OPTEK TECHNOLOGY INC WBE D M@@ 6798580 0001405 230 MH OTK (>), OPTEK Product Bulletin OAC3000 March 1990 T:03-09 Extra Fast Recovery Rectifier Die OAC3000/OAC5000 Series Toy fo 042 + .003 028 + .003 088 + .003 074 + .003 OAC3000 X Serles OAC5000 X Series Dimensions In Inches Dimensions In inches oy 010 002 eS L010 #002 Features Contact metallization for wire bond and surface mount package construction: Top Metal: Alloy Aluminum (Cathode) Back Metal: Alloy Gold (Anode) e Junction Sealing: Three layer passivation silicon dioxide, silicon nitride and high temperature glass for maximum reliability. Mesa construction for high surge capability. Opteks extra fast recovery switching rectifier die exhibit the fastest tr available. This speed is coupled with low leakages and low V+. * Gold alloy back metal is suitable for eutectic or epoxy die attach process. * Aluminum top metallization is ideal for a wide variety of wire bonding techniques. Electrical Characteristics Ta = 25C (unless otherwise noted) trr 1/2-1-1/4 A Max In @ VR" Max" VF Rated Part No. Spec Vr Nom = Max 25C 100C Co Max IF Volts nSec nSec LA LA pF Volts Adc OAC3000 X Series 3400 X 400 20 30 10 160 50 1.5 1.0 3500 X 500 20 30 10 160 50 1.8 1.0 3600 X 600 35 50 10 160 40 1.8 1.0 3700 X 700 35 50 10 160 40 1.8 1.0 3800 X 800 50 75 10 160 40 1.8 1.0 31000 X 1000 70 100 10 160 35 1.8 1.0 OAC5000 X Series 5400 X 400 20 30 20 700 250 1.5 4.0 5500 X 500 20 30 20 700 225 1.8 4.0 5600 X 600 35 50 20 700 200 1.8 4.0 5700 X 700 35 50 20 700 200 1.8 4.0 5800 X 800 50 75 20 700 175 1.8 4.0 51000 X 1000 70 100 20 700 150 1.8 4.0 1 Electrical parameter verified by wafer lot evaluation. Optek Technology, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road, Carrollton, Texas 75006 (214) 323-2200 TLX 323-2200 Fax (214) 323-239 24OPTEK TECHNOLOGY INC 46E D MM 6798580 OOOLYOR 177 MM OTK 7-03-05" OAC3000/OAC5000 Series Reverse Recovery Time Test Circuit OUTPUT GENERATOR <2 ns INPUT Rise Time In 0 Transistors: 2N4430, 0 Pe IREC 5 watt, 2GHz Types ou ' lr tH -10 (or equivalent : Diode in | | t | FWD Bias Pulse Generator Rise Time <10 nsec 002 Output Output to Tektronix 2445 Oscilloscope, 100 mV/Amp V+ 10V (Adj. for specified reverse current) V- = -3.5V (Adj. for specified forward current) t>> trto be measured Note: Lead lengths of 1/8" or more will cause * Add .01 uf ceramic chip capacitors in parallel to serious ringing effects. Layout is critical. minimize noise. ** Solid tantalum capacitors only. 100 pf 20 volts L = Slight inductance to null out overshoot - must trim (about 1/2 .040 copper wire). All resistors - non-inductive. Preferably chip resistors layed on microwave strip line board. Critical inductance values are paralleled to help reduce inductance. Optek reserves the right to make changes at any time in order to improve design and to supply the best product possible. Optek Technology, Inc. 1215 W. Crosby Road, Carrollton, Texas 75006 (21 4) 323-2200 TLX 323-2200 Fax (214) 323-2396 25