tyco AMPLIMITE Subminiature D Type Connectors AMF Electronics AMPLIMITE .050 Series Vertical Receptacle Headers, with ACTION PIN Tails, Series Ili Pp ~| Position 2 \ / Position 1 f o> 406 _. 2-56 Thread S = ~ 2 Ple. z = o __} v = = Last Position B m wt 23 wo Materials: oe HousingsThermoplastic, 94V-0 .350 sf rated, black, SMT compatible R peal ShellCarbon steel, plated bright tin ' MT 275 over copper yp. (2.98) ep : : Mating Face Typ. BracketZinc, plated nickel over L copper t | + d | 5 J l I CantactsPhosphor bronze, duplex nye t H 2018 plated 000030 [0.00076] min. gold on | | : al C $20.38] mating end; tin-lead on soider end: all Ht HN underplated nickel 150 y f [3.81] Technical Documents: Note: Refer to Tyco Electronics Customer drawings and Application Spec for PCB & panel layouts. Product Specifications 108- 1228-2 Application Specifications 114-40029 Note: Extra pin contact protection is provided by rails, which facilitate a straight-out uamating mation. A side-to-side rocking motion should not be used ta disengage the connector system. Part Number 786554-1 Part Number 786554-7 Part Number 786155-7 No. of Dimensions Part Numbers Pos. L M P R $ w/ Rails & Latchblocks w/ Latchblocks Plain 1.080 915 450 1.315 173 209743 23.24 11.43 33.40 4.39 786554-1 _ 1.230 1.065 -600 1.465 173 2600 31.34 27.05 1524 3721 4.39 786554-2 173 . | | 50 1.2830 1.665 1.200 2.085 4.39 786554-5 786155-5 786555-5 . 20 . : 46.48 42.2) 280 FA6556-5 7 _ 173 786554-7 786 155-7 786555-7 ag 40 2-280 2.115) 1.650 2515 4.39 91 7 1. . S791 83.72 41.91 63.88 ae 786556-7 786162-7 786557-7 3.080 2.915 2.450 3.315 -173 100 78.93 74.04 62.23 84.20 4.39 786554-9 786155-9 786555-9 3.580 3.415 2.950 3.815 173 120 9093 86.74 7493 9690 4.39 1-7B6554-0 11 | Catalog 82068 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-3611-1514 Revised 3-04 millimeters uniess otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-5-729-0425 UK: 44-141-810-8967