Words of Data/Program Space F 32-Bit ALU/Accumulator G 16 x 16-Bit Multiplier With a 32-Bit Product H J Block Moves for Data/Program Management K L Repeat Instructions for Efficient Use of Program Space 68-Pin FN and FZ Packages (Top View) Serial Port for Direct Codec Interface Synchronization Input for Synchronous Multiprocessor Configurations Wait States for Communication to Slow Off-Chip Memories/Peripherals VSS D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 SYNC INT0 INT1 INT2 VCC DR FSR A0 On-Chip Timer for Control Operations Single 5-V Supply Packaging: 68-Pin PGA, PLCC, and CER-QUAD 68-to-28 Pin Conversion Adapter Socket for EPROM Programming Commercial and Military Versions Available NMOS Technology: -- TMS32020 . . . . . . . . . 200-ns cycle time 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 10 59 11 58 12 57 13 56 14 55 15 54 16 53 17 52 18 51 19 50 20 49 21 48 22 47 23 46 24 45 25 44 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 IACK MSC CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 XF HOLDA DX FSX X2 CLKIN X1 BR STRB R/W PS IS DS VSS CMOS Technology: -- TMS320C25 . . . . . . . . 100-ns cycle time -- TMS320E25 . . . . . . . . 100-ns cycle time -- TMS320C25-50 . . . . . . 80-ns cycle time description This data sheet provides complete design documentation for the second-generation devices of the TMS320 family. This facilitates the selection of the devices best suited for user applications by providing all specifications and special features for each TMS320 member. This data sheet is divided into four major sections: architecture, electrical specifications (NMOS and CMOS), timing diagrams, and mechanical data. In each of these sections, generic information is presented first, followed by specific device information. An index is provided for quick reference to specific information about a device. Copyright 1991, Texas Instruments Incorporated ADVANCE INFORMATION concerns new products in the sampling or preproduction phase of development. Characteristic data and other specifications are subject to change without notice. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 1 ADVANCE INFORMATION * * 4K Words of On-Chip Secure Program EPROM (TMS320E25) CLKR CLKX V CC V CC * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 READY * * * * 544 Words of On-Chip Data RAM D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 * 68-Pin GB Package (Top View) 80-ns Instruction Cycle Time V SS A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 V CC A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 * * * TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 PGA AND PLCC/CER-QUAD PIN ASSIGNMENTS FUNCTION PIN FUNCTION PIN A0 K1/26 FUNCTION A12 K8/40 PIN D2 E1/16 FUNCTION D14 A5/3 PIN FUNCTION INT2 PIN A1 K2/28 A13 L9/41 D3 D2/15 D15 B6/2 A2 L3/29 A14 K9/42 D4 D1/14 DR J1/24 J11/46 MP/MC A6/1 A3 K3/30 A15 L10/43 D5 C2/13 DS A4 L4/31 BIO B7/68 D6 C1/12 A5 K4/32 BR G11/50 D7 B2/11 A6 L5/33 CLKOUT1 C11/58 D8 A7 K5/34 CLKOUT2 D10/57 D9 A8 K6/36 CLKR B9/64 A9 L7/37 CLKX A10 K7/38 D0 A11 L8/39 D1 E2/17 H1/22 FUNCTION PIN H2/23 IS VCC VCC B1/10 K10/45 MSC C10/59 VSS VSS DX E11/54 PS J10/47 J2/25 READY B8/66 VSS XF L2/27 FSR A2/9 FSX F10/53 RS A8/65 X1 G10/51 B3/8 HOLD A7/67 R/W H11/48 X2/CLKIN F11/52 D10 A3/7 HOLDA E10/55 STRB H10/49 A9/63 D11 B4/6 IACK B11/60 SYNC F2/19 F1/18 D12 A4/5 INT0 G1/20 A10/61 D13 B5/4 INT1 G2/21 VCC VCC L6/35 K11/44 D11/56 B10/62 On the TMS32020, MP/MC must be connected to VCC. SIGNALS VCC VSS X1 X2/CLKIN CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 D15-D0 A15-A0 PS, DS, IS R/W STRB RS INT2-INT0 MP/MC MSC IACK READY BR XF HOLD HOLDA SYNC BIO DR CLKR FSR DX CLKX FSX I/O/Z DEFINITION I I O I O O I/O/Z O/Z O/Z O/Z O/Z I I I O O I 5-V supply pins Ground pins Output from internal oscillator for crystal Input to internal oscillator from crystal or external clock Master clock output (crystal or CLKIN frequency/4) A second clock output signal 16-bit data bus D15 (MSB) through D0 (LSB). Multiplexed between program, data, and I/O spaces. 16-bit address bus A15 (MSB) through A0 (LSB) Program, data, and I/O space select signals Read/write signal Strobe signal Reset input External user interrupt inputs Microprocessor/microcomputer mode select pin Microstate complete signal Interrupt acknowledge signal Data ready input. Asserted by external logic when using slower devices to indicate that the current bus transaction is complete. Bus request signal. Asserted when the TMS320C2x requires access to an external global data memory space. External flag output (latched software-programmable signal) Hold input. When asserted, TMS320C2x goes into an idle mode and places the data, address, and control lines in the high impedance state. Hold acknowledge signal Synchronization input Branch control input. Polled by BIOZ instruction. Serial data receive input Clock for receive input for serial port Frame synchronization pulse for receive input Serial data transmit output Clock for transmit output for serial port Frame synchronization pulse for transmit. Configuration as either an input or an output. O O I O I I I I I O/Z I I/O/Z I/O/Z denotes input/output/high-impedance state. 2 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 description The TMS320 family of 16/32-bit single-chip digital signal processors combines the flexibility of a high-speed controller with the numerical capability of an array processor, thereby offering an inexpensive alternative to multichip bit-slice processors. The highly paralleled architecture and efficient instruction set provide speed and flexibility to produce a MOS microprocessor family that is capable of executing more than 12.5 MIPS (million instructions per section). The TMS320 family optimizes speed by implementing functions in hardware that other processors implement through microcode or software. This hardware-intensive approach provides the design engineer with processing power previously unavailable on a single chip. The TMS320 family consists of three generations of digital signal processors. The first generation contains the TMS32010 and its spinoffs. The second generation includes the TMS32020, TMS320C25, and TMS320E25, which are described in this data sheet. The TMS320C30 is a floating-point DSP device designed for even higher performance. Many features are common among the TMS320 processors. Specific features are added in each processor to provide different cost/performance tradeoffs. Software compatibility is maintained throughout the family to protect the user's investment in architecture. Each processor has software and hardware tools to facilitate rapid design. introduction The TMS32010, the first NMOS digital signal processor in the TMS320 family, was introduced in 1983. Its powerful instruction set, inherent flexibility, high-speed number-crunching capabilities, and innovative architecture have made this high-performance, cost-effective processor the ideal solution to many telecommunications, computer, commercial, industrial, and military applications. Since that time, the TMS320C10, a low-power CMOS version of the industry-standard TMS32010, and other spinoff devices have been added to the first generation of the TMS320 family. The second generation of the TMS320 family (referred to as TMS320C2x) includes four members, the TMS32020, TMS320C25, TMS320C25-50, and TMS320E25. The architecture of these devices is based upon that of the TMS32010. The TMS32020, processed in NMOS technology, is source-code compatible with he TMS32010 and in many applications is capable of two times the throughput of the first-generation devices. Its enhanced instruction set (109 instructions), large on-chip data memory (544 words), large memory spaces, on-chip serial port, and hardware timer make the TMS32020 a powerful addition to the TMS320 family. The TMS320C25 is the second member of the TMS320 second generation. It is processed in CMOS technology, is capable of an instruction cycle time of 100 ns, and is pin-for-pin and object-code compatible with the TMS32020. The TMS320C25's enhanced feature set greatly increases the functionality of the device over the TMS32020. Enhancements included 24 additional instructions (133 total), eight auxiliary registers, an eight-level hardware stack, 4K words of on-chip program ROM, a bit-reversed indexed-addressing mode, and the low-power dissipation inherent to the CMOS process. An extended-temperature range version (TMS320C25GBA) is also available. The TMS320C25-50 is a high-speed version of the TMS320C25. It is capable of an instruction cycle time of less than 80 ns. It is architecturally identical to the original 40-MHz version of the TMS320C25 and, thus, is pin-for-pin and object-code compatible with the TMS320C25. The TMS320E25 is identical to the TMS320C25, with the exception that the on-chip 4K-word program ROM is replaced with a 4K-word on-chip program EPROM. On-chip EPROM allows realtime code development and modification for immediate evaluation of system performance. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 3 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Key Features: TMS32020 * * * * * * * * * * * +5 V GND 200-ns Instruction Cycle Time 544 Words of On-Chip Data RAM Interrupts 128K Words of Total Data/Program Memory Space Wait States for Communication to Slower Off-Chip Memories Source Code Compatible With the TMS320C1x 256-Word Data/Prog RAM 288-Word Data RAM Multiplier Data (16) MultiProcessor Interface 32-BIT ALU/ACC Serial Interface Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate Instructions Shifters Repeat Instructions Address (16) Timer Global Data Memory Interface Block Moves for Data/Program Management * * * * Five Auxiliary Registers With Dedicated Arithmetic Unit Serial Port for Multiprocessing or Interfacing to Codecs, Serial Analog-to-Digital Converters, etc. On-Chip Clock Generator Single 5-V Supply NMOS Technology 68-Pin Grid Array (PGA) Package Key Features: TMS320C25, TMS320C25-50, TMS320E25 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * +5 V 80-ns Instruction Cycle Time (TMS320C25-50) 100-ns Instruction Cycle Time (TMS320C25) 4K Words of On-Chip Secure Program EPROM (TMS320E25) 4K Words of On-Chip Program ROM (TMS320C25) 544 Words of On-Chip RAM Interrupts MP/MC 128K Words of Total Program/Data Memory Space Wait States for Communications to Slower Off-Chip Memories 256-Word 288-Word Data/Prog Data RAM RAM 4K-Words ROM/EPROM Multiplier 32-Bit ALU/ACC MultiProcessor Interface Serial Interface Address (16) Source-Code Compatible With TMS320C1x Timer 24 Additional Instructions to Support Adaptive Filtering, FFTs, and Extended-Precision Arithmetic Block Moves for Data/Program Management Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate Instructions Eight Auxiliary Registers With Dedicated Arithmetic Unit Bit-Reversed Indexed-Addressing Mode for Radix-2 FFTS * * * * * * * Double-Buffered Serial Port POST OFFICE BOX 1443 Data (16) Shifters Object-Code Compatible With the TMS32020 * 4 GND * On-Chip Clock Generator Single 5-V Supply Internal Security Mechanism (TMS320E25) 68-to-28 Pin Conversion Adapter Socket CMOS Technology 68-Pin Grid Array (PGA) Package (TMS320C25) 68-Lead Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC) Package (TMS320C25, TMS320C25-50) 68-Lead CER-QUAD Package (TMS320E25) HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 1 provides an overview of the second-generation TMS320 processors with comparisons of memory, I/O, cycle timing, power, package type, technology, and military support. For specific availability, contact the nearest TI Field Sales Office. Table 1. TMS320 Second-Generation Device Overview MEMORY ON-CHIP DEVICE RAM I/O OFF-CHIP ROM/EPROM PROG DATA SER TIMER CYCLE TIME (ns) TYP POWER (mW) PACKAGE TYPE PAR DMA PGA PLCC CER-QUAD TMS32020 (NMOS) 544 -- 64K 64K YES 16 x 16 YES YES 200 1250 68 -- -- TMS320C25 (CMOS) 544 4K 64K 64K YES 16 x 16 CON YES 100 500 68 68 -- TMS320C25-50 (CMOS) 544 4K 64K 64K YES 16 x 16 CON YES 80 500 -- 68 -- TMS320E25 (CMOS) 544 4K 64K 64K YES 16 x 16 CON YES 100 500 -- -- 68 SER = serial; PAR = parallel; DMA = direct memory access; CON = concurrent DMA. Military version available; contact nearest TI Field Sales Office for availability. Military version planned; contact nearest TI Field Sales Office for details. architecture The TMS320 family utilizes a modified Harvard architecture for speed and flexibility. In a strict Harvard architecture, program and data memory lie in two separate spaces, permitting a full overlap of instruction fetch and execution. The TMS320 family's modification of the Harvard architecture allows transfers between program and data spaces, thereby increasing the flexibility of the device. This modification permits coefficients stored in program memory to be read into the RAM, eliminating the need for a separate coefficient ROM. It also makes available immediate instructions and subroutines based on computed values. Increased throughput on the TMS320C2x devices for many DSP applications is accomplished by means of single-cycle multiply/accumulate instructions with a data move option, up to eight auxiliary registers with a dedicated arithmetic unit, and faster I/O necessary for data-intensive signal processing. The architectural design of the TMS320C2x emphasizes overall speed, communication, and flexibility in processor configuration. Control signals and instructions provide floating-point support, block-memory transfers, communication to slower off-chip devices, and multiprocessing implementations. 32-bit ALU/accumulator The 32-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and accumulator perform a wide range of arithmetic and logical instructions, the majority of which execute in a single clock cycle. The ALU executes a variety of branch instructions dependent on the status of the ALU or a single bit in a word. These instructions provide the following capabilities: * * * Branch to an address specified by the accumulator Normalize fixed-point numbers contained in the accumulator Test a specified bit of a word in data memory One input to the ALU is always provided from the accumulator, and the other input may be provided from the Product Register (PR) of the multiplier or the input scaling shifter which has fetched data from the RAM on the data bus. After the ALU has performed the arithmetic or logical operations, the result is stored in the accumulator. The 32-bit accumulator is split into two 16-bit segments for storage in data memory. Additional shifters at the output of the accumulator perform shifts while the data is being transferred to the data bus for storage. The contents of the accumulator remain unchanged. