P R O D U C T B R I E F Semiconductor Solutions for High Speed Communication and Fiber Optic Applications FOA41001B1 16:1 Multiplexer with Clock Multiplication Unit Chip MUX 9.95 - 10.7 Gbit/s, 3.3 V FOA51001B1 1:16 Demultiplexer with Clock and Data Recovery Chip DEMUX 9.95 - 10.7 Gbit/s, 3.3 V The transceiver chipset (MUX + DEMUX) is compliant with the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF)-Physical Layer Group's OIF99.102 recommendation. These devices offer differential interfaces at 622 Mbit/s without external components. The multiplexer integrates a low noise LC VCO, meets Bellcore's OC-192 jitter requirements and incorporates pseudo 8-Bit FIFO (First in, First out). The companion FOA51001B1 10 Gbit/s 1:16 demultiplexer encompasses a complete CDR with high data system sensitivity to enhance the system margin. Each device runs on a single 3.3 V power supply, with consumption of approximately 1.25 W and incorporates an integrated low noise Phase Locked Loop (PLL). FOA4100/5100 Features Compliant to the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF)-Physical Layer Group's OIF99.102 recommendation Jitter performance compliant with ITU-T and Bellcore Internal low phase noise LC-VCO Differential input voltage range: 40 mV - 800 mV (pk-pk) Two reference clock options: 155 MHz or 622 MHz MUX only: Two receiver clock modes, 311 MHz or 622 MHz Adjustment of sampling threshold and phase Loss of lock detection Tunable center frequency from 9.95 GHz to 10.7 GHz Typical Applications Fiber optics telecom and datacom applications SONET/SDH OC-192/STM-64 with and without FEC Industry's lowest power consumption of typical 2.5 W for MUX and DEMUX Chipset (1.2 W for MUX; 1.3 W for DEMUX) Real differential LVDS interface (100 termination on-chip) MUX only: advanced FIFO architecture (2.4 ns drift tolerance at 9.95 Gbit/s) Main Advantages Data rate from 9.95 Gbit/s to 10.7 Gbit/s Single supply voltage 3.3 V Packing Type Sales Code Package MUX 16:1 FOA41001B1 P-HBGA-92 MUX 16:1 FOA41002B1 Bare Die DEMUX 1:16 FOA51001B1 P-HBGA-92 DEMUX 1:16 FOA51002B1 Bare Die F O A 4 1 0 0 / 5 1 0 0 MUX/DEMUX 9 .9 5 - 1 0 . 7 G b i t / s , 3 . 3 V N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . P R O D U C T FOA41001B1 MUX Block Diagram TTL TTL TTL Analog B R I E F FOA51001B1 DEMUX Block Diagram Analog Analog Analog TTL LVDS2 LVDS2 LVDS2 LVDS2 LVDS2 LVDS2 S MUX FIFO MUX CML2 1 CML2 DEMUX 0 LVDS2 LVDS2 LVDS2 LVDS2 Analog Analog TXCLK_SRC TXCLK 0.622 CMU PECL2 DATA_RT DATA 9.95 REFCLK LPCML2 PECL2 FWD TTL ERR Analog LOS TTL TTL TTL CLK 9.95 CDR CLK 0.622 LVDS2 LF1 LF2 ERR TTL & TTL LVDS2 TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL TTL Analog Analog Analog TTL TTL TTL TTL Analog Analog Analog 10 Gbit/s Chipset Overview Data Processing MUX+CMU Laser Driver FOA41001B1 FOA21002A1 Framer/ Mapper FOAxxxx One Chip Transceiver Laser 1) FOA6100xB1 DEMUX+CDR CDR TIA FOA51001B1 FOA31002B1 FOA11002A1 PIN 1) Optional Serial CDR How to reach us: http://www.infineon.com Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, 81541 Munchen (c) Infineon Technologies AG 2002. All Rights Reserved. Attention please! The information herein is given to describe certain components and shall not be considered as warranted characteristics. Terms of delivery and rights to technical change reserved. We hereby disclaim any and all warranties, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement, regarding circuits, descriptions and charts stated herein. Infineon Technologies is an approved CECC manufacturer. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office in Germany or our Infineon Technologies Representatives worldwide. Published by Infineon Technologies AG Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in lifesupport devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Ordering No. B168-H7715-G1-X-7600 Printed in Germany PS 1201.5 NB