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 5 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 functional block diagram (TMS320C2x) SYNC IS DS PS X1 X2/CLKIN CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 Program Bus R/W STRB READY BR XF HOLD HOLDA MSC BIO RS IACK 16 16 16 16 PFC(16) QIR(16) IR(16) 16 STO(16) Controller MUX ST1(16) 16 16 3 A15-A0 16 16 16 (8 x 16) RSR(16) XSR(16) 16 16 16 MUX D15-D0 DRR(16) 16 Instruction 16 DR CLKR FSR DX CLKX FSX 16 Stack Program ROM/ EPROM (4096 x 16) MUX 16 16 Address 16 MP/MC IFR(6) PC(16) MCS(16) 16 INT(2-0) RPTC(8) 16 16 DXR(16) 16 TIM(16) 16 PRD(16) 6 IMR(6) 8 GREG(8) 16 16 Program Bus Data Bus 16 16 16 16 AR0(16) AR2(16) ARP(3) MUX DP(9) Shifter(0-16) 9 AR4(16) 16 Multiplier AR3(16) 3 16 16 TR(16) 7 LSB From IR AR1(16) 3 16 9 3 AR5(16) PR(32) AR6(16) 32 AR7(16) 32 16 ARB(3) Shifter(-6, 0, 1, 4) 16 3 16 MUX ARAU(16) 32 MUX 16 16 MUX 32 MUX 16 32 16 ALU(32) 32 DATA/PROG RAM (256 x 16) Block B0 Block B2 (32 x 16) Data RAM Block B1 (256 x 16) C ACCH(16) MUX 16 Shifters (0-7) 16 16 ACCL(16) 32 16 16 Data Bus LEGEND: ACCH = ACCL = ALU = ARAU = ARB = ARP = DP = DRR = DXR = 6 Accumulator high Accumulator low Arithmetic logic unit Auxiliary register arithmetic unitMCS Auxiliary register pointer buffer Auxiliary register pointer Data memory page pointer Serial port data receive registerTIM Serial port data transmit register IFR IMR IR = QIR PR PRD = TR = Interrupt flag register PC = Interrupt mask register PFC = Instruction register RPTC Microcall stack GREG = = Queue instruction register RSR = Product register XSR = Period register for timer AR0-AR7 Timer ST0, ST1 = Temporary register C POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 = Program counter = Prefetch counter = Repeat instruction counter Global memory allocation register = Serial port receive shift register = Serial port transmit shift register = Auxiliary registers = Status registers = Carry bit TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 scaling shifter The TMS320C2x scaling shifter has 16-bit input connected to the data bus and a 32-bit output connected to the ALU. The scaling shifter produces a left shift of 0 to 16 bits on the input data, as programmed in the instruction. The LSBs of the output are filled with zeroes, and the MSBs may be either filled with zeroes or sign-extended, depending upon the status programmed into the SXM (sign-extension mode) bit of status register ST1. 16 x 16-bit parallel multiplier The 16 x 16-bit hardware multiplier is capable of computing a signed or unsigned 32-bit product in a single machine cycle. The multiplier has the following two associated registers. * * A 16-bit Temporary Register (TR) that holds one of the operands for the multiplier, and A 32-bit Product Register (PR) that holds the product. Incorporated into the instruction set are single-cycle multiply/accumulate instructions that allow both operands to be processed simultaneously. The data for these operations may reside anywhere in internal or external memory, and can be transferred to the multiplier each cycle via the program and data buses. Four product shift modes are available at the Product Register (PR) output that are useful when performing multiply/accumulate operations, fractional arithmetic, or justifying fractional products. timer The TMS320C2x provides a memory-mapped 16-bit timer for control operations. The on-chip timer (TIM) register is a down counter that is continuously clocked by CLKOUT1 on the TMS320C25. The timer is clocked by CLKOUT1/4 on the TMS32020. A timer interrupt (TINT) is generated every time the timer decrements to zero. The timer is reloaded with the value contained in the period (PRD) register within the next cycle after it reaches zero so that interrupts may be programmed to occur at regular intervals of PRD + 1 cycles of CLKOUT 1 on the TMS320C25 or 4 x PRD x CLKOUT 1 cycles on the TMS32020. memory control The TMS320C2x provides a total of 544 16-bit words of on-chip data RAM, divided into three separate blocks (B0, B1, and B2). Of the 544 words, 288 words (blocks B1 and B2) are always data memory, and 256 words (block B0) are programmable as either data or program memory. A data memory size of 544 words allows the TMS320C2x to handle a data array of 512 words (256 words if on-chip RAM is used for program memory), while still leaving 32 locations for intermediate storage. When using block B0 as program memory, instructions can be downloaded from external program memory into on-chip RAM and then executed. When using on-chip program RAM, ROM, EPROM, or high-speed external program memory, the TMS320C2x runs at full speed without wait states. However, the READY line can be used to interface the TMS320C2x to slower, less-expensive external memory. Downloading programs from slow off-chip memory to on-chip program RAM speeds processing while cutting system costs. The TMS320C2x provides three separate address spaces for program memory, data memory, and I/O. The on-chip memory is mapped into either the 64K-word data memory or program memory space, depending upon the memory configuration (see Figure 1). The CNFD (configure block B0 as data memory) and CNFP (configure block B0 as program memory) instructions allow dynamic configuration of the memory maps through software. Regardless of the configuration, the user may still execute from external program memory. The TMS320C2x has six registers that are mapped into the data memory space: a serial port data receive register, serial port data transmit register, timer register, period register, interrupt mask register, and global memory allocation register. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 7 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Program 0(0000h) Program 0(0000h) Interrupts and Reserved (External) 31(001Fh) 32(0020h ) 31(001Fh) 32(0020h ) 4015(0FAFh) 4016(0FB0h) Data 0(0000h) Interrupts and Reserved (On-Chip ROM/EPROM) On-Chip Memory-Mapped Registers 5(0005h) 6(0006h) Reserved On-Chip ROM/EPROM Page 0 95(005Fh) 96(0060h ) 127(007Fh) 128(0080h) Reserved 4095(0FFFh) 4096(1000h) On-Chip Block B2 Reserved Pages 1-3 On-Chip Block B0 Pages 4-5 On-Chip Block B1 Pages 6 -7 511(01FFh) 512(0200h) External 767(02FFh) 768(0300h) External 1023(03FFh) 1024(0400h) External 65,535(0FFFFh) 65,535(0FFFFh) 65,535(FFFFh) If MP/MC = 1 (Microprocessor Mode) Pages 8 -511 If MP/MC = 0 (Microcomputer Mode on TMS320C25) (a) Memory Maps After a CNFD Instruction Program 0(0000h) Interrupts and Reserved (External) Program 0(0000h) 31(001Fh) 32(0020h ) 31(001Fh) 32(0020h ) 4015(0FAFh) 4016(0FB0h) Data 0(0000h) Interrupts and Reserved (On-Chip ROM/EPROM) On-Chip Memory-Mapped Registers 5(0005h) 6(0006h) On-Chip ROM/EPROM Reserved 95(005Fh) 96(0060h ) Reserved 4095(0FFFh) 4096(1000h) Page 0 On-Chip Block B2 127(007Fh) 128(0080h) Reserved Pages 1-3 Does Not Exist Pages 4-5 On-Chip Block B1 Pages 6 -7 511(01FFh) 512(0200h) External 767(02FFh) 768(0300h) External 1023(03FFh) 1024(0400h) 65,279(0FEFFh) 65,280(0FF00h) 65,279(0FEFFh) 65,280(0FF00h) On-Chip Block B0 65,535(0FFFFh) If MP/MC = 1 (Microprocessor Mode) External On-Chip Block B0 65,535(0FFFFh) 65,535(0FFFFh) If MP/MC = 0 (Microcomputer Mode on TMS320C25) (b) Memory Maps After a CNFP Instruction Figure 1. Memory Maps 8 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 Pages 8 -511 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 interrupts and subroutines The TMS320C2x has three external maskable user interrupts INT2-INT0, available for external devices that interrupt the processor. Internal interrupts are generated by the serial port (RINT and XINT), by the timer (TINT), and by the software interrupt (TRAP) instruction. Interrupts are prioritized with reset (RS) having the highest priority and the serial port transmit interrupt (XINT) having the lowest priority. All interrupt locations are on two-word boundaries so that branch instructions can be accommodated in those locations if desired. A built-in mechanism protects multicycle instructions from interrupts. If an interrupt occurs during a multicycle instruction, the interrupt is not processed until the instruction is completed. This mechanism applies to instructions that are repeated and to instructions that become multicycle due to the READY signal. external interface The TMS320C2x supports a wide range of system interfacing requirements. Program, data, and I/O address spaces provide interface to memory and I/O, thus maximizing system throughput. I/O design is simplified by having I/O treated the same way as memory. I/O devices are mapped into the I/O address space using the processor's external address and data buses in the same manner as memory-mapped devices. Interface to memory and I/O devices of varying speeds is accomplished by using the READY line. When transactions are made with slower devices, the TMS320C2x processor waits until the other device completes its function and signals the processor via the READY line. Then, the TMS320C2x continues execution. A full-duplex serial port provides communication with serial devices, such as codecs, serial A/D converters, and other serial systems. The interface signals are compatible with codecs and many other serial devices with a minimum of external hardware. The serial port may also be used for intercommunication between processors in multiprocessing applications. The serial port has two memory-mapped registers: the data transmit register (DXR) and the data receive register (DRR). Both registers operate in either the byte mode or 16-bit word mode, and may be accessed in the same manner as any other data memory location. Each register has an external clock, a framing synchronization pulse, and associated shift registers. One method of multiprocessing may be implemented by programming one device to transmit while the others are in the receive mode. The serial port on the TMS320C25 is double-buffered and fully static. multiprocessing The flexibility of the TMS320C2x allows configurations to satisfy a wide range of system requirements and can be used as follows: * * * * A standalone processor A multiprocessor with devices in parallel A slave/host multiprocessor with global memory space A peripheral processor interfaced via processor-controlled signals to another device. For multiprocessing applications, the TMS320C2x has the capability of allocating global data memory space and communicating with that space via the BR (bus request) and READY control signals. Global memory is data memory shared by more than one processor. Global data memory access must be arbitrated. The 8-bit memory-mapped GREG (global memory allocation register) specifies part of the TMS320C2x's data memory as global external memory. The contents of the register determine the size of the global memory space. If the current instruction addresses an operand within that space, BR is asserted to request control of the bus. The length of the memory cycle is controlled by the READY line. The TMS320C2x supports DMA (direct memory access) to its external program/data memory using the HOLD and HOLDA signals. Another processor can take complete control of the TMS320C2x's external memory by asserting HOLD low. This causes the TMS320C2x to place its address data and control lines in a high-impedance state, and assert HOLDA. On the TMS320C2x, program execution from on-chip ROM may proceed concurrently when the device is in the hold mode. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 9 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 instruction set The TMS320C2x microprocessor implements a comprehensive instruction set that supports both numeric-intensive signal processing operations as well as general-purpose applications, such as multiprocessing and high-speed control. The TMS32020 source code is upward-compatible with TMS320C25 source code. TMS32020 object code runs directly on the TMS320C25. For maximum throughput, the next instruction is prefetched while the current one is being executed. Since the same data lines are used to communicate to external data/program or I/O space, the number of cycles may vary depending upon whether the next data operand fetch is from internal or external memory. Highest throughput is achieved by maintaining data memory on-chip and using either internal or fast external program memory. addressing modes The TMS320C2x instruction set provides three memory addressing modes: direct, indirect, and immediate addressing. Both direct and indirect addressing can be used to access data memory. In direct addressing, seven bits of the instruction word are concatenated with the nine bits of the data memory page pointer to form the 16-bit data memory address. Indirect addressing accesses data memory through the auxiliary registers. In immediate addressing, the data is based on a portion of the instruction word(s). In direct memory addressing, the instruction word contains the lower seven bits of the data memory address. This field is concatenated with the nine bits of the data memory page pointer to form the full 16-bit address. Thus, memory is paged in the direct addressing mode with a total of 512 pages, each page containing 128 words. Up to eight auxiliary registers (AR0-AR7) provide flexible and powerful indirect addressing (five on the TMS32020, eight on the TMS320C25). To select a specific auxiliary register, the Auxiliary Register Pointer (ARP) is loaded with a value from 0 to 7 for AR0 through AR7, respectively. There are seven types of indirect addressing: auto-increment or auto-decrement, post-indexing by either adding or subtracting the contents of AR0, single indirect addressing with no increment or decrement, and bit-reversal addressing (used in FFTs on the TMS320C25 only) with increment or decrement. All operations are performed on the current auxiliary register in the same cycle as the original instruction, following which the current auxiliary register and ARP may be modified. repeat feature A repeat feature, used with instructions such as multiply/accumulates, block moves, I/O transfers, and table read/writes, allows a single instruction to be performed up to 256 times. The repeat counter (RPTC) is loaded with either a data memory value (RPT instruction) or an immediate value (RPTK instruction). The value of this operand is one less than the number of times that the next instruction is executed. Those instructions that are normally multicycle are pipelined when using the repeat feature, and effectively become single-cycle instructions. 10 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 instruction set summary Table 2 lists the symbols and abbreviations used in Table 3, the TMS320C25 instruction set summary. Table 3 consists primarily of single-cycle, single-word instructions. Infrequently used branch, I/O, and CALL instructions are multicycle. The instruction set summary is arranged according to function and alphabetized within each functional grouping. The symbol () indicates those instructions that are not included in the TMS320C1x instruction set. The symbol () indicates instructions that are not included in the TMS32020 instruction set. Table 2. Instruction Symbols SYMBOL DEFINITION B CM D FO I K PA 4-bit field specifying a bit code 2-bit field specifying compare mode Data memory address field Format status bit Addressing mode bit Immediate operand field Port address (PA0 through PA15 are predefined assembler symbols equal to 0 through 15, respectively.) 2-bit field specifying P register output shift code 3-bit operand field specifying auxiliary register 4-bit left-shift code 3-bit accumulator left-shift field PM AR S X POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 11 TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 3. TMS320C25 Instruction Set Summary ACCUMULATOR MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION BIT CODE NO. WORDS DESCRIPTION 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ABS Absolute value of accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 ADD Add to accumulator with shift 1 0 0 0 0 ADDC Add to accumulator with carry 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 ADDH Add to high accumulator 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 ADDK Add to accumulator short immediate 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 ADDS Add to low accumulator with sign extension suppressed 1 0 1 0 0 1 ADDT Add to accumulator with shift specified by T register 1 0 1 0 0 1 ADLK Add to accumulator long immediate with shift 2 1 1 0 1 AND AND with accumulator 1 0 1 0 0 ANDK AND immediate with accumulator with shift 2 1 1 0 1 CMPL Complement accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 LAC Load accumulator with shift 1 0 0 1 0 LACK Load accumulator immediate short 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 LACT Load accumulator with shift specified by T register 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 LALK Load accumulator long immediate with shift 2 1 1 0 1 NEG Negate accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 NORM Normalize contents of accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 OR OR with accumulator 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 ORK OR immediate with accumulator with shift 2 1 1 0 1 ROL Rotate accumulator left 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ROR Rotate accumulator right 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 SACH Store high accumulator with shift 1 0 1 1 0 1 X I D SACL Store low-order accumulator with shift 1 0 1 1 0 0 X I D SBLK Subtract from accumulator long immediate with shift 2 1 1 0 1 SFL Shift accumulator left 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 SFR Shift accumulator right 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 SUB Subtract from accumulator with shift 1 0 0 0 1 SUBB Subtract from accumulator with borrow 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 SUBC Conditional subtract 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 SUBH Subtract from high accumulator 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 SUBK Subtract from accumulator short immediate 1 1 1 0 0 1 SUBS Subtract from low accumulator with sign extension suppressed 1 0 1 0 0 0 These instructions are not included in the TMS320C1x instruction set. These instructions are not included in the TMS32020 instruction set. 12 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 I D 1 I D 0 0 I D 0 0 0 0 1 I D 0 1 0 I D S S 1 1 1 1 K 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 S D I S D K I D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 X X X 0 0 1 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 S S D 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 S I D 1 I D 1 I D 0 0 I D 1 0 1 1 0 1 S K I D TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 3. TMS320C25 Instruction Set Summary (continued) ACCUMULATOR MEMORY REFERENCE INSTRUCTIONS MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION BIT CODE NO. WORDS DESCRIPTION 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 I D Exclusive-OR with accumulator 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 I D XORK Exclusive-OR immediate with accumulator with shift 2 1 1 0 1 ZAC Zero accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 ZALH Zero low accumulator and load high accumulator 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 ZALR Zero low accumulator and load high accumulator with rounding 1 0 1 1 1 1 ZALS Zero accumulator and load low accumulator with sign extension suppressed 1 0 1 0 0 0 SUBT Subtract from accumulator with shift specified by T register XOR 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I D 0 1 1 I D 0 0 1 I D 2 1 0 0 CM S AUXILIARY REGISTERS AND DATA PAGE POINTER INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTION BIT CODE DESCRIPTION NO. WORDS 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 ADRK Add to auxiliary register short immediate 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 CMPR Compare auxiliary register with auxiliary register AR0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 LAR Load auxiliary register 1 0 0 1 1 0 LARK Load auxilliary register short immediate 1 1 1 0 0 0 LARP Load auxilliary register pointer 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 LDP Load data memory page pointer 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 I LDPK Load data memory page pointer immediate 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 LRLK Load auxiliary register long immediate 2 1 1 0 1 0 MAR Modify auxiliary register 1 0 1 0 1 0 SAR Store auxiliary register 1 0 1 1 1 0 SBRK Subtract from auxiliary register short immediate 1 0 1 1 1 1 MNEMONIC 7 6 5 4 3 K 0 1 0 1 0 I R D R K 0 1 1 0 1 R D 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 0 0 D I R 1 0 DP 0 R 1 0 D K These instructions are not included in the TMS320C1x instruction set. These instructions are not included in the TMS32020 instruction set. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 13 TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 3. TMS320C25 Instruction Set Summary (continued) T REGISTER, P REGISTER, AND MULTIPLY INSTRUCTIONS MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION BIT CODE NO. WORDS DESCRIPTION 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 APAC Add P register to accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 LPH Load high P register 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 I D LT Load T register 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 I D LTA Load T register and accumulate previous product 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 I D LTD Load T register, accumulate previous product, and move data 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 I D LTP Load T register and store P register in accumulator 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 I D LTS Load T register and subtract previous product 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 I D MAC Multiply and accumulate 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 I D MACD Multiply and accumulate with data move 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 I D MPY Multiply (with T register, store product in P register) 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 I D MPYA Multiply and accumulate previous product 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 I MPYK Multiply immediate 1 1 0 1 MPYS Multiply and subtract previous product 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 I MPYU Multiply unsigned 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 I PAC Load accumulator with P register 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 SPAC Subtract P register from accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 SPH Store high P register 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 I D SPL Store low P register 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 I D SPM Set P register output shift mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 SQRA Square and accumulate 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 I D SQRS Square and subtract previous product 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 I D These instructions are not included in the TMS320C1x instruction set. These instructions are not included in the TMS32020 instruction set. 14 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * D K HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 D D 0 0 0 1 0 PM TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 3. TMS320C25 Instruction Set Summary (continued) BRANCH/CALL INSTRUCTIONS MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION BIT CODE NO. WORDS DESCRIPTION 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0 1 0 0 B Branch unconditionally 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BACC Branch to address specified by accumulator 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 BANZ Branch on auxiliary register not zero 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 D BBNZ Branch if TC bit 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 D BBZ Branch if TC bit = 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 D BC Branch on carry 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 D BGEZ Branch if accumulator 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 D BGZ Branch if accumulator > 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 D BIOZ Branch on I/O status = 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 D BLEZ Branch if accumulator 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 D BLZ Branch if accumulator < 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 D BNC Branch on no carry 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 D BNV Branch if no overflow 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 D BNZ Branch if accumulator 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 D BV Branch on overflow 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 D BZ Branch if accumulator = 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 CALA Call subroutine indirect 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 CALL Call subroutine 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 RET Return from subroutine 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 D D 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 1 1 FO D I/O AND DATA MEMORY OPERATIONS MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION BIT CODE NO. WORDS DESCRIPTION 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 I D 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 I D Data move in data memory 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 I Format serial port registers 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 IN Input data from port 1 1 0 0 0 PA I OUT Output data to port 1 1 1 1 0 PA I RFSM Reset serial port frame synchronization mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 RTXM Reset serial port transmit mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 RXF Reset external flag 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 SFSM Set serial port frame synchronization mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 STXM Set serial port transmit mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 SXF Set external flag 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 TBLR Table read 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 I D TBLW Table write 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 I D BLKD Block move from data memory to data memory BLKP Block move from program memory to data memory DMOV FORT 6 5 D 0 0 0 1 D D These instructions are not included in the TMS320C1x instruction set. These instructions are not included in the TMS32020 instruction set. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 15 TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 3. TMS320C25 Instruction Set Summary (concluded) CONTROL INSTRUCTIONS MNEMONIC INSTRUCTION BIT CODE NO. WORDS DESCRIPTION 15 14 13 12 BIT Test bit 1 1 0 0 1 11 10 9 BITT Test bit specified by T register 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 CNFD Configure block as data memory 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 CNFP Configure block as program memory 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 DINT Disable interrupt 1 1 1 0 0 1 EINT Enable interrupt 1 1 1 0 0 IDLE Idle until interrupt 1 1 1 0 0 LST Load status register STO 1 0 1 0 LST1 Load status register ST1 1 0 1 NOP No operation 1 0 1 POP Pop top of stack to low accumulator 1 1 POPD Pop top of stack to data memory 1 PSHD Push data memory value onto stack 1 PUSH Push low accumulator onto stack RC RHM 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 I D 1 I D 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 1 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 I 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 Reset carry bit 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Reset hold mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 ROVM Reset overflow mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 RPT Repeat instruction as specified by data memory value 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 I RPTK Repeat instruction as specified by immediate value 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 RSXM Reset sign-extension mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 RTC Reset test/control flag 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 SC Set carry bit 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 SHM Set hold mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 SOVM Set overflow mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 SST Store status register ST0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 I SST1 Store status register ST1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 I SSXM Set sign-extension mode 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 STC Set test/control flag 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 TRAP Software interrupt 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 These instructions are not included in the TMS320C1x instruction set. These instructions are not included in the TMS32020 instruction set. 16 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 B D D D D D K D D TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 TMS32020 PRODUCT NOTIFICATION Texas Instruments has identified an unusual set of circumstances that will cause the BIT (Test Bit) instruction on the TMS32020 to affect the contents of the accumulator; ideally, the BIT instruction should not affect the accumulator. This set of conditions is: 1. The overflow mode is set (the OVM status register bit is set to one.) 2. And, the two LSBs of the BIT instruction opcode word are zero. a. When direct memory addressing is used, every fourth data word is affected; all other locations are not affected. b. When indirect addressing is used, the two LSBs will be zero if a new ARP is not selected or if a new ARP is selected and that ARP is 0 or 4. 3. And, adding the contents of the accumulator with the contents of the addressed data memory location, shifted by 2 (bit code), causes an overflow of the accumulator. If all of these conditions are met, the contents of the accumulator will be replaced by the positive or negative saturation value, depending on the polarity of the overflow. Various methods for avoiding this phenomenon are available: * * * * * * If the TMS32020 is not in the saturation mode when the BIT instruction is executed, the device operates properly and the accumulator is not affected. Execute the Reset Overflow Mode (ROVM) instruction immediately prior to the BIT instruction and the Set Overflow Mode (SOVM) instruction immediately following the BIT instruction. If direct memory addressing is being used during the BIT instructions, reorganize memory so that the page relative locations 0, 4, 8, C, 10 . . . are not used. If indirect addressing is being used during the Bit instruction, select a new ARP which is not AR0 or AR4. If necessary, follow the instruction with a LARP AR0 or LARP AR4 to restore the code. Use the Test Bit Specified by T Register (BITT) instruction instead of the BIT instruction. The BITT instruction operates correctly and will not affect the accumulator under any circumstances. Replace TMS32020 with TMS320C25 for ideal pin-to-pIn and object-code compatibility. The BIT instruction on the TMS320C25 executes properly and will not affect the accumulator under any circumstances. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 17 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 development support Together, Texas Instruments and its authorized third-party suppliers offer an extensive line of development support products to assist the user in all aspects of TMS320 second-generation-based design and development. These products range from development and application software to complete hardware development and evaluation systems. Table 4 lists the development support products for the second-generation TMS320 devices. System development may begin with the use of the simulator, Software Development System (SWDS), or emulator (XDS) along with an assembler/linker. These tools give the TMS320 user various means of evaluation, from software simulation of the second-generation TMS320s (simulator) to full-speed in-circuit emulation with hardware and software breakpoint trace and timing capabilities (XDS). Software and hardware can be developed simultaneously by using the macro assembler/linker, C compiler, and simulator for software development, the XDS for hardware development, and the Software Development System for both software development and limited hardware development. Many third-party vendors offer additional development support for the second-generation TMS320s, including assembler/linkers, simulators, high-level languages, applications software, algorithm development tools, application boards, software development boards, and in-circuit emulators. Refer to the TMS320 Family Development Support Reference Guide (SPRU011A) for further information about TMS320 development support products offered by both Texas Instruments and its third-party suppliers. Additional support for the TMS320 products consists of an extensive library or product and applications documentation. Three-day DSP design workshops are offered by the TI Regional Technology Centers (RTCs). These workshops provide insight into the architecture and the instruction set of the second-generation TMS320s as well as hands-on training with the TMS320 development tools. When technical questions arise regarding the TMS320 family, contact the Texas Instruments TMS320 Hotline at (713) 274-2320. Or, keep informed on the latest TI and third-party development support tools by accessing the DSP Bulletin Board Service (BBS) at (713) 274-2323. The BBS serves 2400-, 1200- and 300-bps modems. Also, TMS320 application source code may be downloaded from the BBS. 18 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 4. TMS320 Second-Generation Software and Hardware Support SOFTWARE TOOLS PART NUMBER Macro Assembler/Linker IBM MS/PC-DOS TMDS3242850-02 VAX/VMS TMDS3242250-08 VAX ULTRIX TMDS3242260-08 SUN UNIX TMDS3242550-08 Simulator IBM MS/PC-DOS TMDS3242851-02 VAX/VMS TMDS3242251-08 C Compiler IBM MS/PC-DOS TMDX3242855-02 VAX/VMS TMDX3242255-08 VAX ULTRIX TMDX3242265-08 SUN UNIX TMDX3242555-08 Digital Filter Design Package (DFDP) IBM PC-DOS DFDP-IBM002 DSP Software Library IBM MS/PC-DOS TMDC3240812-12 VAX/VMS TMDC3204212-18 HARDWARE TOOLS PART NUMBER Analog Interface Board 2 (AIB2) RTC/AIB320A-06 Analog Interface Board Adaptor RTC/ADP320A-06 EPROM Programmer Adaptor Socket (68 to 28-pin) TMDX3270120 Software Development System (SWDS) TMDX3268821 XDS/22 Emulator (see Note) TMDS3262221 XDS/22 Upgrade (TMS32020 to TMS320C2x) TMDX3282226 NOTE: Emulation support for the TMS320C25-50 is available from Macrochip Research, Inc.; refer to the TMS320 Family Development Support Reference Guide (SPRU011A) for the mailing address. IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. PC-DOS is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. VAX and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. XDS is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 19 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 documentation support Extensive documentation supports the second-generation TMS320 devices from product announcement through applications development. The types of documentation include data sheets with design specifications, complete user's guides, and 750 pages of application reports published in the book, Digital Signal Processing Applications with the TMS320 Family (SPRA012A). An application report, Hardware Interfacing to the TMS320C25 (SPRA014A), is available for that device. A series of DSP textbooks is being published by Prentice-Hall and John Wiley & Sons to support digital signal processing research and education. The TMS320 newsletter, Details on Signal Processing, is published quarterly and distributed to update TMS320 customers on product information. The TMS320 DSP bulletin board service provides access to large amounts of information pertaining to the TMS320 family. Refer to the TMS320 Family Development Support Reference Guide (SPRU011A) for further information about TMS320 documentation. To receive copies of second-generation TMS320 literature, call the Customer Response Center at 1-800-232-3200. specification overview The electrical specifications for the TMS32020, TMS320C25, TMS320E25, and TMS320C25-50 are given in the following pages. Note that the electrical specifications for the TMS320E25 are identical to those for the TMS320C25, with the addition of EPROM-related specifications. A summary of differences between TMS320C25 and TMS320C25-50 specifications immediately follows the TMS320C25-50 specification. 20 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage range, VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Input voltage range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Output voltage range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Continuous power dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 W Operating free-air temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0C to 70C Storage temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 55C to 150C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the "Recommended Operating Conditions" section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to VSS. recommended operating conditions Supply voltage VIH High-level input voltage NOM MAX UNIT 4.75 5 5.25 V Supply voltage 0 All inputs except CLKIN 2 V VCC + 0.3 VCC + 0.3 V 2.4 All inputs except CLKIN - 0.3 0.8 V CLKIN - 0.3 CLKIN V VIL Low-level input voltage 0.8 V IOH IOL High-level output current 300 A Low-level output current 2 mA TA Operating free-air temperature (see Notes 1 and 2) 70 C 0 NOTES: 1. Case temperature (TC) must be maintained below 90C. 2. RJA = 36C/Watt, RJC = 6C/Watt. electrical characteristics over specified free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP VCC = MIN, IOH = MAX VCC = MIN, IOL = MAX 2.4 3 VCC = MAX VI = VSS to VCC -20 PARAMETER VOH VOL High-level output voltage IZ II Three-state current Low-level output voltage Input current TA = 0C, VCC = MAX, fx = MAX TA = 25C, VCC = MAX, fx = MAX 0.3 -10 MAX UNIT V 0.6 V 20 A 10 A 360 mA ICC Supply current 285 mA CI Input capacitance 15 pF CO Output capacitance 15 pF TC = 90C, VCC = MAX, fx = MAX 250 mA All typical values for ICC are at VCC = 5 V, TA = 25C. This device contains circuits to protect its inputs and outputs against damage due to high static voltages or electrostatic fields. These circuits have been qualified to protect this device against electrostatic discharges (ESD) of up to 2 kV according to MIL-STD-883C, Method 3015; however, it is advised that precautions should be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum-rated voltages to these high-impedance circuits. During storage or handling, the device leads should be shorted together or the device should be placed in conductive foam. In a circuit, unused inputs should always be connected to an appropriated logic voltage level, preferably either V CC or ground. Specific guidelines for handling devices of this type are contained in the publication Guidelines for Handling Electrostatic-Discharge-Sensitive (ESDS) Devices and Assemblies available from Texas Instruments. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 21 ADVANCE INFORMATION VCC VSS MIN TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 CLOCK CHARACTERISTICS AND TIMING The TMS32020 can use either its internal oscillator or an external frequency source for a clock. internal clock option The internal oscillator is enabled by connecting a crystal across X1 and X2/CLKIN (see Figure 2). The frequency of CLKOUT1 is one-fourth the crystal fundamental frequency. The crystal should be fundamental mode, and parallel resonant, with an effective series resistance of 30 , a power dissipation of 1 mW, and be specified at a load capacitance of 20 pF. PARAMETER fx fxs TEST CONDITIONS MIN TA = 0C to 70C TA = 0C to 70C 6.7 50 Input clock frequency Serial port frequency C1, C2 TYP TA = 0C to 70C MAX UNIT 20.5 MHz 2563 MHz 10 pF Value derived from characterization data; minimum fsx at test = 825 kHz. ADVANCE INFORMATION X1 X2/CLKIN Crystal C1 C2 Figure 2. Internal Clock Option external clock option An external frequency source can be used by injecting the frequency directly into X2/CLKIN with X1 left unconnected. The external frequency injected must conform to the specifications listed in the following table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER MIN MAX UNIT 195 597 ns 25 60 ns 10 ns 10 ns 2Q 2Q + 15 ns 2Q 2Q + 15 ns Q Q + 10 ns tc(C) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 cycle time td(CIH-C) CLKIN high to CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2/STRB high/low tf(C) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2/STRB fall time tr(C) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2/STRB rise time tw(CL) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 low pulse duration 2Q - 15 tw(CH) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 high pulse duration 2Q - 15 td(C1-C2) CLKOUT1 high to CLKOUT2 low, CLKOUT2 high to CLKOUT1 high, etc. Q - 10 NOTE 3: Q = 1/4tc(C). 22 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 NOM TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN MAX UNIT 597 ns CLKIN fall time 10 ns tr(CI) CLKIN rise time 10 ns tw(CIL) CLKIN low pulse duration, tc(CI) = 50 ns (see Note 4) 40 ns tw(CIH) CLKIN high pulse duration, tc(CI) = 50 ns (see Note 4) 40 ns tsu(S) SYNC setup time before CLKIN low 10 th(S) SYNC hold time from CLKIN low 15 tc(C) tf(CI) CLKIN cycle time 195 NOM Q - 10 ns ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 4. CLKIN duty cycle [tr(CI) + tw(CIH)] / tc(CI) must be within 40-60%. ADVANCE INFORMATION 2.15 V RL = 825 From Output Under Test Test Point CL = 100 pF Figure 3. Test Load Circuit 2.0 V VIH (Min) 1.88 V 0.92 V VIL (Max) 0.80 V 0 (a) Input 2.4 V VOH (Min) 2.2 V 0.8 V VOL (Max) 0.6 V 0 (b) Output Figure 4. Voltage Reference Levels POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 23 TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 MEMORY AND PERIPHERAL INTERFACE TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER TYP MAX Q - 15 MIN Q Q + 15 UNIT ns - 15 0 15 ns td(C1-S) STRB from CLKOUT1 (if STRB is present) td(C2-S) CLKOUT2 to STRB (if STRB is present) tsu(A) Address setup hold time before STRB low (see Note 5) Q - 30 ns th(A) Address hold time after STRB high (see Note 5) Q - 15 ns tw(SL) STRB low pulse duration (no wait states, see Note 6) tw(SH) STRB high pulse duration (between consecutive cycles, see Note 6) tsu(D)W Data write setup time before STRB high (no wait states) 2Q - 45 th(D)W Data write hold time from STRB high Q - 15 ADVANCE INFORMATION ten(D) Data bus starts being driven after STRB low (write cycle) tdis(D) Data bus three-state after STRB high (write cycle) td(MSC) MSC valid from CLKOUT1 2Q ns 2Q ns ns Q ns 0 - 25 ns Q Q + 30 ns 0 25 ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 5. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, R/W, and BR timings are all included in timings referenced as "address". 6. Delays between CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 edges and STRB edges track each other, resulting in tw(SL) and tw(SH) being 2Q with no wait states. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN NOM MAX 3Q - 70 UNIT ta(A) Read data access time from address time (read cycle, see Notes 5 and 7) tsu(D)R Data read setup time before STRB high th(D)R Data read hold time from STRB high td(SL-R) READY valid after STRB low (no wait states) td(C2H-R) READY valid after CLKOUT2 high th(SL-R) READY hold time after STRB low (no wait states) Q-5 ns th(C2H-R) READY hold after CLKOUT2 high Q-5 ns td(M-R) READY valid after MSC valid th(M-R) READY hold time after MSC valid 24 40 ns 0 ns Q - 40 ns Q - 40 ns 2Q - 50 0 Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 5. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, R/W, and BR timings are all included in timings referenced as "address". 7. Read data access time is defined as ta(A) = tsu(A) + tw(SL) - tsu(D)R. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 ns ns ns TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 RS, INT, BIO, AND XF TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3 and 8) PARAMETER td(RS) CLKOUT1 low to reset state entered td(IACK) CLKOUT1 to IACK valid td(XF) XF valid before falling edge of STRB MIN TYP - 25 0 MAX UNIT 45 ns 25 ns Q - 30 ns NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 8. RS, INT, and BIO are asynchronous inputs and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. However, if the specified setup time is met, the exact sequence shown in the timing diagrams will occur. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3 and 8) tsu(IN) INT/BIO/RS setup before CLKOUT1 high th(IN) INT/BIO/RS hold after CLKOUT1 high NOM MAX 50 UNIT ns 0 ns 15 tf(IN) INT/BIO fall time ns tw(IN) INT/BIO low pulse duration tc(C) ns tw(RS) RS low pulse duration 3tc(C) ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 8. RS, INT, and BIO are asynchronous inputs and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. However, if the specified setup time is met, the exact sequence shown in the timing diagrams will occur. HOLD TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER MIN -25 td(C1L-AL) HOLDA low after CLKOUT1 low tdis(AL-A) HOLDA low to address three-state tdis(C1L-A) Address three-state after CLKOUT1 low (HOLD mode, see Note 9) td(HH-AH) HOLD high to HOLDA high ten(A-C1L) Address driven before CLKOUT1 low (HOLD mode, see Note 9) TYP MAX 25 15 UNIT ns ns 30 ns 50 ns 10 ns MAX UNIT Q - 45 ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 9. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, STRB, and R/W timings are all included in timings referenced as "address." timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN td(C2H-H) HOLD valid after CLKOUT2 high NOM NOTE 3: Q = 1/4tc(C). POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 25 ADVANCE INFORMATION MIN TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 SERIAL PORT TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER MAX UNIT 100 ns DX valid after FSX falling edge (TXM = 0, see Note 10) 50 ns FSX valid after CLKX rising edge (TXM = 1) 60 ns td(CH-DX) DX valid after CLKX rising edge (see Note 10) td(FL-DX) td(CH-FS) MIN TYP NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 10. The last occurrence of FSX falling and CLKX rising. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN 390 NOM MAX 20 000 UNIT ADVANCE INFORMATION tc(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) cycle time tf(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) fall time 50 ns tr(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) rise time 50 ns tw(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) low pulse duration (see Note 11) 150 12 000 ns tw(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) high pulse duration (see Note 11) 150 12 000 ns tsu(FS) FSX/FSR setup time before CLKX/CLKR falling edge (TXM = 0) 20 ns th(FS) FSX/FSR hold time after CLKX/CLKR falling edge (TXM = 0) 20 ns tsu(DR) DR setup time before CLKR falling edge 20 ns th(DR) DR hold time after CLKR falling edge 20 ns Value derived from characterization data; minimum fsx at test = 825 kHz. Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 11. The duty cycle of the serial port clock must be within 40-60%. 26 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 ns TMS320C25, TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage range, VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Input voltage range: TMS320E25 pins 24 and 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 15 V All other inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Output voltage range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Continuous power dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 W Operating free-air temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0C to 70C Storage temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 55C to 150C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the "Recommended Operating Conditions" section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to VSS. VCC VSS Supply voltage NOM MAX UNIT 5 5.25 V Supply voltage 0 All inputs except CLKIN/CLKX/CLKR/INT (0-2) VIH MIN 4.75 High-level input voltage INT (0-2) 2.35 2.5 CLKIN / CLKX / CLKR 3.5 V VCC + 0.3 VCC + 0.3 V V - 0.3 VCC + 0.3 0.8 V All inputs except MP/ MC MP/ MC - 0.3 0.8 V V VIL Low-level input voltage IOH IOL High-level output current 300 A Low-level output current 2 mA TA 0 70 C Operating free-air temperature - 40 85 C TMS320C25, TMS320E25 TMS320C25GBA electrical characteristics over specified free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP VCC = MIN, IOH = MAX VCC = MIN, IOL = MAX 2.4 3 0.6 V VCC = MAX VI = VSS to VCC - 20 20 A - 10 10 A PARAMETER VOH VOL High-level output voltage IZ II Three-state current ICC Low-level input voltage CI Input capacitance Low-level output voltage Input current Normal Idle/HOLD TA = 0C, VCC = MAX, fx = MAX CO Output capacitance All typical values are at VCC = 5 V, TA = 25. 0.3 MAX UNIT V 110 185 50 100 mA 15 pF 15 pF Caution. This device contains circuits to protect its inputs and outputs against damage due to high static voltages or electrostatic fields. These circuits have been qualified to protect this device against electrostatic discharges (ESD) of up to 2 kV according to MIL-STD-883C, Method 3015; however, it is advised that precautions to be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maximum rated voltages to these high-impedance circuits. During storage or handling, the device leads should be shorted together or the device should be placed in conductive foam. In a circuit, unused inputs should always be connected to an appropriate logic voltage level, preferably either VCC or ground. Specific guidelines for handling devices of this type are contained in the publication "Guidelines for Handling Electrostatic-Discharge Sensitive (ESDS) Devices and Assemblies" available from Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 27 ADVANCE INFORMATION recommended operating conditions TMS320C25, TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 CLOCK CHARACTERISTICS AND TIMING The TMS32025 can use either its internal oscillator or an external frequency source for a clock. internal clock option The internal oscillator is enabled by connecting a crystal across X1 and X2/CLKIN (see Figure 2). The frequency of CLKOUT1 is one-fourth the crystal fundamental frequency. The crystal should be either fundamental or overtone mode, and parallel resonant, with an effective series resistance of 30 , a power dissipation of 1 mW, and be specified at a load capacitance of 20 pF. Note that overtone crystals require an additional tuned LC circuit; see the application report, Hardware Interfacing to the TMS320C25 (SPRA014A). PARAMETER fx fxs TEST CONDITIONS MIN TA = 0C to 70C TA = 0C to 70C 6.7 0 Input clock frequency Serial port frequency C1, C2 TYP TA = 0C to 70C MAX UNIT 40.96 MHz 5 120 MHz 10 pF ADVANCE INFORMATION The serial port was tested at a minimum frequency of 1.25 MHz. However, the serial port was fully static but will properly function down to fsx = 0 Hz. X1 X2/CLKIN Crystal C1 C2 Figure 2. Internal Clock Option external clock option An external frequency source can be used by injecting the frequency directly into X2/CLKIN with X1 left unconnected. The external frequency injected must conform to the specifications listed in the following table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER MAX UNIT 97.7 MIN 597 ns 5 30 ns 5 ns 5 ns 2Q 2Q + 8 ns 2Q 2Q + 8 ns Q Q+5 ns tc(C) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 cycle time td(CIH-C) CLKIN high to CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2/STRB high/low tf(C) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2/STRB fall time tr(C) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2/STRB rise time tw(CL) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 low pulse duration 2Q - 8 tw(CH) CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 high pulse duration 2Q - 8 td(C1-C2) CLKOUT1 high to CLKOUT2 low, CLKOUT2 high to CLKOUT1 high, etc. Q-5 NOTE 3: Q = 1/4tc(C). 28 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TYP TMS320C25, TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN MAX UNIT 150 ns CLKIN fall time 5 ns tr(CI) CLKIN rise time 5 ns tw(CIL) CLKIN low pulse duration, tc(CI) = 50 ns (see Note 4) 20 ns tw(CIH) CLKIN high pulse duration, tc(CI) = 50 ns (see Note 4) 20 ns tsu(S) SYNC setup time before CLKIN low 5 th(S) SYNC hold time from CLKIN low 8 tc(CI) tf(CI) CLKIN cycle time 24.4 NOM Q-5 ns ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 4. CLKIN duty cycle [tr(CI) + tw(CIH)]/tc(CI) must be within 40-60%. +5 V fcrystal 10 k 74HC04 4.7 k F11 CLKIN C = 20 pF 47 pF 74AS04 0.1 F 10 k L fcrystal, (MHz) TMS320C25 TMS320C25-50 TMS320E25 40.96 51.20 40.96 L, (H) 1.8 1.0 1.8 Figure 3. External Clock Option Shown above is a crystal oscillator circuit suitable for providing the input clock signal to the TMS320C25, TMS320E25, and TMS320C25-50. Please refer to Hardware Interfacing to the TMS320C25 (document number SPRA014A) for details on circuit operation. 2.15 V RL = 825 From Output Under Test Test Point CL = 100 pF Figure 4. Test Load Circuit POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 29 ADVANCE INFORMATION TMS320C25 TMS320C25, TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 2.0 V 2.4 V VIH (Min) 1.88 V 0.92 V VIL (Max) 0.80 V VOH (Min) 2.2 V 0.8 V VOL (Max) 0.6 V 0 0 (a) Input (b) Output Figure 5. Voltage Reference Levels MEMORY AND PERIPHERAL INTERFACE TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER ADVANCE INFORMATION MIN TYP MAX UNIT Q-6 Q Q+6 ns -6 0 6 ns td(C1-S) STRB from CLKOUT1 (if STRB is present) td(C2-S) CLKOUT2 to STRB (if STRB is present) tsu(A) Address setup time before STRB low (see Note 5) Q - 12 ns th(A) Address hold time after STRB high (see Note 5) Q-8 ns tw(SL) STRB low pulse duration (no wait states, see Note 6) 2Q - 5 2Q + 5 ns tw(SH) STRB high pulse duration (between consecutive cycles, see Note 6) 2Q - 5 2Q + 5 ns tsu(D)W Data write setup time before STRB high (no wait states) 2Q - 20 th(D)W Data write hold time from STRB high Q - 10 ten(D) Data bus starts being driven after STRB low (write cycle) tdis(D) Data bus three-state after STRB high (write cycle) td(MSC) MSC valid from CLKOUT1 ns Q ns 0 - 12 ns Q Q + 15 ns 0 12 ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 5. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, R/W, and BR timings are all included in timings referenced as "address". 6. Delays between CLKOUT1/CLKOUT2 edges and STRB edges track each other, resulting in tw(SL) and tw(SH) being 2Q with no wait states. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN NOM MAX 3Q - 35 UNIT ta(A) Read data access time from address time (read cycle, see Notes 5 and 7) tsu(D)R Data read setup time before STRB high th(D)R Data read hold time from STRB high td(SL-R) READY valid after STRB low (no wait states) Q - 20 ns td(C2H-R) READY valid after CLKOUT2 high Q - 20 ns th(SL-R) READY hold time after STRB low (no wait states) Q+3 ns th(C2H-R) READY hold after CLKOUT2 high Q+3 ns td(M-R) READY valid after MSC valid th(M-R) READY hold time after MSC valid 23 ns 2Q - 25 NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 5. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, R/W, and BR timings are all included in timings referenced as "address". 7. Read data access time is defines as ta(A) = tsu(A) + tw(SL) - tsu(D)R. 30 ns 0 0 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 ns ns ns TMS320C25, TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 RS, INT, BIO, AND XF TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3 and 8) PARAMETER td(RS) CLKOUT1 low to reset state entered td(IACK) CLKOUT1 to IACK valid td(XF) XF valid before falling edge of STRB MIN TYP -6 0 MAX 22 12 Q - 15 UNIT ns ns ns NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 8. RS, INT, and BIO are asynchronous inputs and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. However, if the specified setup time is met, the exact sequence shown in the timing diagrams will occur. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3 and 8) tsu(IN) INT/BIO/RS setup before CLKOUT1 high th(IN) INT/BIO/RS hold after CLKOUT1 high NOM MAX 32 UNIT ns 0 ns 8 tf(IN) INT/BIO fall time ns tw(IN) INT/BIO low pulse duration tc(C) ns tw(RS) RS low pulse duration 3tc(C) ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 8. RS, INT, and BIO are asynchronous inputs and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. However, if the specified setup time is met, the exact sequence shown in the timing diagrams will occur. HOLD TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER MIN td(C1L-AL) HOLDA low after CLKOUT1 low tdis(AL-A) HOLDA low to address three-state tdis(C1L-A) Address three-state after CLKOUT1 low (HOLD mode, see Note 9) td(HH-AH) ten(A-C1L) TYP 0 MAX 10 0 UNIT ns ns 20 ns HOLD high to HOLDA high 25 ns Address driven before CLKOUT1 low (HOLD mode, see Note 9) 8 ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 9. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, STRB, and R/W timings are all included in timings referenced as "address." timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN td(C2H-H) NOTE 3: HOLD valid after CLKOUT2 high NOM MAX UNIT Q - 24 ns Q = 1/4tc(C). POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 31 ADVANCE INFORMATION MIN TMS320C25, TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 SERIAL PORT TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT td(CH-DX) DX valid after CLKX rising edge (see Note 10) 75 ns td(FL-DX) DX valid after FSX falling edge (TXM = 0, see Note 10) 40 ns td(CH-FS) FSX valid after CLKX rising edge (TXM = 1) 40 ns NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 10. The last occurrence of FSX falling and CLKX rising. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN NOM MAX UNIT ADVANCE INFORMATION tc(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) cycle time tf(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) fall time 25 ns tr(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) rise time 25 ns tw(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) low pulse duration (see Note 11) 80 ns tw(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) high pulse duration (see Note 11) 80 ns tsu(FS) FSX/FSR setup time before CLKX/CLKR falling edge (TXM = 0) 18 ns th(FS) FSX/FSR hold time after CLKX/CLKR falling edge (TXM = 0) 20 ns tsu(DR) DR setup time before CLKR falling edge 10 ns th(DR) DR hold time after CLKR falling edge 20 ns 200 ns The serial port was tested at a minimum frequency of 1.25 MHz. However, the serial port was fully static but will properly function down to fsx = 0 Hz. Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4tc(C). 11. The duty cycle of the serial port clock must be within 40-60%. 32 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 EPROM PROGRAMMING absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage range, VPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.6 V to 15 V Input voltage range on pins 24 and 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 15 V Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the "Recommended Operating Conditions" section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to GND. recommended operating conditions Programming mode supply voltage (see Note 13) VPP VPP Programming mode supply voltage NOM MAX 6 Read mode supply voltage UNIT V 4.75 5 5.25 V 12 12.5 13 V Read mode supply voltage (see Note 12) VCC V NOTES: 12. VPP can be connected to VCC directly (except in the program mode). VCC supply current in this case would be ICC + IPP. During programming, VPP must be maintained at 12.5 V ( 0.25 V). 13. VCC must be applied before or at the same time as VPP and removed after or at the same time as VPP. This device must not be inserted into or removed from the board when VPP or VCC is applied. electrical characteristics over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER IPP1 IPP2 TEST CONDITIONS VPP supply current VPP supply current (during program pulse) MIN VPP = VCC = 5.25 V VPP = 13 V TYP MAX UNIT 100 A 50 mA 30 All typical values for ICC are at VCC = 5 V, TA = 25C. recommended timing requirements for programming, TA = 25C, VCC = 6 V, VPP = 12.5 V (see Notes 14 and 15) MIN NOM 1 MAX UNIT 1.05 ms 78.75 ms tw(IPGM) Initial program pulse duration 0.95 tw(FPGM) Final pulse duration 2.85 tsu(A) Address setup time 2 s tsu(E) E setup time 2 s tsu(G) G setup time 2 s tdis(G) Output disable time from G 0 ten(G) Output enable time from G tsu(D) Data setup time 2 s tsu(VPP) VPP setup time 2 s tsu(VCC) VCC setup time 2 s th(A) Address hold time 0 s th(D) Data hold time 2 s 130 ns 150 ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 14. For all switching characteristics and timing measurements, input pulse levels are 0.4 V to 2.4 V and VPP = 12.5 V 0.5 V during programming. 15. Common test conditions apply for tdis(G) except during programming. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 33 ADVANCE INFORMATION MIN VCC VCC TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage range, VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Input voltage range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Output voltage range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 0.3 V to 7 V Continuous power dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 W Operating free-air temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0C to 70C Storage temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 55C to 150C Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the "Recommended Operating Conditions" section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltage values are with respect to VSS. recommended operating conditions ADVANCE INFORMATION VCC VSS Supply voltage VIH High-level input voltage MIN NOM MAX UNIT 4.75 5 5.25 V Supply voltage 0 V INT0-INT2 2.5 V CLKIN, CLKX, CLKR 3.5 V 2.35 V Other inputs MP/MC 0.8 V CLKIN 0.8 V VIL Low-level input voltage 0.8 V IOH IOL High-level output current 300 A Low-level output current 2 mA TA Operating free-air temperature 70 C Other inputs 0 electrical characteristics over specified free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER VOH VOL High-level output voltage IZ II High-impedance current ICC Supply current CI Input capacitance Low-level output voltage TEST CONDITIONS MIN VCC = MIN, IOH = MAX VCC = MIN, IOL = MAX 2.4 VCC = MAX VI = VSS to VCC Input current Normal TA = 0C, VCC = MAX, fx = MAX Idle, HOLD CO Output capacitance All typical values are at VCC = 5 V, TA = 25C. 34 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TYP MAX UNIT V 0.6 V - 20 20 A - 10 10 A 110 185 50 100 mA 15 pF 15 pF TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 CLOCK CHARACTERISTICS AND TIMING The TMS320C25-50 can use either its internal oscillator or an external frequency source for a clock. internal clock option The internal oscillator is enabled by connecting a crystal across X1 and X2, CLKIN. The frequency of CLKOUT1 is one-fourth the crystal fundamental frequency. The crystal should be in either fundamental or overtone mode, and parallel resonant, with an effective series resistance of 30 , a power dissipation of 1 mW, and be specified at a load capacitance of 20 pF. Note that overtone crystals require an additional tuned LC circuit. PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT fx Input clock frequency TA = 0C to 70C 6.7 51.2 MHz fsx Serial port frequency TA = 0C to 70C 0 6.4 MHz C1, C2 TA = 0C to 70C 10 pF X1 X2/CLKIN Crystal C1 C2 Figure 6. Internal Clock Option external clock option An external frequency source can be used by injecting the frequency directly into X2/CLK, with X1 left unconnected. The external frequency injected must conform to specifications listed in the following table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN tc(C) CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2 cycle time td(CIH-C) CLKIN high to CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2, STRB high, low tf(C) CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2, STRB fall time tr(C) CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2, STRB rise time tw(CL) CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2, STRB low pulse duration tw(CH) CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2, STRB high pulse duration td(C1-C2) CLKOUT1 high to CLKOUT2 low, CLKOUT2 high to CLKOUT1 high, etc. MAX UNIT 78.13 NOM 597 ns 12 27 ns 4 ns 4 ns 2Q - 7 2Q + 3 ns 2Q - 3 2Q + 7 ns Q-6 Q+2 ns NOTE 3: Q = 1/4 tc(C) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 35 ADVANCE INFORMATION The serial port was tested at a minimum frequency of 1.25 MHz. However, the serial port was fully static but will properly function down to fsx = 0 Hz. TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 +5 V TMS320C25 fcrystal 10 k 74HC04 4.7 k F11 CLKIN C = 20 pF 47 pF 0.1 F 74AS04 10 k L fcrystal, (MHz) ADVANCE INFORMATION TMS320C25 TMS320C25-50 TMS320E25 40.96 51.20 40.96 L, (H) 1.8 1.0 1.8 Figure 7. External Clock Option timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN 19.5 3 NOM MAX UNIT 150 ns tc(CI) CLKIN cycle time tf(CI) CLKIN fall time 5 ns tr(CI) CLKIN rise time 5 ns tw(CIL) CLKIN low pulse duration, tc(CI) = 50 ns (see Note 4) 20 ns tw(CIH) CLKIN high pulse duration, tc(CI) = 50 ns (see Note 4) 20 ns tsu(S) SYNC setup time before CLKIN low 4 th(S) SYNC hold time from CLKIN low 4 Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 4. CLKIN duty cycle [tr(CI) + tw(CIH)]/tc(CI) must be within 40-60%. 36 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 Q-4 ns ns TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 MEMORY AND PERIPHERAL INTERFACE TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN td(C1-S) STRB from CLKOUT (if STRB is present) td(C2-S) CLKOUT2 to STRB (if STRB is present) tsu(A) Address setup time before STRB low (see Note 5) tn(A) Address hold time after STRB high (see Note 5) tw(SL) STRB low pulse duration (no wait states, see Note 6) TYP MAX UNIT Q-5 Q+3 ns -2 5 ns Q - 11 ns Q-4 ns 2Q - 5 2Q + 2 ns 2Q + 5 ns tw(SH) STRB high pulse duration (between consecutive cycles, see Note 6) 2Q - 2 tsu(D)W Data write setup time before STRB high (no wait) 2Q - 17 ns th(D)W Data write hold time from STRB high Q-5 ns ten(D) Data bus starts being driven after STRB low (write) 0 tdis(D) Data bus high-impedance state after STRB high, (write) td(MSC) MSC valid from CLKOUT1 ns Q -1 Q + 15 ns 9 ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 5. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, R/W, and BR timings are all included in timings referenced as "address". 6. Delay between CLKOUT1, CLKOUT2, and STRB edges track each other, resulting in tw(SL) and tw(SH) being 2Q with no wait states. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN NOM MAX 3Q - 30 UNIT ta(A) Read data access time from address time (see Notes 5 and 7) ns tsu(D)R Data read setup time before STRB high th(D)R Data read hold time from STRB high td(SL-R) READY valid after STRB low (no wait states) td(C2H-R) READY valid after CLKOUT2 high th(SL-R) READY hold time after STRB low (no wait states) Q-1 ns th(C2H-R) READY valid after CLKOUT2 high Q-1 ns td(M-R) READY valid after MSC valid th(M-R) READY hold time after MSC valid 19 ns 0 ns Q - 21 ns Q - 21 ns 2Q - 24 0 ns ns NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 5. A15-A0, PS, DS, IS, R/W, and BR timings are all included in timings referenced as "address". 7. Read data access time is defined as ta(A) = tsu(A) + tw(SL) - tsu(D)R. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 37 ADVANCE INFORMATION PARAMETER TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 RS, INT, BIO, AND XF TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Notes 3 and 16) PARAMETER td(RS) CLKOUT1 low to reset state entered td(IACK) CLKOUT1 to IACK valid td(XF) XF valid before falling edge of STRB MIN TYP -5 MAX 22 7 Q-8 UNIT ns ns ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 16. RS, INT, BIO are asynchronous inputs and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Notes 3 and 16) MIN NOM MAX UNIT ADVANCE INFORMATION tsu(IN) INT, BIO, RS setup before CLKOUT1 high 25 ns th(IN) INT, BIO, RS hold after CLKOUT1 high 0 tf(IN) INT, BIO fall time tw(IN) INT, BIO low pulse duration tc(C) ns tw(RS) RS low pulse duration 3tc(C) ns ns 8 ns Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 16. RS, INT, BIO are asynchronous inputs and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. HOLD TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER td(CIL-AL) MIN 1 HOLDA low after CLKOUT1 low MAX 11 0 tdis(AL-A) HOLDA low to address high-impedance tdis(CIL-A) Address high-impedance after CLKOUT1 low (HOLD mode, see Note 17) td(HH-AH) ten(A-CIL) TYP ns ns HOLD high to HOLDA high 19 ns Address driven before CLKOUT1 low (HOLD mode, see Note 17) 8 ns timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) MIN HOLD valid after CLKOUT2 high POST OFFICE BOX 1443 NOM MAX Q - 19 NOTE 3: Q = 1/4 tc(C) 38 ns 20 Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 17. A15-A0, PS, DS, STRB, and R/W timings are all included in timings referenced as "address". td(C2H-H) UNIT * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 UNIT ns TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 SERIAL PORT TIMING switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT td(CH-DX) DX valid after CLKX rising edge (see Note 18) 75 ns td(FL-DX) DX valid after falling edge (TXM = 0, see Note 18) 40 ns td(CH-FS) FSX valid after CLKX raising edge (TXM = 1) 40 ns NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 18. The last occurrence of FSX falling and CLKX rising. timing requirements over recommended operating conditions (see Note 3) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) cycle time NOM MAX 160 UNIT ns tf(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) fall time 25 tr(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) rise time 25 tw(SCK) Serial port clock (CLKX/CLKR) low or high pulse duration (see Note 19) tsu(FS) th(FS) tsu(DR) DR setup time before CLKR falling edge th(DR) DR hold time after CLKR falling edge ns ns 64 ns FSX or FSR setup time before CLKX, CLKR falling edge (TXM = 0) 5 ns FSX or FSR hold time before CLKX, CLKR falling edge (TXM = 0) 10 ns 5 ns 10 ns The serial port was tested at a minimum frequency of 1.25 MHz. However, the serial port was fully static but will properly function down to fsx = 0 Hz. Value derived from characterization data and not tested. NOTES: 3. Q = 1/4 tc(C) 19. The cycle of the serial port must be within 40%-60%. CONTRAST SUMMARY OF ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS The following table presents electrical parameters which differ between TMS320C25 (40 MHz, 100 ns) and TMS320C25-50 (50 MHz, 80 ns). clock characteristics and timing TMS320C25 PARAMETER MIN tc(SCK) td(CIH-C) TYP TMS320C25-50 TYP MAX UNIT MAX MIN 97.7 597 78.13 597 ns 5 30 12 27 ns tf(C) 5 4 ns tr(C) 5 4 ns tw(CL) 2Q - 8 2Q 2Q + 8 2Q - 7 2Q + 3 ns tw(CH) 2Q - 8 2Q 2Q + 8 2Q - 3 2Q + 7 ns Q-5 Q Q+5 Q-6 Q+2 ns Q-5 4 Q-4 ns td(C1-C2) tsu(S) 5 th(S) 8 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 4 ns 39 ADVANCE INFORMATION MIN tc(SCK) TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 memory and peripheral interface timing TMS320C25 PARAMETER td(C1-S) td(C2-S) tsu(A) th(A) TMS320C25-50 TYP MAX MIN Q -6 Q Q+6 Q-5 Q+3 ns -6 0 6 -2 5 ns Q - 12 TYP Q - 11 Q-8 ns Q-4 tw(SL) tw(SH) ns 2Q 2Q - 5 2Q + 2 ns 2Q 2Q - 2 2Q + 5 ns tsu(D)W th(D)W 2Q - 20 Q - 10 Q td(MSC) ta(A) - 12 0 2Q - 17 ns Q-5 ns tsu(D)R th(D)R 23 19 0 0 12 -1 3Q - 35 ADVANCE INFORMATION td(SL-R) td(C2H-R) ns ns ns Q - 20 td(M-R) th(M-R) 9 3Q - 30 ns Q - 20 th(SL-R) th(C2H-R) MAX UNIT MIN Q - 21 ns Q - 21 ns Q+3 Q-1 ns Q+3 Q-1 ns 2Q - 25 2Q - 24 0 0 ns ns RS, INT, BIO, and XF timing TMS320C25 PARAMETER td(IACK) TMS320C25-50 MIN TYP MAX MIN -6 0 12 -5 TYP MAX 7 UNIT ns td(XF) Q - 15 Q-8 ns tsu(IN) 32 25 ns th(IN) 0 0 ns HOLD timing TMS320C25 PARAMETER MIN td(C1L-AL) td(HH-AH) TYP TMS320C25-50 MAX MIN 10 1 0 td(C2H-H) TYP MAX UNIT 11 ns 25 19 ns Q - 24 Q - 19 ns serial port timing TMS320C25 PARAMETER MIN TYP TMS320C25-50 MAX MIN TYP MAX UNIT td(CH-DX) td(FL-DX) 75 70 ns 40 40 ns td(CH-FS) tsu(FS) 40 40 ns 18 5 ns th(FS) tsu(DR) 20 10 ns 10 5 ns th(DR) 20 10 ns 40 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 TIMING DIAGRAMS This section contains all the timing diagrams for the TMS320 second-generation devices. Refer to the top corner of page for the specific device. Timing measurements are referenced to and from a low voltage of 0.8 voltage and a high voltage of 2 volts, unless otherwise noted. clock timing tc(CI) tf(CI) tr(CI) X/2CLKIN tw(CIH) th(S) tsu(S) ADVANCE INFORMATION tsu(S) tw(CIL) SYNC tc(C) tw(CL) td(CIH-C) td(CIH-C) CLKOUT1 tw(CH) tr(C) td(CIH-C) tf(C) STRB td(CIH-C) tc(C) tw(CL) CLKOUT2 td(C1-C2) td(C1-C2) td(C1-C2) tf(C) tr(C) tw(CH) td(C1-C2) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 41 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 memory read timing td(C1-S) CLKOUT1 td(C1-S) CLKOUT2 td(C2-S) td(C2-S) STRB tw(SH) tsu(A) th(A) tw(SL) ADVANCE INFORMATION A15-A0, BR, PS, DS or IS Valid ta(A) R/W td(SL-R) tsu(D)R READY th(SL-R) th(D)R D15-D0 42 Data In POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 memory write timing CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 STRB th(A) tsu(A) A15-A0, BR, PS, DS or IS ADVANCE INFORMATION Valid R/W READY tsu(D)W D15-D0 th(D)W Data Out ten(D) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 tdis(D) 43 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 one wait-state memory access timing CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 STRB th(C2H-R) A15-A0, BR, PS, DS, R/W or IS Valid ADVANCE INFORMATION td(C2H-R) th(C2H-R) td(C2H-R) READY td(M-R) D15-D0 (For Read Operation) th(M-R) th(M-R) td(M-R) Data In D15-D0 (For Write Operation) Data Out td(MSC) td(MSC) MSC 44 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 reset timing CLKOUT1 tsu(IN) td(RS) tsu(IN) th(IN) RS tw(RS) A15-A0 Valid Fetch Location 0 D15-D0 PS Begin Program Execution ADVANCE INFORMATION Valid STRB Control Signals IACK Serial Port Control Control signals are DS, IS, R/W, and XF. Serial port controls are DX and FSX. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 45 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 interrupt timing (TMS32020) CLKOUT1 STRB tsu(IN) th(IN) tw(IN) INT2-INT0 td(IACK) tf(IN) A15-A0 FETCH N FETCH N + 1 FETCH I FETCH I + 1 ADVANCE INFORMATION td(IACK) IACK interrupt timing (TMS320C25) CLKOUT1 tsu(IN) STRB th(IN) tw(IN) INT2-INT0 tf(IN) A15-A0 FETCH N td(IACK) FETCH N + 1 FETCH N + 2 td(IACK) IACK 46 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 N+3 FETCH I TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 serial port receive timing tc(SCK) tr(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKR th(DR) tf(SCK) th(FS) tw(SCK) FSR tsu(FS) ADVANCE INFORMATION tsu(DR) DR serial port transmit timing tc(SCK) tr(SCK) tw(SCK) CLKX td(CH-DX) tf(SCK) tw(SCK) th(FS) FSX (Input, TXM = 0) tsu(FS) td(CH-DX) td(FL-DX) DX N=1 td(CH-FS) N = 8,16 td(CH-FS) FSX (Output, TXM = 1) POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 47 TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 BIO timing CLKOUT1 STRB FETCH Branch Address FETCH Next Instruction FETCH BIOZ A15-A0 PC = N PC = N + 1 PC = N + 2 PC = N + 3 or Branch Address tsu(IN) th(IN) ADVANCE INFORMATION BIO Valid external flag timing CLKOUT1 STRB td(XF) A15-A0 Valid FETCH SXF/RXF Valid Valid PC = N - 1 PC = N PC = N + 1 PC = N + 2 XF 48 Valid POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 BIO timing CLKOUT1 STRB FETCH Branch Address FETCH Next Instruction FETCH BIOZ A15-A0 PC = N PC = N + 1 PC = N + 2 or Branch Address tsu(IN) BIO ADVANCE INFORMATION th(IN) Valid external flag timing CLKOUT1 STRB td(XF) A15-A0 FETCH SXF/RXF Valid Valid Valid PC = N PC = N + 1 PC = N + 2 PC = N + 3 XF Valid POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 49 TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 HOLD timing (part A) CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 STRB td(C2H-H) HOLD ADVANCE INFORMATION A15-A0 N N+1 PS, DS, or IS Valid Valid N+2 R/W tdis(C1L-A) D15-D0 In In tdis(AL-A) HOLDA td(C1L-AL) FETCH EXECUTE N N+1 N/A N/A N-1 N Dummy Dead HOLD is an asynchronous input and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. If the specified timing is met, the exact sequence shown will occur; otherwise, a delay of one CLKOUT2 cycle will occur. 50 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS32020 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 HOLD timing (part B) CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 ten(A-C1L) STRB td(C2H-H) Valid A15-A0 ADVANCE INFORMATION HOLD Valid PS, DS, or IS R/W In In N+2 N+3 td(HH-AH) D15-D0 HOLDA FETCH EXECUTE N/A N /A N+2 N+3 Dead Dead N+1 N+2 HOLD is an asynchronous input and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. If the specified timing is met, the exact sequence shown will occur; otherwise, a delay of one CLKOUT2 cycle will occur. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 51 TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 HOLD timing (part A) CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 STRB td(C2H-H) HOLD ADVANCE INFORMATION A15-A0 N N+1 PS, DS, or IS Valid Valid N+2 R/W tdis(C1L-A) D15-D0 In In tdis(AL-A) HOLDA td(C1L-AL) FETCH EXECUTE N N+1 - - N-2 N -1 N - HOLD is an asynchronous input and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. If the specified timing is met, the exact sequence shown will occur; otherwise, a delay of one CLKOUT2 cycle will occur. 52 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320C25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 HOLD timing (part B) CLKOUT1 CLKOUT2 ten(A-C1L) STRB td(C2H-H) ADVANCE INFORMATION HOLD Valid PS, DS, or IS R/W D15-D0 In td(HH-AH) HOLDA A15-A0 FETCH EXECUTE N+2 N+2 - - - N+2 - - - N+1 HOLD is an asynchronous input and can occur at any time during a clock cycle. If the specified timing is met, the exact sequence shown will occur; otherwise, a delay of one CLKOUT2 cycle will occur. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 53 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT CHARACTERISTICS FOR TMS320C25 ICC vs f(CLKIN) and VCC Powerdown Mode 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 80 TA = 25C VCC = 5.50 V VCC = 5.25 V VCC = 5.00 V VCC = 4.75 V VCC = 4.50 V VCC = 5.50 V VCC = 5.25 V VCC = 5.00 V VCC = 4.75 V VCC = 4.50 V 70 60 ICC, mA ICC, mA ICC vs f(CLKIN) and VCC Normal Operating Mode 50 40 30 20 10 0 4 8 4 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 f(CLKIN), MHz 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 f(CLKIN), MHz TMS320C25FNL (PLCC) reflow soldering precautions ADVANCE INFORMATION Recent tests have identified an industry-wide problem experienced by surface mounted devices exposed to reflow soldering temperatures. This problem involves a package cracking phenomenon sometimes experienced by large (e.g., 68-lead) plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) packages during surface mount manufacturing. This phenomenon occur if the TMS320C25FNL is exposed to uncontrolled levels of humidity prior to reflow solder. This moisture can flash to steam during solder reflow, causing sufficient stress to crack the package and compromise device integrity. If the TMS320C25FNL is being socketed, no special handling precautions are required. In addition, once the device is soldered into the board, no special handling precautions are required. In order to minimize moisture absorption, TI ships the TMS320C25FNL in "dry pack" shipping bags with a RH indicator card and moisture-absorbing desiccant. These moisture-barrier shipping bags will adequately block moisture transmission to allow shelf storage for 12 months from date of seal when stored at less than 60% relative humidity (RH) and less than 30C. Devices may be stored outside the sealed bags indefinitely if stored at less than 25% RH and 30C. Once the bag seal is broken, the devices should be stored at less than 60% RH and 30C as well as reflow soldered within two days of removal. In the event that either of the above conditions is not met, TI recommends these devices be baked in a clean oven at 125C and 10% maximum RH for 24 hours. This restores the devices to their "dry packed" moisture level. NOTE Shipping tubes will not withstand the 125C baking process. Devices should be transferred to a metal tray or tube before baking. Standard ESD precautions should be followed. In addition, TI recommends that the reflow process not exceed two solder cycles and the temperature not exceed 220C. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact your local TI representative. 54 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 MECHANICAL DATA 68-pin GB grid array ceramic package (TMS32020, TMS320C25) 28,448 (1.120) 27,432 (1.080) Thermal Resistance Characteristics MAX UNIT RJA Junction-to-free-air thermal resistance 36 C/W RJC Junction-to-case thermal resistance 6 C/W 28,448 (1.120) 27,432 (1.080) 17,02 (0.670) Nom 4,953 (0.195) 2,032 (0.080) 3,302 (0.130) 2,794 (0.110) ADVANCE INFORMATION PARAMETER 17,02 (0.670) Nom 1,397 (0.055) Max 1,575 (0.062) Dia 1,473 (0.058) 0,508 (0.020) 0,406 (0.016) 2,54 (0.100) T.P. 2,54 (0.100) T.P. L K J H G F E D 1,524 (0.060) Nom 4 Places C B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1,27 (0.050) Nom ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND PARENTHETICALLY IN INCHES POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 55 TMS320C25 TMS320C25-50 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 68-lead plastic leaded chip carrier package (TMS320C25 and TMS320C25-50) Seating Plane 0,25 (0.010) R Max 3 Places 24,33 (0.956) 24,13 (0.950) (see Note A) 1,27 (0.050) T.P. (see Note B) 23,62 (0.930) 23,11 (0.910) (At Seating Plane) 25,27 (0.995) 25,02 (0.985) ADVANCE INFORMATION 0,94 (0.037) 0,69 (0.027) R 1,22 (0.048) x 45 1,07 (0.042) 1,35 (0.053) x 45 1,19 (0.047) 24,33 (0.956) 24,13 (0.950) (see Note A) 2,79 (0.110) 2,41 (0.095) 25,27 (0.995) 25,02 (0.985) 4,50 (0.177) 4,24 (0.167) 0,81 (0.032) 0,66 (0.026) Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER MAX UNIT RJA Junction-to-free-air thermal resistance 46 C/W RJC Junction-to-case thermal resistance 11 C/W 1,52 (0.060) Min 0,64 (0.025) Min 0,51 (0.020) 0,36 (0.014) Lead Detail ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND PARENTHETICALLY IN INCHES NOTES: A. Centerline of center pin, each side, is within 0,10 (0.004) of package centerline as determined by this dimension. B. Location of each pin is within 0,127 (0.005) of true position with respect to center pin on each side. WARNING When reflow soldering is required, refer to page 54 for special handling instructions. 56 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 MECHANICAL DATA 68-lead FZ CER-QUAD, ceramic leaded chip carrier package (TMS320E25 only) This hermetically-sealed chip carrier package consists of a ceramic base, ceramic cap, and a 68-lead frame. Hermetic sealing is accomplished with glass. The FZ package is intended for both socket- or surface- mounting. Having a Sn/Pb ratio of 60/40, the tin/lead-coated leads do not require special cleaning or processing when being surface-mounted. 4,57 (0.180) 3,94 (0.155) A (see Note 2) 3,55 (0.140) 3,05 (0.120) B 1,02 (0.040) x 45 A B (see Note 2) C (At Seating Plane) 0,81 (0.032) 0,66 (0.026) 0,51 (0.020) 0,36 (0.014) 0,64 (0.025) R Max 3 Places (see Note 1) ADVANCE INFORMATION 1,27 (0.050) Typ (see Note 3) 1,016 (0.040) Min Ref Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER MAX UNIT RJA Junction-to-free-air thermal resistance 49 C/W RJC Junction-to-case thermal resistance 8 C/W JEDEC OUTLINE NO. OF TERMINALS 3,05 (0.120) 2,29 (0.090) Seating Plane (see Note 4) A B C MIN MAX MIN MAX MIN MAX 12,57 (0.465) 10,92 (0.430) 11,56 (0.455) 10,41 (0.410) 10,92 (0.430) MO-087AA 28 12,32 (0.485) MO-087AB 44 17,40 (0.685) 17,65 (0.695) 16,00 (0.630) 16,64 (0.655) 15,49 (0.610) 16,00 (0.630) --- 68 25,02 (0.985) 25,27 (0.995) 23,62 (0.930) 24,26 (0.955) 23,11 (0.910) 23,62 (0.930) ALL LINEAR DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS AND PARENTHETICALLY IN INCHES NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Glass is optional, and the diameter is dependent on device application. Centerline of center pin, each side, is within 0,10 (0.004) of package centerline as determined by dimension B. Location of each pin is within 0,127 (0.005) of true position with respect to center pin on each side. The lead contact points are within 0,15 (0.006) of being planar. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 57 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 programming the TMS320E25 EPROM cell The TMS320E25 includes a 4K x 16-bit EPROM, implemented from an industry-standard EPROM cell, to perform prototyping and early field testing and to achieve low-volume production. When used with a 4K-word masked-ROM TMS320C25, the TMS320E25 yields a high-volume, low-cost production as a result of more migration paths for data. An EPROM adapter socket (part # TMDX3270120), shown in Figure 8, is available to provide 68-pin to 28-pin conversion for programming the TMS320E25. ADVANCE INFORMATION Figure 8. EPROM Adapter Socket Key features of the EPROM cell include standard programming and verification. For security against copyright violations, the EPROM cell features an internal protection mechanism to prevent proprietary code from being read. The protection feature can be used to protect reading the EPROM contents. This section describes erasure, fast programming and verification, and EPROM protection and verification. fast programming and verification The TMS320E25 EPROM cell is programmed using the same family and device codes as the TMS27C64 8K x 8-bit EPROM. The TMS27C64 EPROM series are ultraviolet-light erasable, electrically programmable read-only memories, fabricated using HVCMOS technology. The TMS27C64 is pin-compatible with existing 28-pin ROMs and EPROMs. The TMS320E25, like the TMS27C64, operates from a single 5-V supply in the read mode; however, a 12.5-V supply is needed for programming. All programming signals are TTL level. For programming outside the system, existing EPROM programmers can be used. Locations may be programmed singly, in blocks, or at random. When programmed in blocks, the data is loaded into the EPROM cell one byte at a time, the high byte first and the low byte second. 58 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 RS Figure 9 shows the wiring conversion to program the TMS320E25 using the 28-pin pinout of the TMS27C64. The pin nomenclature table provides a description of the TMS27C64 pins. The code to be programmed into the device should be serial mode. The TMS320E25 uses 13 address lines to address the 4K-word memory in byte format. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 10 45 ADVANCE INFORMATION 46 25 14 A3 7 A4 6 A5 5 A6 4 A7 3 A12 2 V PP 1 TMS27C64 8 G 44 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 PGM VPP A0 CLKIN GND Q4 47 24 Q3 15 EPT 13 Q5 48 23 12 16 49 22 A11 Q6 50 21 A12 17 E 51 20 Q2 Q7 19 11 18 52 A10 Q8 53 TMS320E25 68-Pin (FZ) A0 19 18 Q1 E D0 10 20 17 A8 3.9 K A9 A10 54 D1 A1 21 16 A2 G 55 D2 9 22 15 8 A11 56 D3 A7 V CC 23 14 A6 A9 57 D4 A5 24 13 A4 A8 58 D5 A3 25 59 12 A2 EPT 11 D6 V SS 26 D7 A1 TMS27C64 VCC 28 PGM 27 Pin Nomenclature (TMS320E25) SIGNALS A12 (MSB) - A0 (LSB) CLIN E EPT G GND PGM Q8 (MSB) - Q1 (LSB) RS VCC VPP I/O I I I I I I I I/O I I I DEFINITION On-chip EPROM programming address lines Clock oscillator input EPROM chip select EPROM test mode select EPROM read/verify select Ground EPROM write/program select Data lines for byte-wide programming of on-chip 8K bytes of EPROM Reset for initializing the device 5-V power supply 12.5-V power supply Figure 9. TMS320E25 EPROM Conversion to TMS27C64 EPROM Pinout POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 59 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Table 5 shows the programming levels required for programming, verifying and reading the EPROM cell. The paragraphs following the table describe the function of each programming level. Table 5. TMS320E25 Programming Mode Levels SIGNAL NAME TMS320E25 PIN TMS27C64 PIN PROGRAM PROGRAM VERIFY PROGRAM INHIBIT READ OUTPUT DISABLE VIL PULSE VIH X VIL PULSE X VIH VCC VCC VCC VCC VSS VSS VSS VSS ADVANCE INFORMATION E 22 20 G 42 22 PGM 41 27 VIL VIH PULSE VPP VCC 25 1 VPP VIH VPP VPP VCC + 1 VSS VCC + 1 VSS VCC + 1 VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS QOUT VSS HI-Z VSS VSS VSS VSS QOUT HI-Z 61,35 28 VSS CLKIN 27,44,10 14 52 14 VIL VIH VIH RS 65 14 EPT 24 26 Q1-Q8 18-11 11-13,15-19 VSS DIN A12-A10 40-38 2,23,21, ADDR ADDR X ADDR X A9-A7 37,36,34 24,25,3 ADDR ADDR X ADDR X A6 33 4 ADDR ADDR X ADDR X A5 32 5 ADDR ADDR X ADDR X A4 31 3 ADDR ADDR X ADDR X X ADDR X A3-A0 30-28,26 7-10 ADDR ADDR In accordance with TMS27C64. LEGEND; VIH = TTL high level; VIL = TTL low level; ADDR = byte address bit VPP = 12.5 V 0.5 V; VCC = 5 0.25 V; X = don't care PULSE = low-going TTL level pulse; DIN = byte to be programmed at ADDR QOUT = byte stored at ADDR; RBIT = ROM protect bit. erasure Before programming, the device is erased by exposing the chip through the transparent lid to high-intensity ultraviolet light (wavelength 2537 A). The recommended minimum exposure dose (UV-intensity x exposure-time) is 15 W*s/cm2. A typical 12 mW/cm2, filterless UV lamp will erase the device in 21 minutes. The lamp should be located approximately 2.5 cm above the chip during erasure. After erasure, all bits are in the high state. Note that normal ambient light contains the correct wavelength for erasure. Therefore, when using the TMS320E25, the window should be covered with an opaque label. fast programming After erasure (all memory bits in the cell are logic one), logic zeroes are programmed into the desired locations. The fast programming algorithm, shown in Figure 10, is normally used to program the entire EPROM contents, although individual locations may be programmed separately. A programmed logic zero can be erased only by ultraviolet light. Data is presented in parallel (eight bits) on pins Q8-Q1. Once addresses and data are stable, PGM is pulsed. The programming mode is achieved when VPP = 12.5 V, PGM = VIL, VCC = 6 V, G = VIH, and E = VIL More than one TMS320E25 can be programmed when the devices are connected in parallel. Locations can be programmed in any order. Programming uses two types of programming pulses: prime and final. The length of the prime pulse is 1 ms. After each prime pulse, the byte being programmed is verified. If correct data is read, the final programming pulse is applied; if correct data is not read, an additional 1-ms prime pulse is applied up to a maximum of 15 times. The final programming pulse is 4 ms times the number of prime programming pulses applied. This sequence of programming and verification is performed at VCC = 6 V, and VPP = 12.5 V. When the full fast programming routine is complete, all bits are verified with VCC = VPP = 5 V. 60 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 program verify Programmed bits may be verified with VPP = 12.5 V when G = VIL, E = VIL, and PGM = VIH. Figure 11 shows the timing for the program and verify operation. Start Address = First Location VCC = 6 0.25 V VPP = 12.5 V 0.25 V X=0 ADVANCE INFORMATION Program One 1-ms Pulse Increment X No Yes Fail Verify One Byte Pass X = 25? Program One Pulse of 3X-ms Duration Device Failed Last Address? No Increment Address Yes VCC = VPP = 5 V 0.25 V Fail Compare All Bytes to Original Data Pass Device Passed Figure 10. Fast Programming Flowchart POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 61 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Program Verify VIH A12-A0 Address Stable Address N + 1 VIL VIH/VOH Q8-Q1 Data In Stable HI-Z Data Out Valid VIL/VOL VPP VPP VCC VCC + 1 VCC VCC ADVANCE INFORMATION VIH E VIL VIH PGM VIL VIH G VIL Figure 11. Fast Programming Timing program inhibit Programming may be inhibited by maintaining a high level input on the E pin or PGM pin. read The EPROM contents may be read independent of the programming cycle, provided the RBIT (ROM protect bit) has not been programmed. The read is accomplished by setting E to zero and pulsing G low. The contents of the EPROM location selected by the value on the address inputs appear on Q8-Q1. output disable During the EPROM programming process, the EPROM data outputs may be disabled, if desired, by establishing the output disable state. This state is selected by setting the G and PGM pins high. While output disable is selected, Q8-Q1 are placed in the high-impedance state. ROM protection and verification This section describes the code protection feature included in the EPROM cell, which protects code against copyright violations. Table 6 shows the programming levels required for protecting and verifying the EPROM. The paragraphs following the table describe the protect and verify functions. 62 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 SIGNAL TMS320E25 PIN TMS27C64 PIN ROM PROTECT PROTECT VERIFY VIH VIH VIL VIL VIH VPP VIH VCC VCC + 1 VSS VCC VSS VSS VSS VSS VSS E 22 20 G 42 22 PGM 41 27 VPP VCC VSS 25 1 61,35 28 10, 27, 44 14 CLKIN 52 14 RS 65 14 EPT 24 26 Q8-Q1 18-11 11-13, 15-19 VPP Q8 = PULSE VPP Q8 = RBIT A12-A10 40-38 2, 23, 21, X X A9-A7 37, 36, 34 24, 25, 3 X X A6 33 4 X A5 32 5 X VIL X A4 31 6 A3-A0 30-28, 26 7-10 VIH X X X In accordance with TMS27C64. LEGEND; VIH = TTL high level; VIL = TTL low level; VCC = 5 V 0.25 V VPP = 12.5 V 0.5 V; X = don't care PULSE = low-going TTL level pulse; RBIT = ROM protect bit. EPROM protect The EPROM protect facility is used to completely disable reading of the EPROM contents to guarantee security of propietary algorithms. This facility is implemented through a unique EPROM cell called the RBIT (EPROM protect bit) cell. Once the contents to be protected are programmed into the EPROM, the RBIT is programmed, disabling access to the EPROM contents and disabling the microprocessor mode on the device. Once programmed, the RBIT can be cleared only by erasing the entire EPROM array with ultraviolet light, thereby maintaining security of the propietary algorithm. Programming the RBIT is accomplished using the EPROM protect cycle, which consists of setting the E, G, PGM, and A4 pins high, VPP and EPT to 2.5 V 0.5 V, and pulsing Q8 low. The complete sequence of operations involved in programming the RBIT is shown in the flowchart of Figure 12. The required setups in the figure are detailed in Table 6. POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 63 ADVANCE INFORMATION Table 6. TMS320E25 Protect and Verify EPROM Mode Levels TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Start Program One Pulse of 3X-ms Duration X=0 EPROM Protect Setup Protect Verify Setup Program One 1-ms Pulse Device Failed Verify RBIT Device Passed X=X+1 Yes ADVANCE INFORMATION X = 25? No Protect Verify Setup Fail Verify RBIT Pass EPROM Protect Setup Figure 12. EPROM Protect Flowchart protect verify Protect verify is used following the EPROM protect to verify correct programming of the RBIT (see Figure 12). When using protect verify, Q8 outputs the state of the RBIT. When RBIT = 1, the EPROM is unprotected; when RBIT = 0, the EPROM is protected. The EPROM protect and verify timings are shown in Figure 13. 64 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 TMS320E25 SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 Protect Verify VIH A4 VIL VPP VPP VCC VCC + 1 VCC VCC VIL VIH PGM VIL VIH G VIL VIH/VOH Q8 HI-Z HI-Z HI-Z VIL/VOL VPP EPT VSS VIH A6 VIL Figure 13. EPROM Protect Timing POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 65 ADVANCE INFORMATION VIH E TMS320 SECOND-GENERATION DEVICES INDEX SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 ADVANCE INFORMATION 66 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 NIL NIL NIL SPRS010B -- MAY 1987 -- REVISED NOVEMBER 1990 accumulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . adapter socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . addressing modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . microcomputer/microprocessor mode multiplier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 multiprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 58 10 5 5 operation conditions TMS32020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 21 TMS320C25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 TMS320C25-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 TMS320E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 33 overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 BIT instruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bulletin board Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 clock TMS32020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 TMS320C25/E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28, 29 TMS320C25-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35, 36 overview TMS320 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 package types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 pin assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 pin nomenclature TMS32020/C25/C25-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 TMS320E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 development support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 19 direct addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 17 DMA documentation support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 EPROM protection/verification . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-65 external interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 pinouts TMS32020/C25/C25-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TMS320E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 programming levels for EPROM . . . . . . . . . . 58-65 flowcharts EPROM protect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 fast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60, 61 repeat feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 reflow soldering precaution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 hotline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 immediate addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 indirect addressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 17 instruction set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16 interrupts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 serial port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 9 shifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 specification overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 subroutines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 supply current characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 switching characteristics TMS32020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21, 23-26 TMS320C25/E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 28-33 TMS320C25-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34, 35-40 key features TMS320 family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TMS32020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TMS320C25/C25-50/E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 timing diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41-53, 62, 65 TMS320 Second-Generation . . . . . . . . . . . 41-47 TMS32020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 48, 50, 51 TMS320C25/E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46, 49, 52, 53 mechanical data TMS32020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 TMS320C25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55, 56 TMS320C25-50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 TMS320E25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 memory addressing modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 17 control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 TMS3220 product notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 * HOUSTON, TEXAS 77001 67 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability. TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. CERTAIN APPLICATIONS USING SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS MAY INVOLVE POTENTIAL RISKS OF DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE ("CRITICAL APPLICATIONS"). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF TI PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER'S RISK. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer's applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI's publication of information regarding any third party's products or services does not constitute TI's approval, warranty or endorsement thereof. Copyright 1998, Texas Instruments Incorporated